Defender's Blood The Turning (An Urban Fantasy)

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Defender's Blood The Turning (An Urban Fantasy) Page 7

by A. K. Michaels

  He pushed her legs a bit further apart and held himself in one hand, moving it towards her opening. When his head touched it she jumped and let out a light scream and with no warning he thrust in fully, hard.

  Her breath stopped, stuck in her throat. Fuck, he was filling her in a way she hadn’t been before, the sensation was driving her out of her mind. He thrust harder and harder – no soft and slow actions here.

  Each and every time she tried to lift her head, he gave her behind a slight slap. Every time he did that she let out a little mewling sound that showed she actually liked it. It wasn’t a sound of fear, or hurt, or wanting to stop … no, it wasn’t any of those, and she shocked herself with this knowledge.

  James moved one hand round and cupped her at the front, finding her sensitive spot and working it, expertly. She started to pant more, louder, and she could feel herself nearing her release. He continued until she came around him, screaming his name.

  James continued thrusting in. Fuck he had missed this, filling a woman and making her come – there was nothing else like it in the whole damn world.

  He gave Lisa a few moments to come down from her climax, then he started working her nub again. “James, what ... what are you doing?” she whimpered.

  He bent down low over her back and whispered in her ear. “What I said I would – making you come, come, and come again, Lisa. Never will it just be once. I’m going to make you feel like you’ve never felt before, Wolf. Nobody will satisfy you like me ... ever.”

  His fangs elongated and he bit down on her shoulder and as soon as he did she screamed louder, longer, lost in a passion she had never encountered.

  She came again around him and still he thrust harder, deeper, he was trying to hold on. Once more, he would make her come once more and then he would let himself go.

  He retracted his fangs and pulled out of her and she moaned in protest.

  He flipped her over and grabbed her ankles, pulling her legs wide and staring down into her sex. Christ she looked good, the smells of her climaxing and arousal were thick in the air.

  James took a deep breath and she blushed – why did he keep doing that?

  He placed her ankles over his shoulders and moved forward, placing his hands at either side of her face. He entered her hard and fast and continued on. She could actually feel herself rising again, Jesus H Christ, he was going to kill her.

  James laughed again, his eyes were glowing, the sight very strange to her. “Now, Wolf – third time – lets see how good it is!” He pumped harder and moved his hips on the inward movement, catching her nub as he did so. Her breath hitched as she stared up at him, he was fucking magnificent.

  James bent down and nipped her breast, and she bucked beneath him, he nipped a little harder and she bucked all the more. His fangs came out and he pierced her skin on her breast, and she screamed again and again and again.

  Finally, James let himself go and he thrust harder as his seed erupted inside her. She was shaking beneath him, moaning, sweat soaked both their bodies.

  He lay down at her side, pulling out and then pulling her to him. “How was that, Lisa?” he asked her.

  She smiled up at him with a dazed look. “James, I can truly say I’ve never felt like that in my life. I don’t understand either – I never submit and get into trouble all the time because of it! How the hell did you do that?” She was genuinely wanting to know. She would never submit if she could get away with it, and also sometimes when she couldn’t – hence the bruises she sometimes got.

  James chuckled. “No idea, it’s just the way I am. I’m very dominant, Lisa, particularly in the sex department, always have been. In the past I was an expert in being dominant – it’s an art form. I’m going to teach you a lot, Lisa, an awful lot!”

  She curled into him and felt the best she had in her entire life.

  Lisa was running her hand over his stomach in gentle circles, wanting to ask him some things, but was a little shy. Shy? Are you stupid or what, she berated herself. You’ve just had sex with him, how can you be shy?

  So she opened her mouth and asked, hoping she wouldn’t live to regret it. “So, James, you said you’re usually rough … you know, during sex. Well I don’t want to let myself in for some hurt but I didn’t think that was particularly rough? You didn’t hurt me or anything.”

  James pulled her tighter. “Rough doesn’t mean I want to hurt you, jeez that’s the last thing I would want to do. Maybe I used the wrong word. In my eyes it’s that I do what I want, just about when or where I want ... and the submission thing, that’s always been something I need. Even before all these scars, I needed the female to submit to me. Some games can be a bit rougher, some not so, but at all times the female is the submissive.”

  Lisa was thoughtful as she responded, “Oh, well I’ve not had any experience in all that submissive stuff before this, so you may have to teach me?” And she had a very lustful smile on her face that she just couldn’t stop.

  James felt great, better than great, fucking fantastic, as he answered, “Lisa, baby, I would love to teach you. Remember that I won’t force you to do anything you don’t want. If we’re role playing or something, you will have a word that you use ... call it a safe word ... and if you use that it means you want to stop. I will always stop if you use your word, Lisa. The way you reacted here earlier, you wanted me to force you to submit … you liked it didn’t you?”

  He asked her this while watching her face. She nodded and blushed at the same time. “I never thought I would say this, but yes I did. I wouldn’t do it for anyone, or probably not outside the sex part, so don’t think I’m a pushover or anything because I’m not! But then, on the bed – I liked it.”

  James nodded. “I knew you would, I felt it. You’re strong Lisa, that’s the feeling I get, and you’ve already said that your Wolf is large, so you’re probably powerful too. But that doesn’t mean you don’t submit during sex, that’s completely different. I think we’re going to have fun, Lisa, lots and lots of fun.” He pulled her even closer and kissed her deeply.

  Just as the passion came once again to their kiss, a blood-curdling scream tore through the air.

  James jumped up and turned to Lisa. “Get dressed – stay here. Do not come out of this room Lisa, do you hear me?”

  Lisa’s face was white as a sheet. What the hell was that sound? Was someone being murdered? She nodded her head once and looked for her clothes, as James pelted full speed out the door. He closed it behind him before running for the stairs.

  Chapter 9

  Zach was on his way back to the cabin. He had enjoyed running in the woods but wanted to get back, surely James and Lisa would be finished by now? Well you never know. A Vamp and a Wolf, jeez, they could go on for hours. He hoped not, as he wanted to check on Alexina.

  Just as he was about a mile away, a scream echoed through the forest, the sound turning his blood cold.

  It was his mate – shit! He took off at full speed and the distance fell away quickly, very soon he was banging open the front door and rushing up the stairs. When he got to their room, the sight that met him scared him through and through.

  His mate was screaming and thrashing about the bed and James was doing his best to hold her down. James was stark naked.

  He ran to the other side of the bed and jumped on, landing on his knees, pressing down at Alexina, all the while talking to his mate. “It’s okay Alexina – I know it’s painful – I know, honey – try to breathe, try to take a deep breath for me, my mate. Listen to my voice – ALEXINA – LISTEN TO MY VOICE!”

  Alex’s eyes were open and terrified and they were darting all over. What was happening, where was she? Her body was on fire inside and out ... the pain, God she couldn’t take the pain. What was wrong with her?! What had happened to cause this pain? She could barely hear Zach’s voice … Zach. Was he here? He could help her, her mate would know what was wrong.

  Her eyes found his face, his fear was clear for her to see. He was shout
ing at her, what was he saying? Her ears were burning along with the rest of her body, and she couldn’t quite grasp what he was telling her.

  She was shaking her head and bucking with the pain. She felt hands on her and she turned her head. James? What the hell was James doing in their bedroom holding her down? He was naked. What was going on?

  Zach’s voice slowly made it through the pain. “Alexina, breathe – take a deep breath. Come on, I know you can do it!” and the pleading in his voice hit her senses. She tried, she took a breath, then another one, then another very deep one. The pain was still there but her brain cleared just slightly.

  Her voice was not her own as she spoke, or tried to. “Zach – what’s happening – the pain – my whole body is in pain! I can’t stand it, Zach – I CAN’T!” and she started to scream again.

  The sound ripped his heart out of him.

  Zach looked at James with worry on his face. “Is Lisa here?” he asked and James nodded. Zach roared, “Fuck, get her out James – now! We never know how long this stage will last, you know that. Get her away from here fast!”

  Zach continued to hold his mate down, as she thrashed and screamed. James jumped up and sped out the room. Zach could hear him shouting for Lisa as he ran.


  James made it to the bottom floor. He had been screaming for Lisa, who now stood at the bedroom door, looking absolutely terrified. He ran to her and enveloped her in his arms, trying to stem the flow of fear coming from her.

  Lisa had stayed in the bedroom listening to horrific screams. What the hell was happening? Then she heard James shouting for her frantically and she flew to the door. He ran to her with such speed she couldn’t keep her eyes on him, and then she was in his arms. She was shaking in fear and was scared deep down, more scared than she had been in her life.

  James let her go and grabbed his jeans. Pulling them on quickly, he moved back to her side. She looked up and was just going to ask him what was happening, when he picked her up and ran out to his jeep barefoot. He placed her in the passenger seat then dashed round and got in, starting the jeep and reversing so quickly, dirt and stones were flying everywhere. He tore off down the track and didn’t slow his speed until he was far from the cabin.

  Lisa’s breathing had finally slowed, her shaking had stopped, but adrenaline was still coursing through her system, taking its time leaving. She looked at James who had worry and fear struggling across his features. She opened her mouth and was amazed words made it past her lips. “James, what was that? Who was screaming?”

  James sighed heavily. “It was Alex. She’s made it past the first stage of turning. This part is the worst, her body is turning into a Vampire and the pain is indescribable. Lisa, seriously I get chills just thinking about it. Doesn’t mean she’s going to make it, but this stage can last minutes or hours. If she gets through this stage, her need for blood will be immense, so you can’t be near her, Lisa. She won’t know what she’s doing, she would hurt you and not even know it. I can’t have that happen! You need to stay away. I’ll text you tomorrow, let you know how things are going.”

  Lisa thought about what James had said, feeling sorry for the lady – Alex – and she couldn’t imagine ever being in that much pain, to elicit such screams.

  She nodded her head and her voice was very low when she spoke. “I’m sorry James, it must be hard for you, and especially Zach, seeing someone you care about in that much pain.”

  James was once more struck with her caring attitude, she didn’t even know Alex but she felt for her. She was pretty unique, nowadays lots of folk just cared about numero uno.

  James tried a smile but failed. “Thanks, Lisa, that’s nice to hear. Yeah it’s awful this stage. I remember my own and fuck, I still feel sick. I’ve helped a few turn over the years and it’s never easy. We lose a lot more than we gain – the process is so hard on the body that sometimes it just doesn’t make it. I hope to Christ Alex does, I really do.”

  Lisa placed her hand on James thigh and gave it a squeeze, not in a sexual manner but letting him know she was there for him.

  They were nearing the Pack and she asked James to stop. “I’ll get out here, I need to go Wolf and go for a cold swim.”

  He turned and looked at her with a questioning frown. She laughed, “I’m reeking of what we did. If I don’t, everyone in the whole Pack is going to know. Not something I want just now.”

  His frown deepened. What was wrong with folks knowing she had been with him? “Are you not allowed to have sex?”

  His tone was clipped and he saw a strange expression crossing her features, what was that?

  Lisa’s voice was halting as she replied, “Uhm yeah, of course, I’m an adult and all, but uhm, it’s not just the sex scent, James ...”

  He could see she was squirming and didn’t want to go on.

  He wasn’t letting her off that easy and pressed her. “Lisa – tell me right now, what’s going on? Why don’t you want anyone to know we had sex? Answer the question!” His tone was the one he had used during their sex: pure unadulterated Alpha, even if he wasn’t a Wolf.

  Her pants were getting decidedly moist again and she couldn’t shirk her answer under his deep scrutiny. “Uhm, well you know I’m the Alpha’s daughter, oldest daughter and, uhm, well ...”

  James voice was loud in the jeep. “OUT WITH IT!”

  Her Wolf answered the Alpha tone immediately. “Well you’re a Vampire, your scent’s all over me, James. My dad’s going to go nuts, he wants me to marry a strong Wolf, and well, he’s not going to be happy!”

  Lisa sank back in her seat feeling the anger in James. Shit! His eyes had a tinge of red – what the hell was that?

  James spat out, “So you led me to believe I was your mate, you made me believe you cared for me. Now you tell me it’s going nowhere. You won’t be able to be with me? That’s what you’re saying, Lisa?”

  Lisa cringed and shrank down as she tried to explain. “No James, I don’t care what my father says, I don’t want a Wolf ... I want you! Only you. Please, please, don’t be angry with me – please.” She sobbed the last part and the sound was foreign to her, she was a strong Wolf who didn’t cry.

  James sighed and his voice was clipped, “I don’t have time to discuss this just now, Lisa. Zach needs me, I need to get back.”

  Lisa’s heart stopped – no! Please don’t let him go from her life, she wanted him, she needed him. She pleaded, “James, will you phone me tomorrow?”

  He nodded his head once and he sat stiff at the wheel. Another sob broke from her throat as she got out of the jeep. She stood in the middle of the road, watching him do a three point turn, then head back towards the cabin.

  Her tears came freely now as she headed home, she didn’t care if she met anyone. She didn’t care if they could smell James on her or their sex – she didn’t fucking care!

  All she cared about was not letting him get away. She knew if she did, it would be the biggest mistake of her life. She didn’t know what she was going to do, but she knew she had to do something. She continued walking and tried to stop the tears from falling down her cheeks.

  Chapter 10

  James drove fast, trying to get back to help Zach, but Lisa’s words stuck in his mind – Fuck!

  He thought he had finally found someone who he could open up to, care about, even love and she knew she would not be able to be his. Why did she do that?

  Christ, it would’ve been better if he hadn’t met her. Then he thought of their lovemaking, sex, roll in the hay, whatever – but when he thought of it, his breaths came faster and his heart soared. She fit just right, he fit her just right. She submitted to him – their first time and he had her submitting. Shit, this was fucked up. What was he going to do?

  Before he knew it he was parked outside the cabin and he heard Alex scream again. He jumped out and ran. Zach was going to need his help. He got a large pan and filled it with cold water, then grabbed a tea towel and took them upstairs.

  As he entered the room, Alex was fighting with Zach trying to get up and he was using his vast strength to keep her down. All the while he was talking to her, telling her it would be okay, it would soon be over, she would feel better soon.


  Alex’s eyes were frantic with pure terror. She didn’t know what was going on and the pain was so vast she couldn’t even grasp it.

  Suddenly a wet cold cloth covered her head and eyes, and the relief was instant and immense. She sank back down against the pillow and cried. “Zach, what’s going on? Please, the pain – I can’t stand it,” she whimpered like a wounded animal.

  Zach lay beside her but didn’t touch her, knowing her skin would be afire and it would only hurt her more. “I know babe. It won’t be much longer, you’ll feel better soon,” he cooed as if talking to a child.

  She turned her head slightly and moved the cover from her eyes. “Zach, tell me what’s going on – please?” Her mate had a look of pure despair on his face and that scared her.

  Zach sighed, “Please Alexina, please forgive me.”

  She frowned. “For what, Zach?”

  He stared into her face as he spoke – fast, as if he was trying to get it all out in one go. “I had to! I had to! You had lost so much blood, David couldn’t get one of the twins out and, fuck, he couldn’t save you. Tatiana couldn’t either, it was that bad, my mate. I couldn’t lose you, I couldn’t let the twins lose you – I had to do it!”

  A flicker of understanding came over her features. “Zach … are you saying what I think?”

  Zach saw the look coming over her. She knew ... but she needed him to confirm it.

  “Yes Alexina – I turned you. There was no other way.” His voice so low she couldn’t understand how she could hear it – but she did.


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