Defender's Blood The Turning (An Urban Fantasy)

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Defender's Blood The Turning (An Urban Fantasy) Page 10

by A. K. Michaels

  Lisa was shocked, he had actually done it, she was across his knee with her knees on the ground and he was spanking her. It wasn’t too hard, nothing near the smacks she got from her father as a child and definitely not as hard as the backhanders her dad doled out for her disobedience, but it had a definite sting to it.

  At first she was going to tell him to stop but then she decided no, she would see how this went. After a couple more he was rubbing her bottom, taking the sting away and she found it to be very erotic. Well I’ll be damned! she thought.

  James spoke again. “Okay so now you know – punishment will be carried out if you don’t submit properly, my Wolf. Are we clear on that now?”

  God, why did his voice sound so sexy to her! She nodded once and he moved her.

  She was on her knees in front of him and he stood up, his erection staring her in the face. She wanted to dart her tongue out and lick him. She had never done that before ... never, but she wanted to do it now.

  She raised her eyes and James was staring at her, his face full of lust. He put a hand at the back of her head while one held his hardness and he pulled her forward. “Open your mouth, Lisa.” His voice was low, a whisper. She looked up again, she hadn’t done this before, what if she couldn’t do it properly?

  Her confusion on her face showed clearly to James. “Lisa, have you done this before? Have you taken a man in your mouth?”

  She shook her head, looking more than a bit embarrassed. Oh dear God, that shake of the head nearly made him explode onto her face.

  James took a deep breath, realising that he was going to have to take things slower with Lisa, she was obviously inexperienced and he couldn’t treat her as he would normally a female. “Do you want to?” he asked her. She nodded, so he continued “Are you sure? You don’t have to – really, if you don’t want to, tell me, don’t be afraid to say no.”

  His voice was softer than it had been up until now and it made her determined that she was going to do this, she would learn, if he taught her.

  “Show me how, James.” Her voice was low, sultry and she didn’t recognise it.

  James nodded. “Okay, open your mouth … yes that’s it babe … take it in, suck on it, don’t be too gentle … yeah that’s it.” James started moving, still holding her head, guiding her mouth, but being far more gentle than normal. His breathing hitched, God she was good, and this was her first time. She was a bloody quick study.

  He didn’t take his eyes from her, watching her take him in her mouth. He started going a little deeper, seeing how she would react. The moan that escaped her throat made him go a little more, a little deeper, deeper still and he felt the back of her throat. She gagged and he coaxed her, “That’s okay, just relax, that’s it, relax and swallow … yeah that’s it, my Wolf … fuck Lisa, you’re killing me here!”

  She raised her eyes and saw him watching her. She was turned on again, she hadn’t thought she could do this, but she was enjoying it ... watching her man with such a look of pleasure on his face. He pushed some more and she tried to do as he said – relax, swallow and the next thing she knew he was right in, right down and she could barely breathe. She realised that she had to take a breath through her nose when he was coming out and hold it when he went in. She got the rhythm right and continued.

  Very soon he started to quicken his pace and she kept up with him, watching him all the while. “That’s so good, Lisa – keep going,” he breathed. James was nearly there, she could feel it and suddenly he grabbed her head right down onto him as he went over the back of her throat and kept it there, his seed erupting and flowing down her throat. The sound from his lips was making her feel fantastic, she had done that – she had made her man feel like that!

  As soon as he came he withdrew and pulled her up. “Oh dear lord, Lisa … you have no idea how good that felt, baby. I can’t believe you haven’t done that before.”

  Lisa smiled into his chest. She felt good that she had pleased him and realised once more she would do anything for him, to be with him, anything at all.

  His hands came down to cup her behind and he pulled her closer. She realised he had already grown hard again or possibly had never got soft in the first place. He sat back down on the log and pulled her down, her legs on the outside of his, her jeans lying at the bottom of the tree. As he pulled her down, he used a hand to position himself and he entered her. Not as hard as he had previously but it wasn’t gentle, yet neither was it as forceful. They were like that for some time as he pleasured her again, then he bit down on her throat – making her come once more.

  They finally got dressed and continued walking, slowly, hand in hand. When they got to the lake they sat down on a log that had been made into a seat. He pulled her to him and asked her some things he wanted to know.

  “So you’ve never taken a man in your mouth before? How did you manage that? Most males want it so I’m surprised nobody tried to get you to do it before?”

  She half-laughed her answer. “Oh I didn’t say nobody had tried – just that I hadn’t done it. Up till this point in time, I only ever let anyone near me at my breeding cycle, and only then to ease myself. Every one that I used tried that but I wouldn’t do it, never. The thought of doing it with them made me feel sick, I didn’t even want their hands on my body. I would try to just get them on their back and go on top and try and not let them touch me.” Her voice had grown quiet, jeez she had basically just told him how inexperienced she was.

  James was astounded, how could anyone have sex with this gorgeous female and not have their hands all over, touching, feeling her silky skin? And oral sex – every man wanted that, he was amazed she had got away with not doing it. He was glad, he was the first to take her mouth. He felt very pleased about that, he didn’t know why, just that he did.

  “Do you mind talking about sex stuff? Does it bother you?” he asked.

  She was a little embarrassed. “Not really, but I don’t know much, only what I would do to relieve myself during those times. I don’t know anything else, I have never been attracted to a male outside those times. So I don’t have a lot to go on.”

  James pulled her even closer, he had plans for them both, ones that would definitely make her purr like a kitten! “Okay, well we can leave that for another time. I will say I have many things in mind, my Wolf!” He laughed as she blushed.

  After a while James broke the silence. “I better get back, Zach may need my help. Do you want to meet later? Same place? If things are okay with Alex I’ll give you a text and let you know what time?”

  She nodded her head as she replied “Yes, I would like that James, first I’ve got something I need to do before going back.”

  She stood up, moved a little bit away and changed to Wolf – running down to the water and jumping in. It was freezing! After a good soak she came back out and gave a big shake, water splattering everywhere. Another shake or two and she changed back, walking back to him with a smile.

  “Jeez Lisa, is the water not cold?” he asked.

  “Yeah but I’m not taking any chances. I don’t want it getting back to my dad I came home smelling of sex and a Vampire!”

  James stiffened, she saw it and tried to defuse the situation. “James, please don’t be mad at me. If you decide you want ‘this’ to continue, if you really want me, there are ways, but only if I do it my way. Okay?” she asked timidly. Even though James didn’t like it he had to respect her wishes, but his answer took her breath away.

  “Lisa you’re coming home with me, when I leave here you’re coming back to Unity, do you understand? It’s not up for discussion, so you better reconcile yourself to that. Okay?” His tone was firm, he wasn’t going to argue about this. She was his!

  As soon as he spoke and this thought came into his mind, he was astounded. When had he decided she was his? He wasn’t sure – probably the first time he saw her.

  Lisa’s smile was huge, did he just say what she had been wishing? That she would go with him? But he didn’t say
anything about mating and her smile left her face.

  James saw it and wondered what he had said that upset her. “What’s wrong? You smiled then you looked sad? What did I say wrong?”

  She looked at the ground and he put his finger under her chin and spoke again, firmly. “Lisa, tell me – now – what it is?”

  She tried to put it into words. “Well, you like said I was going with you, and you spoke about sex and stuff earlier … do you just want a girlfriend? Is that what I am?”

  James was confused, why would she be sad if he wanted her as his girlfriend? She continued quietly. “I mean, is that all that I am?” Her words made it clear to him now.

  “No Lisa, not just a girlfriend. You’re mine ... all of you. I haven’t felt like this before so you’ll have to bear with me if I’m not saying things right. I guess you want to know if I want to mate you? Bond with you?”

  She nodded her head, he thought on it for all of two seconds. “Yes Lisa – I do.”

  The smile came back and he pulled her in for a kiss again. She pulled back quickly, “Stop or I’ll have to go for another swim!” she squealed as she punched him playfully in the arm.

  They made their way back to the fork and split up, James going back to the cabin and Lisa running full pelt home. She had to tell her mom!

  Chapter 15

  Alex was sleeping and Zach was sitting downstairs, trying to relax but finding it difficult. It had been three days now since she woke from the second stage and he was weary. She had fought tooth and nail many times now, trying to escape, to get out and hunt something or someone down and feast on their blood.

  Zach was glad James was there. On more than one occasion it had taken both of them to subdue her. These bouts would follow with her feeding from the blood James had brought and then she wanted sex for hours afterwards. Zach felt more tired than he had ever felt in his life. His muscles ached and she had landed a number of kicks and punches that were still hurting.

  James was out again, away seeing Lisa, Zach had never seen him this happy since the bomb, he was happy for his friend. He hoped he wouldn’t get hurt. Lisa seemed smitten with him and was constantly texting and phoning, they didn’t like being apart.

  Once this part was over with Alex then James could spend more time with Lisa, and he was wondering how things would progress between them. He wasn’t stupid, Lisa was an Alpha’s daughter, her father wouldn’t be happy if she mated a Vampire. James may need his help. He would wait and see.


  Lisa and James were getting to know each other better. James loved the young, playful side of Lisa and more than once thought she was too young. Then she would kiss him and he was lost ... he would do anything to have her.

  He wanted to mate properly with her but didn’t want to do that in the middle of a bloody forest.

  He wanted to do it in his bed, in his home, where she belonged. She understood that and also agreed, asking him not to mark her while feeding and he respected her wishes. All the while wanting to mark her, show everyone she was his and his alone!

  Her father wasn’t home yet and Lisa was relaxed. Her mother knew, but Lisa wished they could leave before her dad got home. James said they couldn’t leave yet, Zach still needed his help and he wouldn’t leave until Alex was past this phase. Past the point where all she wanted to do was rip someone to shreds. Lisa understood this and thought all the more of him for being loyal to his friends.

  James realised at that precise moment he loved Lisa. He hadn’t said it to her and he had only come to that conclusion right that second. He moved towards her and his fingers stroked the side of her face. “I love you, Wolf!” he spoke softly but as far as Lisa was concerned he had shouted it from the rooftops.

  Her smile was huge and she replied “I love you, my mate.”

  They separated at their usual point in the road and she made her way home. Outside was her father’s pickup truck – he was home. Shit. She would just try and stay out of his way, he always seemed to know when she was keeping secrets.

  When she entered the house it was full with all the Wolves that had been away fighting. She could hear different stories being told at the same time, they were bragging of their feats in the battle.

  Lisa avoided them, slipping past the living room door and going to her room. She would stay there as long as possible, say she was ill, something – anything – to keep out of his way. She texted James, letting him know that her father was back and they needed to be even more careful.

  She told him what her mother said about him taking her away and mating with her without her father’s knowledge. James wasn’t happy about that, he didn’t like doing anything underhand and would have preferred to confront her father with their intentions.

  Lisa had cried and pleaded with him, she knew if he did that, her father would make damn sure she never saw him again – ever. He had agreed just to stop her crying, it tore at his soul when she was upset, he would make sure she was happy. Loved, cherished and treasured. He now couldn’t even contemplate his life without her in it.

  When he got back to the cabin, Zach was sitting downstairs. He looked shattered, so tired, and James realised he needed to rest.

  “Zach, you need to sleep man, you look terrible. Have you fed in the past few days? You know you’ve got to feed to stay strong for Alex. Go and rest. I’ll stay here in case Alex wakes up crazy again!” He laughed the last part.

  For someone who was so small, she was extremely strong and fast, more so than any other newly-turned that he had known. James didn’t want to think of the power she was going to have once she mastered her abilities. She would be a force to be reckoned with!

  Zach nodded and slowly rose as he replied in a tired voice. “Yeah I’ve fed, I’m feeding from Alex, so you don’t need to worry.” He carried on and went up the stairs as James sat down and kept his senses alert – just in case.

  Alex didn’t wake that evening, she didn’t rise until the next morning. When she did she felt great. Her body was thrumming with power and she felt incredible. Zach was lying next to her and she shook him awake.

  “Zach … Zach, wake up,” she stage-whispered and he groaned, looking over at her.

  “Hi sexy, how’re you feeling today?”

  She beamed at him. “Zach, I feel great, absolutely bloody fantastic!”

  Zach moved into a sitting position. “Really?”

  “Yes! I feel alive and I feel all this power inside of me, it’s amazing!”

  Zach relaxed – thank God. He didn’t know how much longer he could have fought her.

  “That’s good Alexina, now I’m going to do a little experiment, come here.”

  He placed her head at his throat and moved his head to the side. “Feed, little one,” he instructed her, wanting to see if she could stop herself, if so then that stage was over. The blood-lust had left her and they could get down to training and teaching all things Vampire.

  She looked doubtful even as her tongue licked her lips in anticipation. “Zach, are you sure? What if I can’t stop?”

  He laughed. “Well then I’ll shout for James to come help me!”

  Her fangs came out and it struck him just how sexy she looked like that. She moved closer and bit into his neck, and on her first pull of his blood she moaned deeply. His arousal hit him hard and it took all of his strength not to throw her down and mount her. She fed for a minute, then two and just as Zach was getting worried she pulled away.

  “I’ve had enough – I’m full.”

  Zach laughed gleefully, she had made it. She had got through each phase and survived. Thank fucking God.

  Her little smile, with a tiny bit of his blood at the side of her mouth, made him want to crush her underneath him. So that’s just what he did. Her screams of pleasure were almost as loud as her screams of pain had been.


  James had heard everything. Thank goodness, he could spend more time with Lisa now. He texted her telling her the good news. Her text b
ack took longer than usual and when it came he frowned.

  ‘James we need to leave. My dad suspects something. If we don’t leave soon he’ll lock me away somewhere you won’t find me!’

  He replied instantly, ‘Meet me now usual place’. Standing up, he left the cabin quickly.

  She was waiting for him and immediately she took him into the woods, closer to the cabin. “James I’m scared, he knows something, I don’t know how ... he hit my mom!”

  James stiffened, his long strong body tensing as if readying for a fight. “He what?”

  “He slapped my mom, saying she was up to something. I’ve never seen him so angry. She was crying and screaming at him, my younger brother pulled him off her. Fuck, I need to get away – now!”

  Her panic was in her voice, in her body ... it angered him that someone got her in such a state. He felt like ripping his throat out.

  James tried to calm down, more for her sake than his, he still wanted to rip the throat from that ass. “Come on – Alex is past the worst, we’ll go to the cabin and talk.”

  Pulling her behind him he started back, she was sobbing quietly which made him mad as hell! Her father needed someone pulling him down a peg or two … or something even more permanent.

  Zach opened the cabin door, having heard Lisa’s cries long before they got there. Alex flew past him and he shot out an arm to grab her but missed. James saw her flying towards them and he stood in front of Lisa.

  Shit, she better not try and hurt Lisa, he thought. But she stopped in front of James and the look on her face was all Alex – worry. “What’s wrong? James, why is she crying? Did you do something?!” Alex demanded.

  James relaxed. Alex was back. He spoke quietly as he replied, “No Alex, I didn’t do anything, let’s go inside where we can talk.”


  Alex moved over and, as soon as she could, she wrapped her arms around the crying girl. Poor thing, I wonder what’s got her so upset, Alex was thinking as she was cooing at Lisa, telling her it would be okay and ushering her towards the cabin.


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