Fight of the Walker (The Walker Series Book 3)

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Fight of the Walker (The Walker Series Book 3) Page 1

by Coralee June

  Fight of the Walker

  Book Three in the Walker Series

  Coralee June

  Copyright © 2018 by CoraLee June

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Created with Vellum

  For all the silent fighters of the world.


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Revenge of the Walker


  About the Author

  Also by Coralee June

  Coming September 2018

  Chapter One

  I wanted to claw out of my own skin. It didn’t take long for the safe house to become stifling. Jules’ personality alone took up all the vacant space, which left me in a smelly corner that reeked of mice urine and mold, agonizing over the guys’ safety.

  Tallis repeatedly assured me that my note to Maverick was delivered, but that was two days ago. Despite telling Maverick that we would save him, here I was, still sitting in the safe house and waiting for someone—anyone—to respond to our plea for help.

  Today, I allowed myself one six-hour nap to combat the delirium. When I wasn’t pacing the floors, I was reliving my desperate goodbye with Maverick. Many times, I found myself daydreaming about our kiss while dancing my rough fingertips across my lips, as if trying to recreate the sensation of his mouth on mine. My body was an accumulation of conflicting emotions—giddy anticipation and debilitating fear. Would Maverick or the others kiss me when we were reunited? Would I ever see them again?

  My Galla style dress felt stiff and tight against my chest, making our already helpless situation feel even more constricting. Tallis tried to keep a strong front for us. He was a natural leader, willing to reassure and fake a smile for my benefit. But I didn’t want false hope, I wanted action. Resolution.

  Fear and anxiety gripped me so tightly I had to constantly remind myself to breathe. Two days. Two days without word or confirmation that our plea for help was received. We watched the news. Clung to the whispers broadcasted in Scavenger resistance groups. And yet? Nothing. Silence.

  Tallis paced the floors with a grim expression. The weight of the world made his shoulders slump, and occasionally he’d notice us watching, then force his posture to straighten. Jules secluded herself, only interjecting to complain.

  "Anything?" Jules asked. She wrapped her arms around herself and looked down at the floor.

  "Nothing," Tallis replied with a frown.

  "Maybe they didn't get it? Or maybe I wasn't clear enough? Motivating enough?" she asked.

  This wasn’t the first time I sensed her insecurities. She, too, wore the burdens of this situation, and each minute that we didn’t get a response, she lashed out more. Jules' eyes flashed to mine and her expression hardened.

  "I'm sure they got it, Jules. It's treason to go against Emperor Lackley. People are scared, and now they know just how much power he wields," I said. My voice felt scratchy against my throat. How long had it been since I drank water?

  "You'd be surprised how motivating anger can be," Tallis said while pacing the floor. "They'll come." He looked to Jules, and she resumed picking at her nails.

  The sounds of my fidgeting echoed across the empty walls of the building. Each breath I took coated my tongue with sand and dust. Debris stuck to my sweaty pores, making my skin feel gritty.

  “Could you please stop tapping your fingers? It feels like you’re knocking against my brain,” Jules complained for the millionth time.

  I wanted to scream at her, but it would be wasted energy. How could she seem so calm, so unaffected? I wished that I could turn down the volume of my thoughts like she could.

  “I’m sorry you aren’t as burdened with concern for your brothers as I am,” I countered, leaning back against the musty wall. I looked at the ceiling and noticed an exposed wooden beam covered in dust. A mouse scurried past, and I squinted my eyes to stop falling dust from getting into them. My entire body felt constrained by my tight dress. If Tallis weren’t here, I would strip down to my undergarments for relief.

  “I’m just better at channeling my efforts, dear. It’s a skill you’d do well to learn,” Jules replied in a pretentious tone.

  Her demeanor both confused and infuriated me. I was jealous of her ability to keep calm and collected. Although she looked upset, Jules didn't have the restless energy that Tallis and I had. She remained still and pensive, only occasionally piping in to ask for updates. She didn’t respond to conflict like everyone else, it just made her cruel but calm. Perhaps it was a conditioned response.

  “Will you two stop?” Tallis pleaded, checking his tablet. It had become a cycle of sorts. Tallis scolded us, then checked his tablet for updates. Jules kept pushing. She wanted a fight, and I was about ready to give it to her.

  “Sorry,” she mumbled halfheartedly, and he rolled his eyes in response, obviously not fooled by her attempt at an apology.

  “And, uh—Ash. The tapping is a bit nerve-grating. Perhaps you could expel some energy with a walk?” Tallis politely suggested while eyeing Jules.

  That was another thing I’d noticed during our time together. There was much between the Scavenger Chief and Mistress Black. They weren’t obvious in their affections, aside from the kiss they shared the day Jules recorded her plea for help. However, Tallis subtly found ways to show support while giving her space. I’ll admit that it made me jealous to see their easy relationship that didn’t need words. He provided her gentle yet consistent emotional support. I wished one of the guys were here to help me cope with the stress of not having them.

  On shaky legs, I stood and began pacing. They didn’t like the tapping, but I needed to get rid of all this pent up energy somehow. My eyelids felt heavy with exhaustion, and sweat dripped down my forehead. I needed rest, but I couldn't keep still.

  "Here she goes again," Jules groaned while watching me pace. I felt her judgmental stare, but I couldn’t be bothered enough to care. “I think this is worse than the fidgeting.” Her dark eyes followed my movements as she puffed out air in frustration.

  "I just can't sit still," I said softly, still pacing. With each step, the wood beneath my feet creaked and groaned at the force of my stomping steps. Jules winced at the noise.

  “Maybe you should try to sleep, you look terrible," Jules added, scrunching up her face. I forced myself not to roll my eyes. Despite the less than stellar accommodations, Jules looked clean, polished, and prepared for whatever would come. Luckily, there wasn’t a mirror in the safe house. Otherwise, I was afraid my own reflection might scare me.

  "Maybe you should sleep," Tallis agreed. "I promise to wake you if I hear anything." He, too, followed my pacing with annoyed eyes.

  My desire to do something was wearing them down, but I ignored their frustrated scowls. There was no way I could rest knowing that Cyler, Maverick, Pa
trick, Jacob, Kemper and Huxley were somewhere in danger. I needed to know that they were ok. I needed them here with me.

  Jules let out a long and low sigh. I sensed another snide comment coming, so I decided to put some space between us. "I'm going to walk outside," I said while making my way towards the door. Despite their curious stares, Tallis and Jules didn't argue with my need for open space. I knew that they were relieved to have a break from my compulsive fidgeting just as much as I felt relieved to be free from them.

  I paused at the cracked door and tightly gripped the handle while collecting myself. The past two days were full of these little moments. Moments of doubt, crippling fear, and grief. I took in a deep breath, pushing down all the negativity, and opened the door. I’ve spent a lifetime in control of my emotions, and I didn’t plan on losing that now.

  Outside, the ground, covered in red dirt and sand, was so dry that dirt kicked up with each step. I walked around the debris and dead plants, following the trail my boots created as I restlessly paced the perimeter of the safe house. Fear for the ones I loved settled deep in my gut. Each step pounded my anxiety deeper into my bones. I wanted to cry out at the injustice of it all. I finally found a home, a family. Requited love. And the world was hell-bent on taking it from me.

  I had faith that Maverick would do all he could to save everyone, but I still had lingering doubts. What if he failed? I couldn't help but obsess over the consequences of Emperor Lackley's mutating disease. What if I lost them all before I even had them?

  "Excuse me, Miss?" a smooth voice said with an accent that danced over the syllables. I looked up and spun around. A man wearing an orange uniform and black hat smiled at me. He had a mustache and eyes that appraised me with forced friendliness.

  "You wouldn't happen to know a Jules Black, would you?" he asked. I stood there for a moment, considering my options. In the distance, I saw no one, but I couldn't know for sure if this man was alone. Desperation made people do desperate and deplorable things. He was well-groomed and polite, but I knew best that sometimes hell can hide in plain sight. The only thing I did know was that if he was looking for Jules, he could very well be an enemy. Speaking against Emperor Lackley made her a target.

  "Depends on who's asking," I replied in a rough voice, crossing my arms over my chest. I took a deep breath and went through my options. There was something off about this man. But at the same time, I was curious. I could either scream for help or see what he wanted. I chose the latter.

  "Do forgive me. The world goes to shit, and I forget my manners!" he exclaimed while stepping closer to me. I didn't have time to analyze the invasion of my personal space because, in one swift movement, the tall man grabbed my hand and kissed it. His soft lips were tender yet intrusive. I shivered in disgust and pulled away. Upon closer inspection, I saw that he was slightly older than me. He had tanned skin and wrinkles on his forehead. Hints of grey hair collected around his hairline, but his eyes were youthful.

  "I'm Commodore Sebastian Cavil. It's a pleasure to meet you." He didn't blanch at my retreat or even seem offended as I wiped the feeling of his kiss off my hand. He stood close as he widened his stance, looking like a predator attempting to appear approachable.

  "How can I help you, Commodore?" I asked tentatively while slowly backing away. Sweat dripped down my neck as my heart pounded. I knew there was a window just a few feet away. If I could just get Cavil in front of it, maybe Tallis would see. I wanted to think that I could handle this on my own, but the truth was, I was an unprepared and sheltered Walker. Without the guys to protect me, the world seemed much more dangerous.

  "I'm sure you're wondering what my intentions are. If you just let me speak with Mistress Black, I'll answer all of her questions," Cavil replied. His lip quirked up in amusement, but his eyes flashed towards the exposed ridge of my ear where my Walker ear tag once was attached. His dark, brooding irises made me pause and once again doubt his friendliness.

  "Jules Black isn't here," I replied automatically. I might not like her very much, but she was still Cyler’s and Maverick’s baby sister. I would protect her. "She's gone to Dormas to care for her people." My explanation seemed fake even to my own ears, but I hoped he believed it.

  Commodore Cavil's eyes squinted at me as if assessing the truthfulness of my statement.

  "I see," he replied in a slow, accusing tone. He wordlessly began digging in his pant pockets.

  I took another step backward, placing myself directly in front of the window. I prayed Tallis saw. I had no doubts now; Cavil was dangerous.

  "Well, that is simply a shame. You see, I brought my big, bad army to rescue her family," Cavil said while pulling out his tablet and pressing down on the screen. With a flick of his wrist, a shimmer of light filled the empty dust field beside us, and an army of a couple hundred men appeared. "It’s fancy technology," Cavil explained as my eyes widened in shock.

  They were completely invisible before. The smell of gasoline and sweat filled the space, and the wind picked up, brushing my curly hair over my neck as Ethros flags waved above transports and tents in the distance.

  "I have absolutely no clue how it works. I stole it from Emperor Lackley himself. Lets me keep my men hidden so I don't scare pretty little Walkers wandering alone outside," Cavil said. I stiffened.

  “What makes you think I’m a Walker?” I asked.

  “Aside from the hole in your ear?”

  My left hand shot up, grabbing my exposed ear, a subconscious knee-jerk reaction to his obvious prejudice. I once again moved closer to the window, praying Tallis saw my distress.

  “Let me teach you a little lesson,” Cavil said with a manic grin. “If you want to survive in this world, you must learn to exploit the weaknesses of everyone you meet. I saw your timid, jaded eyes before you knew I was even standing here, Walker.”

  “I’m liberated,” I explained hurriedly. I felt like I was shouting out my truth. “I’m free in Dormas.” I wasn’t sure why I felt compelled to correct the man with an army at his disposal, but I couldn’t help it. My time in Dormas made me brave.

  “There's no such thing as a liberated Walker. If you’re born to a parent who can’t afford the vaccine, no matter how you get out of the Zone or how you obtain the cure, you’re still a Walker. There’s a certain pedigree to survival, I think.” Cavil spit out the word ‘Walker’ like it was too filthy for his mouth.

  I dug my toes into the soles of my boots, curling them and flexing to combat the terror I felt. The movement seemed to ground me back into my purpose. “Jules isn’t here,” I said through my gritted teeth. I didn't bother forcing myself to be pleasant.

  "Well look at that,” Cavil said with a smile. “A brave Walker. What a pleasant surprise. Usually I find that people of your breeding lack a backbone. I think you're brave. Brave enough to lie to me about whether or not Jules Black is in this house." Cavil nodded towards the run down safe house with a smile. I saw a flash of white hair behind him, and relaxed when I realized Tallis was coming to the rescue.

  "Can't blame me," I replied with a half smile, full of relief. "It’s hard to know who to trust these days." Tallis put a finger up to his lips as he crept closer. I made sure to direct my eyes back to Cavil so he didn't notice that my attention was elsewhere.

  "Trust can't be built when you lie in the first five minutes of a friendship, ahh...what’s your name again?"

  "I didn’t tell you, and is that what we are, Commodore? Friends?" I asked. I was stalling, and prayed he didn't notice.

  "Well, I don’t usually make it a habit of befriending Walkers, but there are always exceptions!" Cavil exclaimed with a laugh. "I have been very close to some of the Walkers in my employment.” The way his voice danced over that insinuation made shivers shoot like rockets up and down my spine. Hunger flickered in his eyes for a brief moment that felt like hours. “Tell your friend that’s trying to sneak up on me that I'd like to meet you all in an hour at my camp. I have a proposition for Mistress Black."

bsp; "What kind of proposition?" I asked.

  "The kind that involves me saving your people in exchange for you saving mine." The lines of his face deepened, and I recognized the steadfast resolve in his expression. “When I learned of the vaccine rejection, I immediately realized that we would need a team of scientists to solve this problem.”

  Commodore Cavil was a man on a mission. I considered what we could possibly offer him when the realization dawned on me.

  "You want Maverick," I stated before biting my lip. There was no use asking. Mav was the only one capable of curing this mutation, and by putting the word out, we unintentionally made him a target. Although Maverick would be more than willing to share his research, the leaders of this empire were fickle. It wasn't just a cure they wanted. It was power and recognition, too. Emperor Lackley rose to power because he cured a disease that he created. It was only a matter of time before others saw this as an opportunity to rise up the ranks. My heart raced as I worried about what that meant for Maverick’s safety.

  "I want to survive, yes. I have a lab comparable to Emperor Lackley’s, as well as a beautiful guest house." Cavil kissed his fingers before continuing. "You should see it! Water fountains, tile imported from Lutheras, and a state of the art kitchen. You all can come stay in Ethros while we sort out this little vaccine reject problem," Cavil explained with wide eyes and a smile as if this solution was ingenious. “In fact, I think I’d much enjoy having another pretty Walker around.”

  "We've all heard what you do to pretty Walkers, Cavil," Tallis said. His voice was harsh and unyielding.


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