sports participation by, 23–24
U.S. election of Eisenhower and, 199
voyage to England with, 11, 13, 15, 22–23, 24
Richardson, Hamilton, 23, 154–55
Richardson, Ralph, 263
Richardson, Samuel, 98
Rilke, Rainer Maria, 40, 110, 111–12, 114
Roberts, Dorothy (Dot), 325–26, 356
Roberts, John, 132–33, 345
Rocco and His Brothers (Visconti), 389
Rodwell, Lida, 221, 223
Rodwell, Wilton Egerton (Boots), 221–23
Rome, Italy
trip to with Jim Griffin, 74, 75–93
trip to with Michael Jordan, 113, 115–20
Room with a View, A (Forster), 69
Rosacoke (character), see Long and Happy Life, A (Price)
Ross, Martin, 128
Rotterdam, Holland, 175
Rudenstine, Neil, 59
Russell, Diarmuid, 57, 124, 140, 154, 200, 202, 216–17, 238, 271, 294, 323, 374–75, 376, 377, 378, 385–88
Russell, George, 386
Saint, Eva Marie, 12
St. Hilda’s College, Oxford University, 97, 129, 147, 148, 160, 220
St. Mark’s Cathedral, Venice, 107, 108, 112–13
St. Peter’s Basilica, Rome, 85
“Saints in Caesar’s Household, The” (Tyler), 323
Salome (Strauss), 105–06
Salzburg, Austria, 171–73, 174
Samson Agonistes (Milton), 41, 86, 97, 179, 197–98, 309
San Pietro in Vincoli, Rome, 86
Santa Maria in Galera (Galeria), Italy, 118–19
Santa Maria Maggiore, Rome, 76, 78–79
Sartre, Jean-Paul, 108
Savage, Jane, 109–11, 112, 113–15, 135, 169–73, 172 (illus.), 250, 251
“Scars” (Price), 187
Schiavonetti, Luigi, 354–55
Schlesinger, John, 131
Schwarzkopf, Elisabeth, 159, 171
Schwartz, Alan U., 377–78, 379–80
“Scholar Gypsy, The” (Arnold), 134
Scofield, Paul, 49
Scream, The (Munch), 164
Sears, John, 144
seasonal affective disorder (SAD), 47
Selective Service System, 85, 168, 301–05
Shakespeare Memorial Theatre, Stratford-upon-Avon, 49, 50 (illus.), 62, 65
Shakespeare, William, 317, 371
lectures on, 98, 128, 157, 158
productions of plays of, 49–51, 62, 65, 128, 231, 235, 262, 265, 280, 281–82, 284, 369
Shakespeare the Thinker (Nuttall), 246
Shaw, George Bernard, 125
“Shield of Achilles, The” (Auden), 138, 229
short stories, doctorate research on, 258–59
short stories by Price
agent Russell and, 57, 124, 154, 200, 202, 216–17, 238, 374–75, 377
Cecil’s comments on, 125–26
Chatto’s contract offer for book of, 217
civil-rights movement in the South and effect on, 67
desire to be a good writer and, 71–72
early stories written at Oxford, 55, 57–58, 161–63, 182, 311
father’s death and themes of, 55, 58, 66
Spender’s support for, 201–03, 216
Styron’s support for, 124, 146–47, 238, 329–30
trip to Italy and, 68, 70–71
Welty’s evaluation of, 55–57
writing of, 223, 295, 305–06
Sidney, Philip, 279
Sieverts, Frank, 49
Sistine Chapel, Rome, 87–88, 117–18
Smith, Grover, 360
Soames, Michael, 100
social change
civil-rights movement in the South and, 67–68
postwar in England, 60
social life at Merton College, Oxford
commemoration ball at, 62–64
dancing at, 63
friends and student life at, 58–61, 98–101
plays and theatrical events at, 49–51, 54
Somerville, Edith, 128
Source of Light, The (Price), 97
Civil War and, 16–17
Price’s background in, 42, 60, 61, 65, 133, 195, 215, 224
racial violence and civil-rights movement in, 67–68
Speaight, John, 98–100, 99 (illus.), 245, 261
Spender, Humphrey, 287–88
Spender, Lizzie, 203–04, 206, 221, 222 (illus.)
Spender, Matthew, 203–04, 206, 222 (illus.)
Spender, Natasha (Litvin), 203, 210, 220, 221
Spender, Stephen, 40, 43, 107–08, 129, 142, 206 (illus.), 211–12, 228, 229, 233, 344 (illus.)
family of, 203–204, 206, 272, 286–87
friendship with, 220, 256, 276, 390, 391
lecture tours in United States by, 344, 345–47, 350
letters of, 290–91
sexual outlook of, 201, 209–10, 271–72
social activities with, 230–31, 235–36, 272–73, 290
stays at homes of, 205–13, 220–21, 248–49
support for Price’s writing from, 201–03, 216, 234–35
Spenser, Edmund, 157, 279
Oxford University and, 66
Rhodes Scholars and participation in, 23–24
Starkie, Martin, 142
Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, 175
Stevenson, Adlai, 199
Stignani, Ebe, 159
Stockholm, Sweden, 166
Stonehenge, England, 145
Strachey, Lytton, 126
Stratford-upon-Avon, 49, 50, 62, 128
Strauss, Richard, 105–06
Stravinsky, Igor, 136, 138, 140
Street, Mr. and Mrs. A. W., 103–04
Stringer, Wendy, 148 (illus.)
Strong Are Lonely, The (Hochwälder), 65
Styron, William, 124, 146–47, 238, 329–30
Sutherland, Joan, 220, 273
Sutherland, John, 290–91
Swansea, Wales, 181, 182–83
Sweden, 166–67
Switzerland, 105, 120
Tagliavini, Ferruccio, 159
Tamplin, Ronald, 98, 199, 232
Taylor, Elizabeth, 284
Gardner’s career at Oxford University in, 96
moral expectations of teachers, 347–49
Price’s desire for a career in, 71, 255, 295–96
writing in conflict with, 296
Tempest, The (Shakespeare), 262, 265, 371
tennis, 23, 154–55
Tennyson, Alfred, 193, 279
Terry, Ellen, 263, 265
Tess of the D’Urbervilles (Hardy), 152, 259
Thebom, Blanche, 220
thesis, Duke University, 24
thesis, Oxford University
examination and approval of, 270–71
Gardner’s meetings on, 97–98, 124–25, 197–98, 245
Milton as subject of, 29, 36, 41, 70, 97–98, 130–31, 188, 289, 309
second term focus on, 196, 213, 216, 219, 220
writing of, 223, 241, 246, 248, 249–50
Thorndike, Dame Sybil, 264
Thornton, Macon, 101–02
Thurn und Taxis family, 111, 112, 114
“Thyrsis” (Arnold), 134
Till, Emmett, 16
Till, Mr. (Surgeon), 51–52
Times Literary Supplement, 131
Tintagel, England, 152–54
Tintoretto, 107
Titus Andronicus (Shakespeare), 50, 51, 235, 237, 280
Tivoli, Copenhagen, 168
Tokunaga, Osamu, 271–72
Tolkien, J. R. R., 137, 184, 186, 258
Tolstoy, Leo, 126, 127, 132, 190, 259, 341
Toscanini, Arturo, 214–16
Towers of Trebizond, The (Macaulay), 212
Toys in the Attic (Hellman), 351
Traxler, Vieri and Nicoletta, 90–92, 118–19
Trieste, Italy, 110, 111, 112
Trilling, Lionel, 211–12
Trinity College, Oxford University, 60, 319
Tristan und Isolde (Wagner), 139
“Troubled Sleep” (Price), 313, 373–74
Turner, Arlin, 381–82
Tuve, Rosemond, 140
Twain, Mark, 17
Twelfth Night (Shakespeare), 50, 51, 280
Two Noble Kinsmen (Shakespeare and Fletcher), 231
Tyler, Anne, 318 (illus.), 319, 320, 321–22, 323–24
Tynan, Kenneth, 235, 280
Uffizi Gallery, Florence, 54, 71, 120
Umberto II, king of Italy, 88
Uncle Vanya (Chekhov), 276
Unquiet Grave, The (Connolly), 207–08
Ure, Mary, 49
Van Gogh, Vincent, 175, 177
Vatican Museum, 85–86, 117
Venice, Italy, 107–09, 112
Verdi, Giuseppe, 158–59, 214, 259
Vermeer, Johannes, 175, 176, 177, 205
Vickers, Jon, 220
Victor, Thomas, 44 (illus.)
Vigeland, Gustav, 164
Vikings, 165
Virginia Quarterly Review, The, 124
Visconti, Luchino, 389
Volkswagen car
learning to drive, 150–51
local drives using, 134–35, 147, 148 (illus.), 228, 278–79
purchase of, 102, 113, 125
road trip on the Continent with, 158–77
shipping to the United States, 288–89
tax problems with, 178–79
Wagner, Richard, 139, 214, 220, 259, 273
Waiting for Godot (Beckett), 65
Wales, 181–83
walking as recreation
at Oxford University, 24, 53–54
in Rome, 76, 81–83, 88
Wallace, Irving, 257
Walter, Bruno, 212
Ward, Charles, 252
Warner, Rex, 220
“Warrior Princess Ozimba, The” (Price), 55, 66, 182, 295, 311
Watson, Katherine, 190–91
Waugh, Evelyn, 60
Welitsch, Ljuba, 106
Wells Cathedral, England, 261
Welty, Eudora, 55–57, 56 (illus.), 71, 140, 258, 323, 386–87
Wesley (character), see Long and Happy Life, A (Price)
Westrate, Kees, 189
Wharton, Edith, 315
White, E. B., 315
Whole New Life, A (Price), 1–2
Wilde, Oscar, 226, 263, 279
Williams, Edgar, 26, 224
Williams, Emlyn, 256
Williams, Tennessee, 49
Wilson, Edmund, 352
Wilson, Elena, 352
Wilson, F. P., 42, 45, 285
Wimbledon, England, 23, 154–55, 158
Windsor Great Park, England, 147, 148 (illus.)
Wolfenden Report, 277
Wolfit, Donald, 65
Woman in Blue Reading a Letter (Vermeer), 176
Woolf, Leonard, 207
Woolf, Virginia, 126, 127, 207, 256, 258, 291, 315
Wordsworth, William, 279, 380
World War I, 27, 128, 131, 286
World War II, 13, 17, 26, 34, 59, 88, 89, 92, 133, 166, 229
World Within World (Spender), 201, 210, 217, 221
Worth, Irene, 272–73, 350
Wright, Adrian, 127
Wuthering Heights (Brontë), 285
Wyatt, Thomas, 157
Wynyard, Diana, 49
Yeats, W. B., 126, 380, 386
York, England, 159–60
York Minster, England, 159–60, 261
Ziegner, Hermann, 376
Zuleika Dobson (Beerbohm), 27
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