Once Upon a Highland Moon (The Highland Moon Series)

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Once Upon a Highland Moon (The Highland Moon Series) Page 8

by Gwyn Brodie

  Kade glanced at Sorcha then at Galen. "You've a lot of explaining to do. Why did you take the lass?" he said, keeping his voice low.

  "Remember the missive I received at Ravenskull a few days ago?"

  "Aye, I do."

  "MacPherson is holding Ewan prisoner. I'd planned to trade his sister for my brother."

  Kade's brows rose in surprise. "You what?"

  "It seemed like a good idea at the time." And since it gave him the opportunity to taste Sorcha's soft lips, he thought it was a brilliant idea. Perhaps even fate.

  Kade shook his head and let out a long breath. "Cin? Duncan? Did you not try to talk him out of doing such a foolish thing?"

  Cinead nodded. "Aye, we tried, but you ken Galen. Once his mind is set on something, there's no stopping him. And he needed us to watch his back."

  Kade blew out a breath. "Campbell," he shouted, "As I've always considered myself a fair man, I'm willing to listen to all sides in this matter. I'll allow two of your guards to accompany you to Ravenskull so we can discuss this situation further. The rest of your garrison is to remain here. You'll not be harmed. I give you my word. Shaw will see to the arrangements."

  "I'll accept your offer, MacLachlan. You will soon see that I am in the right of the matter."

  "Send your guards to recover the bodies of the dead and injured. If any should be in need of a healer, bring them along. Our healer will see to them," Kade said, before turning his horse around.

  "How does Jillian fare?" Galen asked, riding alongside him.

  Kade's face brightened at the mention of his wife. "She is well. After your departure, I learned there is another bairn on the way."

  "Soon the castle will be filled with the sound of children," Galen teased.

  "And so it will be," Kade said, grinning.

  "Was your wife Jillian MacRae?" Sorcha asked.

  "Aye, the same. Do you ken her?"

  "Aye, I do. As children we played together during the Highland gatherings. We were inseparable. But we've not seen one another in many years. Alex, my brother, a few years older than the two of us, enjoyed naught more than teasing Jillian. I'll be most glad to see her after all this time." Excitement filled Sorcha at the prospect of seeing her old friend once again. She was certain Alex would be pleasantly surprised to see her, as well.

  "I'm happy to hear that, Lady Sorcha. Jillian will be pleased to have you at Ravenskull. In the year since we wed, for reasons I don't understand, she hasn't befriended any of the females there."

  Galen snorted. "Are you daft, Kade? 'Tis because she trusts none of them to be near you."

  Kade frowned. "How would you ken of this?"

  "I look, I listen and I learn."

  "Humph, a philosopher, are you now?"

  Galen chuckled.

  'Twas obvious how much Kade cared for his wife and children. She dreamed that someday someone would love her as much. She glanced over at Galen and their gazes locked.

  He winked. Then a slow smile spread across his handsome features.

  Sorcha felt her face heat, as the memory of their brief kisses and being pressed against Galen's hard, muscular body leapt to the forefront of her mind.

  "What of wee Robbie and Ian?" Galen asked Kade.

  "Both are well and will be glad to see the three of you."

  Galen moved his horse closer to Sorcha's.

  She glanced at his hand wrapped around the reins, remembering in vivid detail how it had felt moving over her. How would it feel with naught between his hand and her bare skin? She shivered. A true lady would not be thinking of such things! Sorcha scolded herself as Ravenskull rose up in front of them.

  The castle appeared dark and foreboding against the blue sky and green hills surrounding it. Any other time Sorcha would have dreaded going inside such a place. But this was where her friend Jillian lived, thus it must not be as it seemed.

  After passing through the portcullis, Kade halted his horse and turned to wait for Archibald, his guards, and the injured. "Once you leave your horses at the stables, Shaw will show you and your guards to the great hall. Arrangements will be made for the injured."

  Archibald nodded, then looked at Sorcha through narrowed eyes. "When I get you back to Clifftower, you'll pay dearly for the trouble you've caused me," he said, keeping his voice low, so only she could hear.

  A wave of terror washed over Sorcha. She trembled and dropped her gaze.

  Galen noticed, for he brought his horse between them, blocking Archibald's view.

  The two men stared at one another, until Archibald looked away and followed Shaw to the stables.

  "What was it he said to you?" Galen asked, a frown on his attractive face.

  "That I would be sorry for the trouble I've caused him."

  He uttered a curse, glaring at Archibald's back as he disappeared into the stables.

  As the four men and Sorcha entered the great hall, Jillian raced across the room and jumped into Kade's arms.

  He kissed her passionately, as if no one but them existed. Perhaps at that particular moment, no one else did.

  Jillian broke the kiss, then smiled at the trio of men. She opened her arms and they each gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

  Kade didn't appear to mind in the least.

  "I'm glad to see the three of you made it safely back to Ravenskull," Jillian said, then spotted Sorcha. Her eyes widened. "Sorcha MacPherson, what in heaven's name are you doing with this crowd?"

  Sorcha smiled. "'Tis a very long story," she said hugging Jillian.

  "And one that I plan to hear the details of as soon as Laird Campbell arrives," Kade said, glaring at Galen.

  Jillian's eyes widened. "If we're to have more guests, then I need to let Cook and Glennis ken. How many more will there be, Kade?"

  "Three tonight. Tomorrow, I don't ken. Lady Sorcha's brother will be arriving then."

  Jillian smiled and turned to Sorcha. "Is Alex well? Has he ever married?"

  "Aye, he's well, but not yet wed."

  "That surprises me. He always was a most handsome lad."

  Kade looked at his wife and frowned.

  She didn't notice, or pretended not to.

  Sorcha's stomach growled and everyone looked her way. Her face heated with embarrassment.

  Jillian slipped her arm about her friend's shoulders. "When was the last time you ate?"

  "Yesterday," Galen said, before she could answer.

  "'Tis now nigh on gloaming. No wonder your belly sounds so angry. Come, all of you. Supper is about to be served."

  Galen offered Sorcha his arm, and they all followed Kade and Jillian to the high table. Kade had just finished giving Jillian a brief description of what had transpired earlier, when Archibald and his guards entered the room, escorted by Shaw and several other MacLachlan guards.

  Archibald left his men at the entrance and made his way to their table. He glared at Sorcha, making her squirm in her seat. She turned aside, but could still feel his disapproving gaze on her.

  "Laird Campbell," Kade said, "may I introduce my wife, Lady Jillian MacLachlan."

  Archibald barely acknowledged Jillian's presence, which didn't surprise Sorcha, but caused Kade's dark eyes to flash with anger.

  "Please, join us," Jillian said, "I'll send someone to fetch your guards so they may eat as well."

  "Nay," Archibald said, seating himself as far away from the others as possible, but where he still had a clear view of Sorcha. "I don't molly-coddle my guards. They can wait."

  Jillian opened her mouth to say something, then closed it. Instead, she turned to Sorcha and smiled. "'Tis so good to see you again after all this time, Sorcha. You look lovely as ever."

  Sorcha glanced sideways at Galen. He was smiling at her. "Much thanks, Jillian," she said. "I was just about to say the same thing about you." Then her gaze fell on Archibald. The evil in his eyes sent a sliver of ice sliding down her spine. She looked away, her ravenous appetite suddenly gone.

  "Campbell," Kade sai
d with his brows lowered. "I've decided it would be in the best interest of all parties concerned if we delayed our meeting until Laird MacPherson arrives. I take it he has also been searching for Lady Sorcha?"

  "Aye, that he has. The missive he sent indicated as much." He glared at Galen. "I immediately set off after the swine, hoping to find them before she was taken advantage of. She was a virgin when she left Clifftower and she'd better still be one."

  Sorcha's face heated. "Archibald, how could you be so cruel," she said through clenched teeth. "But of course, I shouldn't be at all surprised, should I now?"

  Kade glanced over at Galen and raised a brow.

  Galen snorted. "I assure you, Kade, the lady has not been compromised." In truth, she hadn't been, but in his thoughts he'd done just that more times than he could count. Piece by piece he'd slowly peeled away her clothing, imagining every shapely curve he'd find once she stood before him unclothed. Her skin would feel soft and smooth beneath his hands as they moved over her. He swallowed hard. If he didn't stop thinking of Sorcha, his need for her would soon be obvious.

  "The hour is late," Kade declared. "After a good night's rest—and with the arrival of MacPherson—I'm certain this matter can be settled satisfactorily for all parties concerned. Campbell, your guards are welcome to settle in with my garrison in the great hall. One of my guards will be posted outside your door—just in case you should decide to take matters into your own hands."

  Jillian smiled at Sorcha. "Would you like the use of our tub, Sorcha?" she whispered. "If so, then I'll have it taken to your room and give you loan of some clothing."

  Galen pretended not to hear. He didn't wish to embarrass Sorcha, but he imagined her stepping from the tub, water trailing over her chest and ribcage, then over her flat belly. The sensual image ignited his desire like a spark to dry timber. Through narrowed eyes, he glared at Campbell. He'd not have her—nor would any other man for that matter. He couldn't stand the thought of anyone, but himself, touching her.

  Sorcha's face brightened. "'Twould be wonderful, Jillian." She lifted her hand to her hair. "I must look a mess."

  "On the contrary, my lady, you look very beautiful," Galen said, his gaze falling from her eyes to her lips.

  She blushed.

  Archibald jumped up from his seat, knocking over his goblet of ale. "MacKinnon, she's betrothed to me. 'Tis best you remember that fact."

  "Take it easy, Campbell." Kade frowned. "And sit down."

  Archibald stood, legs apart, chest heaving and his hands balled into fists, glaring at Galen.

  "Sit down," Kade bellowed, his voice echoing against the high timbers of the great hall.

  Archibald sat back down, his face a glowering mask of rage.

  "Come with me," Jillian said, taking Sorcha's arm. "We'll speak with Glennis about the arrangements."

  Galen watched them go. After more than two days of her having never been out of his sight, he was reluctant for her to leave it now, even though he knew she'd be fine with Jillian.

  Kade nodded to Shaw, and the head of the guard moved behind Campbell, whose hands were still clenched into fists. "If you do not wish to partake of the meal, then Shaw will show you to your room."

  Campbell nodded, then rose from his seat. After a brief word with his guards, he left the great hall, with Shaw watching his every move.

  Galen didn't trust the man, especially with Sorcha and the whoreson under the same roof. "I hope his bedchamber is far away from Sorcha's. He's not to be trusted."

  The corners of Kade's mouth curved upward. "And what about you, Galen? Can you be trusted, when it comes to Lady Sorcha?"

  Galen smiled. Perhaps not. But he wasn't about to admit anything of the sort.

  Cinead and Duncan laughed, the sound echoing against the high beams of the great hall.

  Kade rose from his seat. "Before we say any more on the subject, let's go to the solar so we may have some privacy."

  The three followed Kade up the stairs and down the corridor. Once inside the solar, Kade leaned against the fireplace and crossed his arms. "Now that we're alone, tell me what the hell is going on."

  Cinead began, "Duncan and I were on our way here to Ravenskull, minding our own business, when Galen spotted us and played yet another prank, making us believe a female was in need of our help."

  Galen grinned.

  Kade rolled his eyes toward the ceiling and shook his head. "Go on."

  "He was on his way to see MacPherson, for he held Ewan prisoner. We went with him, in case the meeting between them should get out of hand—which it almost did."

  "How so?" Kade looked at Duncan.

  Duncan rose from his seat and walked to the window. "MacPherson refused to release the lad and Galen became furious. We were surrounded by armed guards. If Cin hadn't stopped Galen from throwing a punch at MacPherson, we'd all be in the dungeon alongside Ewan. Once Galen calmed down, MacPherson allowed him to see his brother."

  Kade frowned. "What the devil did the lad do?"

  Galen snorted. "He rode MacPherson's prized stallion through a fence, badly injuring the horse. If the horse heals properly, he'll release Ewan. If it doesn't, he intends to hand him over to the authorities. I can't let that take place, Kade. You ken what would happen. He'd most likely be hanged."

  "How does Lady Sorcha fit into to all of this—and Campbell?" Kade poured them each a dram of whisky.

  After draining his goblet, Cinead held it out to be refilled, and Kade obliged. "Not long after leaving Blackstone castle, we heard screams. Highwaymen had lain in wait for Lady Sorcha and her small party. When we reached them, she was being dragged into the wood. If Galen hadn't sent his sgian dubh flying past the outlaw's head, there's no telling what would have happened to the lady."

  Galen nodded. "When I realized who she was, the sister of the man holding my brother, I decided to take her to exchange for Ewan."

  "Don't let him fool you, Kade. He's taken with the lass." Cinead grinned. "Near dawn, when I went to wake him for his watch, he was on his blanket with her back pressed against his chest. A more content man I've never seen."

  Kade turned to Galen. "You said she hadn't been compromised."

  Galen shook his head. "What I said was the truth. She awoke from a nightmare, screaming. She asked me to stay."

  Duncan chuckled. "'Tis my opinion the lass is just as taken with him."

  Galen smiled. If only that was the truth. "As for Campbell, he abused Sorcha. You should see her arms. All covered in bruises. There's even a place where he actually dug his fingernails into her flesh."

  Cinead and Duncan acknowledged the fact.

  "And he's been unfaithful right before her eyes on more than one occasion."

  Kade shook his head. "Och, the bastard. I don't ken Laird MacPherson, but what comes to pass depends solely on him. I can give him my opinion, but other than that, whatever happens to his sister is his choice."

  Galen jumped up, raking his fingers through his long hair. "I'll not let her go back. I can't. If I did I couldn't live with myself, knowing what her life would be like."

  "I ken how you feel, Galen," Kade said, squeezing his shoulder. "I'll do what I can to convince MacPherson the marriage contract should be broken in this particular case."

  Galen nodded. "Much thanks, Kade."

  "I ken you're all tired. Get some rest. Check with Glennis as to what bedchambers are empty." He headed for the door, then stopped. "Don't fash yourself, Galen. All will be well."


  Sorcha walked down the corridor beside Jillian. "I was much relieved to learn you were the lady of Ravenskull. 'Twas then I realized it was here that I needed to be—at least for now."

  Jillian patted her hand. "Whatever 'tis you need, just ask. If you wish to talk to someone, I'm here," she said, opening a bedchamber door.

  A fire crackled and popped in the fireplace. The flickering flames of several candles placed about the bedchamber danced along the walls. But the thing that caught Sorcha's attentio
n was the large wooden tub standing near the hearth. Steam rose from the water and the tantalizing scent of roses filled the air.

  "Much thanks, Jillian, for the use of your tub."

  "You're most welcome. While you bathe, I'll find you some clean clothing. then send a ladies' maid back with the items. But, before I go, I'll help you with your bodice."

  Already prepared for Jillian's reaction, Sorcha let the bodice slip to the floor.

  Jillian gasped. "How did this happen?" she asked, her gaze moving over the bruises covering Sorcha's arms.

  "'Twas Archibald. His way of punishing me when I refused to comply with his wishes, or if he thought I'd looked at another man."

  Jillian shook her head, anger flashing in her pale blue eyes. "Kade must make certain your brother doesn't return you to Laird Campbell."

  Sorcha let out a long sigh. "Galen said he'd not allow me to be sent back. I ken he means well, but I don't see how he can do anything, since Alexander has final say in the matter."

  "You care for Galen, do you not? I saw it in your eyes earlier in the great hall, and just now when you spoke of him."

  "Aye, I suppose I do," Sorcha said. "But naught can become of it. Even if the marriage contract between Archibald and I was dissolved, Alexander would never agree to such a match."

  Jillian snorted. "Why ever not? Galen is heir apparent to Moorloch Castle and its vast holdings on the Isle of Mull. He has a great deal of wealth at his fingertips."

  Sorcha shook her head. "I had no notion." Not that it would have mattered. What she felt for Galen had little to do with wealth or title.

  "I'll leave you now," Jillian said, heading for the door. "If you should need anything, my ladies' maid, Abby, will attend you. You need only ask."

  "Nay," Sorcha smiled, grateful for Jillian's kindness. "I need no one tonight, but much thanks for the offer."

  "Then I'll have her bring you some of my clothing. Rest well, Sorcha. I will see you in the morn when we break our fast."

  "Good night, Jillian." Sorcha finished undressing and slipped into the tub. Warm rose-scented water lapped at her chin. She couldn't remember the last time she'd enjoyed taking a bath so much. After lathering her hair and scrubbing away the dirt and grime, she picked up the bucket of warm water beside the tub and rinsed away the suds.


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