The Doctor's Secret Son

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The Doctor's Secret Son Page 8

by Janice Lynn

  At first, Trace kept the vehicle fairly slow, as they were still in the outskirts of the event area, but soon, they’d left behind the tents and the few people they’d encountered and were making their way through a lightly wooded area.

  When they drove free of the woods and came into a grassy field, Trace called over the roar of the engine, “You ready?”

  She knew what he meant. He’d been so cautious through the event area, through the woods, that instinctively she’d relaxed. Trace wouldn’t do anything stupid. He’d keep her safe.


  She was. Ready for whatever he wanted.

  The intensity between them for the past twenty-four hours-plus, on top of having her body firmly pressed against his, had her oh, so ready. Add in the vibration of the vehicle and, yeah, she was ready.

  More than ready.

  Unable to resist, she splayed her hands across his belly, loving the flat planes beneath her fingertips. She fanned them upward, pressed herself tighter against him, flattening her breasts into his back, and almost groaned at the pleasure.

  But before she could do more, he gunned the gas and they took off across the field in a smooth motion that spoke of an easy familiarity with riding ATVs, and maybe being acclimatized to having women try to seduce him.

  Which, she supposed, was what she was doing.

  Because she wanted him.

  Pressing her helmet against his shoulder, she held on tight as she adjusted to the increased speed. Within seconds, she lifted her head and let the wind whip against the exposed parts of her body.

  Okay, this was one adventure she could seriously get used to.

  Only she wasn’t sure she’d feel nearly as comfortable, nearly as safe, with anyone other than Trace.

  What was it about the man that made her feel safe?

  Funny, she hadn’t thought about him making her feel safe four years ago, but he had.

  Safe to be herself.

  Safe to express herself.

  Safe to tell him what she wanted, show him what she wanted.

  Safe to feel all the delicious things he did to her body and to give right back.

  That was the difference between Trace and any other man she’d ever met. With Trace, she hadn’t felt self-conscious or nervous, she’d just felt...alive.


  Just as she did this very moment.

  Laughter bubbled out from between her lips.

  She wasn’t sure how long they rode, but soon they came to another wooded area, and Trace significantly slowed their pace as they made their way through the trees.

  Within a few minutes they came to a stream and just when Chrissie braced herself for the splash sure to come as he drove right through the foot or so of moving water, he brought the ATV to a stop and killed the engine.

  “Out of gas?” she teased as he undid his chin strap, and pulled the helmet from his head. He hung it on the handlebar by the strap, then climbed off the four-wheeler, and reached for her hand.

  “I hope not. That would be a long walk back.”

  She let him help her off the ATV and undo her chin strap, pulling the helmet from her head.

  Figuring her hair was a mess from the helmet, heat, and sweat, she ran her fingers through it while he hung up the helmet.

  “Don’t. You look beautiful.”

  “You sure you had your visor pulled down? I think you may have gotten bugs in your eyes during our ride.”

  He laughed. “Not hardly.”

  Removing a rolled-up blanket that had been strapped to the back of the ATV, Trace spread it out a few feet from the stream.

  “This is beautiful,” she told him, looking around. It really was. The area wasn’t heavily wooded, but enough so that it made her feel as if she were in some private enchanted forest, especially with the few sprigs of purple flowers that grew around the grassy area where he had spread the blanket. “Are we going to be in trouble for being here?”

  He shook his head.

  “You’re sure?”

  “Yep. I know the owner.”

  Something in the way he answered had her asking, “Bud?”

  He shook his head again. “No, my father.”

  His father? She glanced around the gorgeous scenery again, taking in the gurgling stream, the green trees, the thick, grassy areas, the blue sky peeking in around the leaves.

  “It’s a beautiful piece of property.”

  “Yeah, he bought it several years back with plans to modernize it into an upscale suburb and golf course, but hasn’t done so yet.”

  “Why not?”

  “Mostly, because Bud and Agnes need the section they use for the event. Still, there’s several hundred more acres beyond what the event uses, so I guess he could develop and not affect the event.”

  Sunshine danced on the water and where it hit the ground beneath the leaf cover above.

  “It would be a shame for this to be destroyed to make a subdivision,” she mused.

  “I agree. Can I have the bag, please?”

  She removed the backpack and handed it to him.

  “Have a seat and I’ll serve you lunch.”

  “A picnic?” she asked, sitting down near him on the blanket.

  He grinned. “Yes.”

  He pulled out two plastic-wrapped sandwiches, a couple bags of baby carrots, fruit, and the two bottled waters. “If you’re a good girl and eat all your food, I have dessert for you.”

  She just bet he did and he looked pretty scrumptious. “Oh, really?”

  Nodding, he reached back into the bag and removed a small bottle of hand sanitizer. Holding out the bottle, he squirted a generous dollop into her hand then another into his own.

  “Thank you for doing this, but are you sure it’s okay for us to be away from the medical station this long? I’ll admit I’m feeling a little guilty.”

  He smiled a smile that said he understood and didn’t judge her anxiety. “Alexis has my number and instructions to call if it gets busy. We could be back in twenty minutes tops.”


  “Alexis, huh? Was she in on this?”

  “Not really. I just asked if she minded holding the fort down while I stole you away for a while. I think she approved.”

  “I like her more and more.”

  “She’s okay,” he conceded, not sounding overly concerned one way or the other as he dug around in the backpack.

  “For a beautiful cardiologist who volunteers to help raise awareness and funds for children with cancer.”

  “Well, yeah, at least she has that going for her.” His tone was teasing. He pulled out a zipper-closed plastic bag that had napkins, et cetera, in it. “Hungry?”


  Something in the way she answered must have keyed him into what she was feeling because he paused from digging more items out of the backpack, and he glanced at her. “Yeah?”

  She nodded.

  He scratched his head. “What am I doing?”

  She shrugged. “I don’t know. What are you doing?”

  “Not what I want to be doing.”

  She fought the urge to lick her lips because they definitely felt dry. “Which is?”

  “Touching you.”

  No more suppressing her tongue after that comment. She moistened her lips.

  “Well.” She stared straight into his eyes. “Today is your lucky day because if you act now, you can touch me.”

  He arched a brow. “If I act later?”

  “You can touch me, then, too.”

  * * *

  Trace touched.

  Just a light brush of his fingertip over her cheek that he continued down her throat, toying at her T-shirt collar.

  But, oh, what a touch.

  Despite the September heat, goose bumps prickled her skin and caused his to do the same.

  She was looking at him. He could feel her gaze hot on his face, but his stayed in tune with the trail his finger was blazing; he was mesmerized by what his touch was doing to her flesh.

  More than just his finger, because now he brushed his hand down her arm, light, feathery, surreal as the sun dappled on the ground around them, giving a magical feel as the wind blew, gently swaying the tree limbs above them and kissing their skin with the breeze.

  Lower down her arm he moved until he touched her hand. He traced each finger, noting her short, clean nails. She wore no jewelry other than a pair of small diamond stud earrings, something he’d noticed four years ago, as well. He’d bet anything the earrings were the same ones she’d had on then, that she wore them continuously. Had they been a gift from someone? A family member or a former man in her life?

  He laced their hands and lifted hers to press a kiss there.

  “You know this isn’t necessary, right?” Her voice was low in her throat, almost husky as their eyes met. “You don’t have to seduce me or convince me to say yes. I’m yours for the taking.”

  He groaned. “I’m going to take you.”

  “Then get on with it.”

  He laughed at the full pout of her lips, but he’d be lying if he didn’t admit, at least to himself, that her urgency thrilled him.

  “What’s your rush?” He slipped his hand beneath her T-shirt hem and lifted upward. With her help, he pulled the shirt over her head, revealing her peach-colored bra and creamy skin beneath.

  He sucked in a breath at what he’d uncovered, then resumed his exploration by rubbing his hands over her bare shoulders, down her sides.

  Rather than answer his question with words, Chrissie reached behind her, undid her bra, then slipped free of the material.

  “There,” she said, guiding his hand to cover her breast. “That’s better.”

  She was right. That was better.

  But not good enough.

  He lowered and took her nipple into his mouth and sucked on the pebbled flesh. He’d already been hard. He’d been hard from the moment he’d touched her cheek, had been fighting an erection the entire ride over to his favorite spot along Horse Shoe Creek. Now, he was painfully so, but refused to rush this.

  It had been four years since he’d kissed her, touched her, been inside her.

  Four years too long.

  He didn’t want it to be over before he got started. Once inside her, he didn’t think he was going to last long.

  At least, not nearly long enough.

  All night wouldn’t be nearly long enough.

  He planned to give her as much pleasure as he could before giving in to the hedonistic need within him that just wanted to thrust deep inside her and possess her with all his might, to claim her body with his in the most elemental way.

  Just the thought had him groaning against her full breast. He really liked the added roundness to her bosom, her hips, the new hourglass curves of her body.

  Her fingers were in his hair now, threading through the locks and pulling him closer. She moaned and her arms slightly buckled beneath her as she arched toward him.

  “Lie back,” he ordered, gently pushing her against the blanket. There was a thick bed of grass and moss beneath them to serve as a cushion, but he wouldn’t put his weight on her, not until he was ready to take her, just in case. He wanted her comfortable so nothing would distract from what he was doing.

  “I’m going to take off your shorts, Chrissie.”

  Eyes closed, she nodded, but as his fingers slid beneath her waistband she slightly sat up and stopped him by grasping his head and pulling his mouth to hers.

  She kissed him.

  Not a gentle kiss, but a kiss full of hot need.

  A kiss that demanded his very being.

  A kiss that gave her complete control of him.

  “Chrissie,” he breathed the second their lips parted.

  He helped her when she pulled off his shirt. He helped her when she undid his shorts and freed him to her greedy touch.

  He almost lost it.

  “Take your shorts off,” he ordered as he slid out of his own, grabbing a condom from his pocket before he was too far gone to care. He almost already was.

  He heard her gasp and winced. Hell. How could he have forgotten the jagged scar along his left lower abdomen?

  “What happened?”

  “Long story.” He didn’t want to talk about what had happened in Shiara right now. Not ever really.

  She ran her finger over the puckered skin, but Trace was having no more of it. He didn’t want her pity or whatever that was in her eyes. He wanted the passion from before she’d seen his damaged flesh. The passion that was still there and that he was determined to hold onto.

  He ripped open the condom, had the prophylactic on in record speed, and rolled on top of her. “You’re sure?”

  Rolling her eyes at his question, she lifted her hips to where he nudged against her. “Please.”

  Making sure to support his weight, Trace pushed into her. Slow and steady at first, then faster, until he couldn’t think, couldn’t breathe, couldn’t do anything but feel as the amazing heat between their bodies built, then combusted.

  She cried out in release before he did, but just barely as he toppled over right behind, then collapsed.

  “I forgot,” she whispered against his throat, her arms wrapped tightly around him as she held him close. “I forgot how amazing sex was with you.”

  He propped himself up on his elbows and stared down at her, at the awe and joy in her sated eyes. Something shifted in his chest. He didn’t know how to label it, just that she moved him in powerful ways.

  “I didn’t,” he admitted, kissing the tip of her nose. “I’ve thought about you, this, a million times.”


  STILL TRYING TO catch her breath, Chrissie stretched to where she could kiss Trace.

  Thank goodness she’d decided to take full advantage of him being close and wanting her.

  The man was amazing. Simply and purely amazing.

  He still felt amazing and full between her legs, almost to the point that she’d question whether or not he’d orgasmed. Almost.

  She squeezed her inner thighs around him, eliciting a manly growl.

  “Unless you’re prepared for round two, I’d advise you not do that again, because, lady, you make me feel like Superman.”

  Although she was sweaty and breathy from round one, Chrissie gave him a look that hopefully left no doubt in his mind of what she wanted. She planned to take advantage of every second with him. With a saucy smile, she squeezed her thighs again and liked the light that instantly lit in his hot gaze.

  Later, much later, she would question him on what had happened to his beautiful body.

  * * *

  The following morning, Chrissie stood on her tiptoes to the side of the main stage and listened to the farewell program with a heavy heart.

  She had slept in Trace’s tent with him the night before. They’d had to be quiet, to keep their movements and reactions under control, but they had made love. Twice.

  She was a little sore today, but not so much that she didn’t wonder if they’d get the opportunity to make love again, before she headed back to Chattanooga that afternoon.

  Back to Joss. Trace’s son.

  She sucked in a breath and reminded herself the same thing she’d reminded herself of over and over during their night together. She wasn’t going to go there.

  Currently, Agnes was on the main stage giving a final speech and congratulations to all the participants and volunteers on the fabulous job they�
��d done. Between the previously obtained participant sponsors and the multiple weekend events, they’d raised seven figures to further their cause and Agnes couldn’t be prouder.

  Having worked the night before, Alexis had headed out that morning after exchanging numbers with Chrissie and promising that they would get together again at some point in the future.

  Who knew if they really would, but it was a nice sentiment.

  All that was left after Agnes’s talk was the final farewell from Bud. Then the participants would head out. The remaining volunteers would pack up leftover supplies. Rented and donated equipment companies had already started arriving to collect their items. Perishables would be donated and anything they could use for the next event would be boxed up and labeled in plastic bins.

  Trace and Chrissie planned to help break down the medical station, so they would get to spend a little more time together. But every second seemed like sand falling faster and faster through an hourglass that would separate them forever.

  Because despite how wonderful the past twenty-four hours had been, no matter how wonderfully sweet and tender Trace had been that last time he’d made love to her just before dawn, she didn’t fool herself that it was anything more than exactly what they’d agreed to.

  A no-strings weekend affair.

  In just a few hours, they’d say goodbye. She’d go home. He’d leave for parts unknown again or whatever it was he planned to do with the rest of his life.

  The end.

  She didn’t regret their weekend.

  Far from it.

  Despite the nagging ache in her chest, she was grateful she’d been given the opportunity to get to know Trace better, that this time they’d talked during those long hours about things besides, “Oh, that feels so good!” Not what had happened to him to cause the scar, as he’d brushed off her questions each time she’d asked, but they had talked about a lot of things. She was grateful that if Joss ever asked about his father she could smile and tell him about a man she knew cared about others and made a difference in the world.

  A man she wished Joss could know firsthand.

  Not going there, she repeated over and over in her head. They’d agreed to a no-strings-attached weekend. He’d said he didn’t want children four years ago and he’d repeated the sentiment to Chloe’s mother. To tell him would be selfish.


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