Fight of the Walker (The Walker Series Book 3)

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Fight of the Walker (The Walker Series Book 3) Page 10

by Coralee June

  "We have to do something, I mean look at her," Cyler said. I closed my eyes, blocking out his broken stare and the bright light.

  "Tell me," I whispered softly.

  For a while, no one spoke. I felt a hand grip my ankle, and I was drawn back to my memories of the grove in Dormas and Huxley's tentative touch.

  "Hux?" I asked.

  "I'm here," he replied, confirming what I already knew. When did I become so attuned to them?

  "Tell her," Jules said in a steadfast tone, but still no one spoke. The silence was deafening.

  Cyler stroked my hair as Huxley trailed his fingers along my ankle. The loud sound of a smack on skin vibrated over the room, making me jump and then wince from the movement.

  "You tell her right now, Maverick Black. Tell her how you're going to risk your life. You always do this!" she screamed out in frustration. "Just do what you always do: bulldoze through your hero complex without a care for who you hurt. You've been the martyr for so long you don't know any better. Figure it out, Mav. Find a better way because you're going to get yourself killed."


  No one spoke after that. I mentally high-fived Jules for telling Maverick off. He did have a problem with assuming responsibility for too much. Sometimes people are evil. Sometimes the world ends. We can’t wear everyone’s burdens like a too-tight winter coat.

  "Can I hold her, please?" Patrick asked tentatively, and I felt another hand stroke my forehead. Cyler pulled me tighter against him for a brief moment before ever-so-slowly lifting me and passing me to Patrick. His shirt was soft against my cheek as I nuzzled closer.

  "Ash," he whispered my name over and over while sitting down at one of the couches. His lips touched my cheek lightly as we lay there. I felt the couch dip and a hand resting on my knee.

  "Love, do you need anything?" Kemper's voice asked. He too whispered. It was like they were afraid to break me. I wanted to smile at the new nickname but couldn't.

  "Water," I whispered. Soon, the sound of footsteps approached, and Jacob knelt beside me. I opened my eyes and winced at first before looking into his pure, adoring eyes. As I sipped water, they all watched quietly, waiting for someone to say something. It was Maverick that finally broke.

  I kept my eyes open, the light not as bad, and the headache gradually fading. Maverick brought over two white pills, handing them out to me without saying a word before strolling back to the other side of the room. I took them and tried not to cry at his distance. I needed him. I needed all of them.

  "Maverick," I said softly while sitting. Patrick placed a palm on my back, guiding me up. "What's going on?"

  "I'm going to fix the fetter situation with you and Jules."

  Jules scoffed and rolled her eyes.

  "What?" Maverick asked. I sensed that he was looking for a fight, and Jules was ready to give it to him.

  "Nothing, I'm just surprised you remembered that I had one, that's all."

  "Jules," Cyler warned.

  "What?" she snapped.

  "What’s that supposed to mean?" Maverick paced the floor while frowning at her.

  Jules laughed, full and hearty. Her shoulders and stomach shook from the force of it. "I'm just surprised you care, that's all."

  "Of course I care!" Maverick screamed. "Ash was brought here half alive and screaming in pain. Do you think I want to see that happen to you, too? To anyone I love or care about?" Tears flowed freely down Jules' face, her red-rimmed eyes squinting beneath a dipped brow. "Stop pushing me away and assuming I don't love you. You're my sister. I'll do what I can. I need you to trust me."

  I leaned back against Patrick, too tired to interject. He pressed tighter against me. I opened my mouth to speak, but Allaire entered the lab, distracting us.

  "I got it," he said in a whisper while looking cautiously around the room. "I'm not sure this will work though. I know the codes necessary, but what if I mess up? I could kill you!" His voice was rushed and shaky.

  "I trust you," Maverick replied while rushing around the lab, gathering supplies.

  Allaire dug into the pocket of his lab coat and fished out another fetter. "What's that for?" I asked softly. Patrick wrapped his arms around me tighter, but instead of a comforting hug, it felt more like restraints. "Le-let go." I squirmed against him, but my muscles were too sore. I gave up quickly.

  "Ready?" Allaire asked.

  "Ready," Maverick replied once standing still. I stared and for a brief moment our eyes connected. Maverick looked like a mixture of pain, guilt and determination.

  Within moments, Maverick was snapping the fetter firmly to his wrist, and he gasped out in pain while hunching over. His groans filled the room, and Patrick let me go.

  "Wh-why did you do that?!" I asked as loudly as I could while shuffling towards him. Allaire had already abandoned Maverick on the floor and was typing furiously on his computer.

  "Three minutes," he said.

  "We have two," Cyler interrupted. "Cavil's outside."

  Maverick straightened himself, and I watched as he looked over towards a distracted Allaire before slipping a vial and needle into his lab coat.

  "Maverick, tell me what’s going on," I whispered again. I was mad at his brash nature. This wasn't the meticulous Maverick I'd grown to love. He was acting out of desperation, and it terrified me.

  "Thirty seconds," Cyler warned.

  Maverick walked up to me and gently kissed me on the lips. "I love you. I'm so, so sorry." His apologetic expression and glassy eyes appraised me. There was tenderness in his gaze, reminding me of all the little moments we’d shared together. I opened my mouth to reply when Cavil strolled through the metal doors of the laboratory.

  "Well hello there, Dormas Leadership!" he said in a cheerful voice that sent shivers down my back. "I've tried not to take it personally that you've all moved out of my home. I am, however, worried you're all distracting Maverick and Allaire from their work."

  Cavil looked around the room, and when his eyes landed on me, phantom pain stabbed at my brain. When I winced, his eyes brightened gleefully, and I promised myself not to do that again. I refused to give Cavil the satisfaction of knowing that he affected me.

  "I'm thrilled to see you up and well again, Walker. I'm impressed. Last Walker to receive that many sessions went permanently mute and was out for three weeks. I've missed having you serve in my home. I'll expect you back at dinner."

  "No," Maverick said. There was no room for question or doubt in his response.

  "Pardon me?" Cavil asked, cocking his head to the side and biting the inside of his cheek.

  "I said no. Ash will not serve you or anyone else while we are here. She and my family will remain here in the lab while I work. You will not harm them."

  Cavil let out a short chuckle just as I felt a hand grip my wrist, gently tugging me back. While keeping my eyes on Cavil, I backed into Huxley's arms and sunk into his comfort and protection.

  "That's quite the request for a prisoner," Cavil growled.

  "You've gone about this all wrong. I would have gladly worked with you. Helped your people. But instead, you threaten my family, torture the woman I love," Maverick countered.

  Maverick walked up beside Allaire who looked nervous. Thick, dripping sweat rolled down his forehead. Wet stains were visible on the collar of his shirt beneath his crisp, white lab coat.

  "You see, I took an oath. I value human life. I would have helped because it’s what any decent human being would do. I am not the sort of man that can sit idly and do nothing while the world dies. I. Do. Not. Kill."

  Cavil smiled. His mustache twitched as he stretched his lips over his teeth. "Well, that's where we’re different. I don't value human life. I value whatever brings me power or money."

  Maverick inched closer to an unsuspecting Allaire while keeping his eyes on Cavil. "I’m learning that we're more alike than you think." Maverick dipped his hands in the pocket of his lab coat, and some dark part of me knew what was coming next. I wanted to
close my eyes and preserve the sweet, caring image of the man I love, but I knew I needed to see this side of him, too. The side that would do anything for his family—anything for me.

  Maverick pulled the needle from his pocket and wrapped his arm around Allaire's neck, yanking him towards the ground while kneeing him in the face. Allaire coughed and gasped as Maverick held the needle against his throat, the clear liquid sloshing around in the vial. His gurgled screams ricocheted off the walls of the room as blood poured from his nose where Maverick hit him. Allaire squirmed and coughed while trying to get away. I watched, frozen and shocked.

  "You. Need. Me. It would be easy. I could poison Allaire right now, and then it’ll just be me left to fix the reject problem," Maverick growled while dropping Allaire on the ground and kicking him aside. "I'm sorry," he whispered before straightening his lab coat. "I can and will kill him if you harm my family again. The only reason I’m not killing him now is because I know it would be a waste. He’s not half as smart as I am, and he sure as hell won’t find the cure without me, at least not before everyone dies."

  Allaire moaned while rubbing his face, spreading the blood around his cheeks and nose.

  "I’m your only option, Cavil. I'm the one that’s going to fix this. You can try to find the scientists that created X, but it would take them years to come up with half of what I've discovered in a week. Even Allaire recognizes that you need me."

  Cavil ran to Allaire and helped him sit up, and for a moment we all just stood there watching. I tore my eyes from the brutal consequence of Maverick’s strength and integrity, to look at Cyler. His eyes were dark and stormy as they watched Maverick's chest go up and down, adrenaline coursing through him like fire.

  "I'll kill your little Walker whore and your sister, too. You have no cards to play, Maverick!"

  "I HAVE ALL THE CARDS. I'm your only hope. I'm going to be the person to solve this. And you will stand down." Maverick thrust up his sleeve and held his hand out to Cavil. "Like my new fetter? It's been linked to theirs. If you hurt them, you'll hurt me. If you kill them, you kill me. And if you decide to harm them or kill them using other means, I'll kill myself, and you'll be left with the destruction of an empire on your shoulders."

  Jacob walked over to me, followed by Kemper. Cyler went to his sister. For a brief moment, I saw her look up at him with fear in her eyes.

  "You're bluffing," Cavil spat. He searched his messenger bag for a tablet and yanked it out. His fingers swiped angrily across the screen until he found what he wanted. He looked up at Maverick and slowly pressed the button.

  I knew the pain before it hit. It was like time slowed. Huxley held my hand, Jacob held my elbow. I heard Kemper's whispered "be strong" before the crash and fall. Maverick, Jules, and I each hunched over in pain as the electricity coursed through us. The soreness of my body made it ten times worse. My voice was so hoarse that nothing but hot breath broke past my teeth.

  When it stopped, I saw Maverick collapse on the floor while gasping for air. He immediately looked to Jules and then to me, checking to make sure we were okay. Although everything within me ached, I nodded yes. He would feel remorseful about today for years to come. I didn't want to add to his guilt by showing signs of pain or weakness.

  "You. Need. Me," Maverick said again, this time his voice more strained as he stood tall and stretched his neck. He took his hands and fixed his hair high up on his head while straightening the crisp sleeves of his lab coat.

  Cavil's eyes widened in shock as he looked around the room.

  Cyler cradled Jules as she sobbed. Huxley held my hand, and I saw that familiar emptiness inside as his protectiveness went into overdrive.

  "If you want to live. If you want your people to live. You will leave my family alone."

  Chapter Eleven

  I felt so many emotions at that moment that it was hard to decipher anger from relief. On one hand, I understood why Maverick did what he did. He had to up the stakes, and make it known to Cavil that he would do whatever was necessary to preserve the safety of his family. It was hard to watch, it was hard to absorb. Maverick, my sweet man with a heart that carried every burden he came across, seemed ruthless now.

  "Are you okay?" His hands shook as he spoke, hinting that he, too, felt uncertain.

  "What just happened?" Jacob and Patrick wordlessly walked over to Allaire and helped him up off the floor, their muscles straining as they began carrying him upstairs to clean up. He looked at Maverick, and I expected to see anger in his expression, but there was none. He was resigned and frightened, but the slight part of his mouth showed more awe than anything else. He slowly made his way upstairs. I knew without a doubt, that if pushed, Maverick would have killed Allaire today, and I think Allaire realized it, too.

  "Cavil needed to value my presence here. I needed him to think I'm his only option, I need him to be so scared to lose me, that he won't hurt you," Maverick explained while puffing out air, blowing red-brown strands of hair out of his eyes.

  Cyler pulled up a chair for Jules and helped her sit in it. His stern face, marred with concern, looked over her trembling figure. She kept looking down at her fetter almost in disbelief. It was interesting to watch her process it all. I knew that the entire situation became more real for her just now. The fetter wasn't as much of a threat until you knew the destruction it could wield

  "You should go check on Jules," I suggested. Maverick seemed determined to stay by my side, and yet, I needed some space to think and breathe.

  "Are you okay?" Huxley asked in a gruff voice. I sensed that he was fighting through an episode and pulling himself together so that he could be present with me. I internally assessed how my body felt, and aside from the aches and pains of my torture, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. But there was still a part of me still not okay. There was still a part of me that was angry and struggling through all that had happened the last few days.

  "No, I'm not okay," I finally replied. It was as if my words started a chain reaction. One by one, Huxley, Cyler, Kemper, Jacob, Patrick, and Maverick each looked at me with worry.

  "Do you feel dizzy? Do you have nausea? How is your vision?" Maverick listed off symptoms as I stood there watching.

  Each of them debated on a course of action before I interrupted. "I'm fine physically, but I'm angry with you, Mav." For a brief moment, I looked at Jules and we shared a moment of camaraderie. She crossed her arms over her chest and threw us an amused smile. This entire ordeal helped me understand their family dynamic more. I wasn't sure I could survive a lifetime of Maverick making decisions without me, and I now understood why there was so much tension between them.

  "Not only did you risk yourself, but you've now linked Jules to me as well. Did you think to ask her? What if Cavil finds someone else to find the cure? You've angered him. And for what? Now, when it's time to be rescued, you might not be able to go home. This fetter is a leash. All who wear it are tethered to this island, meaning now you, too, might never see Dormas again."

  "I'm not tethered to this island, I'm tethered to you! I don't need a fetter to keep me wherever you are, I'll do that regardless. If you're stuck on this island, I'm stuck on this island. If you're hurting, I'm hurting." Maverick's voice got increasingly louder. His face grew red with determined anger as he let all his pent up emotions out. "This isn't some game. You were carried here half alive. I will never see you like that again," Maverick finished before picking up a glass from one of his lab tables and throwing it at the wall. It shattered on impact and spread shards of glass all over the floor.

  "I'm not okay with you being a martyr. Maverick, you don’t...kill...people.” I couldn’t connect the Maverick I knew with the Maverick that threatened to kill a man. I put my head in my hands, hunched over, and breathed for a moment while muddling through my exhausted mind over everything that happened. It felt like I couldn't breathe. Life had been a whirlwind since we left Dormas, and I missed the simplicity.

  "I miss Dormas," my voice shook a
nd I felt a hand touch my shoulder. "This is not okay. None of this. How are we going to get out of here? We've sent Cavil on a wild goose chase, but what happens when he comes back? He's going to punish Josiah. Do we even know if help is coming? Do we know how to get these fetters off so we can leave this island without it killing us?"

  I flung questions and doubt around like daggers, each one striking the guys with my uncertainty. There were so many unknowns. I felt like screaming but knew it would be pointless. "There was never a guarantee that Jules and I were getting off this island. At least not without doing something drastic. And now? You're stuck with us too."

  I felt a hand on my shoulder pulling me up to a sitting position, and I found myself face-to-face with the fierce, unwavering Cyler Black.

  "Do you honestly think something as simple as a fetter is what would keep us here, Babe? We don't need fucking torture devices to be where you are. In case you haven't noticed, we're in love with you. All of us."

  Although I already knew the feelings that were between us, it was something new altogether hearing it said in a group setting. I looked around at each of my men, trying to gauge their various reactions to his words. Huxley looked resigned to the fact that he loved me, like it was a pull he could no longer avoid. Patrick wore the first smile I'd seen in days, it was playful and everything I'd come to expect from my optimistic twin. Jacob looked sultry and relaxed. Like he could finally breathe now that the seven of us admitted it out in the open. Kemper looked...determined? His wide stance and crystal blue eyes stripped me bare. Then there was Maverick—the last waves of his fury were gone, and now all I saw was acceptance. He loved me. They all loved me.

  "And I may be a shitty brother, but I would never leave my sister here in this fucked up providence."

  Jules, who was trying to disappear while we poured our hearts out to one another, preened at her brother’s admission but didn’t share her thoughts.

  "So what now?" My question seemed hopeless. Cavil might be gone, but he would be back. We had only a few days to either be rescued or find a way out of Ethros.


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