Sir Edward stopped and turned to Elyse.
‘I want you to have this, to mark your coming of age.’ He handed her a small square box. ‘Do not look at it now, I do not want you standing about in this chill wind. You may open it once you are on your way.’ He stood back as Mrs Parfitt came to hug her and she said goodbye to Jed, then he helped her into the carriage, saying as she arranged her skirts, ‘And remember, my dear, that if Bath loses its charms, or you need a place of refuge, you will always be welcome at Hartcombe.’
‘Thank you, Sir Edward.’
He turned to Drew and held out his hand.
‘I pray fortune favours you in Bath, my boy.’
‘I shall not stay there a moment longer than necessary.’
Drew gripped his father’s hand then jumped into the carriage. The door was closed behind him and the chaise pulled away. Elyse waved to the little group standing on the drive, only settling back in her seat when they had passed through the rusty gates and were bouncing over the neglected lane that led to the main highway. She stared down at the little box in her hand.
‘Well, are you going to open it?’
She lifted the lid to reveal a small ring nestled into a velvet pad. A single pearl glistened, surrounded by a ring of tiny sparkling diamonds.
‘Oh, it is beautiful,’ she breathed.
She drew off her gloves and slipped the ring on to her finger, holding out her hand to show him.
‘I remember that ring. It belonged to my mother,’ said Drew quietly.
‘Oh, then I cannot—’ She began to pull the ring from her finger but he stopped her.
‘No. My father wanted you to have it. It is a sign of how much he esteems you.’
‘I must write and thank him, once I am settled.’ She turned to fix her gaze on the passing landscape. It was a beautiful gift but she wished Sir Edward had not bestowed it upon her, because it would make the past few days all the harder to forget.
* * *
‘And sole control of everything now passes to Miss Salforde.’
The lawyer in his black robes made his pronouncement in a voice laden with foreboding. Elyse watched him sprinkling sand over the newly signed documents to seal the ink, then rose to her feet.
‘Thank you. I shall be obliged if you will act for me during my time in Bath.’
‘Of course, but since you have taken the trouble to consult me, I am bound to say that in my opinion it would be advisable to leave your affairs in the hands of your guardian until everything can be made over to your husband.’
‘Mr Bastion is leaving Bath as soon as we have met with Lord Whittlewood,’ she replied crisply, before Drew could speak. ‘And I am more than capable of looking after my own affairs.’
The lawyer inclined his head, his doubts of her ability evident in every line of his spare body. Elyse took no notice. She waited in frosty silence for Drew to open the door for her, then she swept out of the office.
* * *
Drew followed Elyse down the stairs and handed her into the waiting chaise before directing the postilions to drive to Lord Whittlewood’s residence in Queen Square. It was a short journey and undertaken in the same stiff silence that had characterised most of the journey from Hartcombe. Apart from her initial gasp of delight when she had opened the little box and seen the ring his father had given her, Elyse had maintained an attitude of stony indifference towards Drew and he had made no attempt to coax her out of it. She was betrothed to William Reverson, he had no right to come between them. His body burned with desire to sweep her into a fierce embrace, to break down the barriers she had put up between them and awaken the passion he knew she possessed, but that would only be a further betrayal of the trust Harry had laid upon him. And even if he seduced her, would she ever forgive him for his past cruelty towards her?
Perhaps, if she loved him. His father seemed to think she did but how long would that love last? He might persuade her to become his wife, but what then? What would she think of him when the passion was spent and she found herself chained to a man of moderate means, heir to a struggling estate, when she could have been allied to one of the most illustrious families in the land? Then all the old hurt and injustice would be remembered, love would be replaced by bitter regrets that would last a lifetime.
No, better that she should think him a rake than he should ever see that disappointment in her eyes.
* * *
His niggling fear that Lord Whittlewood might not be at home was soon banished. The family, they were informed by a wooden-faced lackey, was in the drawing room. They were shown to an impressive chamber on the first floor where upwards of a dozen people were gathered and engaged in noisy conversation.
Good God, thought Drew as he followed Elyse through the door, this is not merely family, they are entertaining.
A hush fell over the room as they were announced. All eyes turned towards them and Drew thought how shabby they must appear in their travelling clothes. He sensed rather than saw Elyse hesitate and immediately stepped up beside her, placing his hand under her elbow in a gesture of support. At least there would be witnesses that he had delivered Miss Salforde on time.
An elderly man in a powdered wig came towards them, limping slightly and leaning on an ebony stick. A quantity of snowy lace at his throat and wrists adorned his suit of burgundy cut velvet. The viscount, Drew guessed. He bowed.
‘Lord Whittlewood, your servant, sir. I have brought Miss Salforde to you, before the end of Michaelmas Day, as agreed.’
‘Indeed.’ The viscount returned his bow. ‘I had begun to give up hope. My secretary lost track of you after you left Marlborough.’
‘You did not think to send out a search party to find us?’ asked Drew.
‘I did not. We thought it most likely you had taken Miss Salforde back to the north country.’
Drew’s anger rose at his indifferent tone but before he could speak again Elyse addressed the viscount.
‘I hope Mr Settle is recovered? He was very poorly and we were obliged to go on without him.’
‘He is, quite recovered I believe, and will be relieved to know you are safe.’
‘He has reached Bath, then?’ asked Elyse.
Lord Whittlewood bowed again. ‘He reached us a week since.’
‘Then he was more fortunate than we were,’ said Drew. ‘We had the misfortune to be waylaid on the road. The villains made off with the coach and all our baggage and left me with a bullet in my arm.’
There was a general muttering and expressions of outrage from the gathered assembly, one gentleman in a full-bottomed wig exclaiming, ‘Good heavens, did you not have outriders, sir?’
‘We were travelling as the viscount’s guests,’ Drew responded, watching the viscount carefully. His surprise and displeasure looked genuine enough.
‘That was certainly an error, and one I shall investigate,’ said his lordship, frowning. ‘May I ask when this attack occurred?’
‘On the twenty-first,’ said Elyse. ‘We took refuge at—at a gentleman’s house until Mr Bastion was well enough to travel again.’
The viscount’s cool gaze gave nothing away when he turned to Drew again.
‘And you have managed to keep our agreement and bring my son’s future wife to him, sir. I congratulate you. I know William will want to thank you himself.’
Lord Whittlewood raised one white hand and beckoned towards the throng gathered behind him. A young man stepped out of the crowd and Drew’s stomach lurched with sudden disappointment. No wonder Elyse thought herself in love. The fellow had the classical beauty and bearing of a Greek god.
* * *
Elyse had been unable to see William, who now emerged from the far corner of the room. As she watched him approach she could not suppress her smile of delight. He was every bit as handsome as she remembered, the elegantly styled wig, his wide brow and soft brown eyes, the classical nose and sculpted lips—if anything he look more handsome than when they had last met three years ago. He
came towards her with the same boyish smile that had charmed her from the start.
‘Miss Salforde. Elyse.’ He kissed her fingers. ‘You are even more beautiful than I remember. How can I have kept away from you for so long?’
She was silent, surprised that she wanted to say tartly, Yes, why did you do so?
‘When you did not arrive I thought you had changed your mind about marrying me,’ he continued, gazing into her eyes. ‘I was desolé.’
‘Really?’ she sighed. It was impossible not to melt beneath his blatant admiration. It provided some balm to her wounded spirits.
Lady Whittlewood glided up, the lappets of her exquisite lace cap flowing out behind her as she gently moved her son aside and addressed Elyse.
‘Oh, my dear, what a most shocking tale. To have lost all your baggage, too, you poor child. But what fun we shall have dressing you. La, but you were always a pretty little thing and now you are decidedly a beauty.’ She looked past Elyse and directed a smile at Drew. ‘We are truly most obliged to you, Mr Bastion, for bringing dear Elyse to Bath. You may leave her safely in our care. I would ask you to stay and dine but…’
She trailed off, her glance leaving Drew in no doubt that his attire was quite unsuitable.
He stood his ground.
‘Thank you, my lady, but before I go I would like a few words in private with Lord Whittlewood.’
‘Is it really necessary?’ The viscount glanced over his shoulder at the murmuring group behind him. ‘My lawyer is fully conversant with the settlements. You may talk to him in the morning.’
‘I wish to assure myself upon certain points before leaving Miss Salforde.’ Drew’s reply was smooth but decided.
‘Very well.’ With the faintest of shrugs Lord Whittlewood limped towards the door.
‘I should like to come with you,’ said Elyse. She added, as the viscount raised his brows, ‘I came of age today, my lord. Mr Bastion is no longer my guardian and if he has anything to say that concerns me I should like to hear it.’
William touched her arm. ‘It will be very dull, I am sure. I should much rather you remain here and meet our friends.’
But Elyse would not be moved. Drew recognised the stubborn set to her chin and was not surprised when the viscount capitulated. As they went out the drawing room began to hum with chatter and speculation, even before the door was closed behind them. Drew felt a grim satisfaction that their arrival had certainly not gone unnoticed.
* * *
Lord Whittlewood led the way to a small study on the ground floor and Drew began without preamble.
‘First, my lord, I wish to look over the marriage settlement, to make sure there is no difference between your copy and the one given to me by Mr Salforde.’
‘Would you accuse me of trying to change the agreement?’ asked Lord Whittlewood coldly.
‘Of course not,’ said Drew. ‘But you will appreciate that I am concerned for Miss Salforde’s interests.’
The viscount unlocked a drawer in the small mahogany desk and took out a sheaf of papers. He handed them to Drew, who read through each sheet steadily, then silently handed them back.
‘I trust you are satisfied?’ The viscount moved towards the door. ‘If that is all—’
‘Not quite.’
Lord Whittlewood stared at Drew, who met his eyes coolly. At length the viscount nodded and reluctantly invited his guests to sit down.
‘Now, what else may I do for you, Mr Bastion?’ he asked, lowering himself into a chair. ‘As Miss Salforde said, she is of age now and mistress of her own affairs.’
‘That is correct, but I was a close friend of her late father and retain a certain, er, responsibility for the lady.’
Drew considered his next words carefully. This would not be easy if he was to avoid insulting his host.
‘Miss Salforde’s position is a delicate one. She is alone—’
Lord Whittlewood raised his hand.
‘Settle informed us that Mrs Matthews was indisposed and obliged to remain in Scarborough.’
‘She has broken her arm, my lord,’ explained Elyse.
‘Then we shall hire a chaperon for you until your aunt can join us,’ the viscount told her kindly, before turning his enquiring gaze back to Drew. ‘Is there anything else?’
Drew hesitated. With Elyse present he could not be as frank as he would like. ‘I am aware that the settlements are drawn up very much in Miss Salforde’s favour, including the sum to be paid should your son decide not to marry her. Your letter indicated that you would consider the agreement cancelled if the lady was not with you by today. If I had not been with Miss Salforde when her carriage was attacked…’
Drew let the words hang. Lord Whittlewood was very still and the air around them swirled with tension.
‘I hope you are not implying,’ the viscount began in a voice as quiet as steel, ‘that I was in any way involved in the attack upon you?’
‘Not at all.’ Drew’s response was equally quiet, equally steely. ‘Although you cannot deny that if you had changed your mind about the match, a delay in our reaching Bath would be in your interests.’
‘True, but I would not stoop to highway robbery to achieve my ends.’
‘But you would remove to Bath from London.’
Drew saw from the sudden flash in the viscount’s eyes that he had hit a nerve, but the shutters came down. Lord Whittlewood waved one hand towards his leg.
‘My doctor advised me to take the waters. For my gout.’
‘And not one of your family could remain in London to meet Miss Salforde?’
Drew kept his eyes fixed upon the viscount, whose next breath escaped in a hiss.
‘I confess it occurred to me that Miss Salforde might decide against the match when she reached London and found no one there to receive her, but I was doing no more than taking advantage of an existing situation, not creating one.’
‘If I had not changed my mind in three years, my lord, it is unlikely I would do so because of a further delay of three days,’ put in Elyse.
Lord Whittlewood inclined his head.
‘No, of course not. I beg your pardon, Miss Salforde.’
She pressed on. ‘And you knew nothing of the attack upon us?’
Drew would not have asked such a direct question but he waited silently to hear the answer. The viscount met Elyse’s gaze steadily.
‘I did not, and would not condone such dishonourable conduct.’ He drew himself up in his chair and addressed Drew. ‘Let us be clear—and I have no reluctance for Miss Salforde to hear this—I might regret making this match. From my son’s perspective it is far from ideal, but having put my name to the contract I shall honour it. Miss Salforde may be assured that she will be treated with every courtesy and respect while she remains under my roof. I welcome her now as a daughter.’
Drew studied the viscount intently, listening to his words, watching every gesture, his senses alert for anything that might give him an excuse to challenge him. He had lived on his wits long enough to know when a man was lying and he wanted more than anything in the world to believe this man a villain, but he could not. The worst he knew of Lord Whittlewood was that he was a gambler and that was a national affliction amongst the English. The fellow had made a half-hearted attempt to make Elyse cry off but Drew believed he was sincere when he said he had not been involved in the assault upon their carriage. He could do no more.
‘Then I am satisfied to leave Miss Salforde in your care.’
‘Thank you.’ The viscount sat back and steepled his fingers. ‘My health dictates that I remain in Bath, but to comply with the late Mr Salforde’s wishes the wedding must go ahead at the end of October. We shall therefore make the necessary arrangements at St Michael’s. The wedding will be a quiet affair, since Miss Salforde is still in mourning for her parent. We shall inform you of the exact date, sir, so that you may attend—’
‘Mr Bastion will
not be attending,’ Elyse put in quickly. ‘He is leaving England almost immediately, is that not so, sir?’
Her eyes challenged him to contradict her. Drew inclined his head, as if in agreement. After all, what did it matter? ‘Mr Bastion’ would cease to exist very shortly. He rose from his chair. He had done his duty; Elyse clearly no longer required his services.
‘Thank you, my lord,’ he said. ‘You have addressed my concerns and I will now take my leave of you.’
They went out into the hall, where William Reverson was coming down the stairs.
‘Ah, Miss Salforde, there you are.’ He ran down the last few steps. ‘Mama sent me in search of you. Her dresser is even now looking out some gowns you might wear, at least until she can have new ones made up for you.’ He crossed to Elyse, smiling down at her in a way that set Drew’s hackles rising. ‘I am to take you to her and she will find something suitable for you to wear at dinner.’ He picked up Elyse’s hand and placed it on his sleeve. ‘I shall carry you away now, if your business is finished?’
‘Yes,’ she said quietly. ‘I believe it is.’
The viscount and his son were looking at Drew, who fixed his eyes on Elyse.
‘If Miss Salforde has no further need of me, I shall take my leave.’ No response. He bowed. ‘It only remains for me to wish you joy in your forthcoming marriage, ma’am.’
She curtsied to him, her shuttered face and cold demeanour telling Drew he was not forgiven, nor ever would be. And that was for the best, since she was to marry another man.
Elyse stood in silence, flanked by William and Lord Whittlewood as Drew turned on his heel and walked away from her.
He is going. The words rattled around in her head He is going and I shall never see him again.
She watched him cross the tiled floor, willed him to look back but he kept on, his step swift and steady. A flunkey ran to open the door and he disappeared into the street, leaving her feeling more desolate and bereft than ever before.
Chapter Ten
‘Well, now, here’s a to-do.’
Never Trust a Rebel Page 18