Restored (Shattered #2)

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Restored (Shattered #2) Page 8

by Heather D'Agostino

  The kiss was frantic and desperate. It was like he hadn’t seen me for days, not hours. I ripped my mouth away as I darted my eyes around his office, worried someone might see us.

  “Doors are locked, blinds are closed,” he panted as he jerked my top up over my head, and tossed it behind him.

  “Nick, this is crazy,” I squealed when he stood and spun us. He picked me up, and placed me on the corner of his desk before claiming my mouth once again.

  “I’ve dreamt of this since I took this job. Now stop fighting me, and let me have my way with you,” he growled as he pulled the cup of my bra down, and sucked my nipple into his mouth.

  “Oh god,” I groaned as I bucked my hips in his direction.

  “That’s right, I’m going to take care of you,” his hands trailed up my thighs and made their way to the clasp of my shorts, popping them open. I lifted my hips as he went to yank them down. “Fuck!” he panted as he trailed a finger up the lace thong I was wearing. “This isn’t going to take long.”

  When he moved back to claim my mouth, I frantically pulled at his jeans, working them down his thighs, so they pooled at his ankles. He growled as I cupped him through his boxers and gave a gentle squeeze. “You are going to end it before we start,” he panted.

  I reached for his neck, and when my arms wrapped around him, I tugged him down on top of me as I leaned back on the desk. Nick’s hands moved to hold himself braced over me as I released one of my hands to push his boxers down.

  Nick released his hold on the desk just long enough to shove his boxers out of the way as he grabbed my thighs and pulled me to the edge of the desk. “This is going to be fast,” he growled as his hips rocked back before slamming into me.

  I cried out as he buried himself all the way into me before leaning forward and dropping his head to my shoulder.

  “You ok?” he gasped.

  “Yeah…move,” I begged as I rolled my hips.

  With a lightening like reflex, Nick reared back and began slamming into me like a machine. His hips pumped as sweat began to bead across his forehead. I could feel myself building, building to that ultimate reward.

  As I felt myself crash over the edge, Nick began to move faster, faster than he ever had before. “Shit Leah,” he groaned as his entire body tightened and convulsed inside me. He slumped forward, and stilled as his cock continued to twitch inside me. I’d never seen him like this…so needy.

  “Are you ok?” I gently placed my hand on his shoulder and dipped my chin so I could see into his eyes.

  “Yeah,” he took a deep breath and released it as he stepped back breaking our connection.

  “Are you sure? That seemed so…I don’t know,” I bit my lip. “You seemed almost scared.”

  “I’m sorry, did I hurt you?” his eyes softened as he bent down to pull his pants up.

  “No…course not,” I shook my head as I hopped off the desk and began dressing. “You just seemed different…like you were…trying to prove something,” I mumbled as I turned my back to him.

  “Maybe…” he sighed. “Maybe it’s because I’m worried.”

  “Worried?” I looked over my shoulder at him. “Worried about what? Me?” I pointed to my chest.

  “No, yes, I don’t know,” he reached up and tugged at his hair. “I guess worried about going back…about what that means.”

  “Going back?” I crinkled my nose. “You mean to Pittsford?”

  “Yeah…Pittsford, my brother, your dad…Becca…” he said her name so softly that I almost missed it. “I guess I’m worried what that might mean for us.”

  “Why would it mean anything?” I turned and placed my hands on my hips as hurt washed over my face.

  “Geez, it doesn’t. What I mean is…we’re in a good place right now. I don’t want to change that. I don’t want things to go back to the way they were. I want to move forward,” he began to pace. “I guess I just don’t want to get back there, and see you fall apart and decide to leave me again. It’s a small town. I’m sure we’ll see Becca. Can you handle that?”

  I nodded as I stepped closer to him, “Do you want to be with me and only me?”

  “Yes,” his head jerked in a quick nod.

  “Then I’m ok. Becca Taylor is a bitch, she always will be. I’m not going to let her ruin this.”

  “I hope you still feel that way when we ultimately run into her,” Nick sighed.

  “I will,” I leaned up and kissed him on the cheek. “Let’s go. I promised Avery we’d eat dinner with her and Logan tonight.”

  “Alright. Let me grab a few things, and I’ll be ready. Go ahead,” he pointed to the door. “I’ll be right behind you.”

  “Ok,” I grinned as I sashayed toward to the door. “See you at the truck.”

  After stepping out of his office, reality of our situation began to sink in. Was I going to be ok seeing Becca? Would I be able to ignore her and act like I didn’t care? Probably not, but Nick loved me…right? “Of course he does,” I muttered to myself as I wandered through the parking lot heading for the truck. We’d be fine…I had to believe that.

  Chapter 11


  When we turned onto the main drive through Pittsford, I glanced over at Leah. She’d been leaning against her door, snoozing for the last hour. I think we were both tired from the stress of coming back here. We’d been in our own little bubble back in Wilmington, and basically pretended like all of our issues didn’t exist. When I told her I was worried, I wasn’t lying. Coming back here…after all that had happened last year…it had me fucking paralyzed with anxiety. We’d spent months not talking. I’d screwed everything up that we had built in the matter of one night. One night that has played over in my mind on repeat since I agreed to come back here. To say that the idea of running into Becca had me scared, would be an understatement.

  I felt bad that I hadn’t talked to Leah about this, but I sounded like a pansy. If she knew how worried I was, then she’d start to doubt me. I know how it works with chicks. They expect the guy to be all self-assured and worry free. But…what did I do? I kept my mouth shut, and suffered.

  “Babe,” I nudged her thigh. “We’re almost there.”

  “Hmmm?” Leah glanced over at me as she yawned.

  “We’re gonna be pulling into your driveway soon,” I offered a tight smile. “Wanna text Avery and tell her we’re here?”

  “Yeah…ok,” she shifted in her seat as she dug her phone out of her pocket.

  When I turned into the driveway, the door flew open, and Avery came bouncing out. Logan was standing in the doorway clutching the frame as he laughed at her antics.

  “It’s about damn time,” Avery shouted as she rushed to Leah’s side of the truck.

  “What the?” Leah gasped when Avery yanked the door open and enveloped her in a hug.

  “I missed you girl,” she giggled. “Let’s go out and celebrate.”

  “I don’t know,” Leah trailed off as she glanced over the hood of the truck at me.

  I lifted my hands in surrender, “Don’t let me stop you. If you guys want to go out, we can.”

  Leah chewed her lip for a moment as she seemed to be deep in thought before she shrugged, “Alright…fine…where do you want to go?”

  “Dave’s!” Avery squealed as she bounced on her feet.

  I walked over to where Logan was standing on the porch and chuckled, “Dude what the hell have you done to her?”

  Logan grabbed the back of his neck as he shuffled his feet on the ground, “Things are just really good with us right now.”

  “Are you guys like dating?” I nudged him in the side.

  “Yeah,” he grumbled so quiet I could barely hear him.

  “What? Did you say yes?” I grinned as I watched him become even more uncomfortable.

  “Yeah damn it,” he narrowed his eyes at me. “It’s not a big deal.”

  “Ok?” I held my hands up in surrender. “I just never thought…” I looked away before turning back in
his direction.

  “I know man…me either,” he sighed as he began walking toward my truck. “If we’re going out, can we celebrate at Dave’s? I’m starving.”

  “Sure thing Babe,” Avery called as she grinned over at him.

  As I watched them, I couldn’t help but stare. Logan was never known for his dating. He was worse than me when we were in high school. He went through women like he did his socks. Watching him with Avery was like watching a science experiment. I was just waiting for the fireworks. One thing I did know about my best friend, it wasn’t if this would last…it was how long would it last?


  When we turned into Dave’s, I cut the engine and faced Leah, “Are you sure you’re ok with this?”

  “Yeah…why wouldn’t I be?” her forehead crinkled as if she was confused.

  “I just don’t want things to be weird,” I shifted uncomfortably in my seat.

  “Nick…you’re being ridiculous. Come on…let’s go,” she climbed out of the truck, and walked to stand by the hood to wait for me.

  When I rounded the front end, I notice tiny goose bumps on her arms. There was a slight chill in the air now that it was dark. Pittsford wasn’t as close to the water as Wilmington, so the weather was slightly cooler.

  “You cold?” I reached over to wrap my arm around her shoulders.

  “A little,” she grinned up at me as she curled into my side seeking warmth.

  “Here,” I tugged my UNCW hoodie over my head and handed it to her.

  “Thanks,” she smiled softly as she put it on. When she went to pull the sleeves up so she could free her hands, she sniffed the cuffs. I watched as her eyes drifted shut and grinned at her.

  “What?” she crossed her arms over her chest like she was angry, and I couldn’t help but laugh. The hoodie was so big on her, it covered her shorts and hung down below her butt.

  “Nothing,” I snickered. “You’re just so beautiful, and you’re wearing my clothes. It’s hot.”

  Leah smirked as she moved to stand in front of me, blocking me from stepping forward. “You know…you look pretty hot yourself?” she dragged her hand down my chest and stopped at my belt buckle. “Play your cards right, and you might get lucky tonight.”

  “I already got lucky a few hours ago in my office,” I winked at her as I watched her blush. That romp on my desk was by far our hottest encounter yet.

  “Yeah…well…I’d like to try and top that, but if you don’t want to…” she turned, and began walking toward the door of Dave’s all the while giggling.

  “Wait! What?” I began to jog after her. “Top it?” I leaned in, so I was right next to her ear as she gripped the door handle to pull it open. My chest pressed against her back, and she shivered. “Still cold?”

  “No,” she muttered as she pushed her hips back against me.

  I froze as my hands went to her waist stilling her, “I’m warning you right now. Think about what you’re doing. Unless you’re already ready to leave…you need to stop,” I growled.

  Leah looked back over her shoulder at me, bit her lip, and grinned wickedly, “Oh I’m just getting started.” She yanked the door open, and marched to where Avery and Logan had taken up residence in the corner.

  I stood there in the doorway, more turned on than ever before as I watched her talk to our friends like nothing had happened. She laughed, and waved her hands in the air talking animatedly to them. I shook my head…it was on…oh it was so on. She’d be begging me by the end of the night.



  When I approached the table, Avery had already ordered a pitcher of beer, pizza, and wings and was currently wrapped around Logan like a vine.

  “You two look comfortable,” I mused as I slid into the booth across from them.

  “Un huh,” Avery grinned as she kissed Logan on the cheek.

  “Come on Babe, stop,” Logan sighed as he shifted, so Avery was now beside him instead of on his lap.

  A look of hurt flashed across Avery’s face, but was quickly replaced with indifference as Nick walked up.

  “S’up Bro?” Logan went to fist bump Nick as Avery and I both rolled our eyes.

  “Not much,” Nick slid into the booth beside me and slung his arm up along the back of the seat. “Been busy,” he darted his eyes in my direction before turning them back to Logan.

  “Saw you guys get a win today,” Logan picked up his glass of beer to take a sip. “Must feel good to get a positive start to the season.”

  “Oh yeah,” Nick nodded as he moved his hand, so it was now on my thigh. “Got some great talent this year, and they seem to really want it,” his fingers began gliding over my thigh playing with the fringe of my cutoffs.

  I shifted in my seat as I watched a smirk appear on Nick’s face, but quickly disappear. Two can play this game.

  “That’s great,” Avery chimed in. “So you’re really moving there, huh?” she looked over at me.

  “Yep,” I popped the P as I placed my palm on the inside of Nick’s thigh and let my fingers brush against the erection he was now sporting. He groaned and tightened his grip on my leg. “That’s why we’re here,” I continued as I brushed against him again “to get my stuff.”

  Nick leaned over and growled in my ear, “Keep it up, and I’m taking you in the bathroom right here.”

  I giggled as I squeezed him under the table, “You wouldn’t.”

  “Try me sweetheart,” he placed a quick kiss to my cheek just as our server brought our food over.

  “Finally! I’m fucking starving,” Logan shouted as he stuffed a piece of pizza in his mouth.

  “Don’t help your girlfriend or anything,” Nick rolled his eyes as he offered me a piece.

  “Yeah! What’s up with you tonight?” Avery elbowed Logan in the side as she narrowed her eyes at him.

  “Sorry,” he mumbled as leaned in to kiss her temple. Avery melted and all was forgotten for a while until she showed up.


  We’d finished our pizza and several pitchers of beer, when I heard her. The shrill squeal of her voice as some random guy sucked a body shot off her at the bar. I knew it was her before I even turned my head.

  “Don’t even look,” Avery grumbled. “It’s not worth it.”

  “What’s she doing here?” I snapped.

  “This is about the only place to hang out in town. It’s a Saturday. Where did you think she’d be?” Logan rolled his eyes at me.

  Before I knew it, she’d spotted me. A cunning smile slipped into place as she slid off the bar, and began to make her way over to us.

  “Can I hit her?” Avery giggled drunkenly as she looked up at Logan. “Please? I wanna hit her.”

  Logan chuckled as he tapped Nick’s shoulder to get his attention. “No, you can’t hit her because I’m gonna hit her.”

  Dread began to fill me as I felt Nick stiffen at my side and wrap his arm around my middle.

  “Fancy seeing you here,” she smiled as she looked up at Nick.

  “I’m visiting,” Nick snapped back.

  “Who? Her?” she pointed to me with disgust on her face.

  “Yeah Becca, she’s my girlfriend,” Nick moved so he could stand behind me. He wrapped both arms around me and tugged me back, so I was pressed against his chest.

  “You need to go along back to doing whatever bitches do and leave us alone,” I wave my hand dismissively as she scowled at me.

  “Whatever,” she rolled her eyes, “He’ll be back. You couldn’t keep him happy before, you won’t be able to do it now,” she turned and began to make her way over to the bar just as I lurched forward ready to slap her across the face.

  “She’s not worth it,” Nick muttered into my ear. “She’s jealous.”

  “She may not be worth it, but it would still feel good,” I sighed and then turned so I was facing Nick. I tipped my head back so I could look into his eyes, “Was she right?”

  “About what?” a frown line began
to appear on his forehead.

  “About me not being able to keep you happy,” I whispered so quietly I thought he didn’t hear me at first.

  Nick shook his head before he glanced over to the bar to see Becca staring at us. Before I could stop him, he leaned down and crashed his mouth into mine in a hungry kiss. I gasped in surprise, and he took the opportunity to plunge his tongue in. As it began to duel with mine, the world around us began to slip away. It was just us, Nick and Leah, and we were going to show that bitch that we were made for each other.

  Nick groaned as one of his hands slid down my back and cupped my rear. His other hand cupped my cheek holding my head in place. The kiss grew frantic, and would have lasted longer if Logan hadn’t interrupted us.

  “Geez man, are you gonna do her right here in the bar?” he coughed behind us.

  Nick pulled back and placed a light kiss on my nose, “I love you, and nothing you do is going to cause you to lose me. You got that?” he whispered as he wrapped me in a hug, “nothing,” he assured.

  I nodded against his chest as I squeezed him back, “I’m tired. Can we go home now?”

  “Sounds good to me,” Nick sighed. “You guys ready?” he looked over at Avery.

  “Yeah. Let’s get outta here,” Avery groaned. “They let just about anyone in here now,” she shouted as we walked by Becca and made our way out to the parking lot.

  Chapter 12


  After spending most of Sunday boxing up my things, visiting my dad, and stopping by the cemetery to leave flowers for my mom, I was tired. It was Monday, moving day. Nick had had promised me the night before that we would spend the day with Avery and Logan. We only had a few things left to load into the trailer we’d rented, and then we were going to relax.

  When I woke up, I swept my hand across the bed as I reached for Nick. All I was met with were cold sheets. I groaned as I realized it must have been later than I thought. Nick was a morning person, and rarely slept in with me. I rolled to my side, and rubbed my eyes as I began to adjust to the sunlight. When I cracked them open, I gasped in surprise. Nick was sitting in the chair that was in the corner of my room. He was staring intently at me as he sipped his coffee.


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