When You Were Mine [Second Chances 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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When You Were Mine [Second Chances 2] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 14

by Michelle Roth

  When she eventually picked her head up, a slow smile crossed her face, and the only thing she said was, “Yours.”

  Jamie laughed softly and agreed, “Mine.”

  She didn’t even bother to pick up her head from where it lay on his chest this time, when she said, “If you want to go to the gym and work off some of that aggression now, I’ll understand.”

  “I’m sorry, baby,” he said, feeling like a complete idiot.

  He felt her snuggle closer to him and then she sighed. “If you’re upset, talk to me. Even if you think it’s stupid. I don’t like to fight.”

  A moment later, she added, “Or we can do that,” as she gestured toward the kitchen table vaguely. “Let’s definitely do that.”

  When she giggled against his chest, he smugly said, “When you kind of flopped onto the table at the end, I was a little concerned that I might have permanently broken you, baby.”

  “Jesus, Jamie,” Cora said, laughter in her voice. “You act like that’s the first time you’ve made a girl come.”

  He let out an incredulous laugh, then proceeded to tickle her ribs until she was squirming against him and crying out, “I take it back. Stop! Stop!”

  Jamie relented, stilling his hands.

  They were quiet for a few minutes as their breathing evened out, until he finally said, “This tile is really cold on my ass. Can we maybe go jump in the shower?”

  * * * *

  Later that evening, Jamie lay in Cora’s bed, unable to sleep. Cora had snuggled into his side and dropped off to sleep almost immediately, but his thoughts kept straying back to the conversation he’d had with his mother on Sunday.

  When they’d woken up late Sunday morning, Taryn and Evan had already eaten breakfast and were playing with the children in the pool. His mother stood in the kitchen, cup of coffee in hand.

  They had talked for a few minutes about Portland and the Shinobi contract he’d booked before she finally got to the point. She’d told him how happy it made her to see them back together. He’d been forced to agree with her. He was unbelievably lucky to have gotten this second chance with Cora.

  In typical fashion, his mother had continued on, asking him when they were going to make beautiful grandbabies for her. After almost spitting out his coffee, he had reminded her that he and Cora had only been back together for a few weeks.

  She had grinned, waved him off, and claimed to be just teasing him. Jamie couldn’t help himself, though. Every time Cora played with the children, he couldn’t help but imagine her with their own.

  It was early. It was way early to be thinking of marriage or children. Nevertheless, he realized that he wanted everything with Cora.

  Cora, on the other hand, had hedged about even coming up to his mother’s for the weekend. It was clear that they weren’t on the same page yet. He could only hope that eventually, they would be.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Cora wiped the tears off her face, and waved her hand. She gasped for breath and said, “Stop, stop! You almost made me spit out this very expensive martini.”

  Maureen smirked and said, “I can’t stop until you’ve heard everything about the very best second date of all time. After the phone call, I’m a little weirded out but okay. So I get there, and it turns out that the address he’s given me is for this community center. I’m completely confused, but he’s waiting out front.”

  “I ask him what we’re doing there, and he starts to tell me how he’s a recovering addict. I’ve gotta tell you, it was a little heavy for the second date, but he’s recovering. That’s something, right?” she asked, looking to the group for confirmation.

  Cora gave her a leery, completely hesitant nod and then dared to take another sip of her drink.

  “So we go down to the basement and it turns out that he’s taking me to a meeting with him. I was completely fucking uncomfortable. His friends are chatting with me before the meeting starts and talking about how I’m his support system. I’m ready to make a break for the door but then someone calls the meeting to order.”

  “The person who’s speaking starts talking about addiction and then proceeds to tell the saddest story I’ve ever heard about selling his kid’s PlayStation for crank. The whole time, this guy is trying to hold my hand and I keep pulling it away. Then they start praying and talking about God, which made me even more uncomfortable. Not really a believer in that whole...whatever.”

  “Finally, they take a break, and I get up to go to the bathroom. I come back and tell him that I’m leaving. He makes a little bit of a scene but then I go outside to catch a cab because my car is still messed up, but I find that I have no cash in my wallet. I left my bag on the seat when I went to the bathroom. I think he may have robbed me!”

  “So I walk to the ATM, because luckily the fucker didn’t take my cards and get cash. Then I cab it home, make myself a Lean Pocket, and go to bed early,” Maureen finishes.

  “Holy shit,” Taryn said, sipping her virgin banana daiquiri. “He robbed you? Where do you even find these guys?”

  Celia shook her head, and said, “Shit, girl. I thought my life was fucked up.”

  “Online dating. And before any of you even say it...never again. I’ve been thrown up on, robbed, stood up. Fuck it. I’m off men,” Maureen added.

  Cora felt Celia scoot closer to her and laughed.

  Maureen glared at her and said, “Not like that,” but then paused to consider Celia and added, “You’d totally be my type though, sugar lips.”

  “If you two made out, I bet we could get some free drinks,” Cora suggested, laughing at the look on Celia’s face.

  Taryn held up her hand and said, “No. Not my virgin eyes. They couldn’t take it.”

  “That drink,” Maureen said, “is the only virgin thing at this table, Taryn. I might also point out that you’re like, six months pregnant.”

  Snorting, Cora narrowly avoided shooting martini out her nose again. It was time to put the drink down, she decided.

  “So,” Taryn asked, bringing the focus back to Cora. “How are things going with you and Jamie?”

  “I can’t speak for her, but I can certainly tell you that someone showed up this morning late, and looking distinctly rumpled,” Celia said, grinning.

  “Traitor,” Cora hissed. “The secretarial oath is sacred!”

  Celia laughed, raised her glass, and said, “But this is rum!”

  Cora gave her one last glare and then said, “Things are going well. It’s only been a little bit over a month, though, so we’ll see.”

  “We saw on Memorial Day, Cora. He looked like he was ready to mount you in the pool. There are some things that you just can’t unsee!” Maureen complained.

  She took another sip of her drink and smugly said, “Well, then be glad you didn’t stay in the same room with us that night.”

  Taryn gasped and said, “You dirty girl! Did you have sex in his childhood bed?”

  “Like you haven’t,” Cora snorted.

  “No. Evan shoots me down every damned time. He says his mother has hearing like a bat. Plus, he’s been hands-off ever since they put me on light duty. No restriction for sex. I confirmed it with my doctor. Granted we play a little rough, but...”

  Maureen put her fingers in her ears and said, “La la la!”

  Celia frowned and asked, “What’s up with that?”

  “Maureen is Evan and Jamie’s sister,” Cora explained.

  Celia shook her head sadly at Maureen and said, “Oh Jesus. That poor girl. But all you need to do, Taryn, is just tell him that you’re coming in five minutes, with or without him. Whisper it in his ear and then give his earlobe a gentle nip. He’ll cave.”

  Taryn’s eyes lit up and she asked, “Ooh, Cora. Can we keep her? Can we?”

  They all dissolved into laughter. Eventually Maureen unplugged her ears and asked, “Are we done?”

  Taryn, without missing a beat, said, “And he does this thing with his tongue,” and then dissolved into giggles.
  “No more night’s out with you, Taryn,” Maureen griped. “Mental images.”

  “Sorry,” Taryn apologized, albeit halfheartedly.

  Maureen said, “By the way, Mom is thinking of getting everyone together at her place for Jamie’s birthday.”

  “That must’ve been why she called me earlier. Her message was pretty vague,” Cora answered. “I hope she’s not planning to do that next weekend, though.”

  “Big plans,” Celia asked, wiggling her eyebrows.

  “Yes,” Cora said, unable to contain her smile. “If you must know. I rented a cottage in Malibu. Right on the water. I figured with the Shinobi stuff, he’d probably enjoy disconnecting for a little bit. That’s good, right?”

  “He’ll like that, Cora. Then again, he’d like anything you did,” Maureen said. After a short pause, she added, “He’s completely in love with you. I’m not entirely sure he ever stopped being in love with you, if you want my opinion.”

  Maureen suddenly jumped in her seat and said, “Ouch!”

  Taryn must have seen the fear in Cora’s eyes as she said, “They’ve been back together for a little over a month. Let the poor girl enjoy herself for a little bit before you’ve got her married with 2.5 kids, Maureen.”

  “Sorry,” Maureen mumbled, and then took a sip of her drink.

  Cora sat there, ready to hide under the table, until Celia gave her arm a quick squeeze and said, “I wanted to save this news, but I can’t hold it in anymore. I think maybe I’ve got a secret admirer.”

  Celia was biting her lip, so Cora knew she wasn’t being serious. She wanted more than anything to kill the awkward silence, so she cocked her head and asked, “Do tell?”

  “This guy has been calling the office, breathing all heavy into the phone and hanging up. He sounds hot!”

  Taryn snorted loudly and gripped her face. “Brain freeze, brain freeze. Why did I get this frozen?”

  “Is that perv still calling? Can we call the phone company or trace it or something?”

  “Why?” Celia asked with a wink. “It’s kinda hot.”

  “Oh, lord,” Cora said.

  “What?” Celia asked. “Some of us aren’t lucky enough to get lunch-break sex on Hottie McHotterson’s desk. I take what I can get.”

  “Wait, wait,” Cora complained. “That’s patently unfair to accuse me of that.”

  She met three sets of skeptical eyes and then admitted, “It was on the conference table. Leave me alone!”

  “Slut,” Maureen accused, laughing. “You can’t even wait until you get off work!”

  The conversation and drinking continued for a few more hours, until Taryn finally said, “I hate to do this, but, I gotta go home. I’m tired.”

  “And you’ve gotta seduce your wayward husband,” Celia finished.

  Taryn grinned and said, “That, too.

  Together, they all trooped out to Taryn’s car. One by one, Taryn dropped them off until only Cora remained.

  “Thank you,” Cora said. “For being designated tonight. And for coming out with us. I really miss you.”

  “Don’t get all sloppy on me, Cora. I’m already hormonal. If I come home crying, Evan definitely won’t touch me.”

  “Oh, oh. Sorry. Isn’t he still doing poker night?”

  Taryn flipped on her turn signal and said, “Nope. Steve kicked their asses. Cleaned them out early. Evan let me know it was safe to come home a couple minutes before we left.”

  “Nice. You can go home and relax. I worry,” Cora said, gesturing to her bump.

  Taryn reached over and squeezed her hand. “I’m tougher than I look. Besides, I’m on toenail trimming duty for the next 3 months at work. It sucks.”


  “So,” Taryn asked. “Am I taking you home or to Jamie’s?”

  “Lemme find out,” Cora said as she dug her cell phone out of her purse.

  She had one text message from Jamie.

  “I miss you.”

  Quickly she typed back, “Want company?”

  Her phone buzzed with the response, “You’re not driving are you?”

  “God, no. Taryn is. I had way too much to drink.”

  “Oh really? In that case come on over, baby. Tonight just got infinitely more interesting. I’m watching MASH reruns.”

  Cora laughed out loud and said, “Jamie’s, please.”

  “I figured. Ya know, you guys are really cute together. It’s nice to see you happy again. I was worried.”

  Letting out a sigh, Cora said, “I’m trying not to think about any of it too hard. I analyze things to death and try to make rational choices. That’s how I ended up with Bryce, by the way.”

  “Pig,” Taryn muttered.

  “Did I tell you that he stopped by my office the other morning? Remember the crazy guy in my office. I figured out who it was. The father of one of the court cases I testified in. Anyway. He just shows up at my office with the temporary restraining order I wasn’t able to obtain on my own.”

  “Well that’s nice, I guess. You’re lucky that’s the only thing he gave you. The prick.”

  “Agreed,” Cora said, smirking. “Jamie met him.”

  “Tell me that he beat Bryce to within an inch of his life. Please,” Taryn begged.

  Cora couldn’t help the smirk that pulled across her face when she said, “Don’t I wish. He was polite.”

  Taryn frowned and said, “Yeah. I guess he would be. I can’t picture him angry. He always has that dopey grin on his face.”

  “Hey, now,” Cora cautioned. “Turns out he was pissed off but I didn’t figure that out until later.”

  “I really can’t picture him angry.”

  Cora nodded and, she couldn’t fight the sappy grin when she said, “We fought...and then made up.”

  “Angry makeup sex is the best,” Taryn agreed, grinning.

  “It is. And I don’t even know why I’m telling you this,” Cora said.

  “You’re drunk. And you want to make me jealous.”

  Cora waved her off and said, “Don’t be silly. Just do what Celia suggested. He’ll have his pants off before you finish the sentence.”

  “And on that note, we’ve arrived,” Taryn said. “Can you make it up the stairs?”

  “Jesus. I had like four drinks. I can make it up the stairs.”

  Taryn laughed and said, “You’re so cute when you’re drunk. Call me tomorrow!”

  Cora opened the door and slid out of the truck with a wave. “Talk to you tomorrow.”

  She made her way up to Jamie’s apartment and knocked on the door. A moment later, she heard the chain and deadbolt unlock. The door opened and he said, “There’s my girl.”

  Unable to stop the stupid smile, she walked inside and slid her arms around his waist. “Hey,” she said, leaning her head against his chest.

  He closed the door behind her, then pushed her chin up so he could get a good look at her face. He examined her face and asked, “Did you eat dinner?”

  “We had snacks,” she said. “Why?”

  Instead of answering, he led her to the counter and asked, “Want a sandwich? I’m hungry.”

  Cora shrugged, mystified. She watched as he made them both turkey and Swiss sandwiches. When he got her a bottled water and set two aspirin next to it, she smiled. He really was sweet.

  One bottle of water, two aspirin, and a sandwich later, Cora found herself curled up next to Jamie in bed. She snuggled up against his side and said, “Thank you. I’m probably going to regret those martinis tomorrow.”

  Jamie rubbed a hand down her back and said, “Hopefully the aspirin will help. Have a good time?”

  “Yeah,” Cora said. “It was nice to be out with the girls. I missed you, though.”

  Cora felt the brush of lips against the top of her head. She smiled at the flood of warmth.

  “I missed you too, baby. Tonight kinda sucked. Steve cleaned me out pretty early, and Evan was a fucking grouch the whole time.”

a giggled and said, “I bet I know why.”

  “Are they fighting?” he asked, referring to Evan and Taryn.

  “Taryn was bitching because, you heard about the contractions, right?”

  When Jamie asked, “Yeah. Oh god. Is the baby okay?”

  “The baby is fine. The baby is perfectly fine,” Cora assured him. “Taryn was just bitching that Evan has been worried and very, shall we say, hands-off.”

  Jamie laughed and said, “That explains it. Steve made some comment about Taryn being a goddess in the kitchen. She made this nacho dip with some kind of meat in it. It was fucking amazing. Anyway. Evan snapped at him and then went back into the kitchen for another beer.”

  Cora giggled and then said, “Now you know why he was grumpy. Taryn was too, though. I spent the whole evening being very grateful for my very awesome sex life.”

  Jamie cocked an eyebrow and asked, “How grateful?”

  Cora grinned, then started to kiss her way down his muscular chest and said, “Here. Let me show you.”

  * * * *

  Cora opened the door to her office lobby and gave Jamie one last wave. She didn’t have a headache, thankfully, but she was tired. Today was going to be a long day.

  She would have been more than willing to go back to bed for another few hours. It would have been totally unfair to her patients. So, instead she wandered back and started a pot of coffee. A really strong pot of coffee.

  By the time she sat down at her desk with the first cup, she was starting to feel more human. Between this and her morning bagel, she might just make it through the day. Since Celia hadn’t arrived yet, she suspected that maybe she hadn’t fared as well in the hangover department.

  As if her thoughts had summoned her, Cora heard the key in the door lock. She took another sip of coffee and waited for Celia to come into view. “I made coffee if you want some,” Cora said.

  She heard a muffled thanks, the opening and closing of drawers, and then saw Celia’s head pop around the corner. She moaned, “I am so glad the asshole has Sasha this week. It was so hard to get out of bed.”


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