Defender's Blood The Turning (An Urban Fantasy)

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Defender's Blood The Turning (An Urban Fantasy) Page 12

by A. K. Michaels

  He immediately flipped her over and spread her legs in front of him. She tried to place her hands over her sex and he swatted them away. He was staring so intently at her that she started to wiggle about in embarrassment!

  He ran his hands up each leg, each thigh, over her stomach and up to her breasts. He played with them and tweaked them and she was writhing beneath him. When he first took one nipple into his mouth, she let out a small scream and threw her head back. He laughed around her breast. She was so responsive – he was going to teach her an awful lot! He moved up and took her mouth and then pushed her thighs apart again. He moved his hips until he was pushing at her entrance, he thrust in and this time she screamed louder!

  He kissed her mouth until his tongue knew every inch of it, then he moved down slightly and pressed kisses along her shoulder. One of his hands reached up and grabbed her hair and moved her head to the side. His fangs came out and he felt her Wolf surfacing.

  James took a quick look at her and yes, there it was, just under the surface – her own fangs had erupted in her mouth. The sight was so damn erotic he barely held on! He pierced her skin and drank her blood and then he felt the pressure at his own neck. She bit down and it hurt in a way that he had never felt before, bringing pleasure with it. She bit hard and he sucked more of her blood into his mouth! A few seconds later they both pulled their mouths away and he roared very loudly. She screamed even louder! James laughed and pulled her to him. His mate … he would watch over her for an eternity.

  Finally Lisa’s breathing slowed and she looked up at him. “You’re mine now, James.”

  He looked down at her. “Yes, and you’re mine, my Wolf. Let’s see what Daddy has to say about this.”

  Lisa frowned, she was still scared of her father. What would he do?

  “Come here – I’m going to mark your entire neck! Nobody will wonder whose mate you are!” James pulled her up to his mouth and marked her, leaving no doubt that she was mated. Only then did they get up, had a very quick shower and made their way to the front of the plane.

  As soon as the door opened, there were loud cheers and Lisa’s face went scarlet! Oh my God! She was mortified with embarrassment!

  Vlad was standing with a bottle of fizzy wine, popped the cork and sprayed it over James and Lisa.

  James had a small smile on his face, he had never been happier. Christ – he had a mate!

  Chapter 17

  The plane came down to land and James sighed. They were home. He couldn’t wait to take Lisa to his house, get her settled. He would need to take her to the shops, she didn’t have anything with her but the clothes she stood up in and they were covered in mud.

  As soon as the plane stopped he stood up. He looked at the men there and spoke from the heart. “Thank you – all of you. If you hadn’t came for us, well, fuck I don’t want to even think about that. So thanks.” His gravelly voice wasn’t bothering him so much today – strange.

  Vlad just smiled at him before answering “I think I speak for all of us James, you would’ve done it for us so no thanks necessary. Congrats on the mating, and Lisa … welcome to the family.”

  James was glad to have a friend like Vlad, he could depend on him for anything, any time.

  “Come on Lisa, let’s go home.” he said as he took her hand and pulled her towards the door. He opened it expertly and released the steps.

  James stilled. The first thing he saw was Thadius – he was not looking happy! Oh shit!

  Vlad spoke first as he went down the stairs in front of James. “Thadius, let me introduce the town’s newest, fully bonded mates, James and Lisa. Ta-da!” and he swept his hand up the stairs towards James.

  Thadius looked fit to burst! “Fully bonded, you say?”

  James came down bringing Lisa behind him, the marks on her neck there for the world to see, and when he got to the bottom James pulled his sweatshirt aside to show her mark on him.

  “FUCK!” Thadius shouted.

  James stopped in front of Thadius and gave a lopsided grin. Thadius was scowling. “The Alpha has been on and made a formal complaint that you abducted his daughter against her will.”

  Lisa shouted “No – that’s not true! James is my mate, he didn’t abduct me!”

  Thadius looked down at the girl at James’s side. She certainly didn’t look like someone who had been abducted! “Are you sure, Lisa? This is what you want? James didn’t force you in any way?”

  She was shaking her head. “No, he didn’t force me. I love him, he’s my mate. Please don’t make me go back, I’ll just run away. I’m not going back there!”

  Thadius shook his head as if to say, what a bloody mess! “Okay Lisa. James, you can take Lisa home and we will discuss this tomorrow. Be at my offices at 2pm sharp – do not be late, James.”

  James nodded his head. Shit, going out in public in the middle of the day! Normally he did all his meetings via the phone, not in person. However, if it was for Lisa then he would do it, he would gladly go during the day for all to see if it meant him and Lisa stayed together.

  James was already putting escape plans in place. If the meeting went bad tomorrow, he would leave and take Lisa with him. No doubt about it. They would run.

  For now though, he was taking his mate home, after a stop at the shops. His jeep was still up in Canada so he borrowed one of the town’s vehicles. He put Lisa in and got in to drive.

  “Oh my God, I can’t believe we’re here, James – we got away.”

  Her voice was excited and it warmed James’s cold heart, defrosting it all the more. “Yes we did, my Wolf, yes we did. Now let’s go shopping. You don’t have anything so we need to get you some stuff.”

  Lisa hadn’t thought about that. She had nothing, not a cent and no possessions. But it was worth it.

  James drove and Lisa looked all around. It was nearly full dark but her Wolf sight meant she could still see clearly. There were streets, houses, shops, diners – a proper town. It was so much nicer than her Pack land.

  James stopped outside Julia’s shop and dragged Lisa in. Julia’s face was a picture when she saw them. James had not once been in this place. Julia covered her shock well and came over. “Hello James, can I help you with anything today?” Her smile was genuine, no pity in it, which surprised James.

  “Yes, uhm … my mate, Lisa, well she needs everything. We had to leave in kind of a hurry so didn’t have time to pack.”

  Lisa giggled, that was one way of putting it. Julia turned her attention to Lisa – and saw the markings on her neck. They told her James had a mate.

  She was very professional and carried on. “Okay Lisa, come with me. We’ll start with the basics and then you can come back for anything else you need. That sound okay?”

  Lisa nodded her head and let Julia lead. She got some t-shirt nighties, jeans, tops, underwear, flip-flops, shoes, boots … jeez, just about everything to keep her going. Their arms were full of bags when they left the shop.

  They drove to James’s home, a small detached house with two bedrooms and attached garage at the end of a quiet street. He parked and got out. He helped Lisa and they got all the bags and shopping and made their way to the front door.

  Something was lying on the doorstep.

  As they got closer, James saw a small basket with a card on top. He bent down and opened it up. “Thought you might need these. Love Irina.” When he looked down there was every kind of toiletry that a woman would want or need. God, he had good friends and Irina was such a nice person – a bit naïve but good inside.

  Lisa let out a little scream. “Oh my, look at all that! Oh my favourite bath bomb is there. Who did this?” she asked James.

  He smiled over at her. “It was Irina, Vlad’s mate – she’s a Wolf too. By the way, what the hell is a bath bomb!”

  Lisa laughed. “I’ll show you later, come on – lets get all this inside and you can show me my new home.”

  James’s heart nearly burst. Her new home. He had a mate and she was here wit
h him. Nobody or nothing would take her from him! Hell no!

  Chapter 18

  Vlad phoned to let Zach and Alex know that they had got James and Lisa, but it had been a close thing, the Pack had been nearly on top of them.

  Zach was glad. He wondered if the Alpha would come here and cause any trouble. He hoped not – the most stupid thing in the entire world was to piss off a newly-turned Vamp. If the Alpha came here shooting his mouth off, well he was going to sit back and watch the fireworks and let Alex take care of him. He would even pay to see that.

  Alex was teary. Zach swept one from her cheek. “What’s up hon, why are you crying?”

  She was trying hard not to let the tears fall and he could feel a host of emotions inside her. “I’m sad – I haven’t held our babies yet, Zach. I should’ve been there for them, fed them, rocked them to sleep … instead I’m here. I know why I’m here … it just hurts.”

  Zach cuddled her and realised that their mental bond was coming back slowly. It had stopped abruptly when she had lapsed into unconsciousness on the hospital bed and hadn’t came back until now. It wasn’t clear, but definitely coming back. He sighed in relief, he had missed not feeling her in his head.

  His voice was sympathetic as he answered “I know Alexina, I know. I feel the same but I couldn’t let you die and this was the only way. Until I’m sure you’ve got a handle on your powers, we won’t be going anywhere, hon. I’m sorry but that’s the way it’s got to be.”

  Alex nodded and cuddled further into his arms.

  Early the next morning, Zach took Alex in Lisa’s vehicle to the outskirts of the cabins. He left it there for the Pack, the keys on the front seat. He didn’t want to give the Alpha any reason to come up to the cabin. When they were ready to leave, they would take James’s jeep.

  For now though, Zach took Alex to the woods, where he tested her speed, sight, hearing … making sure she had control of everything. He found she was extremely strong, much stronger than she should be in the circumstances and he realised she was going to be very powerful.

  Alex loved running through the woods at super-speed, hunting and chasing animals, standing still and listening to all around her. It was amazing – she had never felt better in her life and she now also felt strong! Something that had always bothered her. She had always had to have strong Vamps or Wolves around her, protecting her. Well, she felt she could protect herself now and, more importantly, her babies!

  Zach taught her how to fight and she was a very quick learner. He found himself flying through the air on more than one occasion. Then Alex would speed over, all worried that she had hurt him!

  Their mental bond came back a little bit at a time, and before they knew it they were back in contact. They practised – Zach speeding away and getting miles away and then trying it. They would still be in contact as if standing next to each other, but they had to concentrate hard.

  They learnt together, trained together and loved together. Lots and lots of love – Zach no longer had to hold back in fear of hurting her and this brought a whole new level to their lovemaking. To say it was exhilarating was so much of an understatement! If not for being apart from those she loved, Alex would’ve been in heaven!

  She also realised that a lot of her shyness in the bedroom department had gone, which was really weird. After a bout of tremendous sex, she lay in Zach’s arms and spoke into his shoulder. “Zach, I was just wondering … uhm, well my shyness in the bedroom has all but gone ...”

  “I had noticed, Alexina!” he chuckled.

  “Well, why is that? What’s going on?”

  He moved her slightly so he could see into her eyes. “Honey, I told you when we first met that Vampires are very sexual beings. You’re now one of us, hence the new freedom in bed. I must say, I’m enjoying the new you!”

  As he looked down at Alex, her eyes started to shine and that very dirty smile came over her mouth. He laughed as he grabbed her and pulled her on top of him. “See what I mean, little one?” Alex’s eyes shined brighter, and then the glow came upon them. “Oh, so you’re THAT worked up?” he stated. Alex nodded her head as she devoured her man – her Vampire – her mate!

  The hardest thing for Alex to get to grips with was her strength. She kept breaking things. If she tried to open anything, like the coffee jar, she broke it and coffee would go spilling all over the place. With her speed, she had it cleaned up in no time at all.

  As she did stuff like this time and time again, she realised why Zach was keeping her away from anyone. The thought of hurting her babies made her blood run cold! When she spoke to Zach he agreed, she needed to learn how to do things without using her increasing abilities in order to be safe and for anyone around her to be safe, especially the babies. She started to listen more intently to his guidance and tried her hardest. The quicker she could master these powers that she now had, the quicker she could get home to her babies!

  Each day they would call and ask about the babies and each day they were told the same. They were fine, no problems, don’t worry. Although it put their minds at ease, they wanted to be there, hold them, take care of them … be parents.

  Soon, Zach would tell Alex, soon.

  Chapter 19

  When James took Lisa to his house, his heart was beating wildly. Would she like it, or hate it? She had been brought up in a cabin in the woods, so a two-bedroom house in Unity – even if it was a very nice mini-town – well, she might not take to it.

  He kept stealing glances at her as they entered. Her head was swivelling right and left, taking everything in, and then she nodded her head. “James, I love it, it’s really nice. Once I’ve added some soft furnishings, it’s going to be perfect.”

  James sighed – thank goodness! If she had hated it, he was prepared to move, build her a cabin in the woods around the town. If that was what she had wanted, he would’ve built it with his bare hands!

  He bent down and kissed her gently. He was a little surprised at himself, he didn’t do gentle. Her smile was radiant as he pulled her through the house, showing her where everything was. She screamed in delight when she saw his bedroom. The ensuite was huge and it had a very large shower and a jacuzzi bath!

  She was in front of him taking it in. With a change of colours for the towels, it would make it a more warming room. Not as cold as it looked just now. As she thought this, James encircled her waist and placed his mouth at her ear. “I think we’re going to make good use of both of those!” She shivered in his arms.

  She looked down at her dirty clothes and decided she was going to have a shower and put on one of the nighties he had bought her. She told him this and his eyes did that shining thing they did, nodding his head as he undressed her. He stepped over and turned the shower on, and then stripped his own clothing off and stood in front of her with his arousal right there in front. Her mouth opened in a silent ‘oh’, and he smiled – one that held the promise of what he was going to do to her!

  He pulled her forward and into the shower with him. The water cascaded down over them and he reached for a sponge and soap, lathering her body until it was completely slick with soap and bubbles.

  Then he turned her around and placed his hands round her to cup her breasts. She gasped and a throb started deep down inside her. His manhood was now rubbing up and down her behind. She gasped again and let out a sound, one that she had never heard from her own throat before.

  James laughed. “I told you I was going to make you purr like a pussycat!” He placed her hands on the wall in front and bent her over a little more, then placed his hands down low at her front. One searched for, and found, her sensitive spot in her folds and one snaked back round to knead her buttocks. The feelings she was getting throughout her body were immense. She hadn’t known what it was like, never in a million years could she have guessed what it would be like, and she loved every second. Craving his touch, his look, everything about him.

  James reached down, moved her legs apart and positioned himself at her e
ntrance. For the first time ever he entered someone soft, slow, and she made that purring noise again. Once he had entered her fully he kissed her neck. “You do things to me that no one else ever has. I want to be gentle with you, my Wolf – I’ve never been gentle!”

  She pushed back onto him and whimpered “Not too gentle James – please!” He continued to work his hand until she gave a loud moan and came around him. Then he started entering her quicker, harder. He tweaked first one then the other nipple and then moved her hair to gain access to her neck. His fangs descended and he pierced her skin – the taste of her in his mouth and he went harder again. A few seconds later she screamed his name and his release came quickly, the sound of her coming pushing him over.

  Once they had both come down from the high of their climax, he pulled her closer – still inside her – and gently rubbed his hands over her body. “I love you, Lisa,” he whispered.

  She replied “I love you my Alpha,” and he stilled. Alpha? She was calling him her Alpha?

  “What was that you called me?” he asked, even though he had heard her clearly. She wiggled in his arms, her behind just begging to be spanked!

  “Alpha. You, James, are now my Alpha – especially in the sex department. I will submit to you James, but only in the bedroom. If you knew me, my history, you would realise what a big thing that is for me,” she whispered.

  He pulled her even closer, held her tight, and he hardened within her. “Thank you,” he got out before he started to show her just what her Alpha was capable of. The screams of pure bliss that tore from her throat left her weak and shaking.

  That night he held her in his arms as they both fell into a deep sleep, their hours of games and lovemaking tiring them both out.

  Lisa was ripped from her dreams by a noise – what was that? Then the bed was shaking. What was going on?

  Her eyes flew open and she saw that James was tossing and turning, but in no way a normal sleeping person would. His skin was clammy, he was making terrible noises as if he was in great pain, and her heart nearly stopped. Her mate was in trouble. She scooted over and sat up. She went to take his head into her lap and he moved violently away.


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