Bound (Seven Year Itch)

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Bound (Seven Year Itch) Page 8

by Jennifer Foor

  She shakes her head. “Nothing. It’s nothing.”

  “Something just happened. You have tears in your eyes and it’s not because I’ve made you come so hard you’re crying.”

  A quick half-smile forms in the corner of her lips. “Can that happen?”

  I shrug. “I’m hoping to find that out, but not before you tell me why what I said got to you?”

  She tries to free her hands and remembers she’s restrained. I climb off the bed and get something out of my drawer that might help speed up the confession.

  It’s a chain with three clamps attached. I clip two metal toothed ends to her nipples and watch as she starts breathing heavily and whining. “Does it hurt?”

  “I’m not sure.”

  I smirk. I’ve been told they feel amazing. I know for a fact this last one will send her squirming. Her swollen clit awaits the final clamp. She sucks in deeper than before and prepares. Her body bucks as I let go and I watch as she begins to fall apart. “Yeah, that’s it. Let it out.”

  “Oh shit. Shit. Holy wow. I’m about to…” She’s done for and I’m amused. I watch her pussy contract as another bout takes her away for a few moments. When she finally comes back down from the high she’s focused on my face.

  “I can’t get pregnant. For years sex has only been about having a child, but I can’t conceive. I’m barren, so they tell me. According to the doctors there is a one percent chance I could ever carry a baby, but my cycle doesn’t work efficiently, so conceiving it is almost impossible.”

  “I’m sorry. Being a parent isn’t something on my to-do list, so forgive me if I’m a bit insensitive. It’s not that I don’t find children fulfilling. I just don’t want them growing up with an absent father. My job is too demanding. My dad was never home. I missed out on a lot of things because of that.”

  “That’s pretty unselfish, Ben.” She pauses. “You need to take off the clamps. They’re starting to hurt.”

  I dive down and suck on her juicy pussy lips, taking in the flavor of her latest release. Using one hand, I stretch her open and lick inside of her. She tries to back away, but is unsuccessful. I can’t get enough of her. The more she squirms the faster I lick. My tongue strides across the metal clamp and she literally jumps, her ass lifting inches off the bed and falling back down. I go at it again, this time yanking on the top half of the chain to bring pleasure to her nipples.

  She claws at the sheets beneath her while I finger my way down to her ass. Macy’s pussy begins to contract while my tongue is there. A warm gush rushes over my face and I know I’ve succeeded yet again. This time I have to wipe her off. She’s saturated with remnants of the little effort I’ve made thus far. It’s enough to drive attention to something I continue neglecting.

  One touch is all it will take, so I have to make it worthwhile. Before we fuck I need to blow this load. There’s no way I can enter that tight channel without bursting.

  I come up to her face and tease her mouth with my tongue. I’m so fucking horny I’m in pain, but I need her to beg for it.

  When I have her attention, I rise up higher until she’s staring right at it. Maneuvering it with my hand, I run it over one of her clamped nipples. She shakes and makes a little sound before responding. “I know what you want, Ben. Unhook my hands. Let me touch you.”

  I start jerking off as she speaks. Her plump lips are red from kissing and I want to fill them with something else. I’m still pumping as I bring the head over and tease her pretty mouth with it. Her tongue protrudes, leaving a shiny trail where it makes contact. “I want to come in your mouth.”

  She bites her lip and I have to close my eyes to hold on for a few more seconds. When I open them she’s licking them and spreading them wide, her tongue out and awaiting my hot load.

  I shove my cock down her throat and fuck her face. Her gagging sets me off. I pull back enough for her to take it all, then squirt the remnants on the outside of her mouth to spread around. At the same time I begin gently yanking on the center of the chain that she’s still attached to. She’s writhing while I fall apart.

  When I know she’s had time to swallow, I take my fingers and rub my cum over her lips, watching as her tongue laps it away with a moan.

  Before I can even consider what I’m doing I’ve unfastened her restraints. I need her to touch me so she can feel the way I do. I go to take off the clamps but she stops me. “Don’t. I like them.”

  We kiss, because somehow I’ve completely forgotten that her new chap stick flavor is my salty cum. None of it matters with her. When she kisses me it’s intense. I wonder how her husband could have been such a worthless bastard and neglected her for so long. If he’d only took his time and explored her body for the endless possibilities it offers, he might have changed his mind about a lot of things. I know if she was mine, mine completely, I’d never take her for granted. “I can’t stop kissing you.”

  “So don’t.” Her hands come around my back and pull my weight onto her. I try to distribute it evenly, but my legs are still in a weakened state. I use my feet to free both of her ankles and flip her on top of me. Then something happens that will be captured in my memory until the day I die.

  She sits straight up and runs her hands through her hair to push it away from her face. My dick jerks back alive the moment she begins to rock. I watch Macy suck on her bottom lip as she peers down and drags her nails over my nipples. “Do it again,” I ask.

  She does, this time harder. It’ll leave a mark and I like knowing it. My hands find the small of her waist and stay there. I use my strength to sit up and be face to face with her. Our next kiss is so powerful I almost don’t want it to end. “I thought you wanted me to fuck you?” I ask.

  She bites on my lip and pulls back before giving me her response. “I do, but maybe I want to fuck you first.”

  This is bad.

  I haven’t been inside of her and all I can think about is the next time and the one after that. This isn’t like having a weekly appointment with my circle of sexual friends. This is dangerous for me, because she’s addictive after just a taste.

  “What are you waiting for, Macy? Show me what you’ve got.”

  Chapter 13


  I’m losing my grip on reality. Nothing else exists right now, not my life, my job, my past, and my future. We’re engulfed in each other, and I can’t stop. I ride Ben until my hips give out, and then I ride him some more. It’s rough and wild, like a stallion would be to tame. I’m taking out all of my pent up sexual frustrations on this man and he’s loving it. I’m covered in sweat and physically beat, but determined to do all the work.

  Sex with Ben is awakening. He knows where to touch, what to do, and how to appreciate. When I stop to rest and have another kiss he squeezes my ass until it aches. “I’d be happy to take over.”

  “No. I’ve got this.”

  He taps me on the ass. “Roll over and get on your knees. I need to fuck this tight little pussy from behind.”

  I snicker but force him to remain down by pressing his arms against the mattress. “Not so fast. I said I wasn’t done.” I leave him with a chaste kiss before twisting my body around so I’m still sitting on him, but with my back facing him instead. I lean forward and give him an eyeful, hoping he’ll have some good ideas about what he can prod my asshole with later. I gradually lift up my ass and then drop it back down, starting up a repeated pace that I know will drive him wild.

  It’s no time at all before he’s bucking around, then stiffening as he releases. I give him a few moments to recuperate before sliding down from the bed and cleaning off the mess.

  Ben stands and brings me in for another heated kiss and it makes me wonder how long he’s able to go without taking a break. He leans his forehead against mine and inhales deeply. “We got carried away. I’m sorry for that. Please don’t worry, I always use protection, and recently got tested just in case. It’s one of the stipulations with the group of people I interact with.”

p; I’ve had sex without a condom, so I understand how much better it feels, but for some reason I think this was intentional. It’s something about the way he’s saying it, like he’s sorry, but he’s not. “It’s fine. After that I’d die a happy woman.”

  He releases a chuckle. “Are you admitting I’m good at what I do?”

  I raise my brown and smile, matching his wicked grin. “Not yet, but you’re off to a good start,” I tease.

  He smacks me hard on the ass and begins to walk backward toward the bathroom with me in tow.

  While in the hot shower we embrace. He washes my hair first, and then the rest of my body. Then I do the same with him. Every once in a while he’ll stop to kiss me, or just simply hold me in his arms. It’s a side of him I never imagined in my head. He’s always so proud, but this type of action is different. It’s normal.

  When the spigot shuts off I smell like his soap, but we’re clean and ready to start over. Just like our bath, Ben is careful to dry me off before taking me back to bed. I climb in and watch as he joins me, pulling me close and immediately closing his eyes. For a second I’m wondering if this is something he usually does, but he quickly breaks free and starts to laugh. “No. I can’t do it. It’s too fucking hot. How some people can sleep like that is beyond me.”

  I laugh with him. “It’s a good thing. I was starting to think you’ve gone soft.”

  “Never say that to a man, Macy. But seriously, I want you close. We have a lot more to take care of. For now get some rest. You’ll need your energy.”

  “Will there be dildos in the near future?” I ask.

  He sits up and stares at me with a blank grimace. “Who the hell are you and what have you done with Macy?”

  I trace my fingers over his lips before sucking the bottom one in between mine. As I release I notice he’s still waiting for an answer. “We aren’t always how we appear at work, Ben. Back in the day I used to like being adventurous.”

  “Why the hell would you settle then?”

  I shrug. “It felt like it was the right path. I assumed settling down meant having to give up the fun stuff.”

  He flops on the blankets next to me and pulls me so that my head is resting on his chest. “You better still be here when I wake up.”

  “Are you afraid I won’t be?”

  “I don’t know. It all seems too good to be true.”

  Then I say something that ruins everything. “Don’t go falling in love with me, Ben. I’m here to fuck you, just like the others, right?”

  He turns his head and agrees. “Don’t worry. I know exactly what this is.”

  Maybe we should have been more clear about things before we jumped into bed together. I think the build up and my playing hard to get made things progress faster than either of us could imagine. His swinger lifestyle has me curious now more than ever.

  I spent the entire weekend in bed with Ben. He’d cook for me and make sure I rested, but for the most part we were fucking.

  He was right about one thing. I’m in pain. Every muscle in my body hurts, and don’t get me started on my pussy. I feel like a freight train backed up in there over and over again.

  When Monday morning comes I know it’s the first time since leaving his house that I’ll have to face him. I’m petrified that every single attorney and employee at the firm will see right through me. They’ll know what we’ve done together, or at least suspect it.

  The moment I park my car and walk into the office I'm paranoid. I know my weekend with Ben was a secret, but I still wonder if anyone suspects anything between us. We’ve been spending much more personal time together in the past month, and not doing a good job with keeping it a secret.

  I haven't spoken with him since I left his house the night before, and I'm a little worried about that too. After everything we did he never called.

  I feel like I wasn't good enough, or perhaps he already went out and hooked up with his so-called group of friends.

  Ben is the last man I want to be mine, yet the mere thought of him being with someone else leaves me emotional.

  I keep watching the clock since our board meeting is always on Mondays. Ben usually sits at the head of the table, far enough away where I won't look like a desperate lovesick puppy fawning all over him.

  When I hear his voice outside my office door I become frantic. He's paying me a visit before the meeting and I haven't considered how I want to appear. Do I pretend our weekend together was nothing but sex? Do I act appreciative? Should I ask for more?

  He catches me off guard by barging in without a single knock. He's got a bottle of water in his hand that he's pitching in the air and catching it. "The meeting is in five, but I was wondering if I could see you first."

  I fold my hands across my desk and pretend I'm not undressing him with my eyes. "I'm listening."

  He steps closer to my desk and leans in so no one walking by might overhear. "How do you feel? Still sore?"

  "A little."

  "Good. I need to know you're thinking about our time together when we're in the room full of our peers."

  "Are you worried I won't be able to handle myself?"

  He grins. "If you've shown me anything it's your ability to take control, Macy." He taps on my desk and starts to turn away. I watch as he spins to face me again. "One more thing."

  "What?" Is this where he tells me it was fun but it's never happening again?

  "Lose the panties."

  I gulp hard. "Come again?"

  He holds out his hand. "Be a good girl and give me your panties. I want them in my pocket while we're going over the weekly case files."

  I wave him away. "Quit joking."

  His hand is still extended. "Don't make me come take them myself. You know I'm not afraid to make a scene."

  I wriggle out of my panties and roughly shove them in his awaiting hand. "This is crazy. I can't go in there without them on."

  "Not only will you be in the meeting, but you'll be taking the seat next to me. I’ll see you in there."

  I watch him leave, admiring the ass I like seeing naked. This can't go over well, but I'm determined to impress him by acting as if it's not a big deal. I'm fully capable of sitting in a chair with my legs folded and focusing on work. Ben isn't going to get to me at the office.

  I get dirty looks when the person who usually sits next to him has to find a new spot to sit.

  The logical solution would be to take my spot, but he ends up taking someone else's and then more people start to bitch. I keep my head down as if I'm not aware they're all plotting revenge against me.

  Ben gets started once the room is full. He begins calling out case names and getting updates from the lead counsel assigned to each one. When he's approached with a new case opportunity he makes an announcement that shocks me and everyone else in the room with us.

  "I'll be partnering up with Miss Stone for this one."

  No one in the room speaks. They wouldn't dare question his authority, though I know some are thinking he's lost his mind. Ben doesn't usually volunteer for cases. He's supposed to oversee.

  When the next case gets mentioned I listen to someone volunteering to take it on until I feel something running up my leg. It's his hand, and I don't know whether to smack it away or let it remain. This was the reason Ben wanted my panties off.

  I take a quick survey of the room in hopes that no one is paying attention to his roaming hand. When it seems as if they are preoccupied with notes I place both palms on the table and let Ben continue. He slithers slowly across the sensitive skin of my inner thigh, traipsing along as if he has all day to play around. I let my head fall down as if I'm looking at some paperwork, but in actuality I'm crumbling and unable to maintain a composed face. My mind travels back to our weekend, the things we did, and all the wicked sexual exploration I won't soon forget. They're etched in my memory to replace the fantasies I've spent so much time conjuring up.

  Ben stalks the edge of my pussy. He's purposely trying to rile me, but I
am determined to pretend I'm invincible. His skilled fingers map their way to the tender spot that still aches from him.

  Ben keeps talking, as if he's a multitasking genius. He finalizes the agenda and dismisses everyone, asking me to stay behind to review our new case.

  Once we're finally alone he gets up and locks the door.

  "Why would you do that? People are going to think something is up."

  "Well they won't be wrong."

  I flash him a concerned scowl. "Being that this is nothing but casual I think it's best if we kept our activities out of the workplace."

  He's coming at me, smacking his lips into mine as if my words mean nothing. Then it's too late. By the time our embrace ends I'm too winded to contemplate asking him to stop. He presses me up against the long conference table and bends me over, shoving my skirt until my ass is bare and in his view. I turn back to watch his amusement as he rubs over one cheek and then gives it an unexpected smack. I toss him an annoyed glance up until I realize how much I enjoy it. I moan and close my eyes. "Mmm, do it again."

  He slaps harder this time, then squats down to kiss the sting away. As his lips brush over the smooth skin, I feel him shoving my skirt up higher. He spins me around so his face is staring directly at my pussy and winks before sampling my essence. I lean my weight on the table behind me and fall into a spell of ecstasy. This man was put on the earth to eat pussy. He flicks the bud and then circles it, before bringing his thumb up to apply just enough pressure to send me over the edge. Keep in mind I went seven years without having this done to me, so I'm already extremely sensitive. Factor in him being so good at what he does and I crumble to pieces almost immediately. To avoid making a scene, he takes his hand and places it over my mouth just as I begin to lose control. Quakes cause my legs to weaken, and if it wasn't for the table behind me I'd loose my ability to stand.

  Ben comes up and kisses me on the lips, making sure I have a sample of my own release. I'm so turned on at this point I don't care what he has planned next.


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