Falling For A Hood King 3

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Falling For A Hood King 3 Page 11

by Shvonne Latrice

  “I-I don’t-”

  “Don’t say you don’t know,” he cut in.

  “But I don’t,” I replied confused.

  “Well according to these texts, he misses and loves you so when we get back you can be with that nigga,” he said tossing my phone on the bed.

  “No, I’m gonna be with my husband. I don't know why he is texting me Julius, stop acting like that,” I frowned. I was so irritated. He knew damn well I had never and would never cheat on him. I wondered what made him so paranoid.

  “How I know you ain’t lying?” he asked twisting up his perfect caramel face.

  “Never mind,” I replied and grabbed my purse.

  “Oh, so you don’t give a fuck?” he raised a brow like he was surprised.

  “I’m tired of you always accusing me Julius, especially when you’re the only one who has cheated,” I said feeling myself get sad.

  “Yeah, as far as I know,” he responded nastily.

  “Okay, are you coming?” I inquired, ignoring his bratty attitude.

  “Nah, I’m not. Fuck you,” he spat.

  “Okay, Winnie has the babies so you can go out if you want,” I said and turned to leave.

  Before I made it to the door, he grabbed me and carried back into the bedroom. He closed the door behind him, but didn’t say anything.

  “Julius, let me leave. I don’t wanna be late for the tour,” I frowned and walked to the door.

  He blocked the doorknob and then took my purse off my shoulder. He backed me over to the bed, and then raised my dress.

  “Stop Ju, I have to go,” I whined.

  He tugged my panties down, almost ripping them and then spread my legs. He dropped down and started to play with my clit while licking and sucking.

  “Fuck,” I moaned in a low tone.

  He pushed my legs back and attacked me with his tongue and lips. I felt myself about to explode and ran my fingers through his soft fade. He looked up into my face, as I bit my lip hard. A tear slid down my face as he worked his magical mouth.

  “Ahh, shit Ju,” I yelled as I came hard. He licked between the slit, making me jump and jerk. He always made me cum hard as hell. My legs were trembling, so I had to sit there for a couple minutes.

  “Yeah, sit that ass down and wait for me,” he smiled as he went to the bathroom to get ready. I hated but loved his psycho ass.

  Once Julius was ready, we left to go on the tour. We were late for the one we originally wanted to go on, so we had to wait for the next one. I usually would’ve been mad, but that orgasm he brought me to made me realize that being late was worth it.

  We were finally able to get on, and I was extremely excited. It was such a romantic ride and I was glad that Julius suggested we ride separate from his brother and Lucy.

  “I’m sorry about earlier,” Julius said as he pulled me into his lap.

  The gondola was still going and now it was dusk. The sun was setting, so the lights in the city were on, making it real romantic. I felt like I was in some beautiful dream or Disney fairytale. I was having such a good life, compared to when I first met Julius, that I feared someone would wake me up and say I was in a coma.

  “It’s okay,” I replied.

  “It’s not okay. I don’t need you falling out of love with me,” he said moving my hair out of my face. He half smiled as if he was joking, but I knew he was serious.

  “I could never do that,” I frowned.

  “You say that now,” he smiled.

  “And I'm gonna be saying the same thing seventy years from now too,” I said caressing his handsome face.

  I just wished Julius would realize that I’m never going anywhere. Anytime we broke up, it was because of him. I’ve always loved him and wanted him; it was always he who didn’t know what he wanted. I should be the one scared he was gonna fall out of love. Hopefully now he saw that I was always down for the cause.

  “Me too,” he replied to my previous statement.

  “Pinky promise,” I smiled and held up my pinky.

  He chuckled and wrapped his big pinky around my small one. I pecked his lips and he dipped his tongue in my mouth. We kissed heavily for the rest of the ride.

  Chapter 35: Lucy

  3 Weeks Later...

  I sat in the bathroom, on the floor and stared at the positive pregnancy tests in my hands. I’d taken five of them and they all came back the same. Not again, I thought. I knew all too well why Rashad left Paula and a baby had a lot to do with it. But it’s not my fault he didn’t use anything. The first time we got caught up in the moment, but most times after that, especially in Italy, he never even reached for one. I would suggest it, but he would never use one. I felt so dumb for not making him use it.

  Although I knew Rashad and I would be over because of this, I couldn’t kill my baby. I chose to let Rashad run up in me raw and I needed to take responsibility for it. But damn, I'm only nineteen and this would be my second baby. However, if Natalia could do it, so could I. I told myself that in order to feel better about the situation.

  Rashad and I were now living together and I knew he would be home soon. I needed to tell him now so that I could get this over with. I wasn’t trying to be three months in, and stressing over a break up. I wanted to do it now and then have a healthy pregnancy hopefully.

  I decided to cook his favorite meal, in hopes that he would be in a better mood. He loved shrimp scampi and that was easy to cook, thank God. I cooked his food and set the table nicely. I dimmed the lights and lit two candles to make it more romantic. Why was I doing this knowing that this was gonna be everything but romantic? I don't know… a girl can hope though, right?

  “What’s all this babe?” Rashad chuckled as I led him into the dining room.

  “I thought I would do something nice for you,” I cheesed nervously and pulled his chair out.

  “Mmmm, thank you,” he kissed my lips and then sat down.

  I went and retrieved his plate, then sat down with him to eat as well. I was starving and on edge, which was a bad combination. I gulped down my juice, as Rashad drank his wine. I was hoping he didn’t inquire as to why I wasn’t drinking the wine with him.

  “You good babe?” he questioned as he stuffed the food into his mouth. His dark skin was so smooth, and I just wanted him to hold me in his strong arms once I told him the news. I knew it would be a much different outcome though.

  “Rashad, I… umm… I’m having, well technically we-”

  “What ma?” he frowned.

  “I’m pregnant Rashad,” I finally spit it out.

  “Oh damn,” he replied sitting his fork down.

  “I know you don't want the baby, but I can't kill it,” I added. He ran his hands over his face and exhaled heavily. “I’m gonna go back to my place, so you can have some time to digest this,” I said standing up. It took every muscle in my body not to cry as I carried my empty plate to the sink.

  “Hey,” Rashad said in a low tone as he hugged me from behind.

  “Hey,” I replied drying off the clean plate.

  “So we’re having a baby?” he asked turning me to face him and I nodded. “That’s not so bad right?” he smiled.

  “I don’t know,” I shrugged.

  “It’s gone be alright, ma,” he said kissing my lips. He pulled me closer to him and hugged me tightly.

  “I thought you didn’t want kids,” I frowned.

  “I didn’t, but now that I have one coming, I’m realizing I do,” he said looking down into my eyes. “Only because it’s you though,” he added as he lifted my chin.

  I simpered and draped my arms over his shoulders, as he sucked on my lips. Thank God, my life seemed to be somewhat coming together.

  “Babe, do you think Paula would actually try to do something to me?” I asked out of nowhere.

  “Nah, why do you ask?” he frowned.

  “She kind of threatened me a couple weeks ago,” I shrugged as if it was nothing.

  “What did she say?” he inquire
d frowning up even more.

  “She asked me were you worth my life,” I replied looking up into his brown eyes.

  “Wow,” he scoffed. “Nah, don’t worry about her ma,” he shook his head. I could tell something was on his mind, but I declined to question him about it.

  “If you say so,” I half smiled. I hoped he was right, because I was in no condition to fight off any crazy bitches.

  Chapter 36: Julius

  Business seemed to keep on improving. I decided to keep the control I had over Indianapolis because shit, why not? I sent some of my trustworthy workers over there to make sure things ran smoothly and I flew out there twice a week on top of that. I knew it was greedy to keep control over two areas, but I didn’t care. The more money I made, the better. I had so much money saved up and invested though, that I really didn’t need another city.

  I’d just gotten back from spending five days in Indianapolis, even though I was only supposed to spend two. I made sure to get some flowers and chocolates for my wife, because I knew she was gonna be upset. I’d told her I would only spend two days out of town whenever I went. I didn’t want her thinking I was cheating, especially because I didn’t have the greatest track record.

  “Hey baby girl,” I walked into the room with the flowers and candy.

  Natalia was sitting on the bed with a box of pizza in her lap. She only had on a t-shirt and her long, thick, brown hair was hanging down. I loved seeing her dressed down like this, because she was so naturally beautiful. She looked at me and playfully rolled her eyes. I set the roses and assorted chocolates down and then sat on the bed next to her.

  “Can I have a piece?” I asked.

  “Nope,” she smirked.

  “Why not?” I fake pouted.

  “Cause you’ve been gone too long. I have a new husband now,” she smiled and bit her pizza.

  “Where that nigga at?”

  “He’s in the bathroom, you’d better leave before he fucks you up,” she cheesed and then burst into laughter.

  “Well it’s worth the risk,” I said taking the pizza out of her hand and climbing on top of her to kiss her face. “He knows his wife got some good ass pussy, so he should understand,” I joked.

  “Ahh!” she laughed as I kissed all over her pretty face.

  “I missed you,” I said as I pecked her lips.

  “I missed you more,” she replied. “I’m still mad at you though,” she caressed my face.

  “Why baby girl?” I frowned.

  “Because you were gone an extra three days,” she pouted.

  “But I talked to you the whole time,” I smiled.

  “I know, but there was something I wanted to tell you face to face,” she said in a low tone.

  “What?” I asked rubbing up her t-shirt.

  “We’re gonna have a new baby,” she paused to see my reaction.

  I kissed her soft lips, as my hands roamed her small body under her shirt. She draped her arms around my shoulders and sucked on my lips.

  “You happy Natalia?” I questioned.

  “Yeah,” she responded slightly above a whisper. “Why do you ask?” she looked into my eyes intently.

  “I just want to make sure that being married to me, having my babies and all this, is making you happy. I want to be sure you’re not just doing this for me,” I said.

  “No, I love being your wife and a mommy,” she beamed.

  “I’m gonna get Clayton started on the construction of your cupcake shop too,” I smiled.

  “Really?” she asked as she searched my eyes with hers.

  “Yeah, about time we made millions from them good ass cupcakes you make.”

  “I love you so much, Ju!” she squealed.

  “I love you more, Mrs. Tate,” I replied dipping my tongue in her mouth.

  “The one and only,” she added in between kisses.

  “You know I was good the whole time I was gone right?” I raised a brow.

  “Yeah, I know. Plus, I read all your text messages,” she smiled and held up my iPad.

  “How long have you been doing that?” I chuckled at her sneaky ass.

  “Long enough,” she laughed.

  “Well, then now you know I’ve been faithful this whole time,” I replied in a serious tone.

  “I knew you were. I just check your texts to know what’s going on in your businesses,” she nodded.

  “Yo’ little nosey ass,” I said tickling her. Natalia was ticklish as fuck and it made the shit funny as hell.

  “I’m gonna peeee!” she yelled out laughing.

  I chuckled and stopped tickling her to kiss her lips. I rubbed my hands back up her shirt to play with her nipples, as she massaged my hardening dick through my sweats.

  Chapter 37: Natalia

  1 Week Later

  I’d just met with Clayton and Julius about building up Harmony’s Bake Shoppe and I was so excited. I wanted to name it after my daughter since we already had the winery named after Jackson. I couldn’t believe that I was gonna own my own bakery. I loved to bake cupcakes and now I would be making my own money doing it. Julius wanted it in only my name, and I was happy to hear that.

  I was on my way to Lucy’s so that I could share the news with her. Ever since she’s known me, I’ve always taken an interest in baking, especially cupcakes. I never thought I’d see this day and here it was. I smiled at the thought. I wanted to call my mother and tell her, but I knew she wouldn’t even care. I needed to stop trying to build something with her that she didn’t even want.

  As I was making a right, a car drove around me onto the sidewalk and scraped my BMW truck. What the hell? I thought. They kept going, so I sped up while trying to take a picture of their license plate. After getting a couple snaps, I sped onto the side of them to try and get their attention. The windows were tinted and I saw they had no plans of pulling over. At least I got the plate number, I thought. I drove a little bit of ways past them and then I heard a gunshot. My back right tire busted and I swerved a little bit.



  Two more shots rang out and my front right tire busted as well. I flew into the intersection as I tried to bring the car to a halt. I was screaming at the top of my lungs as my truck spun wildly in a circle. The car finally flew onto the sidewalk, where a light pole stopped it.

  “Oh my God!” I screamed and then looked into the backseat to check on Jackson and Harmony. Thank God they were both sound asleep.

  I let out a sigh of relief and then pulled out my cell phone to call AAA. My hands were trembling like crazy, making it harder to dial. I frantically looked around to see if I could spot the black Toyota Corolla that just tried to kill me. Once AAA informed me that they were on the way, I called my husband.


  “Julius, somebody tried to kill me!” I cried into the phone.

  “What? Where are you?” he asked.

  “I’m waiting on AAA, someone shot my tires while I was driving,” I replied.

  The Auto Club arrived about ten minutes later, around the same time Julius did. We removed Jackson and Harmony from my car and let AAA tow it to the shop. Julius drove the three of us home, while my car was being worked on.

  “You said they shot at you?” Julius asked once we got home.

  “Yeah, at first they just sideswiped me, so I took pictures of their license plate. I tried to get their attention, but the windows were tinted and they wouldn’t slow down. Once I went on about my way, they shot my tires,” I sniffled.

  “Calm down Nat,” he said holding me in his arms.

  “I thought I was gonna die,” I sobbed.

  “Thank God you didn't,” he replied in a low tone.

  “Who would do this?” I asked.

  “I don’t know baby girl, but we’re gonna find out. Send me the picture you took of the plate.” One million thoughts appeared to be running through his mind.

  “Okay,” I said.

  I was scared out of my mind that someone tried
to kill me. Who could this be? It probably was another one of Julius’ enemies. I hoped he got out of this game soon because first it was Lucy and now they were coming for me. They didn’t succeed this time, but who knows when they would be back.

  Chapter 38: Paula

  The saying “misery loves company” is all too true. Since I couldn’t be happy, no one could be happy around this muthafucka. I’m not the bitch you can go around fucking over. You don’t cheat on Paula. You don’t disregard Paula’s feelings. You don’t play Paula either. That’s what everyone did and everyone was gonna pay.

  Yep, I shot out Natalia’s tires. I didn’t give a fuck if her kids were in the car either. If she didn’t want to join me, she would have to go down too. I don’t play around when it comes to my man. They would’ve known that if they had ever looked into what happened to my daughter’s father. Anyway, now that I had Natalia shaken up, it was time to go after the real culprit, Lucy.

  I found out this hoe was pregnant by my fucking man! This just infuriated me even more. Was he really about to have a baby with a bitch he’d only been with for a couple months? He constantly reminded me that he didn’t want kids of his own, and even broke up with me when I tried to get pregnant anyway. See what I mean when I say hoes stay winning? A bitch that’s about something, like me, gets tossed to the curb when she tries to get pregnant. However, a hoe gets embraced when she gets pregnant by that exact same nigga.

  “Julius will be gone around 11am,” I told Marlon.

  Marlon was still obsessing over Natalia and I was gonna help him get her. Since I couldn’t kill her, why not have Marlon harm her. Marlon had clearly lost his marbles and I knew if he got near Natalia, he might hurt her. I was gonna help him break in her home so he could have his way with her ass. In my eyes, I was doing her a favor more than harming her. Marlon was a far better choice for Natalia. To my knowledge, he had never cheated or hit her ass, so she would actually be thanking me after this. I needed all the help I could get with these stupid hoes anyway.


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