An Unexpected Return

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An Unexpected Return Page 5

by Jessica E. Subject

  She shuddered, her stomach threatening to depart with its contents. She couldn’t stay in this room any longer. No, she had to leave.

  The man swung off the table and sauntered toward his bed, stroking his shaft as he went. “You coming?”

  Backing away, she tripped over her appointment bag. I can’t do this.

  She regained her balance before she fell, and raced for the door. Nothing could make her stay. Waiting for the door to open, she realized she’d left her bag behind. She considered returning for it. No! You won’t need it again. Get out!

  Escaping into the corridor, she fled for Aris’s room.

  “Adamo, get back here.”

  Peering over her shoulder, she cringed as the man stood outside his room in the buff, shaking his fists. How had she thought she could handle going from one man like him to another, star cycle after star cycle? Even without Aris, she would need to settle down, for that’s what she’d desired all along.

  Out of breath, she slid her card through the reader to Aris’s suite. If he asked her to leave now, she would. She had to get away from this life, this planet. Leave it all behind.

  The door opened, revealing an empty room. She went farther inside. Maybe she’d find him in the shower. She’d join him and wash away all signs of the other man. But Aris had left. Even his bag was missing.

  Dropping to the bed, she grabbed the pillow, which still retained Aris’s scent. She pulled it into her chest as sobs wracked her body. He’d abandoned her.

  But why? Why had he changed his mind, decided he didn’t want a Terran girl like her?

  The world spun around her. She couldn’t go on like this, refusing to take clients or become a Mistress. No, that option ended when she’d walked out of her last appointment. But without Aris, she had nothing.

  Help me!

  She sucked in a breath. Kalara?

  Her mentor’s cry came again.

  The door to the suite burst open. Jacobus stood in front of her, his eyes bulging, his hair and clothes a frenzied mess. “Your client, he’s mad, but, oh gods…. Xia, it’s Kalara. There’s been an accident. We need to get to the hospes.”

  She wiped her eyes, then leaped from the bed. Nothing meant more to her now than the woman who’d raised her. Besides Jacobus, she had no one else. She never had. “What happened?”

  “An oroke. It stampeded through the streets…knocked her over. She smashed her head. Oh, gods.”

  If she took the time to comfort Jacobus, she would break down, too. Grabbing his hand, she bounded down the stairs and raced outside. As she ran, she tried to mind-speak with Kalara, but once again failed. With so many tourists around, they had to dodge to the alleyways to reach the hospes faster.

  The large minnica spire of the hospes loomed in front of her. The building was usually filled with tourists who pushed their bodies past their limits. What condition would she find Kalara in? Would she lose someone else she loved? With Jacobus still too distraught to tell her anything, she had to get in there and find out for herself.

  Nutrix rushed through the halls, traveling from patient to patient. In the waiting room sat Adamos, soothing those worried about patients.

  “Are you Xia?”

  She spun toward the firm, female voice. “I am.”

  “Follow me then.” Dressed in blue scrubs, the nutrix opened the sealed doors, ushering Xia in to the world beyond. Patients lay in beds attached to various tubes and monitors. The sexual energy zinging around the rest of the planet failed to penetrate this space.

  Coming to an abrupt halt, the nutrix glared at Jacobus. “I told you last time, sir, you are not recorded as family and therefore must wait outside.”

  His frenzied gaze turned hard and focused. He gripped Xia’s hand with more strength than she’d expected from him. Through clenched jaws, he spoke. “This woman is my wife. I am her husband. Just ask our daughter here.”

  Husband? Daughter? What’s going on?

  The nutrix fixed her steely stare upon her. “Is he your father?”

  Even given the seriousness of the situation, the question struck her as funny and she stifled a laugh. They believed her, a Terran, to be the daughter of an Elatian Adamo Mistress, but would not believe Kalara to have an Elatian husband, another Adamo at that?

  At the same time, were the two of them really married? That would explain why Jacobus frequented their house, only leaving to spend his nights elsewhere if Kalara had clients. But why hadn’t they told her?


  Getting to Kalara her main focus, Xia eyed the nutrix. And Jacobus had as much right to be with her as she did. “Yes, he’s my father. They adopted me after my parents abandoned me.”

  Setting on her way again, the nutrix called over her shoulder. “Well then, let’s go.”


  Aris slammed his fist against the desk. “Where is Xia?”

  Two men stared back at him, the Elatian man who’d booked his original appointment with her, and the Mikashe he’d seen her follow into his suite not long ago.

  “I’d like to know the same thing, since she walked out on me.” The Mikashe glared at him. “You’re going to have to wait in line, buddy. She still owes me a blow job.”

  Aris saw only red and slammed his fist into the Mikashe’s nose. The man slapped his hands to his face, blood now spewing down his arms.

  “Gentlemen!” the Elatian cried. “There’s no need for violence. This is a peaceful planet.”

  Aris pivoted toward him. “I don’t care if that is her job. No one talks about my wife-to-be like that.”

  “Ah, so you’re the guy she’s turning down clients for?” The Elatian man strolled over and shook his hand, squeezing hard at the same time. “You’d better treat her right.”

  He clenched his jaw. “I will, but I can’t find her. She went into that man’s room, and I haven’t seen her since.”

  “Well, she walked out on me.” Accepting a towel from the Elatian, the Mikashe held it to his nose and inched closer. “She was just about to give me a…she’d just finished my massage when she left the room crying, and never came back.”

  Gods, had she gone back to the room and found it empty? She’d think he abandoned her. How could he have been so irrational? This was her job, after all. She’d sworn she’d leave with him after tonight. But where could she have run off to? “Well, where is she?”

  The Elatian ignored him, dealing with the other man. “I’ll give you a full refund and find you a replacement, on the house. She’ll clean you up and tend to your needs. Go back to your room and she’ll be there shortly.”

  When the Mikashe left, the other man sighed. “She’s at the hospes. Her mother was in an accident.” Then he walked out of the room.

  “And where is that?” Aris called after him. But his question went unanswered.

  She must be a wreck right now. First I’m not there for her, and then she finds out about her mother….

  Aris sprinted from the building. He would comb the entire planet to find her. He’d vowed he wouldn’t leave without her by his side. And with his parents now on Elatia, he had even more reason to find her as soon as possible.

  Chapter Ten

  “There appears to be no swelling,” the nutrix said, her voice much softer than before. “But we’d like to keep her overnight for observation. She’s awake, and we need her to stay that way, so if you see her drifting off, please let us know, immediately.”

  Xia nodded and entered the room, followed by Jacobus. Kalara grinned at them, but Xia could not return the sentiment, only hide her gasp. The woman’s once-perfect golden skin sported cuts and bruises on every exposed inch.

  Jacobus rushed to her side, wrapping his arms around her and kissing her forehead. But Xia stood in the same spot. So much had happened since she’d last seen her mother, and yet, nothing had changed. Or maybe everything had.

  “Come here, sweetie.” Kalara motioned for her to step closer. “There’s something Jacobus and I need to tell you.”

  She inched toward the bed, fearful of causing the woman any more damage if she got too close. “First, please tell me you’re all right.”

  “A little banged up and sore, but I’ll live.”

  With a sigh of relief, Xia responded to her mother’s smile with one of her own. She sat on the edge of the bed, while Jacobus sat on the chair by the bed, and taking careful measures, embraced the woman who had raised her. At least I have you.

  Kalara stroked her face. “I’m sorry you had to find out this way. We meant to tell you earlier.”

  Vices gripped her stomach. “Find out what?” As if the day hadn’t been bad enough.

  Jacobus chuckled, taking her hand. “That Kalara and I are married.”

  She drew in a quick breath. “Really? You mean you didn’t just make that up to get in here?”

  He shook his head. “No, I didn’t make the story up. We’ve only been married for a week, though, and we haven’t yet changed our emergency contact documents.”

  “But how? Why? What about your clients?” With everything that had happened with Aris, she didn’t expect to be filled with joy, but she couldn’t help but be happy for them.

  Kalara reached for Jacobus, and he stood beside her. “We trained together, were each other’s first sexual experience, and kept in contact over the years.”

  Her mother grinned up at him. “It got to the point where no matter how many clients we tended to, we could only think of each other.”

  “I managed to find a teaching position first,” Jacobus said.

  “And now that I’ve found other Adamos for all of my regular clients, I will be joining him in the classroom.” Kalara brushed her hand over the front of his pants.

  Perhaps the motion should have made Xia uncomfortable, yet she could only think of Aris at the moment.

  “That’s great!” She tried to share in their excitement, but her loss hit her hard and fast, like a wall of cold water. Her bottom lip trembled.

  Kalara embraced her, holding her head against her chest. “I’m so sorry. I wanted you to be there, to have your blessing, but you seemed so involved with your new client, I—”

  “I’ll let you two talk.” Jacobus left the room.

  “I’m really sorry, Xia. I didn’t mean to upset you.”

  “No, it’s not that.” A sob tore through her body. “It’s just that…Aris…he asked me to marry him. And then he left me.” Her heart ripped all over again.

  She bawled, seeking comfort in her mother’s arms. Even though the woman had not birthed her, Kalara had been her one constant.

  “There, there, sweetie. I know it hurts, but I don’t think he meant to hurt you.”

  What? She pulled away. “He left me.”

  “No, I didn’t.”

  She spun around. Her heart stopped. “Aris?”

  Jacobus stepped in the room behind him. “Look who I found in the waiting room.”

  While she wanted to run into Aris’s arms, she remained cautious. “You didn’t leave?”

  He reached out for her. “No. I thought about it, but I couldn’t. I love you too much. I was just so confused when I saw you with that man.”

  Pangs of guilt returned. “But I didn’t—”

  He closed the gap between them, pressing his finger to her lips. “I know.” Leaning down, he kissed her, transporting her into a world where only the two of them existed.

  A throat cleared near them, yanking her back to reality. Her cheeks warmed. “Sorry. I guess I should introduce everyone.”

  “Aris, this is Kalara and Jacobus, my parents.” She pivoted toward the couple who had raised her as their own. “I’d like you to meet Aristides, the man I’m going to marry.”

  Aris reached out to shake their hands. “It’s a pleasure to meet you. Thank you for raising such a wonderful young woman, and I ask you to give us your blessing to be married.”

  Her jaw dropped. She’d never expected this to happen, for him to be so formal about meeting her family and getting married. No, she’d hoped to elope, just as Kalara and Jacobus had.

  “I have a good feeling about you,” Kalara said. “I know you will treat her well.”

  Jacobus stepped forward, clasping Aris’s shoulder. “But if you don’t, I will hunt you down.”

  Aris winced. “Duly noted.”

  “Now go.” Kalara flicked her hands motioning them to leave. “Get on with your lives and be happy.”

  What? “But you’re in the hospes. I can’t just leave you here like this.”

  “I’ll be fine.” She reached for Jacobus, staring up at him with complete adoration. “I have my husband here to take care of me. Besides, I believe you have another family to meet.”

  “Yes, you do.” Aris scooped her up in his arms, making her head spin. “And I’m afraid, sooner than later.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Surveying the street before him, Aris sighed with relief. His family was nowhere to be seen. Could he get back to Tyto without them finding him, or would they discover his whereabouts before he had the chance? He inspected the view once more before setting Xia down and holding her hand. They had to reach his PSTV at the edge of Havmiola as quickly as possible. If they made it to Tyto, surely his parents wouldn’t turn her away.

  “How do you think they’re going to react when you bring me to meet them?” She chewed her lip and clasped his hand tight. “I mean, our cultures have been enemies for ages. What if they don’t approve?”

  The same thoughts had rolled around in his head during their entire time together, but he couldn’t let her worry. He’d remain by her side, no matter what. “They’re going to love you, because I love you. Nothing else matters.”

  He raced with her, hand in hand through the streets, toward his waiting spacecraft. He finally had his love, and he would never let her go. After so many star cycles, he could finally be happy living on Tyto.

  “Well, well, well, look who I ran into again.”

  He came to a grinding halt and grasped Xia so she wouldn’t fall over.

  Madelia stood in their path, her arms crossed and feet spread apart. “And toting a Terran woman, none the less. What are your parents going to say about this?”

  Xia tucked herself behind him.

  He sucked in a sharp breath. “What do you want this time?”

  “Hmm, let’s see. How about revenge?” His former betrothed smirked. “Because, as much as I am unbelievably happy with Ben, you still set me up. I would have gone along with your plan had I known, but no, you didn’t trust me. And now I’m going to make you squirm.”

  Xia whimpered as Madelia pulled her out into the open.

  “Honestly, Aris, I didn’t expect you to consort with the enemy.” She circled his lover, examining her. “I hope you’re completely in love with him, because your life is about to take an unexpected twist. Trust me.”

  He couldn’t stand the way Madelia glared at Xia, and he clasped his future wife by the shoulders. “Madelia, I’d like you to meet Xia. She is the woman who finally captured my heart, the woman I’m going to marry.”

  Xia relaxed against him.

  Madelia whistled, halting all movement on the street. “Oh, Thornton! Please bring the king and queen here. I’ve found the prince.”

  Eyebrows furrowed, he clenched his fists. “You wouldn’t.”

  She grinned. “I just did. No one messes with me and gets away with it.”

  Aris willed his feet to move, to escape his parents’ scrutiny, even for Xia to pull him away, but they both stood frozen to the spot.

  With his gaze on the approaching entourage, bile rose in his stomach. Oh shit.


  His parents had refused to talk on the street—everyone around them had halted, expecting a confrontation—but instead, the royals waited for her and Aris inside an elegant minnica palace, one she’d never had the opportunity to visit.

  Xia followed Aris toward the great hall, dragging her feet, trying to delay meeting his parents. Even wit
h his words of reassurance, the tension in his body revealed his misgivings.

  What if the king and queen of Tyto disapproved of her? Would Aris bow under their condemnation and leave her on Elatia? She hoped not, but couldn’t be certain. At least she would always have Kalara and Jacobus.

  Aris ground to a stop. “We’re here.” He grasped her hands in his. “No matter what happens in the next few minutes, I will always love you. If we can’t be together on Tyto, we will stay here, go elsewhere. I will never leave you.” Drawing her in for a kiss, he shuffled her against the wall.

  All of her worry melted away, his hungry mouth weakening her. She had no time to register his movement before he yanked her into the ballroom, still gasping for air after his kiss.

  “Mother, Father!” He pulled her along behind him, and within moments, she stood before his parents, the royal couple of Tyto, not Otaria as she’d originally thought. Squeezing her hand, he took another step forward. “I’d like you to meet Xia, my bride-to-be.”

  She froze as Aris’s mother gasped and slapped her hands over her mouth. His father examined her. “You brought a Terran before me? What were you thinking?”

  The king’s reaction felt like a fist slamming into her gut. Why did Aris think this would work? If he hadn’t held her to the spot, she would have bolted. Nothing could hurt worse than being denied love.

  The queen stood. “Leandor, look at her. Don’t you realize who she is?”

  Leaning forward, he examined her. As he gasped, his blue face lost all color. “It can’t be.”

  What did they mean? Her hands trembled, even with Aris holding one. Aris had promised to stay with her no matter what, but would he ever be happy without his parents’ approval?

  His father stood and inched toward her. He placed his hands on her arms. “It is you.” His voice hitched. “You look just like your mother. Oh, Belle, where have you been all these years?”

  “No, Father, this is Xia. She lives here, on Elatia. We’re in love and going to get married.”

  Aris’s mother joined them, wiping away tears. “It’s no surprise you love her. You two spent much of your first year together on Otaria.”


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