A Clean Sweep [Suncoast Society] (Siren Publishing Sensations)

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A Clean Sweep [Suncoast Society] (Siren Publishing Sensations) Page 25

by Tymber Dalton

  Shayla hugged Essie. “I’m sure I’m wanted inside, too. See you in a few.” She followed the other women inside.

  Ross smiled down at her. “Nervous?”

  “Yeah. Which is weird because I’m married to them. Well, one of them.”

  He offered her his arm. “My instructions are to wait for the music to start before I bring you in. And that should be any minute now that you’re here.

  Sure enough, less than a minute later, she heard the strains of violins start.

  “That’s our cue.”

  He escorted her through the door and into the space. The lights had been dimmed, candlelight illuminating the large room in a soft, flickering glow.

  Loren stood under an arbor that had been decorated with gauzy, light blue fabric. Mark, Josh, and Ted stood there, dressed in formal tuxes and smiling so widely she thought their faces might break.

  They get their wedding.

  On the floor in front of the men was a large, black satin pillow. Essie held on to Ross all the way down the center aisle formed by chairs on either side. She noticed Tilly was actually standing with a couple of people, off to the side, an angry look on her face and the roll of duct tape around her wrist like a funky bracelet as she seemed to scan the gathered audience.

  When Essie and Ross reached where her men were standing, Ross patted her on the arm before helping her kneel on the pillow and then taking his seat in the front row next to Tony and Shayla.

  Loren gave everyone a big smile. “Welcome, friends and adopted family. We’re here tonight for a celebration, as witnesses to a collaring. The men have written their vows and will read them as they pledge their bond to their woman. Sometimes, we get hung up on labels when all that matters is the people they’re stuck on. Master, Dom, slave, submissive, just labels people pick for themselves. Labels, like—”

  “Dry-clean only!” someone called out, making people laugh.

  “Goddammit, Gilo!” Tilly yelled as she bolted through the audience, practically climbing over people. “That’s it. I fucking warned you the last time.”

  Now everyone roared in laughter as, on the other side of the room, Landry and Cris stepped in front of the escapee, blocking his path while the distinctive riiiip of duct tape being pulled off the roll followed as Tilly closed in.

  Loren, as well as Essie’s men, seemed unphazed. Mark leaned in and whispered, “It’s not his first offense.”


  Once Loren got the room settled and Tilly apparently had the offender bound in a Hello Kitty duct tape hog-tie, Loren continued. “Labels, like lover and loved above all, are all that matters. In this case, one husband, but they all have the last name, so who cares? And now, these men shall state their cases as to why they want this woman to wear their collar.”

  Mark stepped forward first, a smile on his face. “I’ve known you since high school. We parted ways, but I never forgot you in my heart. Maybe it was better this way, for me to find out more about myself, for you to learn who you were. Maybe this was the greater plan of whatever universal powers there might be, that we grow and learn before we finally come together.”

  There was a muffled comment off to the side from the audience, followed by the sound of a slap as Tilly belted Gilo.

  “Ow,” the duct-taped offender clearly said even through his gag.

  “Warned you,” Tilly darkly muttered.

  Essie closed her eyes and tried not to laugh, failing miserably, as did most of the room.

  When it settled again, Mark continued. “I know who I am now, and what I want. More importantly, I know who I want. I want you. Regardless of how you want to label yourself, even if at some point you only want the title of wife and lover, I’m okay with that. As long as you’re by my side and we keep growing, together, as a couple. In front of all these people, I ask if you will please take and wear our collar, as a symbol of our love, our oath to you, and our promise to always walk by your side.”

  “Do you accept?” Loren asked her.

  Now Essie had to blink away tears. She nodded. “Yes, I accept.”

  Josh went next. “I know this happened fast, but I also know how right it felt from the very beginning. To find someone so perfect not just for me, but for us, is like it was really meant to be. I swear to you, I will always be faithful, will always have faith in you, will never lie to you. I will walk beside you for the rest of our lives together. And I ask in front of all these people, will you please take and wear our collar, as a symbol of our love and faith, our hopes and dreams, our future and forever together.”

  “Do you accept?” Loren asked her.

  Essie nodded. “Yes, I accept.”

  Ted smiled down at her. “I’ve been lonely a long time. I didn’t know how lonely I was until I met you. And then I realized that if I thought I was lonely before I met you, it’d be a thousand times worse if I ever lost you. I swear to you I will live the rest of my life proving to you that your faith in me, and in all a three of us, is not misplaced. And in front of all these people, I ask if you will please take and wear our collar, as a symbol of that never-ending vow we make to you today to never do anything to make you lose faith in us.”

  “Do you accept?” Loren asked.

  “Yes, I accept.”

  Loren handed Ted a pink velvet bag. He and Josh took out a shiny stainless collar, a piece of metal joined by a smooth hinge at the side. On the front, a ring was fastened to it. Josh used a thin rod to push a magnetic pin out of the side of the collar, opening it so Ted could place it around her neck.

  “We get to do this since he got the ring,” Josh teased.

  The metal felt cool at first, quickly warming to her flesh.

  “This is your formal collar,” Ted said. “We don’t expect you to wear this every day. However, your day collar is something you will wear every day.”

  Loren handed Josh a jeweler’s box. From it, he withdrew a gold necklace with a heart-shaped locket hanging from it. On the back they’d had all four of their initials engraved, theirs surrounding hers.

  Josh carefully fastened it around her neck. “This is your day collar. Unless you’re in the shower or in a situation where it could get lost, you will wear it unless we’ve said otherwise. Understand?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Mark smiled down at her. “And lastly, as your owners, we want to mark that pretty ass of yours in front of everyone so they can see who you belong to. Three strokes each from a cane. Do you accept?”

  Of course she was going to accept, because she was already so horny she could barely see straight due to the butt plug. “Yes, Sir.”

  “Ask for it,” Ted prompted.

  “Sir, please mark my ass in front of everyone so they can see who owns me.”

  Mark held out a hand to her and helped her stand. “Such a good girl,” he said. “Bend over.”

  She’d thought they were going to take her over to one of the benches.

  She’d thought wrong.

  Loren handed a rattan cane to Ted, who passed it to Josh. “You get first honors.”

  Mark and Ted steadied her while Josh lifted the hem of her dress and draped it over her back. “Good girl,” he said. “You did put it in. Ted owes me ten bucks. He said he bet you wouldn’t.”

  “Dammit, sweetheart, you cost me ten bucks,” Ted joked. “That’s an extra cane stroke for you.”

  She laughed. “Yes, Sir.” She was in a no-win situation with them.

  And she wouldn’t change a thing about it. She knew she could safeword at any time and they’d stop.

  So far, they hadn’t given her a reason to want to make them stop.

  Josh kept one hand on her back as he gave her three quick and actually not-too-painful cane strokes. She wasn’t sure if he was holding back or her ass had toughened from her morning spankings.

  Then they switched places, Ted taking his turn—including the extra stroke—while Josh and Mark steadied her.

  And then Mark.

  When Mark fi
nished, he lowered the hem of her dress and they helped her straighten.

  Loren smiled. “Everyone, except Gilo, who’s now hogtied for the evening, is welcomed to enjoy refreshments before playing.” She started clapping for them, which got the audience clapping.

  Her men gathered close, sexy evil gleams in their eyes. “Ready to eat, sweetheart?” Mark asked.

  “Ready to be eaten, Sir.”

  Josh laughed. “That’s our girl.”

  * * * *

  She was afraid they might tie her down to a bench and do orgasm play on her there after the ceremony, but they didn’t.

  It wasn’t that she didn’t want them to do it to her, but a few days earlier she’d sneezed while they were playing with her and the butt plug shot out and smacked Josh in the thigh.

  Once the men had stopped laughing about it and helped her clean up, Josh had playfully given her five swats with his bare hand in return.

  She really didn’t want a repeat of that here tonight in front of witnesses.

  Once they got her home, however, and in the master bedroom they all now shared, it was clear what their plan was.

  Good hard fucking.

  They used rope to tie her up on the bed, on her back, knees to her chest, butt plug still in place.

  Señor Hitachi was called into action. As Mark knelt between her legs first, he smiled and held up the vibrator. “Olé.”

  She’d started to laugh, but then he switched it on high and pressed it between her legs as he buried his cock inside her pussy.

  Her laughter turned to moans.

  “Good girl,” he said. “Just let it happen.”

  Josh and Ted stretched out next to her, playing with her nipples. “I think nipple clamps are in your future,” Ted told her. “The kind we can adjust. So when you get used to them, we can tighten them.”

  She whimpered, jolts of pleasure washing through her, her orgasm rapidly approaching.

  “That’s it, baby,” Mark encouraged. “Come on my cock.”

  Aaaand there it was. She let out a moan as he fucked her, hard and fast to find his own release and fill her with his cum.

  Breathless, he passed the vibrator to Josh and switched places. “Next.”

  She’d barely caught her breath. “My pleasure.” Josh held the vibrator against her clit, smiling as she started whining immediately. “What’s wrong, baby?”

  “Please make me come again, Sir.”

  “Of course.” He slid his cock into her, deep, hard, fast. They knew the week had worn her out and weren’t going to drag tonight out. It didn’t take Josh long to add his load of cum to her pussy.

  Then it was Ted’s turn. He held the buzzing vibrator just above her swollen clit. “Last one of the night, baby. Then you can go take that butt plug out.” He pressed it against her flesh, grinning when she let out a loud moan as her orgasm swept through her.

  “There you go.” He fed his cock into her cunt, following suit, a quick, hard, deep fuck she knew would get him off fast, his balls slapping against her ass with every thrust. Once he’d come, he switched the vibrator off and she was finally able to catch her breath. She closed her eyes as they untied her, and, one by one, kissed her.

  “Love you,” Mark told her. “Always, baby.”

  “Love you, too.”

  Josh stroked her cheek, a sated smile curving his lips. “Love you, too, baby.”

  “Love you.”

  Ted was last, helping her sit up before kissing her. “Love you always.”

  “Love you, too.”

  They helped her into the bathroom, helped her clean up, and then they all collapsed into bed together.

  Snuggled tightly between Mark and Ted since Josh had been next to her the night before, she began quickly drifting to sleep.

  A stray, random thought made her snort with laughter.

  “What’s so funny, sweetheart?” Ted mumbled, his voice already thick with sleep.

  “Dry-clean only,” she said, snickering. “That was pretty funny.”

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Essie held out the box of tissues toward the tearful woman, who gratefully took two of them. “Just start wherever you want,” Essie gently said.

  Roberta Foss nodded as she blew her nose. “I couldn’t take it anymore. I kicked him out and filed for divorce. Then the next morning, I’ve got an inspector at my front door threatening to take my kids.”

  The woman looked angry. Rightfully so. “I caught the bastard cheating on me. It’s his mess I have to clean up, and he calls the state on me? Bastard.” She blew her nose again. “He always threatened if I tried to leave him that he’d take the kids from me. I guess this was always his plan. Asshole. I was trying to wait until my youngest was eighteen, but I can’t stand it anymore. I want my life back.”

  Essie glanced over at Mark and Ted, who stood in the doorway and nodded encouragingly at her to go on. “Where are your children now?” Essie asked.

  This was her sixth case with the men, but the first one she’d dealt with where child custody issues came into play.

  “With my mom. We’re staying there, so they said I can keep the girls with me. But I have to get that shit out of my house! He was always the one who brought it in. He’d yell at me any time I tried to get rid of it or clean. And between the divorce attorney and everything else, I don’t have a lot of money.”

  “It’s okay. We’ll worry about that part later. And if you want to let the production company film this, we can have them underwrite part of the expenses.”

  She stared at Essie for a moment. “They’d be around all the time, right? If he tries something, it’d be on camera?” The woman sounded almost hopeful.

  “Well, yes. He’d have to sign a waiver to appear on camera, but if you’ve got a court order keeping him off the property, he couldn’t come onto it anyway.”

  “I want that bastard on film. If he says anything, I could use it as evidence against him in the divorce to prove what he tried, couldn’t I?”

  This was over her head. She sent Ted a pleading look. He stepped into the room.

  “Mrs. Foss, we’re not a mediation firm. We can assure you our people will keep you safe during filming, and if he does try to get violent with you, you’ll have plenty of witnesses to it. We can also arrange for security during filming. But I would ask that you keep your children away from the property while we’re doing the cleanout as a safety precaution.”

  “Oh, believe me, they will be. They’ve been scared of their father for years. They’re sixteen and fifteen.” She turned back to Essie. “They told the judge at the emergency hearing my lawyer got for us that they’re afraid of their father and that they didn’t want him around any longer. I feel horrible I stayed as long as I did. I should have gotten out of there. But that house was mine before I met him. Why should I have left it? And then he basically trashed it. I never should have put up with it.”

  Roberta blew her nose yet again. Essie suspected they were the first people she’d really been able to discuss her problems with other than her attorney. “I just want a clean sweep,” she softly told them. “I want it gone. Me and my kids, we deserve a chance to be happy. Is that too much to ask?”

  Essie reached out and touched her hand. “No, it’s not too much to ask. And we’re going to help you. I promise.”

  Essie shifted a little in her seat, the butt plug the men had ordered her to wear that morning digging in.

  Ted caught her eye and winked, knowing exactly what she was doing. Heat flooded her face. Ten months since the wedding, and she had no regrets.

  None whatsoever.




  Tymber Dalton lives in the Tampa Bay region of Florida with her husband (aka “The World’s Best Husband™”) and too many pets. Active in the BDSM lifestyle, the two-time EPIC winner is also the bestselling author of over fifty-five books, including The Reluctant Dom, The Denim Dom, Cardinal’s Rule, the Sunc
oast Society series, the Love Slave for Two series, the Triple Trouble series, the Coffeeshop Coven series, the Good Will Ghost Hunting series, and many more.

  She loves to hear from readers! Please feel free to drop by her website and sign up for updates to keep abreast of the latest news, views, snarkage, and releases. (Don’t forget to look up her writing alter egos Lesli Richardson, Tessa Monroe, and Macy Largo.)




  For all titles by Tymber Dalton, please visit


  Siren Publishing, Inc.





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