Assassin's Angst: The Santorno Series

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Assassin's Angst: The Santorno Series Page 12

by Sandrine Gasq-Dion

  “So, football players date cheerleaders, not geeks.” Penny crossed her arms.

  “I’m not a normal football player.”

  “I’m starting to get that.”

  “Okay, I’m ready.” Bree came out in jeans and boots. Her hair was in a ponytail and she had her glasses on.

  Landon took her hand. “Let’s go.”

  Bree shot a look at her roommate on the way out the door. Penny had her thumbs up and was making kissy lips at her. Bree stuck her tongue out. Landon opened her door for her and got in the car. He turned in the seat and looked at her.

  “Once we get closer to where I’m taking you, I have to blindfold you.”

  “Is this a joke? You’re a serial killer.”

  “It’s a surprise.”

  She sat back and closed her eyes. She shot sideways glances at Landon while he drove. He had to be the sexiest guy she had ever laid eyes on. His eyes were by far his best feature; you could just get lost in those big puppy-dog brown eyes. He had strong hands, and when he had taken her hand, her palms were sweating.

  Once they went over the bridge, Landon gave her the blindfold. They drove for another half hour before stopping. Bree could hear a gravel driveway. Landon got out and opened her door for her. He turned her around and took the blindfold off.

  Bree looked around. They were definitely out in the country, and the first thing she saw were horses, at least ten of them running around. She turned and looked at Landon with a smile.

  “How did you know?”

  “I punched your name into that box that lights up and it gave me information.”

  “Okay, you can stop with the computer jokes. I know you’re computer savvy.”

  Landon watched her stroll toward the horses. She was an avid rider, had even competed before. He had called his grandfather and asked a favor. Once Jeremy Reynolds-Farrelli had found out Landon was taking a girl out, he had called in his own favors and gotten Landon the whole place to themselves.

  Landon called one of them over and stroked his hand up his soft nose. “So, want to go for a ride?”

  “Is that a joke?”

  They were side by side riding and Bree felt the wind whipping her hair. She was impressed with Landon’s skills. He not only kept up, but made some jumps as well. They rode until they came to the beach and then Landon dismounted and moved over to help her. He put his arms out and Bree smiled. She knew how to get down from a horse, but she indulged him.

  He put his hands at her waist and lifted her down, looking into her eyes. Bree was sweating again and her pulse was racing. Landon ran his hand over her cheek, moving her hair back. “Having fun?”

  “I am.”

  They walked along the beach with the horses behind them talking about everything. Landon told her about growing up with his dads, his best friends, and everything they had ever gone through. Bree told him about her life. Thrust into the limelight as a young girl, she had hated it, and gave most of her money to charity. Her parents had tried to push her at any available blue blood they could find, which just made her that much more determined to take care of herself.

  “I know they hate each other. They think I don’t hear them, but I do.” Bree sighed. “They are constantly arguing about some guy. I don’t remember his name, but I guess he’s like a grandfather or something.”

  “I’m sorry.” Landon looked at her. “I guess I’m lucky. My dads have been happily married for a long time. High school sweethearts. They don’t really get much gay bashing either. They’re kind of huge.”

  “I know, I saw.” Bree clapped her hand over her mouth. “Ooops.”

  “What do you mean you saw them?”


  “You saw the video, didn’t you?”

  “No. What video?” Bree giggled.

  “You did!” Landon laughed.

  Bree smiled and felt wetness on her hand. She looked up to see it had started snowing. They got back on the horses and made it back to the house within a half hour, and Landon saw her shivering. She had a sweater on, but the temperature had dropped since they had come out.

  “Here.” Landon took off his letterman jacket and helped her put it on.

  They got back to the school by ten and Landon walked her back to her room. She was walking fast again, and Landon almost had to run to catch up. Maybe their date hadn’t gone as well as he thought it had.

  Bree was nervous. This was the end of the date and she didn’t think she was ready to kiss Landon. What if she sucked at it? She almost ran to her room like an idiot. When she turned to say goodnight, Landon was right in her face.

  “Well, goodnight, Landon.”

  Landon searched her eyes. He could see she wasn’t ready. He put his hand on the door behind her, blocking her in. He took her glasses off with his other hand. “You have beautiful eyes.”

  “Thank you.”

  Landon leaned in and heard Bree’s breath hitch. Her eyes closed and Landon leaned in and brushed his lips against her cheek. “ ’Night, Bree.”

  “ ’Night.” Bree opened her eyes. Landon backed away and walked down the hall.

  “Wait. What about your jacket?” Bree began to take it off.

  “I’ll get it on our next date.” Landon winked.

  Bree leaned against the door and closed her eyes. Landon Reynolds was gorgeous and a gentleman. The door opened, sending Bree on her butt with a loud grunt. She looked up at Penny standing over her.

  “You have his jacket? Did he kiss you?” Penny pulled her up off the floor.

  Bree practically floated to her room. She fell back on her bed, smiling. “He kissed my cheek.”

  “Is he gay?”

  “No, idiot. He was being a gentleman.”

  Penny sat on the bed. “Wow, he’s gorgeous and sweet and gorgeous.”

  “You said that.”

  “It bears repeating. Did he ask you out again?”

  “Kind of. He said he’d get his jacket back on our next date.”

  “That is another date!” Penny almost screamed.

  Bree lay back and snuggled into Landon’s jacket. She could smell a hint of cologne and closed her eyes.

  “Well I’ll just leave you to fantasize then.” Penny winked.

  “Oh, I will. I will.”

  Hunter hit the ground again and cursed. He got up slowly, shaking his head clear. This was what happened when you lost one football game — your coach called in a rival team to scrimmage against.

  Hunter was paired with a rival team member, and as soon as the ball was snapped, he was flat on his back again.


  “What?” Hunter yelled at his coach.

  “Stop being a pussy and hit back!”

  Hunter cursed under his breath. He got back in formation and looked at the guy in front of him. He was over six feet and built. Hunter couldn’t see anything else. His helmet was on and he hadn’t said one word since they started; he just took him out with one hit every time.

  The ball was snapped again and Hunter hit the ground again. He hadn’t even had time to hit the guy. The air left his lungs with a whoosh as his helmet went flying. Now he sprawled on his back, trying to catch his breath.

  “Are you okay?” Jesse asked. He hadn’t wanted Hunter to know it was him, and now he had no choice.

  Hunter opened his eyes to see the guy who had hit him for the thousandth time standing over him. Holy shit. It was Jesse, the guy he’d met in the food court of a mall several months ago.


  “Yeah, coach?”

  “Don’t baby him.”

  “I think he got the wind knocked out of him.” Jesse crouched down and looked at Hunter with his hand out. “Sorry.”

  Hunter couldn’t stop staring at him. Jesus, he was even hotter in uniform. “No problem.” He took his hand and stood. He ran his hand through his hair and blinked. Jesse was studying him, his head tilted.


  “You don’t look so good.�
�� Jesse put his hand on Hunter’s forehead. “Hey, coach?”


  “He’s burning up.”

  “Take him to the infirmary, Jesse.”

  Hunter passed his coach and eyed him. “You want me to stay?”

  His coach put his hand on Hunter’s forehead and pulled it back quick. “Hell, no. He’s right. Something’s up with you, and I don’t need your fathers breathing down my neck.”

  Jesse took his arm and led him into the school. Hunter had never been in it, but now that the two schools had agreed to play one another, he knew it wouldn’t be his first time to visit. They passed a big display case with a bunch of trophies in it. Hunter could see Jesse in most of the pictures.

  “Well. I can see now how you keep knocking my ass down.”

  “Did he say fathers? Plural?”

  “Yeah, he did. Got a problem with that?” Hunter went right on the defense.

  Jesses chuckled; Hunter thought he was a homophobe. “Nope, not at all. That’s why I play the way I do. I’m gay, and most guys think that makes me weak. I give them another perspective.”

  Hunter stopped mid-walk. “You’re gay?”

  “No, I lied. I just love saying that to see how people react.” Jesse arched a brow. “Yes, I’m gay. You have a problem with that?”

  Hunter almost choked he laughed so hard. “Nope.”

  “Good. Now let’s get you checked out.”

  Jesse stayed around while they checked Hunter out. Sure enough, he had the flu, and his temperature was through the roof. The nurse had taken his shirt off and it took everything Jesse had not to drool. Hunter Trevino was a knockout; his eyes were amazing, and he was built like a truck. He had a strong, defined chest. Jesse closed his eyes and tried to keep it together. This guy might have two fathers, but that didn’t mean he was gay as well.

  Once the nurse was finished, she sent Hunter home with some pain pills and orders for bed rest and lots of fluids. Since the rest of the team was still at practice, Jesse offered to take Hunter back to his school and get him settled in.

  “Sounds good, Jesse.” His coach stared at him. “Don’t forget practice, bright and early. Can’t have my star player not show up.”

  They took Jesse’s car, as Hunter had come on the team bus. Jesse drove to Hunter’s school and smiled at the building. “I almost came here when I was first looking at schools.”

  “How come you ended up at Fairfield?”

  “My dad. He wanted me to go to the same school he did.” Jesse parked and helped Hunter out.

  “Damn, Trevino. You get hit by a car?” Hunter’s friend Jack laughed. Jack also knew Jesse.

  “Yep. Was the same gray-haired old lady that hit you, Jack.”

  Jack laughed at Jesse. “Dude, you are a bad ass. Did you take Hunter out?”

  “Actually, no. Hunter wasn’t playing well today due to the flu. I wish I could say it was me who took him out.”

  Hunter rolled his eyes. “Thanks.”

  “Well, get him to bed. He looks like shit.”

  “Fuck you, Jack.” Hunter sighed.

  “Maybe later, when you feel better.” Jack winked.

  Hunter chuckled as Jesse’s arm encircled his waist. They headed to his room and Hunter collapsed on the couch. Jesse looked around the room at all the pictures. There was one with Hunter and another guy. Damn, he was gorgeous.

  “Who’s this guy?” Jesse picked up the picture.

  “That’s Jensen. My best friend.”

  “He’s smokin’. No offense.”

  “None taken.” Hunter settled back. “Are you saying I’m ugly?”

  “You want the truth?” Jesse looked at him dead on.

  Hunter sat forward. “Yeah.”

  “You put him to shame.”

  Their eyes locked and Jesse was starting to think he had just put his foot in his mouth. The next thing he knew, Hunter’s hand was over his mouth, and he ran for the bathroom.

  “Well, that’s a new reaction,” Jesse muttered.

  Hunter’s cell phone rang, and Jesse looked to the bathroom, then back at the phone.

  “Could you answer that?” Hunter managed to call out.

  Jesse picked up the phone. “Hello?”

  Roman looked at the phone to make sure he had the right number. “Who is this?”

  “I’m Jesse Walker. I brought Hunter home from football practice. He has the flu.”

  Jesse could hear two men talking and then the original voice was back on the phone. “What are his symptoms? This is his father.”

  “Oh.” Jesse walked to the bathroom. “Your dad wants to know what your symptoms are.” Jesse could hear Hunter throwing up. “Well, puking is one for sure. He has a high fever.”

  Brett got on the phone. “Jesse, is it? Would you mind terribly staying with him for the night? I know we sound over-protective, but I don’t want Hunter alone.”

  Jesse looked at his watch. “Yes, I can do that, Mr. Trevino.”

  Brett let out a sigh of relief. “Is there any way I could speak to him? I’m a doctor.”

  Jesse walked back to the bathroom and knocked on the door softly. “It’s your dad, the doctor… he wants to talk to you.”

  The door opened a crack and Hunter put his hand out. Jesse smiled and handed him his phone. He sat on the couch and looked around. He had picked the wrong school. Hunter didn’t even have a roommate.

  Jesse wanted to go to another school besides the one he was in. His father had insisted he go to his alma mater, which Jesse hated. The school was not gay friendly, which was why he had to be tougher than most. He had been bullied in middle school and had his ass kicked more than once in addition to being called a pansy and fag. When he hit high school he had bulked up and joined the football team. The first guy who had tried to take him out during a game had a big surprise. Jesse had broken his ribs with one hit. It had been an accident, but after that they no longer picked on him.

  He heard the bathroom door open and then Hunter came out. He sat down on the couch, dropped his head against the back and looked sideways at Jesse. “Sorry.”

  “For what? Being sick?” Jesse felt his forehead again. “Take a shower and then get in bed.”

  “Is that an order?” Hunter arched a brow.

  “Yep. Move it.”

  While Hunter showered, Jesse looked through his small kitchen. A kitchen, for Christ’s sake. He had a sink in his room, and that was it. Jesse shook his head and went about making tea and soup for Hunter. He put his old family recipe to work to make the soup. His grandmother said it was the cure-all.

  He found Hunter in bed, bare chested. He had his eyes closed and Jesse took a nice long look while he could. Jesus, he was gorgeous. He sat on the edge of the bed and put the tea down. Hunter’s eyes opened and Jesse smiled at him. “How’s your stomach?”

  “Nothing left.” Hunter groaned.

  Jesse felt his forehead. He was cooler, but not by much. He let himself gaze over Hunter’s face. He had beautiful lips — not too full, just perfect. Jesse found himself caressing Hunter’s face without even realizing it. He pulled his hand back and shook his head. “You need to sip this.”

  Hunter sat up carefully and took a sip of the tea, and then Jesse gave him a spoonful of the soup. “That’s good.”

  “I’ll just be in the other room if you need me.” Jesse got up.

  “Shouldn’t you be getting back?”

  “No can do. Promised your dad I’d stay.”

  “You don’t have to, Jesse. But if you’re staying, could you keep me company?”

  “You want me to feed you, don’t you?” Jesse teased.

  “I’ll admit it has its perks. But I don’t want to make you sick.”

  “Not worried about it.”

  Jesse stayed with Hunter and fed him his soup. They watched TV and talked about everything. They talked until Hunter fell asleep. Jesse covered him up and looked down into his face. He kissed his forehead. “ ’Night, Hunter.”

/>   Hunter opened his eyes and looked around the room. It was still dark and he got out of bed and looked out the window. There was at least a foot of snow on the ground and then he remembered — Jesse. He walked into the living room and found Jesse asleep on the couch — shirtless. Hunter closed his mouth to keep from gasping out loud. The man had the body of a god.

  Hunter looked at the time. It was almost seven. He put coffee on, then sat on the edge of the couch. Hunter ran his fingers through Jesse’s hair.

  “Hey.” Jesse opened his eyes. “How are you feeling?”

  “Like I was never sick. What was in that soup?”

  “Can’t tell you.” Jesse sat up and ran a hand through his hair.

  “It snowed.”

  “I know. Coach called me at six to say no practice.” Jesse stretched and sat back. “You look a lot better.”

  “About yesterday… what you said…”

  “I don’t want to make you uncomfortable, Hunter. If you want me to leave, I will.”

  “No, it’s not that.” Hunter could feel his face reddening. “I find you attractive.”

  “You do?” Jesse sat up.

  “Yeah.” Hunter looked up and their eyes met. “Like, a lot. The thing is, I’ve never really done anything, you know?”

  “Not even kiss?”

  “Well, one time, but that was a girl. Not my thing.” Hunter blushed. “I kinda knew right away when I didn’t feel anything.”

  “So, you’re gay.”

  “Seems that way. So I was wondering if maybe you could, well, you know.”

  “I don’t know, Hunter…”

  “I brushed my teeth really good. I even gargled; no more puke.” Hunter waggled his eyebrows.

  “It’s not that, Hunter. Let me shower and brush my teeth. Got a toothbrush for me?”

  “Under the sink.”

  Hunter watched him go into the bathroom and sighed. He had wanted to kiss him right away just to see if the feelings would be there. He found Jesse attractive. That was for sure.

  Jesse stood in the shower thinking about Hunter. He was already rising to the occasion and he sighed. This was not going to be easy. He had known he was gay from the beginning and Hunter was inexperienced; he didn’t want to take advantage of him.

  He was about to get a wakeup call.


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