The Billionaire Experience: A Secret Baby Romance

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The Billionaire Experience: A Secret Baby Romance Page 5

by Kara Hart

  Oh. My. God. “You really want to treat me like dirt, don’t you?” I ask him.

  “I want you to be good for me. Once you prove to me you can be good, I’ll make you cum harder than you’ve ever cum before.”

  “I’ve been dreaming about you too,” I say. “I’ve been dreaming of you sneaking into my bedroom while I’m asleep. I imagine you just watching me as I dream, peacefully.”

  “Fuck, you’re making me so hard,” he says.

  “I dream of you hovering over my bed. You’re wearing all black. When I open my eyes, you put your hand over my mouth. ‘Don’t scream,’ you whisper. ‘Don’t make a fucking sound.’ I dream of you scrambling to pull my panties down. You rip them off me as I struggle. You pull my hair when I bite your palm.”

  “Fuck,” he says to himself. “I’m stroking it right now. You want me to take you. Don’t you? Admit it.”

  “I do,” I moan. “After I struggle for a bit, you always shove it inside me. You force my lips open and grab my tits. You use me to your liking. You hold my neck, so I know you’re in control. When I think about it, I always cum instantly. I’m scared, but it’s what I’ve always fantasized about.”

  “And your husband knows this?” he asks me.

  “We’re not together anymore,” I whisper. “I moved out yesterday.”

  “Where are you?” he asks. His breathing is heavy.

  “I’m at a motel. I’m by myself,” I say.

  “I’m coming over,” he says.

  “You don’t know where I am.” I think about him coming over. Part of me really wants it to happen. It’s a tempting fantasy to dive into. However, the other part of me is absolutely terrified. I haven’t been with another man in over six years. Possibly longer, even. “I don’t know if it’s a good idea if I tell you.”

  “Trust me,” he says. “It’s the only option you have right now.”

  “Fuck,” I whisper. I think of how he’ll fuck. I turn red with desire. There’s no guilt inside of me left. I imagine his hips thrusting upward, into me. I’m so wet. It’s absolutely insane.

  “Okay,” I give in. I give him the address and the phone clicks down. There’s no response at all from him, just silence. He’s gone. He hung up the phone.



  I wait for at least three hours. There’s nothing from him. This city isn’t that big. It doesn’t take somebody hours to get somewhere and it’s late at night. There isn’t anybody on the roads. I start to realize that maybe I’ve been stood up. But why?

  I don’t think about it too much. Walker is most likely some cocky Brit who is used to getting what he wants, when he wants. Maybe I just wasn’t a big deal to him. He sees women on a daily basis. I’m just another fish in the sea. I fall asleep to the sound of television infomercials. My dreams are light and fluffy, nice and easy-going.

  I wake up startled when I hear a loud bang. I hear yelling coming from the other room. It quickly stops, but my heart is beating. I moan lightly and close my eyes again, ready to fall back into my peaceful dream world.

  I feel a hand over my ass and I smile. This dream is nice. It feels good and, God, I’ve been so horny lately. It’s invading my subconscious. Slowly, it moves over my round butt, trailing up my back. I shiver lightly and my eyes open.

  Wait a second…

  I quickly flip my body around and try to see in the darkness. Before I can scream for help, a hand falls firmly across my mouth. “Don’t move. Don’t say anything. Just do what I say,” he commands me. Walker. It’s him. He came. And he’s playing out my favorite fantasy. Holy shit.

  His other hand rips my nightgown off. He literally tears the fabric off. I struggle and slap at his arm. I kick at him. I do everything to play along. He leans his whole body weight on me. “I said don’t fucking move,” he whispers. “Don’t worry. This will be quicker than you think.”

  He slides his hand underneath my panties. He feels my wet pussy, throbbing with excitement. With each pulse, I grow wetter, warmer, and softer. This doesn’t last long. He grabs a hold of the soaking cotton panties and pulls them down to my ankles. His hands trail up to my tits. He grabs them and moans loudly.

  This is the boyfriend experience? I have to wonder. Of course, it’s not. This is my own experience, the fantasy of my dreams, and it’s all free.

  I stare up at him. He takes off his shirt and I can’t help but notice how powerful he looks, towering above me like that. His muscles are impeccable. Darrin got so out of shape by the end, but this guy is like straight out of a movie or something.

  He grabs my hips and pulls me closer to him. My eyes are wide open. “I’ll uncover your mouth if you promise not to scream,” he says. “Nod if you understand me.”

  I nod and he releases me. He kisses my stomach and breathes in my scent. “I didn’t think you’d come,” I whisper.

  “I wanted to take you by surprise.” I can see his smile even in the dark. “I know how much you’ve been thinking about it. God, you’re fucking hot.”

  He kisses down to my pelvic bone. His tongue slides out with his lips. He moves lower and lower until he’s face to face with my pussy. He licks my lips and groans wildly. I moan with pleasure, sliding my tongue against the top of my mouth. “You really think so?”

  “Shut up and let me show you,” he says.

  His two fingers slide in and out slowly. He pushes a third one in once I loosen up a little, but it’s a tight fit. His cock is still mysteriously shrouded in his jeans, but I know it’s waiting for me and I have a feeling it’s going to be huge.

  “Mm,” he moans. You taste like chocolate. I can’t wait until you cum.”

  He doesn’t just eat my pussy. He consumes it. His tongue wraps around my clit and his warm breath creates an already hot climate. I’m so wet and I just keep getting wetter. He opens his mouth and sucks down on me. My clit is so stimulated that I begin to feel that aching, buzzing sensation. My toes curl against the bed. My moans grow louder. His sucking and fingering is more intense than ever. His fingers press against the top of my pussy and I can’t understand why Darrin was never this passionate with me.

  The buzzing grows louder inside my head. The vibrating inside my body pushes upward, to the edges of my dripping pussy. He’s so sloppy with me. There’s no part of my pussy that isn’t covered in his saliva. Finally, the bubble bursts inside of me. Wave upon wave of intense pleasure radiates throughout my body. His free hand moves to my neck and he wraps his hand around it firmly, making sure I can still breathe.

  The pleasure inches its way into my very being. “I’m cumming,” I finally manage to say, way after the fact. He doesn’t let up on me, but he lets go of my neck. I breathe in large gulps of air, smiling wide. This is everything I’ve been dreaming of. Hard sex. Passion. Obsessive touching. The things my husband would never give to me.

  I tremble on top of the mattress and watch as he rips off his belt. He throws it in the corner of the room, along with his jeans. He’s not wearing any underwear. “Oh my…” I begin to speak. He just smiles as I grab his cock. For a second, I have to wonder if it’ll even fit. It’s so much bigger than I thought.

  It takes both of my small hands to fit around his length, but my mouth instinctively opens wide for him. He slides the tip into my mouth. My lips press down on him as he moves across my tongue. I taste him and cup his balls, stroking him with my other hand.

  He pushes out from my mouth and says, “Fuck this, I need to be in your pussy. I need you so fucking bad.”

  He picks me up in his arms and places me on my knees. “Use me,” I whisper. “Do what you want to me.”

  I want him to get rough with me. I don’t want him to hold back. I’ve been waiting for him for days now, obsessively thinking about him, and about how he’d fuck. So far, he’s living up to my standards.

  First, he spanks my ass hard. I feel the sting swell up to my throat. Light tears swell up in my eyes. “Yes,” I moan. He spanks me again. This time, I’ve almost gott
en used to the pain. It starts to feel good. I feel it in my pussy, like a desire that can’t be fulfilled. I cling to it, waiting for it to burst open into another orgasm. “Again,” I whisper. His hand falls flat on my ass. I turn my head and watch as it bounces.

  He grabs the thick of my hair and pulls it back into a ponytail. “My pretty girl,” he says. “So beautiful. So fragile. I’m going to teach you what it’s like to be a woman.”

  I can’t begin to describe the feelings that are running through my head right now. He’s so fucking sexy that it blows my mind. He pulls my hair back harder now and I feel the tip of his cock push against my lips. He spits downward and I feel his spit now too, dripping into my hole.

  I open up for him the more turned on I get. His cock pushes through my lips and after a few tries, he’s finally inside me. We both moan so loud that I’m sure everyone can hear us. He keeps a firm grip on my hair, while also feeling my tits. He’s bending down, overtop me, and his whole body is close to him.

  He kisses my cheek by pulling my head up to his. “So beautiful,” he moans. His thought seems to hang onto him, clawing into him until he can’t take it any longer. Our lips crush together and he tastes so fucking good. His tongue moves against mine and his cock grows harder. He keeps feeling my body. He adores it. He kisses every part of it. I can’t take it.

  He thrusts into me, hard and methodical. He lets go of my hair to feel more of me. Eventually, he grows tired of exploring. He sticks to the mission at hand, conquest. I want him to conquer me. I shouldn’t want him to go as far as we talked about on the phone, but I do.

  Both hands grip around my waist as he takes control of my body. “That’s right,” he moans. He holds onto my flesh, pumping his cock inside of me. As he fucks me and pulls back, so do my lips. We stick to each other and slide against our passions.

  He begins to move faster. Harder, he thrusts his cock into my pussy. “I love your lips,” he says, staring at my pussy. “Your cunt… I love its color. The dark pink hue, the way your lips are shaped. You’re so fucking sexy to me. You’re unlike any woman I’ve ever met before.”

  “I want you to cum inside of me,” I admit. “But you need to wear a condom. They’re in the drawer.” Maybe it’s awkward, but I’m also a responsible human being. I’m not going to fuck up on this one. If he wants to go all the way, he’ll have to play by my rules.

  He plays the game well. He quickly puts the condom on and lays me flat on my back, gentle as ever. “I want to put a baby inside you,” he says, playing along with our phone call earlier. “I want to fill you with my cum.”

  “Give it to me. I want you to cum so bad, Walker. I want to please you,” I say. I’m so turned on. He’s staring me in the eyes like he’s dreamed of me, like I’ve been on his mind for days. He really wants this. A girl can tell.

  He begins pounding against me with sheer force I didn’t expect. He holds me down as he endlessly thrusts. The sound of his cock pushing inside me, his balls slapping my ass, and his skin smacking against mine, sends me into the throes again. I’m cumming and trying to hold onto him as his hands hold me down firmly.

  “Oh, fuck,” he moans. “Erica.”

  He moves slower, but the intensity is still there. His cock seems to swell and grow, until it begins to move up and down rapidly. In fact, his whole body pulsates erratically. I feel it. I can feel his cum. He thrusts one last time, hard, and he’s fully inside of me, as deep as he can go.

  “Yes, baby!” I moan. He kisses my face and bites my bottom lip, pulling back.

  “Fuck,” he slides out and throws the condom into the trash. He feels my pussy with his hand, lightly squeezing it together. “You don’t understand how bad I wanted that.”

  “Shut up,” I laugh, brushing him off. But I admit, “You don’t either.”

  We stare at each other for a while, until we’re kissing like crazy teenagers. We’re kissing and touching each other, and exploring each other’s bodies. The whole room is about the same temperature as hell and about as sinful too. Just the way I like it. I feel his muscles and kiss each ripple of ab.

  He’s perfect, truly perfect. And tonight, he’s all mine.



  I have to tell her. I have to tell her the truth of my situation: I won’t be around much longer. Now, that they’ve found me, I need to leave. I need to go home and face what I started.

  “I have to leave in a few days,” I finally say, as we’re laying in bed in the darkness.

  “Where are you going?” she asks me with a look of confusion in her eyes. She seems hurt and I don’t blame her. I fucked up on this one. It’s just that I needed her badly. I still do.

  I’m going to sell my house, my car, and everything I own. I’m going to face Hawk and determine my next move. He’s going to be more than angry. I’ve seen his torturous ways before. I’ve seen the way he dealt with the others. I was always smarter than them. However, everyone’s luck eventually runs out sooner or later.

  “Back to London,” I lie. “Back to the city and my mum. She’s sick and can’t afford a nurse at home.”

  “You’re leaving to London?” she’s stunned. “You’re joking, right?” She tries to laugh, but it’s obvious that I’m not joking.

  “Oh, I don’t want to leave,” I groan and wrap my arms around her. “But I have to. What else can I do?”

  “You’re filthy rich,” she laughs. “Just fly her overseas.”

  “It’s not that simple,” I say, kissing the top of her head. She thinks I’m a total fucking cunt right now. She’s right, of course. I’m an asshole. I knew all along I would have to leave eventually. But I couldn’t let her get away. She’s the most gorgeous woman I’ve ever laid eyes on. It’s maddening.

  “My mum,” I continue. “She’s a little old fashioned, you see? She’s lived in the same flat for over forty years. She’s not leaving anytime soon. She told me she’d rather die than leave, Erica.”

  She sits there with a sour look on her face. “Okay,” she says, turning away from me. “I hope your mother starts to feel better.”

  I don’t know if my mother is alive or dead. It’s been a lifetime since I’ve seen her. I’m a horrible person. I can’t believe I hurt this angel like this. I wish I could make things right, but I can’t. This is just how the cards were dealt.

  “Come now,” I whisper. “We have tonight. We’ll always have tonight.”

  “Yeah, but,” she starts, but then just ends up sighing loudly. “Forget it.”

  “What? Tell me,” I plead.

  “It’s just that,” she gives a frustrated noise, unable to articulate what she’s feeling. I already understand her. “I thought maybe we could do this again. You know, like, maybe we could go out somewhere.”

  “You told me you didn’t want to. You said you were married, remember?” I think about the time with her in the bathroom. It was so hot to see her trembling with fear over me.

  “I was being stupid,” she says. She turns back around. “I’m getting divorced, Walker. I’m happy about it. I just thought you might have wanted to see me one last time.”

  “I do,” I say. I actually do. I’m not lying anymore. I wanted to take her out, to spoil her to no end, and spank her ass silly. Now, because of Hawk, I won’t be able to indulge. It’s bullshit, as they say here. “I really like you, Erica.”

  “Then stay. Don’t leave me here,” she says. “I hate this place. If you leave, I’ll leave too. I’ll go up north somewhere. I’ll go to Canada.”

  I kiss her body and move closer to her. “I’m sorry for everything,” I say. “But I’ll be back. And when I am, I’ll find you.”

  “What about your phone? Do you have an email? There was an email on the card, right?” she asks.

  “I won’t be able to talk too much out there. Besides, the boyfriend experience is over,” I sigh. “For now at least. It was a good run. I made some damn good money. But don’t you think it was a little funny of a job? I couldn’t keep
going out with these sad women after I’ve met you. It would feel too wrong.”

  She doesn’t even know what to say. She just lies there, stiff. “Whatever,” she finally says. “I don’t care.”

  “I’ll find you,” I say again. “I promise.”

  “Just lay with me,” she finally says. “Hold me.”

  I wrap my warm body around her. I feel her ass push back, against me. She holds my arms and I’m stuck with one fact. This is the greatest night of my life.



  When I wake up, he’s already gone. I had a feeling he would be, anyway. The curtain on the window is blowing against the A/C. It’s freezing in here and I’m over everything right now.

  I climb out of bed and walk over to the dresser. He left a note at least. “Erica, I never meant to hurt you like this. All I wanted was one night with you, but I quickly realized that one night is not enough,” he writes. “Even if you don’t believe me, I will come back. You may be with somebody else. You may move on. There are other men besides me out there. But that won’t matter. I’ll still try. Right now, things aren’t working for me here. It has nothing to do with you. I hope you believe me. Yours, Walker.”

  “Bastard,” I mutter under my breath.

  I feel low, like I’m not worth anything. Is he telling the truth? I have every reason not to believe a guy like him. I don’t know what it is, but I have this idea that maybe he was just doing me a favor. Is it possible that he played out my every fantasy, just to be nice and get out of paying off my damn car?

  It doesn’t matter, I suppose. My life is over, anyway. I have no place to go back to. No man. No home. I have a car, but it’s not even technically mine. I don’t have a job anymore. I’ve really made the best decisions this past week. I look at my motel room and sigh. This is all I have. At least it’s four walls.

  I fall back on the bed and groan. I look at the counter next to the right side and I see a briefcase. “Shit,” I laugh. “He forgot his briefcase.” However, it’s a bit weird. I don’t remember him even having one to begin with. I grab the handle and pull it toward me.


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