Restored (Shattered #2)

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Restored (Shattered #2) Page 15

by Heather D'Agostino

  Chapter 21


  After leaving the cemetery, Leah and I decided to hang out in town for a little while. Neither of us really wanted to go back to her dad’s, so we walked to the park. I felt like I was seventeen again, and trying to find ways to prolong my time with her. When we first met, she was always having to go home early. She either had to help her dad at his pizza shop, or train for a meet, or study. The girl was more driven than anyone I knew.

  I stood behind the swing and gently pushed her as I closed my eyes and let the memories come…

  “I have to go,” she giggled as I hugged her to me.

  “No! Stay! Just a little longer…please,” I stuck my lip out and pouted. “Can’t your dad do without you for a little longer?”

  “Nick, you know how it is. I can’t,” she rolled her eyes as she stepped back out of my embrace. “I told him I’d work extra today so I could have Saturday off.”

  “What’s going on Saturday?” I grinned at her.

  She inhaled a deep breath and looked at me as if she were exasperated, “My boyfriend’s eighteenth birthday. I promised him I’d spend the whole day with him.”

  “Really? Do I know this guy?” I teased as I came up behind her and wrapped my arms around her middle. I rested my chin on her shoulder as she relaxed into me.

  “I don’t think so,” she giggled, “but I’ll tell you what. You let me go now, and after I hang out with him on Saturday, I’ll come meet up with you.”

  “He won’t get jealous?” I snickered. “I mean…you might like me so much that you decide to leave him.”

  “Nick,” she groaned as she turned in my arms. “I really do have to go, but,” she tapped against my chest, “I’ll sneak back out on Saturday night, and we can spend some time together alone.”

  “Really?” I swallowed.

  Leah and I hadn’t slept together yet, but we’d gotten close. It seemed like every time she’d tell me she was ready, we’d try, and she’d stop me. To say that I was getting sexually frustrated was an understatement, but I was willing to wait. I loved her. I wanted her to want me as much as I wanted her.

  “I don’t know if I’m ready yet, but there’s other stuff we can do,” she offered a coy smile as she stepped back away from me.

  I reached down to adjust myself as a pained groan made its way up. Leah was good at flirting. I don’t think she realized just how good she really was.

  “Alright…you can go,” I muttered.

  “I’ll see you later,” she grinned. “Have a nice day Loverboy.”

  “What are you thinking about?” Leah nudged me as she stood from the swing.

  “Us,” I smiled at her. “All the times we used to do this back when we were kids.”

  “Ahhh yes,” she giggled. “You were such a cocky boy.”

  “I was seventeen. What did you expect?” I snickered. “I wanted in your pants.”

  “You still do,” she giggled “all the time.”

  “But now you let me,” I smirked.

  She rolled her eyes and shook her head at me, “I wish that sixteen year old version of me could see us now.”

  “She’d run for hills,” I teased her.

  “And why is that? I like this…” she waved her hands between us “version of us. It’s nice.”

  “I like it too,” I smiled as I reached for her hand. “You about ready to head back to your dad’s? I think you should try and get a nap before tonight.”

  “Sounds nice,” she yawned as she gripped my fingers.

  Before should could take a step, she grimaced in pain. I saw it on her face before her hand squeezed mine in a death grip. I turned to look at her face as I watched her go to her knees and grip her abdomen. Fear froze me on the spot as Leah’s eyes peered up at me begging me for help.

  “What’s wrong?” I began to panic. “What should I do?”

  She shook her head at me as she hissed a few breaths out. “Just give me a minute,” she panted. “I’ll be fine,” she grunted “in just a minute.”

  As the seconds ticked by, I glanced around wondering of anybody saw us and would help. Leah kept assuring me that it was nothing, but I’d never seen her go so white so fast.

  “I don’t think it’s nothing,” I whispered as I squatted beside her. “We need to take you to the doctor.”

  “No,” she gripped my arm. “I’ve read in the books that this is normal. Nothing’s wrong. They’ll send me home, and tell me to rest. I’m not going to the doctor’s. I’m getting married tomorrow.”

  I slowly nodded as I watched her features relax. She moved to a sitting position, took a few deep breaths, and the color slowly came back to her face. Within a few minutes, she stood, and it was as if nothing had happened.

  “I don’t think this is normal,” I murmured as I helped her to her feet.

  “I’m fine,” she insisted. “This has happened before.

  “What?” I gasped. “When?”

  “I don’t know. I haven’t really been keeping track. Once with Avery, and then this morning, and now this…” she trailed off.

  I shook my head as I gave her a stern look, “If this happens again, we’re going to the doctor.”

  “Fine,” she nodded as she struggled to right herself. “After the wedding I’ll get it checked out. I don’t want anything delaying tomorrow. I’ve waited too long for this day. Nothing’s going to stop me from marrying you. You hear me?” she glanced up at me as I helped her stand.

  “I hear you. I just don’t want you to be sick,” I sighed.

  “I’m fine,” she brushed herself off as we turned to head home.



  After walking back to my dad’s house, I went up to my room to take a nap while Nick went to hang out with Logan. He’d promised me that he’d have his cell with him if I needed anything, and he’d meet me at the church by five. I was so tired at the time that it didn’t really bother me that he was leaving to hang out with his best friend. This way I could get some sleep, and he could blow off some steam, or whatever it was that he was wanting to do.

  It didn’t take long for me to fall into a deep sleep as dreams began to flit through my mind.



  “So why are we doing this?” Logan groaned as I handed him another box.

  “I want to have a nice night with her tomorrow for our wedding night. We didn’t plan to go on a honeymoon. We’re going to wait until after the baby’s born for that,” I shook my head as I grabbed another box from the back of my truck and made my way up the steps to “The Pittsford Inn Bed and Breakfast.” “Leah thinks we’re staying at her dad’s. I want to surprise her,” I shrugged. “I want to make this romantic.”

  “You are turning into such a chick,” Logan shook his head at me. “I can’t believe this is the same guy who used to help me rate the girls we slept with and tally them on the locker room wall.”

  “Dude, I was sixteen,” I gritted out. “That was before Leah before I grew up.”

  “Don’t you miss it though,” he called after me.

  “No!” I glared at him. “That guy was a dick. I don’t want to be him ever again.”

  “Fine!” he grumbled as he followed me through the door. “Where are we going with all of this?”

  “In there,” I pointed at the end of the hall.

  The lady that ran the bed and breakfast had let me come here early to set up. I wanted to have as little as possible to do tomorrow so I could concentrate on the wedding. She knew us from when we were kids, and was excited to help out in any way possible. I’d rented the nicest room they had, and was planning to decorate it with roses and white twinkle lights. I wanted Leah to feel as if she were living in a dream. Logan had reluctantly come along to help. I was hoping to find out where he and Avery stood seeing that they would be in the same room together in a matter of hours. I didn’t want any unnecessary drama as Leah called it. She needed to remain calm with the baby. I was
prepared to lay down the law with Logan regardless if he was my best friend or not.

  “Go grab that last box, and then if you really want to go…you can,” I rolled my eyes as I began pull strings of lights from the box I’d set on the bed.

  As I twisted lights and hung them from the ceiling, I listened to Logan’s footsteps get softer as he headed back to my truck. I had no idea what was going on with him, but he was acting as if he was on the verge of self-destructing.

  After hanging the second strand of lights, Logan made his reappearance. “What the hell took you so long?”

  “I wanted to grab a smoke,” he mumbled.

  I scratched my head, “I thought you quit?”

  “I did…” he paused before muttering, “Damn women always get me started again though.”

  “Avery’s the reason you’re smoking again?” I gripped my neck as I shook my head softly.

  “She’s the reason I’m doing a lot of things,” he moved to sit in the chair in the corner of the room. “I just…” he growled “she makes me crazy. We’re fighting all the time. It seems like that’s all we do now.”

  “So why are you still torturing yourself trying to make this work?” I pinched the bridge of my nose.

  “Because she’s great in bed,” he shook his head. “I mean…I’ve never been with a woman that can do the things she does.”

  “So let me get this straight,” I narrowed my eyes at him “you’re dating a girl…that you fight with all the time that drives you crazy that you don’t love, but you’re not going to break up with her because she’s a good lay?”

  “Pretty much,” he nodded.

  “Dude…that’s fucked up,” I turned to dig through the box on the bed once again before looking back at him. “I thought you were better than that. I mean…you’re letting your dick do all the thinking. She deserves better than that. Hell…you deserve better than that.”

  “I know,” he pressed his palm to his face and muttered. “I’m gonna end it. After the wedding…I’m gonna end it. I don’t want to screw things up for you guys, so I’m going to wait.”

  I shook my head again as I watched him walk away. He turned and called over his shoulder, “I’ll see you tonight” before stepping through the door and disappearing.


  When I arrived at the church, I noticed that most of the cars that should be there were. The only one missing was Leah’s dad’s. He was supposed to be bringing her since I had the truck. I glanced at my watch again, and started to pace. She wasn’t late yet, but after the episode I’d witnessed in the park I was worried. “What could be keeping them?” I muttered. Just as I looked up, Mr. Carmichael’s car pulled into the driveway of the church. I smiled and waved as they drove past me and parked. Leah climbed out, and grinned at me as her dad slowly opened his door.

  “You’re here. I was worried,” I mumbled as she rounded the car, and hugged me.

  “Of course. Where else did you think I’d be?” she grinned up at me.

  “You ready to do this?” I winked at her.

  “Definitely,” she nodded as she turned to look at her dad. “Ready Daddy?”

  “No,” he shook his head. “I don’t think I’ll ever be ready for this. But…if you’re going to be getting married tomorrow…I’m glad it’s to this guy,” he reached up and clasped my shoulder. “Let’s go,” he lifted his chin toward to door of the church.

  Once we all were gathered in the church, Mrs. Southerland began ushering us around. I think she’d designated herself as the wedding coordinator, and no one had corrected her. She led Logan and myself to the front of the church while Leah and her dad were kept at the back.

  “We’re going to practice walking in and out first, then we’ll go over the rest,” she called as she nodded toward the piano.

  Music swelled in the small church as Logan, and I stood by the minster and waited for Leah to step down the aisle with her dad. My knees knocked slightly as a nervous energy pulsed through me. If I was this wired tonight, what would tomorrow be like?

  I watched as Avery began to walk down the aisle. She was Leah’s only attendant, and also the maid of honor. Logan did his best to not make eye contact with her. Their antics were going to drive me nuts by the time this was over.

  When Avery had gotten about halfway down the aisle, the doors opened, and Leah appear locked on her father’s arm. They began to slowly process down the aisle as the music changed to the wedding march. She glanced at her dad and then back at me. I was so unprepared for what would happen next that it seemed to go by in slow motion.

  Leah was about halfway down the aisle when the joy on her face morphed into fear. I could see it coming, and couldn’t do anything to stop it. She began to stumble as she released her grip on her father’s arm and fell to the ground. Her face went white as a ghost as she gripped her middle and cried out in pain. Avery turned to race back to her as the church erupted into a flurry of concern.

  Momentarily stunned I stood there like a statue, but as I heard her cry out I jumped into action. I raced down the aisle pushing people out of the way as I tried to get to her. Her dad was kneeling beside her as he rubbed her forehead.

  “Baby? What’s wrong?” he pleaded.

  Leah didn’t answer, she only rolled onto her side as she continued to grip her belly.

  “Leah?” I fell to my knees beside her. “Somebody call an ambulance,” I shouted as I placed her head in my lap.

  Sweat was forming on her forehead as her lips trembled and she whimpered, “Nick?”

  “I’m here,” I cradled her in my arms the best I could as we waited to hear the sirens.

  “The baby?” she mumbled right before her eyes rolled back and she slipped into unconsciousness.

  “No!” I screamed. “You’re not gonna do this! You’re not gonna leave me again.”

  The End

  Nick and Leah’s story continues in Renewed-Coming summer 2014

  Other works by H. D’Agostino

  The Second Chances Series—

  Unbreak Me-book one

  The Boy Next Door-book two

  The One That Got Away-book three

  Inside Out-book 3.5

  Fallen From Grace-book four

  The Family Next Door-book five

  The Shattered Trilogy

  Shattered (Shattered #1)

  Restored (Shattered #2)

  Renewed (Shattered #3 coming summer 2014)

  Destined (Shattered #0.5 coming fall 2014)


  First of all, I’d like to thank my husband. He put up with many nights of playing the single parent so I could sit and write. His support on my journey as an author has been immeasurable. When I’ve been zoned in on my laptop, he’s been the one entertaining the kids, cooking dinner, and cleaning the house. I would not be able to do it without you, babe.

  Second, to my sweet children who are beginning to understand that when Mommy’s at the computer, she’s busy. You make me smile and laugh on a daily basis. Most days you are exactly what I need to encourage me to take a break.

  To my parents, your continued support of my journey to grow as an author can’t be described in words. You encourage me to do my best and never give up. My heart truly feels like it might burst sometimes with the love you show me.

  To my beta, Shellie. Your willingness to take on that job is greatly appreciated. You have truly earned the title of “Number One Fan.”

  To Michelle Warren of IndieBookCovers for the beautiful cover. You continue to amaze me with your talent.

  To Jessi from Jess Time To Read for your wonderful review and willingness to supply a cover blurb. Thank you for taking the time to read this series and put so much thought into your reviews. Spreading the word about their characters is one of the best compliments an author can get.

  To Tiffany from 556 Book Chicks for your wonderful reviews and becoming one of my biggest fans. Your support for this series is beyond flattering. Thanks so much for suppl
ying a cover blurb.

  To Author Megan C. Smith for being willing to read this over the holidays in order to provide a cover blurb.

  To Author Groupies, Twinsie Talk Book Reviews, One More Chapter, and Eye Candy Bookstore for all you help in promoting this trilogy.

  And last but not least…A Big THANK YOU to the readers. All of you have shown so much love and support to me. Its dedicated readers like yourselves that keep us Indie Authors writing.

  They say “It takes a village to raise a child.” Well, I feel like these books are my babies. All of you have helped me “raise” them. They wouldn’t be successful without you. So, THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart.

  About the Author

  H.D’Agostino currently resides in Syracuse, NY with her husband, two children, two dogs, and three cats. Originally from Harrisburg, NC, she attended UNC Charlotte and received a BA in Elementary Education with a concentration in Math. Heather loves hearing from her fans. You may follow her on Facebook at

  See how it all started in Shattered…

  Chapter 1


  As I stopped my car at the end of the empty street and glanced around, I couldn’t believe how much the town looked the same. The same small grocery store on the corner, the same flower shop announcing the newest sale, the same single traffic light blinking at the one intersection we had. Pittsford was North Carolina’s version of Mayberry. It was tucked away and untouched, just like when I was a kid. It was as if time had skipped right over it. My dad was right, I didn’t miss much in my five year hiatus.

  The sign for Carmichael’s Pizzeria flickered in the distance. As I huffed out a breath and began to ease down the road, I wondered if he would still be there. My dad was known for working late. He always went above what was asked of him, and now that my mom was sick, he seemed to work even more.

  When I pulled into the parking lot, I cut the engine, and pulled myself from the small Honda Civic. Straightening my shoulders, I trudged toward the door of the pizza shop. As I opened it, and stepped inside, all the familiar scents assailed me. My dad had his back to the door, but he knew it was me. It was like he had this sixth sense about him. He spun, and I watched a giant smile spread across his face.


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