Daddy's Boss

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Daddy's Boss Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  To her own eyes, she looked half-crazed with need, and she didn’t want that.

  “I’m fine. Perfectly fine.”

  “Why do you keep telling yourself that?” Dawg asked, making her gasp.

  She turned to see him leaning against the counter. She’d closed her eyes for only a second, and already he was there.

  “This is a women’s bathroom,” she said.

  “Actually, it’s just a bathroom, Lori. Anyone can come in here. Female or male.”

  She stared down the length of his body and bit her lip. He was a man with hard muscles, and she knew his cock was huge.

  She didn’t want to be thinking about his cock. He stepped toward her, and she turned so that her ass rested against the sink. “What’s wrong, Lori?”

  He’d said her name twice now, and it wasn’t helping her at all.

  “Why did you bring me here?” she asked.

  “I happen to really like this club. No other reason.”

  She stared at him, and couldn’t detect any lie. Rubbing at her temple, she glanced past his shoulder.

  “What’s the matter, Lori?” he asked.

  “Why do you keep saying my name?”

  “Because I like it. I like it when you say mine.” He stepped closer, trapping her against the sink and his hard body. The heat coming from him was too much. Her hands landed on his shoulders, and she had every intention of pushing him away. The moment she touched him, however, all of her plans went out of the window.

  Gripping his arms, she stared at his lips.

  They looked so hard and firm. She’d felt them against her skin in the little pecks that he gave her.

  Would it really hurt to have a taste?

  Her pussy was on fire, her nipples tight. She wanted to fuck him, no doubt about that.

  Then why deny herself the pleasure?

  He’s a killer.

  So are you.

  At that simple reminder, she went onto her tiptoes at the same time, running her hands to the back of his head and pulling him down to kiss her. She whimpered the moment his hands touched her, and she wanted more. She didn’t want him to stop, not for a second.

  They landed on her back, pulling her against him before gripping her ass tightly as he dragged her close.

  She tightened her hold on his hair at the base of his neck, whimpering as his own touch did the same. There would no doubt be bruises from him, and she didn’t care. Instead, she basked in everything he did to her.

  He lifted her up and placed her on the counter between the two sinks, his hands moving from her ass up to her dress straps.

  Dawg took the straps and eased them down her shoulders, exposing her tits to his view. “They are so fucking perfect.” He cupped them in his palm, his tongue peeking out to flick each tip in turn. She whimpered as the pleasure went straight to her pussy. With him standing between her legs, she wrapped them around his waist, pulling him close, not caring that they were in a bathroom.

  His touch made her melt, and finally provided her the relief she’d been hoping to get in the past two months. No, not the past two months, for a long time before that. Every time Dawg had stared at her in the past, he had this look that always made her think of hot, dirty, sweaty sex.

  She’d known it would be explosive between them.

  Thinking it was one thing, feeling it was quite another.

  She didn’t want him to stop, and she feared that she’d never want him to.

  Chapter Six

  Lori was like fire in his arms, and Dawg fucking loved it. The instant they walked through the doors, his cock had been so hard that it had been painful to keep on taking the next step, and yet he kept on doing it. He loved sex. He loved fucking. To him, it was an art form, and he loved to watch other people fuck.

  He’d taken a chance tonight with Lori.

  She was a sensual woman, and she loved to fuck. He knew that about her. He didn’t care that she’d been with other men.

  The last thing he wanted was a simpering virgin in his bed. Running his hands down her body, cupping her tits, he pressed them together. She had large nipples, and since the night she got naked in the bathroom, he’d wanted to touch her. Each night it had been a challenge, but it was one he’d been more than willing to accept.

  Pushing the skirt of her dress up, he palmed her pussy and groaned when he found her without any panties on.

  “I couldn’t wear any,” she said. “It would have ruined the dress.”

  He didn’t care how it would have ruined the dress. Sliding a finger between her slit, he touched her clit, and watched her cry out, breaking from their kiss.

  She leaned back, and he watched her tits shake as he teased her clit. Moving his finger down to her entrance, he pushed inside her, feeling her walls tighten around him.

  “You’re so tight, and so wet. Do you want my cock?” he asked.


  She didn’t hesitate.

  Pulling his finger from her cunt, he pinched her clit. At the same time, Lori sat up, attacking his belt. The moment he was free, she wrapped her fingers around his length, and they both groaned.

  He wasn’t anywhere near done though. Pulling his finger from her pussy, he knelt down and stared at her pretty cunt. She had a light dusting of hair covering her mound, which he didn’t mind at all.

  Dawg didn’t like it when women shaved or waxed it all off. He liked to feel he was fucking a woman, not a porn star or a child.

  Spreading her lips open, he loved the look of her pussy. Touching his tongue to her clit, he began to lick and suck at her.

  He loved the taste of her as he sucked her clit into his mouth hard.

  Dawg released her, gliding his tongue down to her pussy to plunge inside, fucking her.

  She cried out his name, begging for more.

  It wasn’t enough.

  Standing up, he licked his lips and pulled her to the edge of the counter. There would be time for long and slow later. Right now, he needed to be inside her.

  Running the tip of his cock, which leaked pre-cum, across her slit, he bumped her clit.

  “Watch us, Lori. Watch as I fuck you.” He stayed poised at her entrance, pressing just the tip within her before his gaze returned to hers.

  She wasn’t looking at where they were joined. Her gaze was on him.

  He thrust inside her, filling her to the hilt, and they both cried out as she took him deeply.

  He felt every single pulse and ripple of her pussy as she clutched him.

  From the angle that she was lying, he was able to touch her clit, and as he was deeply inside her, he fingered her pussy.

  With each stroke of his finger across her clit, her cunt tightened around him and he closed his eyes, basking in the pleasure as she pulsed around him. He was close to blowing, but he was determined to feel her come first.

  She screamed his name a second before her orgasm hit, and when it did, to him, it was a thing of beauty. She came apart, jerking a little as the aftershocks of release hit her.

  Pulling out of her pussy, he changed positions, pulling her off the sink, and instead, finding his way inside her as her back pressed to his front. Staring into her eyes, he sank deeply into her core. Wrapping an arm around her waist, with the other, he touched her tit, squeezing the flesh.

  Lori released a whimper that was more in pleasure than in any kind of pain.

  “You feel so fucking good.”

  He pulled out of her, and slammed inside, going deeper with every thrust. She met him each way, taking more of his cock, and her gaze stayed on him. He loved the way she gave herself to him, and didn’t hold anything back. He didn’t want her to hold anything away from him. He wanted to see her come apart more than anything else.

  They were the only two people in the world, and nothing else mattered to him. He didn’t even care if someone walked in and caught them. Right there, in that one blissful moment, he finally had the woman he’d been craving for a long time, and he had no intention of
ever letting her go.

  Lori was his, and as he came, feeling the ripples of a tiny release from her, he vowed to never hurt her, and to always be there.

  Pressing a kiss to her shoulder, he held her tightly to him. The only sounds filling the bathroom were those of their pants.

  Their relationship had changed. There was no going back.


  Lori licked her lips and watched in the mirror as Dawg pulled out of her. He found some tissues, and she realized that he’d come inside her. She was on the pill and didn’t worry about pregnancy.

  No, it was everything else she worried about.

  He helped her back into her dress, and she was too shaken by what they’d just experienced to fight him.

  She didn’t want to fight him.

  Neither of them said a word as they entered the main rooms once again. The sight of sex was still heady, and she felt the answering tug within her core. Dawg wasn’t a small man, and each time she moved she grew aware of the pleasure they’d experienced just moments ago.

  “Do you want to go to a more private room?” he asked, after ten minutes of standing up.

  She nodded her head. With what they’d just experienced, she wasn’t ready to just sit and watch everything. Her head was everywhere, making no sense to her at all.

  “You have a room here?” she asked.

  “Yes.” He took her to the main reception, and now that her head was clear, the room itself looked like a hotel of sorts.

  She held onto his arm as they made their way up the steps. They seemed to go on forever before he finally picked a room, and when he did, opening the door, she breathed a sigh of relief.

  On entering, however, she looked around the room and saw it was another room for sex.

  Not letting that faze her, she stepped further into the room and glanced around. The walls were red, the color of passion. To Lori though, red always made her think of blood. Pushing those thoughts to the back of her mind, she held onto one of the bedposts, and when she caught the cuff linked to the post, she smiled and lifted it.

  “You ever brought a woman here before?” she asked.


  “I find that hard to believe.”

  “I’ve enjoyed watching on the few occasions I come here. I won’t lie. I have enjoyed the pleasures of other men’s wives, but only when they’ve asked for help.”

  She nodded and dropped the cuff.

  “You’re nervous,” he said.

  “No, I’m not nervous. I’m confused.” She took a seat on the edge of the bed. Rubbing at her temple, she stared at the man before her. “You’re supposed to be a monster.”

  “And because I’m not, this is … confusing to you?”

  “It’s … different, okay? I thought this was going to be easy, or at least not as difficult. I didn’t know what to expect. I signed a contract that gave me to you.”

  “I know.”

  “Yeah, and now I’m not even sure what that means. You can have any woman you want, and even women that want you back.”

  “You want me back, Lori. You just chose to fight it.”

  She sighed.

  “What is the real problem here?” he asked.

  “I don’t know. What was the contract for if you’re not going to enforce it?”

  “You’ve got an issue with me because I didn’t force you to have sex with me?”

  “Yes … no … I don’t know.”

  “Lori, I like you. The past three years I’ve been trying to get you to have dinner with me. The point of the contract was that I wanted it to be legally binding so I can keep you with me at all times. Sex … I want it, of course I fucking want it, but I don’t want it unless you do. I’m not going to force you to do something, and you’re not going anywhere else, so don’t even for a second think I’ll let you go. You want this as much as I do. Your father’s a dangerous man. I’m sure you’re aware of the problems he causes when your back is turned.”

  She snorted. “I’m aware.” She was more than aware.

  The image of her mother being hurt struck her, and she flinched, getting to her feet and moving toward the window.

  Staring down onto the gardens, she saw more couples screwing.

  This was what she wanted to be doing with Dawg.

  He stepped up behind her. The scent of him, the touch of him, made her close her eyes and bask in his closeness. She never wanted him to let her go. Whenever he touched her, she always felt safe, secure, warm. She didn’t want that to end, not now, not ever.

  “We can be whatever we want this to be. I’m not going to rape you. When we fuck, it’s going to be like in the bathroom. We’re going to be like fire, burning each other up, but begging for more from each other.” He stroked her hips, and she closed her eyes. “You can feel this thing between us, can’t you?”

  “It’s just sex.”

  “If you want to believe that is all it is, then I’ll let you. You can’t hide from me, Lori. I will always find you. I know you, and I’ll protect you.”

  She spun in his arms. “You can protect me.”


  “You don’t even know me.”

  “I know you. I know enough about you to know that I will do everything in my power not to hurt you, or to allow others to hurt you.” He cupped her face, tilting her head back, not allowing her to back down or to stop looking at him. He ran his thumb across her lip, and she whimpered. “I’m here for you.”

  Tears filled her eyes, and she tried to stop them.

  “No, you cry.” He pulled her close, and she didn’t make a sound as tears fell from her eyes. She didn’t even know why she was crying, only that she was.

  Wrapping her arms around him, she held onto him. She couldn’t believe she was holding a man that a few months ago she wouldn’t give the time of day. He was dangerous, and he reminded her every single day of what she’d done.

  Did he know?

  Had her father told him her secret?

  She didn’t know, and right then, she didn’t care.

  Dawg picked her up in his arms and carried her over to the bed.

  He held her all night long, and she didn’t fight him. The time for fighting was over, but she didn’t know if she could bring herself to love him. Did he even want her love? She had so many confusing thoughts that she pushed them to one side, and instead focused on his arms around her, holding her. Everything else could wait until tomorrow.

  Chapter Seven

  “She’s not packed her bag yet, or called you all different kinds of scum so I’m guessing you’re safe,” Paul said, whistling by his side.

  They were walking down the street, heading toward one of their underground fight clubs. There had been a dispute between two of his fighters, and he’d been called to settle it. Like always, his brother was with him.

  Paul was pretty handy with a crowbar.

  “Lori’s not leaving, ever,” he said.

  “Does she know that?”


  “Why do I feel you’re lying, brother?” Paul asked with a smirk.

  “You can think what you like.”

  “You are aware that you can ask a woman to marry you, and you don’t need to lock her into a contract or anything, or blackmail her?”

  Dawg didn’t see what his brother was finding so amusing, and glared at him.

  Paul held his hands up. “I’m sorry, okay. I just find this really funny. I shouldn’t, should I? You and Lori being a thing that she doesn’t even know about.”

  He ignored Paul’s jibes as they entered the gym. Several of the fighters that were there stood, but he again ignored them. His brother had stopped his rambling, and Dawg made his way downstairs to where most of the fights were raging.

  Ortiz was there, waiting. Both men were being held down by several men, and he looked between each of them.

  “You want to tell me what the problem is here?”

  “They’re fixing fights,” Ortiz said. “Making bets on w
ho would win and who will lose.”

  Dawg looked between the two men, seeing the fear there. “You didn’t know?”

  “No. One of the women was cleaning out the locker rooms when she heard them talking. It’s only their fights they’re throwing, and they were not under any instructions to do so.”

  Dawg looked at both men. They had good records for winning, and he’d earned a great deal of money off their fighting, but he wasn’t in the mood to be gracious today.

  Pulling out both of his guns, he fired a shot at each man through the skull, ending their lives.

  “Problem is solved. Let it be known that if you try to fuck with me, I’ll end them.” He turned toward Ortiz. “Bury them.”

  With that, he left the gym, and many of the men were quaking.

  “What the fuck was that?” Paul asked.

  “There was a problem. I solved it.” He shrugged and looked at his brother.

  “You never go in and do shit like that. Don’t you want to figure out who put them up to throwing the fights?”

  “Go ahead, do what you need to do. I’ve got other things to deal with.”

  Before he could climb into the car, Paul grabbed his arm and nodded at the driver to leave. Dawg glared at his baby brother. “You’re overstepping right now.”

  “I know this thing with Lori has you focused on her right now, but as the boss, you’ve got to take into consideration a lot of other factors. Did those men make bets themselves, or was someone else wanting the piece of the pie? I never question you, and the fact that I am should be a huge wakeup call, Dawg.”

  Paul stepped back.

  “You’re not coming?”

  “No. I’m going to go and see if there’ve been any big payouts, and where the money has gone.”

  Dawg watched his brother head back into the gym. He nodded at three guards to follow him. He loved his brother very much, and he’d never accept anything happening to him, just because his head wasn’t in the game.

  On the drive back to his home, he thought about what his brother had said, and knew Paul spoke the truth.

  Lori was his entire world, and had been from the moment he saw her. With her in his home right now, in his life, he couldn’t get her out of his mind. Especially after what her father had told him.


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