Signed and Sealed

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Signed and Sealed Page 16

by Stretke, B. A.

  Within the hour Elijah met both Will and Mrs. Coleman in the kitchen. He came up behind Will, who was absently leaning on the counter while finishing his coffee, and hugged him tightly around the middle while nuzzling his neck. Mrs. Coleman moved over to the sink and pretended to busy herself in an attempt to give them some privacy.

  “I’d like for us to go out tonight,” Elijah said against Will’s ear. “A little dinner and dancing.”

  Mrs. Coleman nearly dropped the plate she was rinsing when she heard him. Elijah hadn’t been out on a date in years. She turned her head away from them and stifled a chuckle.

  Will didn’t answer him immediately. Eli squeezed him tighter and prompted him with a, “What do you say?”

  “Okay, I’d like that,” he answered. Dinner shouldn’t prove a problem, he thought. There will be a lot of people around. Being alone with Eli was the only problem he had. “What should I wear? I don’t have any dress clothes with me.”

  “I’ll have something delivered,” Elijah informed him. “I don’t want to lose you in the mall again.” He laughed at Will’s indignant expression. “I’ll pick you up about seven.” With a twinkle in his eye, he released Will and left the room with an anticipatory, “See you very soon.”

  The package arrived just before six o’clock. Mrs. Coleman brought it to Will in the study, where he was finishing up his review of the records that Elijah had given him. Is it just busy work to keep me from getting so bored that I give up and go home? Or does he really value my opinion? He would probably never know. He found out that Eli’s accounting records, or at least the ones Will reviewed, were impeccable. There was nothing he could recommend or even suggest. Eli was meticulously detailed. Will rarely came across records this clean and organized.

  “Here’s your suit.” Mrs. Coleman carried the garment bag, a smaller bag, and a box over to the desk and set them down. “There are shoes and a tie, everything necessary for a beautiful evening.” She was teasing him, so Will smiled and accepted the items.

  “He didn’t have to do this,” Will mumbled.

  “No, he didn’t,” Mrs. Coleman stated as she was leaving, “but he did it anyway.”

  Will checked his watch and realized that he would soon have to get ready. He cleared away all the paperwork and shut down the program. Before leaving the study, he opened the garment bag to sneak a peek at the suit Eli had ordered. Will was awestruck by what he saw. It was a simple black suit, impeccably tailored from the Armani spring line. Will was impressed but also alarmed by this expensive gift. He checked the size, and it, too, was perfect. How did he know what size I wear? How did he get Armani all the way out here? He considered this as he checked the shoes. They, too, were a perfect match to the suit and his size. Will had never in his life owned such a costly outfit. He couldn’t wait to try it all on.

  It was seven o’clock straight up when he heard the familiar, rapid hard knock on his bedroom door.

  “Come in, it’s open,” he said as he finished brushing and styling his hair.

  “Are you ready, Will?” Elijah came toward him, smiling and extending his hand to Will. “You look amazing,” Eli commented as his eyes traveled the length of him and then came back to settle on Will’s face. The look he gave him was adoring, but Will knew what an actor he could be; so he didn’t let it touch him too deeply.

  “So do you.” He returned the compliment and took his hand. Eli was wearing what looked to be a very expensive, black suit, a black tie, and a crisp, white, cotton shirt. His cuff links were understated gold pieces that gleamed at his wrists. They were a perfect match to the gold watch he was wearing.

  “Just a minute,” Eli said as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a substantial gold men’s bracelet. Elijah secured it delicately around his wrist. Will watched him. His hands were strong and wide, yet soft and gentle against his wrist. Their eyes met for a moment, and something passed between them. Something was there, a connection, the truth, reality as he hoped it would be. It was gone as quickly as it appeared. Will lowered his eyes and stared at the metal gleaming so brightly against his skin.

  “My gift to you,” Eli whispered against his skin as he pulled Will in for a loving kiss.

  “I can’t accept this, it’s too much,” Will answered in a corresponding whisper. The air in the room seemed suddenly so charged that they dared not speak too loudly for fear that something might break. Will could feel it on him and within him. What is happening to me? With great effort, he forced his mind away from the touch of Eli’s hands on his body and his lips on his cheek, and focused on his own heartbeat. Since when did control become such a difficult thing for me to maintain, he thought, as their eyes met once again.

  “It’s yours,” Eli stated brusquely, turning Will back to face him. “I’m not trying to buy you.” His eyes devoured Will’s as he added, “If I were, I assure you, I would have purchased much more than a simple bracelet.” If Will were any other man, he speculated, he could have easily secured his undying affection with just a glance at his checkbook. Although, if Will were any other man, he wouldn’t love him the way he did. Elijah put Will’s arm in his and ushered him out of the room and down to the front hall.

  Will felt like a prince as they descended the stairway together arm in arm. He loved every minute of it despite himself.

  Before reaching the front door, they heard a loud whistle from behind them. They turned to see Martin standing near the stairs. “Wow, don’t you two clean up well.” He laughed. “I heard rumors about a date tonight,” he teased and walked over to get a better look at the both of them. “You look very nice, William,” Martin said, smiling.

  “Yes, he does,” Elijah interjected.

  “Don’t keep him out too late, brother.” Martin cast a warm knowing look at Elijah, who returned it in kind. “Run along, you two. Have a good time,” he joked.

  “We will,” Elijah assured him.

  Martin watched and waved as they drove away. He couldn’t believe what he’d just witnessed. He’d heard the gossip about this date, but just assumed it wasn’t true. He couldn’t remember the last time Elijah had gone on a date. But here he was, dressed to the nines and taking William out for dinner and dancing. He laughed aloud. He was very happy for his brother. Elijah deserved this; he deserved William.

  Chapter Eight

  This was the first time Will had ridden in the sleek black sports car, the one Elijah had been driving the first time they had met. That was a little more than three weeks ago, and yet it seemed so much longer. During the drive to town, Elijah questioned Will with regard to his opinion of his accounting methods.

  “From what I saw,” Will began, “you don’t need my help, you don’t need anyone.”

  “That’s not entirely true,” he muttered under his breath and then stated, “would you review last year’s tax records for me, just the ranch itself?”

  “That is still quite a large undertaking. I doubt I’ll be here long enough to finish it.” He was surprised again by Eli’s openness with him with regard to his businesses. He hoped it was a compliment to his professional integrity and not a trap.

  “Is that a yes or no?” He always cut to the bone. He wanted an answer he could quantify and understand.

  “Yes,” he answered without really thinking. By saying yes, did he agree to finish the project whether or not Saturday was long enough? “What if I can’t finish it by Saturday?” He, too, needed clarification.

  “Then you will stay longer.” He looked pleased, but he wasn’t laughing.

  “I’ll finish it by Saturday,” Will declared, without humor.

  They pulled up to a nice restaurant, and Eli quickly rounded the car to assist Will from his seat. Placing his hand on Will’s lower back, he escorted him inside. It was an elegant eating establishment, and it appeared that they were expected. Without a word, the waiter escorted them to a candlelit table in the far corner. Elijah held Will’s chair as he sat down.

  “Thank you,” he said automatic
ally and made himself comfortable, as Eli seated himself directly across from him.

  “You’re welcome.” They started with wine and appetizers and went from there into a wonderfully delicious steak dinner. Elijah was pleased to see that Will’s appetite had returned. He’d eaten so little in the past few days that Eli had begun to worry.

  They spoke of many things throughout their meal. Everything from movies to politics was discussed. Will noticed that Eli seemed to be interested in everything he said. He can be quite the gentleman when he chooses, he decided.

  “What breed is your dog?” Eli asked offhandedly. “When I called you that first time I heard a dog barking in the background.”

  “He’s a Labrador. His name is Todd.” Will was proud of his dog, even if he wasn’t the brightest of animals.

  “Who is caring for him while you are away?” It seemed like an innocent inquiry, but there was an undercurrent to it. Will didn’t pick up on it, but Eli was fishing for details as to his personal life at Whitefish Point.

  Will supplied the information. “My neighbor, Mrs. Gwyn; she’s a real nice lady. I really don’t know her very well, but she and Todd get along great. She offered to care for him, so I took her up on it.”

  “Anyone in Whitefish Point that you are particularly missing, besides Todd?” Eli asked, once again digging for information

  “No, not really; I have a few friends, but they’re not close.” His answer seemed to please Eli greatly; Will didn’t miss the look of satisfaction that flared in his eyes.

  “There are many people at the ranch who will miss you if you leave,” Eli said and gripped Will’s hand.

  “When I leave, you mean,” Will corrected.

  “I meant what I said.” Elijah stood up abruptly and pulled Will to his feet. “Shall we?” He changed the subject. The music had begun, and it was a slow tune. He looked forward to holding Will close.

  “I’m a very poor dancer,” Will confessed.

  “Just follow me,” Eli whispered in his ear as his arm went around him. He was an excellent dancer and held Will tightly to him as he guided him across the floor. They were the center of attention, although everyone tried to pretend like they weren’t watching them. Elijah Hunter had never been to this restaurant before. He was a man that the locals knew, but very rarely saw. One patron even theorized that perhaps it wasn’t really Elijah Hunter, but it was pointed out that Elijah Hunter had made the reservation himself. He had requested all the extras: the candles, the music, the private table, and he’d used Elijah’s credit card, so it had to be him.

  If Will had pulled the entire evening out of his love-starved daydreams, their date could not have been any more wonderful and perfect, and Elijah could not have been any more attentive and loving. It was close to midnight when they began their drive home. They were nearly there when Elijah suddenly turned off onto a narrow two-lane road.

  “Where are we going?” Will asked, feeling anxious, but not afraid.

  “I want to show you something.” There was a hint of excitement in Eli’s voice that Will responded to with a big smile. They drove through some dense areas of trees before they finally crested a high overlook with a rather steep, rocky drop-off. Elijah helped Will from his seat and led him to the front of the car. He sat back onto the hood and pulled Will down, so that he leaned back on his lap. “Look at that,” Eli said and wrapped his arms around him. Will looked out over the ranch. This aerial view was beautiful. It showed the layout of the gardens, the homes, corrals, and stables, and everything was bathed in a light amber glow.

  “It is my whole life.” Eli paused to kiss Will’s throat and then his ear. “And I want to share it with you.” He paused a moment and then continued, “I know you don’t trust me, but I swear to you this is not a test, it’s not a joke, and it’s not a trap. I love you, William, and I want you to stay here and be a part of my life. On Friday, I’m going to ask you to marry me again, and this time, I want a real answer.” Eli hugged him securely to him, as they sat watching the lights and the stars.

  Will said nothing. He decided to enjoy the night air, the quiet, and he just leaned back against him. Elijah didn’t press him for any response. They sat there like that for at least an hour, just listening to the night and holding each other.

  That night, in his bed, Will thought back over the entire evening. He’d never been on a date before that was so perfect. If only it was real, if only Elijah really loved him, and if only his proposal were true. As much as he missed his home and Todd, he knew that leaving here would be difficult. He liked the ranch, he liked the people here, and he loved Elijah. What would he do to me if he knew that I love him? He pondered the question. The more he thought, the more his mind considered all the negative possibilities. Will contemplated all the humiliating things Eli could do to him. The more he thought, the more frightened he became. Gone was the bliss and contentment of their date, and in its place was speculation and distrust.

  Will sat up and nervously ran his hands through his hair. It was just past three in the morning. He wanted to go for a walk, but knew it wasn’t possible without waking someone. As he got out of bed, he accidentally jarred the bedside table with his foot, and the lamp came crashing to the floor. “I am such a klutz,” he scolded himself as he carefully began cleaning up the debris.

  Elijah knocked once and then entered. “Are you okay?” he asked and then bent over Will to see what he was doing.

  “Careful,” Will cautioned him, in case he might step on a piece of glass. “I broke your lamp. I’m sorry, I’ll pay for it.”

  Eli took him by the wrist and brought him swiftly to his feet. He then, in one quick motion, scooped Will up into his arms and carried him out of the room. Will was too stunned to react. Never in my life have I been manhandled so much. What am I, a china doll? He must be stronger than I thought if he can carry me around like this all the time. Talk about a gentlemen, I feel like I’m in some sort of Harlequin novel. Any minute now I’m going to be on a fainting couch after succumbing to the vapors.

  “There are too many small shards,” Eli explained. “You’ll stay with me in my room tonight. You could be too easily injured in there. I’ll have it thoroughly cleaned in the morning.” Without waiting for a response, he carried Will into his room and gently deposited him on his bed. There were other rooms made up and available, but he didn’t want Will too far away from him. He’d given him the room next to his because he wanted to keep an eye on his activities, but now he simply wanted to keep Will close. This gave him an excuse to hold him all night. It would give him the opportunity to show Will that he could be trusted.

  Will had never been in Eli’s room before, and certainly never in Eli’s bed. He looked around and saw a very uncluttered, masculine room. No mirrors, no trinkets or wall hangings, just the necessities. Will had assumed that Eli would have a king-size bed, but he didn’t. His bed was just a little larger than a single, but long. It felt odd being here on his bed. “I’m sure I’d be fine in my own room,” he insisted. “I’ll be sure and not walk around that side of the bed. I’ll be careful.” He was feeling panicky. How can I lay with him here, in his bed, all night without giving in to my desire? That was too much to ask.

  “Glass can travel easily on hardwood floors,” he said dryly. “There are probably small pieces all over the room.”

  Guilt hit him then. I probably damaged the floor too. He was thinking this as he blurted, “I’m really sorry. I’ll pay for all the damage.”

  “You’ll pay for nothing,” Eli said and got into the bed beside him. “The lamp is of no importance.” Elijah pulled Will down next to him and covered them both with the comforter. “Try to sleep now,” he whispered and kissed his forehead before cradling Will’s head on his bare chest and pulling him snugly to him.

  The bed was too small to venture too far away, but then, as dangerous as it was, Will enjoyed the feel of Elijah beneath him and around him. Eli made him feel secure and protected.

  “Are you s
ure this is okay?” Will asked, his voice muffled against Eli. He felt rather than heard him chuckle. “It’s okay,” Eli whispered back.

  Will gradually relaxed and then fell into a deep slumber. Elijah, on the other hand, was acutely aware of him, and it took him a long time to drift off to sleep. He’d never shared this bed with anyone before, but after this night, he decided he never wanted to sleep in it alone again. He was pleased that Will fell asleep so easily in his arms and in his bed. He is beginning to trust me, he thought. Will felt something for him, Eli could feel it, he was simply too afraid to admit his feelings. Even if he couldn’t love him, at this point Eli would gladly accept any crumb he would throw. He did desire him and much could be built upon that. In time, perhaps…. His thoughts drifted to the touch of Will’s body lying against him, and he fell into a restless sleep.


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