Assassin's Angst: The Santorno Series

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Assassin's Angst: The Santorno Series Page 14

by Sandrine Gasq-Dion

  “Please, sit down.” Luka reached for her and she turned on him.

  “Don’t touch me!”

  Luka picked her up and sat her on the table. He leaned into her and looked into her eyes. “Sit. Down.”

  Viktoriya looked into his eyes and saw the anger there, but also concern. He still looked as if he hadn’t slept, and Viktoriya decided she wasn’t going to win this one.

  “You haven’t slept,” she whispered.

  “I can’t. Someone is always trying to kill you.” Luka let a small smile escape his lips. “And the answer to your question is no.”


  “I don’t think you are weak. My kneecap is telling me otherwise.” Luka let out a small chuckle.

  Viktoriya rubbed her neck. It was on fire. Luka ran his fingertip along the red line on her throat.

  “I should have been in the room.” Luka let his fingertips glide gently along her throat.

  “You didn’t know.”

  “I still should have been there.” Luka looked away from her neck and their eyes met. Soon, his gaze fell to her lips.

  Viktoriya’s heart pounded and a small shiver ran through her. His close proximity was doing things to her. “You still saved my life. Again.”

  Luka watched her looking at his lips. He knew she wanted to kiss him. He could see it. He hadn’t been with a woman in years. His hand moved from her neck to her face and he leaned in. Viktoriya closed her eyes and waited for their lips to touch.

  The infirmary door opened, breaking the spell. Luka stepped back, resuming his guard stance. Viktoriya sighed and looked at the doctor. “All good?”

  “For now, bed.”

  Viktoriya sighed. “What’s new? Well, let’s get this over with.”

  Luka picked her up. “Good. You have conceded.”

  “For now.”

  When they got back to her room, Luka took up a position right inside the door. She arched a brow. “Really?”

  “I’m not taking any more chances.”

  “Fine.” Viktoriya turned around and unbuttoned her shirt and took it partway off.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Changing. I have to get in bed, remember?” Viktoriya smiled, her back to him. If he wanted to go this route, she’d give him something to look at.

  “There is a bathroom.”

  “Too far away and I’ve been traumatized.” Viktoriya pulled her shirt off slowly, letting it slide to the floor. She unzipped her skirt and shimmied out of it slowly.

  Her bra was next. She grabbed a silk negligee from her drawer and pulled her bra off. When it landed on the floor, she was certain she heard a small gasp from Luka. Then, as she started to slide her underwear down, he put his hands on her arms.

  “Stop,” Luka whispered in her ear.

  Viktoriya leaned back against him and lifted one arm behind his neck. A strong hand came up and cupped her breast. Her moan spurred him to pick her up. Then she was on the bed with Luka hovering above her.

  “You are beautiful.” Luka ran his hand up her stomach and carefully over her wound.

  Viktoriya undid the buttons on his shirt and slid it off his shoulders. He shrugged it the rest of the way off as she smoothed her hands up his chest. “Kiss me, Luka.”

  He leaned down and brushed his lips across hers. If he had forgotten how to kiss a woman, Viktoriya was reminding him. He parted her lips with his tongue and took her mouth. The small moan that escaped her lips caused him to deepen the kiss. His hand slid up to her breast and he cupped it, squeezing her nipple with his fingers.

  Viktoriya’s hands moved to the waistband of his pants. She unfastened the button and unzipped them before sliding her hand inside. Luka groaned into her mouth as she gripped him and began to stroke him. His hand moved from her breast to the juncture of her legs. He reveled in the heat from her and rubbed the front of her underwear. Viktoriya’s back arched and he slipped a finger inside her.

  “Luka!” Viktoriya gasped as his finger slid inside. His knuckles brushed her clit and she let out a gasp in his mouth.

  He searched her mouth slowly and knew his orgasm was close, just from kissing her, touching her. It was too much. “I’m coming!” he gasped between kisses.

  When his finger slid in deeper, her orgasm exploded, her back arched, and Luka’s orgasm hit her hand. They lay there, breathing hard, and Luka withdrew his finger slowly, kissing her softly.

  “Are you all right?”

  “I — I’m a virgin,” she whispered.

  Luka was shocked. “I did not know. Are you all right? Did I hurt you?”

  “No.” Viktoriya blushed. “A little sore, but in a good way.”

  Luka rolled to his back and pulled her into his arms. She wriggled into him and he ran his fingers through her hair. “I should not be in here. Your fathers will not be pleased.”

  “Seriously? You saved my life twice. I think you’re in the clear.”

  “I will stay until you fall asleep, then I will go to my post.” Luka kissed her forehead.



  “Thank you.”

  Bree was still riding high from her date with Landon as she walked down the hall to her locker. She saw Penny waiting for her. She smiled and opened it, seeing Landon’s jacket. She had put it in her locker on the off chance she saw him again.

  “So, it’s true.”

  Bree turned to see cheerleader Chloe looking at her. “What?”

  “Landon Reynolds chose you as his ugly date.”


  “Oh, please! You don’t seriously think he would actually date you? The football players have a running bet every year. They make a list of the ugliest girls in school and get a date with them. They have a grading scale and I’m guessing you were a five. He didn’t kiss, you did he?”

  Bree’s heart broke. “That’s none of your business.”

  “Let me guess.” Chloe circled her. “Kiss on the cheek? They’re not allowed to kiss on the lips. It’s part of the rules.”

  “Go away, Chloe,” Penny snapped.

  Landon had walked up during the rules conversation and anger overtook him. He strode over to Bree, smiling. “Hey, it’s cold out. You should really be wearing that jacket instead of hanging it in your locker.” Landon leaned over and took the jacket out. He slipped it on Bree and smiled at her. “So, I figure maybe Friday? We can go out again? Think about it, okay?” Landon leaned over and brushed his lips softly across hers. “ ’Bye.”

  Chloe watched him leave with her mouth hanging open. Penny smiled and shoved her into the locker. “You were saying?” Penny grabbed Bree, who was still in a daze from the kiss, and left.

  Landon found her at lunch at a picnic table and sat down next to her. “I want to apologize. I had no right to kiss you without permission.”

  “You would have had it, anyway.”

  “And just so you know, what Chloe said is true, but I have never been a part of that bet. I think it’s cruel.” He noticed she still wasn’t wearing his jacket; it was on the bench next to her. “You don’t like it?” Landon nodded to the jacket.

  “Well, it’s not that. It’s just that usually when a girl is wearing a football player’s jacket, it’s because they are dating.”

  “Did I go out with someone else? I plan on taking you out again, so you might as well wear it. How about the movies, your choice?”

  “I’m going to pick a chick flick.”

  “Whatever you want.” Out of the corner of his eye, Landon noticed Chloe and William watching them. He eyed Bree. “I’m going to kiss you again.”

  “Is that request?”

  “No, it’s a statement.” Landon cupped her face and leaned in. He kissed her and a small whimper escaped her. He pulled away slowly. “See you later.”

  Evan woke up in a daze. He was in his own bed, but something was weird. First, he never slept in boxers, and second it smelled… good. He got up and looked at himself in the mirror. His hair w
as poking out everywhere and he had a bandage on his head. He heard noise in the front room and shuffled out.

  “Good morning, sunshine! How do you like your eggs?” Cameron was standing over their small stove.

  Evan looked around the room in a daze. It was clean — like squeaky clean. “Where is my roommate and what have you done with him?”

  “Not a morning person, huh? Okay, eggs scrambled. You seem like a bacon guy.”

  Cameron was shirtless and Evan sat down on the couch, trying to keep his tongue in his mouth. He had never noticed how hot the guy really was. Bits and pieces were coming back to him and he remembered them fighting in the living room.

  “What happened?”

  “We got into a bitch fight.” Cameron brought the plate of food over with a cup of coffee and a glass of juice. He handed Evan a fork and a napkin. “Now, eat. You need your strength.”

  “Did I go to the hospital?” Evan blinked.

  “Yep. My dad took care of you. I already talked to your dads and let them know you were okay, and your buddy Jensen stopped by to make sure I hadn’t killed you.”

  “You… fixed my head.”

  “Oh, no. I think you have brain damage.”

  Evan smacked him. “Stop it.”

  “No hitting the cook.”

  Evan noticed that Cameron’s gray eyes were searching his and there was concern in them. “What?”

  “You need a shower. Finish your food.”

  As soon as he was finished eating, Evan went to take a shower. Cameron told him to leave the bandages on his head but not to scrub his hair too hard, just a quick wash and that was it. He stood under the stream letting the warm water rush over him. Suddenly, a massive headache nearly brought him to his knees. Evan moaned and hung onto the shower wall. It was as if someone had hit him with a two-by-four. The next thing he knew, Cameron was in the shower with him, fully dressed, holding him up. He was almost plastered to him, and Evan tried to back away.

  “Don’t move.” Cameron was looking at his head.

  “Let go of me.” Evan tried to pull away.

  “Stop fighting me, Evan!” Cameron yelled.

  Evan froze, then did something he never thought he would: He kissed Cameron. The headache disappeared, and Cameron picked him up. Their tongues fenced and he moaned softly.

  Cameron had one hand on the wall, and the other was holding Evan in his arms. Evan’s arms were around his neck and the kiss was increasingly passionate. He let go of the wall and fully held Evan in his arms.

  “Evan,” Cameron moaned.

  God, that turned him on even more. Evan wrapped his legs around Cameron’s waist and kissed him harder. They broke from the kiss and Cameron looked into his eyes.

  “We shouldn’t do this. You don’t know what you’re doing.”

  “I’m kissing my roommate and I’m liking it.”

  “Okay, so you maybe you do, but still…” Cameron put him down and took off his shirt. He backed out of the shower, turned his back to Evan, and handed him a towel.

  “You just saw me naked.” Evan arched a brow. “And you’re going to be a doctor.”

  “Just… dry off, okay?” Cameron stared at the wall.

  “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that.”

  Cameron made sure he was dressed before he turned around. “What do you mean?”

  “I just threw myself at you. At least you were kind enough not to throw me again.”

  Cameron noticed Evan blushing furiously. He searched his eyes before kissing him. His hand caressed his face as he parted Evan’s lips and took his mouth.

  Evan’s heart put the pedal to the metal. The way Cameron was kissing him left him gasping to catch his breath. He knew he was gay, but this was his first kiss, and he wanted more. His hands went around his neck again and Cameron picked him up. Now, that in itself was sexy! They moved to his room and Cameron put him on the bed and hovered over him. He broke from the kiss and ran his tongue over Evan’s bottom lip, slowly leaving light kisses on them.

  “I didn’t think you were gay.”

  “Yes you did. I knew you were yesterday.”


  “Yeah, you told me on the couch. You are so cute.”

  “Great, I’m cute.” Evan rolled his eyes.

  “I have a confession to make.”

  “Uh oh.”

  “I wasn’t your roommate in the beginning. I actually hacked the school computer and when I saw your picture… well, I kinda changed rooms.”


  “The minute I saw your picture.” Cameron leaned in for a quick kiss. “I wanted you.”

  “I’ve never kissed anyone.”

  “Are you shitting me?”

  “No.” Evan blushed. “You were my first kiss.”

  “Well, damn.” Cameron ran his hand through his hair. “You are fucking good at it.”

  “Really?” Evan beamed.

  Cameron pushed him back on the bed and propped on his elbows above him. “Oh, yeah.”

  They kissed slowly for a few minutes and then Cameron broke the kiss. “You need rest.”

  “Can… will you stay with me?”

  “I’m going to get your school work and then I will, okay? Get some sleep.”

  Cameron ran into Jensen on his way out. “He’s resting, but you can stay with him.”

  Jensen frowned at him. “Your lips are bruised.”

  “So are yours.” Cameron winked.

  Jensen laughed and put his hand over his mouth. “ ’Bye.”

  When he got to Evan’s room, he found him on the bed with a huge smile plastered on his face. He crawled up next to him and sighed loudly.

  “So… kissing the roommate, eh?”

  “Who were you kissing?”

  “Max Remo.”

  “No shit?”

  “Nope, got me in the library last night.”

  “Damn, he’s fucking hotter than hell.”

  “So is your roommate,” Jensen pointed out.

  “First kiss?”

  “Well, with a dude. Yeah, you too?”

  “Yep.” Evan let out a loud sigh. “I’m gay.”

  “So am I.”

  “So, details?”

  “You first,” Jensen said.

  “Get comfortable, this could take a while.”

  Ryan was getting his gear on when he heard his coach call him. This was the third time in a row to be disciplined for his actions on the field. He couldn’t help it sometimes. Guys pissed him off. It wasn’t his fault they couldn’t hit the broad side of a barn.


  “I’m here.” Ryan went into the coach’s office and stopped. The guy from the anger management class was sitting there, and damn! He looked smoking hot.

  “Ryan. New player. Show him the ropes.”

  Ryan sighed. “Let’s go.”

  Coach threw a jersey at the guy and Ryan caught the last name on the back. He looked at the guy and smiled. “Let’s hope so.”

  They hit the field and Ryan got in his position across from him. He counted to three and they ran into each other. The guy ended up flat on his back and Ryan stood above him. “Better live up to your name, dude.”

  Toby stood up and checked out Ryan.

  “Do you speak, Strong?”

  “Huh?” Toby shook himself out of it.

  “Okay, so you know a word. Good. Get back in position, and this time try to take me out.”

  The next hit was just as bad, and Toby met the ground with a grunt. He had transferred schools after being bullied and he wasn’t going to go through it again. The anger consumed him.

  “Let’s go.”

  “Now that’s more like it.”

  This time Toby took Ryan out. Ryan hit the ground and the air left his lungs. He sat up, looking at Toby. “Oh, it’s on.”

  The hits were brutal, and Toby hit the ground with Ryan on top of him. He pushed him back and got up before taking his helmet off. “You know I came here beca
use I was tired of bigots and fucking homophobes, but I get here and it’s the same shit. Who told you?”

  “Who told me what?”

  “Who told you I was gay? It was Gary, wasn’t it? That fucking asshole.” Toby ran his hand through his hair. “I’m so sick of this shit.”

  Ryan laughed. He couldn’t help it. This guy was calling him a bigot and a homophobe. He leaned over, trying to control his laughter.

  “This is not funny, asshole.”

  Ryan tried to speak and couldn’t. The laughter wouldn’t stop. Imagine this guy thinking he was homophobic! It was too much. Toby rammed into him, knocking him down. He punched Ryan full on in the face and Ryan flipped him over and punched him in the stomach. They were rolling around on the field and Ryan flipped Toby on his back, holding his hair with his fist primed for a punch.

  “Just do it.”

  Ryan let go and rolled away, breathing hard. “I’m not a homophobe, dumbass. I have two dads and almost everyone I know is gay. Stop being an asshole.”

  “I’m the asshole?” Toby wiped his lip, there was fresh blood coming out.

  “Glad to hear you admit it.” Ryan grinned. “Yeah, that’s just how I play. I don’t hold back, which is why I’m in trouble again.”

  “Two dads, huh?”

  Ryan put his hand out. “Ryan Cannon.”

  “Tobias Strong.” Toby put his hand out and shook Ryan’s.

  They went back to the locker room and showered. Toby faced the wall. He already found Ryan attractive and he wasn’t going to ruin things by staring at him in the shower. He already had a hard-on just being naked in the same room together. The football team had their own floor in the dorms and Ryan walked to his room with Toby right on his heels. He stopped as he entered, finding half the team on his couch.

  “What the fuck, guys?” Ryan went to the fridge.

  “New player, huh?” Jagger asked.

  “Yeah, I am.” Toby answered defensively.

  “Get out,” Ryan instructed. “This isn’t a zoo.”

  “If it was, we wouldn’t feed you, Cannon. You’d probably throw your poo at us.” Jagger cracked up.

  Toby snorted and tried to contain it. “Sorry.”

  “I’m not suspended, if that’s why you’re all here. I’ll be playing Friday,” Ryan told the group. There was a collective relieved sigh as all the players relaxed. “Now, get out.”


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