Defender's Blood The Turning (An Urban Fantasy)

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Defender's Blood The Turning (An Urban Fantasy) Page 19

by A. K. Michaels

  The look of relief that came over his features tore at her. Why was he scared?

  She didn’t know but she was going to make sure he didn’t feel it any more. His nightmares were all but gone. She thought a lot of talking was the cure, but James thought it was more to do with what Lisa did when he was having one – i.e. pleasured him in many different ways! This was a hiccup, one that she would make sure they got over. If not today, some time in the future.

  James went back to making her dinner and she stood near, running her hand up and down his back, trying to soothe the beast within.

  Chapter 27

  Alex and Zach were in a routine, one which worked well for them. Having plenty of time with their babies and also working, which gave both of them a great sense of worth.

  Irina was over visiting when the phone rang and Alex answered. The voice on the other end was high pitched, excited. “Alex, is that you? It’s Scott, Bri’s had the baby – we’ve got a daughter Alex, and she is the most gorgeous thing on God’s green earth!”

  Alex laughed. “Scott, hi, I’m so happy for you both. Do you have a name yet? How’s Bri? What was the baby’s weight?”

  Scott rambled on. “Bri’s fine – she sailed through it – I’m so proud – she was great Alex, just great! We were getting worried as she’s late, but with it being a Witch and Wolf mix we didn’t know for sure about the date. I’m just glad it’s over, the waiting was driving us both nuts! Baby was just under eight pounds and no name, we’re having what Bri calls a discussion and I call an argument on the name. I’ll let you know as soon as it’s settled. Gotta go – got lots of calls to make – just wanted to let you know.” And he hung up.

  Alex laughed as she said to Irina, “I take it your Wolf ears got all that?”

  Irina nodded. “That’s so nice, I’m happy for them both. Scott is such a good person, he helped me a lot, Alex.”

  “I know Irina, I’m glad he could help you, and you’re right he is a lovely guy.” Alex went back to making coffee, a happy glow around her. Now all that was needed was for Irina to have her little one and everyone could relax!

  Vlad and Irina were over a lot, both loving the babies and Irina was beginning to show, her pregnancy now more than the halfway mark. Vlad was always rubbing his hand over her belly and it was a nice sight to see.

  This went on for another couple of months and Irina was nearing her time, she was getting more and more anxious. She was pacing back and forth in the kitchen as Alex was fixing them lunch. Finally Alex stopped and asked “Irina – what on earth’s the matter?”

  Irina was nearly crying. Alex moved and grasped her in a hug. “Come on Irina, what’s wrong? Tell me?” she coaxed.

  Irina sniffled some more then spoke. “I’m scared, Alex. What if something happens, like it did to you? I mean, I’m not certain but I don’t think a Vampire can turn a Wolf! If something goes wrong … I’ll die. What would Vlad do without me, Alex! Or worse, what if he doesn’t love the baby? I know he says he does but we know how I became pregnant, Alex. What if it hits him after it’s born!”

  Irina had got herself worked up and was hyperventilating!

  Alex knew what Irina was referring to ... the rape she endured by a rogue Wolf. The most awful of times for everyone concerned. However, Alex had come up with a cover story about the pregnancy and as far as she could see, Vlad was over the moon at the prospect of having a family. She didn’t think anyone could put on an act like that, he was truly ecstatic about the pregnancy.

  She spoke in her most soothing tone, trying to allay her friend’s fears. “That’s not going to happen Irina – trust me. Firstly, Vlad is overjoyed at you being pregnant, regardless of how it came about. You know that, honey, deep down you know that.”

  Irina nodded slightly so Alex carried on. “Secondly, complications are very rare. My being human, the twins being well … not quite so human, I think that’s what caused the problems. Plus all the stress of a bloody battle going on at the time. I’m certain that nothing’s going to go wrong with your delivery. However, if you’re still worried, why don’t we go talk to David?”

  Irina had stopped crying but still looked very worried. She paced a bit more before saying “I’ve already talked to David, he says the same as you. He’s already got a supply of blood in case I haemorrhage but he says it’s not going to happen. I guess I’m just worried because my time’s drawing near.”

  Irina let out a large sigh and Alex went on. “I know sweetie, but you need to relax a bit. Stress isn’t good for you or the little one. I tell you, I can’t wait to see Vlad holding the baby!”

  This seemed to get through to Irina. “Oh God I know, I can just see him … he’s going to be overprotective, that’s for sure. I wish I’d asked now if it’s a girl or boy. We’ve done the nursery in various colours and I can’t wait. Did you know Vlad got that woman’s number from Zach? You remember the lady that came to the hotel in Tucson – we got all our stuff from there. I don’t even want to think about how much it cost!”

  Alex smiled. Irina was back – a little puppy, all excited.


  Three days later, Alex and Zach had to go on a mission that shocked even Zach. Young Wolves were going missing from a Pack and they didn’t know what was going on, so had called in the Council. It was the Wolf Pack that had given sanctuary to the humans and non-fighters in the battle with the Demons. It wasn’t far, only about an hour or so away.

  Vlad had gone initially. It was serious and he wanted to see if he could help with security on the Pack land to try and stem the amount of kids going missing. He closed a few gaps in their security and stayed for a day or two trying to get some leads. He got one and called immediately for Zach and Alex.

  When they got there he was all business. “Okay, so I’ve helped close the perimeter gaps but I’ve got a lead and if it’s true it’s bloody awful. I’ve been told they’re being taken and sold as slaves. Young Wolves can’t change until after puberty but they are still an awful lot stronger than human children. There’s a trafficking ring in the area and I’ve been told it’s them. Some are being sold as just run of the mill slaves to do work on farms and such. However, I’ve been told the market is mostly for sex slaves – to fucking paedophiles – because they can heal faster after being passed around!”

  Vlad was irate, his blood was boiling and Alex stood with her mouth open. She thought she was going to throw up.

  Zach paced back and forth. “Are these folk human or Supers? If human we need to call in local police, or as it’s kidnapping the FBI.”

  Vlad shook his head. “No Zach, it’s two Vamps that are heading this up, or so I’ve been told. Please don’t ask me to tell you how I got this lead or any of the information … even you wouldn’t like my answer!” Vlad’s tone was stone cold and Alex could only imagine what he had done.

  He continued “We need to move fast. There’s a sale later tonight, they have at least ten of the young Wolves still in their hands. We’ve got to stop them before they get sold. We need to move, Zach!”

  Zach placed a hand on Vlad’s shoulder. “We will Vlad, but you need to calm down. You’re the one always telling me that mistakes are made when actions are carried out in anger. Tell Alex and I the details, where, whom, time and we’ll go get this done.”

  Vlad nodded and visibly tried to calm himself, then told them everything.

  A little while later, Zach asked “Okay, so where’s the Alpha and how many Wolves is he bringing?”

  “He’s with his mate just now, one of the kids is their daughter. She’s only seven, Zach! He’ll be here shortly and he’s bringing more than a dozen Wolves. Every father is coming along with two females, he assures me they are all experienced fighters.”

  Alex remarked “I don’t think they would need to be experienced for this mission. Any parent would fight to the death for their young.” Vlad nodded, such a look of sorrow and hate in his eyes.

  As they were going over the plan, the Alpha appear
ed with his Wolves. Zach took over. Vlad was Head of Security in Unity, but this was Zach’s forte, he was the best at this sort of thing.

  “Okay, firstly let me say how utterly shocked and disgusted I am about this. But we WILL get the kids back. Right, this is the plan ….”

  Zach filled the Wolves in. The Alpha and his Wolves would meet them at the warehouse in the harbour district. None of them spoke, only nodded, the anger rolling off them in waves. Alex felt for each and every one of them.

  Zach moved with Vlad and Alex. As soon as they arrived, they saw that things were already in progress – there were several cars and more than one lavish limousine! The rich always pushing the boundaries of the law, Zach thought to himself.

  Alex was the smallest and looked the less threatening of them, so she made her way to the side of the building. She could hear clearly what was going on and the cries of young children.

  She ground her teeth together, trying not to just rush in and save them. She heard Zach’s words in her mind. ‘Try and calm down, Alex. We have a plan and we’re sticking to it, just give me whatever information you can get’.

  Alex refocused and listened. It was an auction – they were auctioning the kids off to the highest bidder! Her teeth ground harder.

  Very soon she heard the first sale and she was astounded. The amount the child had gone for was a quarter of a million dollars!

  She pushed a thought to Zach. ‘The first sale has gone through. I’m not sure if they will be coming out now and leaving, or staying for the rest of the auction. You need to be ready in case they try to leave.’

  Zach confirmed that he and Vlad had a clear view and if anyone tried to leave they would have to go ahead without the Wolves. Alex relaxed, good – she couldn’t wait to get her hands on these Vamps that were selling off their own kind. Not Vampires, Wolves, but they were all Supers!

  Nobody left – the winning bidder must be staying to see what else he could pick up! It wasn’t too much longer that the Wolves arrived and Alex was relieved, she didn’t know how much longer she could stand doing nothing.

  Vlad got the Wolves in position and they set their watches. Two minutes and they were going in. Two Wolves were at the rear door, two at the front and they were to stay there in case anyone tried to get away. Everyone else was going in.

  Alex moved round to the front of the building, stood next to Zach and Vlad – and then Zach roared “NOW!”

  All hell broke loose. Alex was second in behind Zach and she and Zach went straight for the two Vamps standing on a small wooden raised area, where they had been conducting the sales.

  Both were young Vampires, inexperienced, cocky just because they were Vamps and so much stronger and quicker than humans. Not nearly as strong and fast as Zach and Alex, and it showed in the way they fought. Alex was fast and powerful, even though she was quite newly-turned, trained by the best!

  Alex had gloves on, for a reason. She had the Vampire she had tackled on the ground and her foot on his neck. He was desperately trying to get her off him but he didn’t even manage to move her foot. She reached in her jacket and pulled out silver-enhanced ropes. She very quickly had him tied and bound on the floor and she turned to see if there were any more to be taken down.

  No – Zach had killed his Vampire, literally ripping the heart from his body. They only needed one for the information they required.

  The children were sitting crying on the floor and several large Wolves surrounded them, their only job to protect the kids.

  The buyers were all trying to escape but every time one moved a Wolf would snap at them, ensuring they didn’t get anywhere. She saw Vlad, there was a small child on the floor chained to a seat and the large bear of a man that had been in the seat. Vlad was beating the crap out of him!

  Alex went over. “Vlad – is he human? If he’s human you need to leave him for the police. VLAD – is he HUMAN?”

  Vlad turned his head slightly. “No – Wolf.” And Vlad ripped the head from the body and threw it away with such force it went through the wood of the side of the building. The body dropped and Vlad picked up the child, ripping the chain apart in his hands.

  There was a cry – “Alice! Alice!” and a female Wolf came running forward, arms outstretched for her child. Vlad handed the little one to her mother, both were crying.

  Vlad turned round towards the rest of the buyers who were cowering, terrified at seeing him rip the head off one of them. He walked over to where the Wolves had them in a tight group. “I will give you one chance only. I don’t give a fuck about your laws, your police. One chance only – have you bought one of these children before? If you have say now, get the child to us and I may let you live. If you do not answer, I will find out if you have. Because trust me folks, see that Vampire there – the one on the floor? I will get answers from him. No police are going to be called until I have got the information from him! If you don’t answer now, you will die.”

  Alex saw fear on two faces. The rest were scared, obviously, but these two showed real terrifying fear. Vlad saw it at the same time and stalked to them. “Right, you two, out front and centre now.”

  The men moved too slowly for Alex’s liking so she moved them along forcefully, and they landed on the dirty ground.

  Vlad stood over them. “Where are they?” His tone was now so low she could see the men on the ground trying to hear what he had said.

  One said “I got one last week, in my limo – white one – outside with my driver.” Vlad kicked him in the face and knocked him out.

  The other was squirming, trying to back away on his hands and feet. “Answer now.” Vlad said. The man shook his head.

  Alex bent down and picked him up by the front of his suit – a pretty fancy suit! She held him in front of her and roared into his face, fangs showing, eyes red. “Fucking tell us now or I swear I’ll rip your fucking throat out!”

  The man wet himself – the smell of urine strong and she looked down and then up into his face again. “I won’t ask again!”

  His voice was stuttering as he tried to talk. “Also with my driver – black limo at the back.” Alex threw him across the room.

  Zach moved the three of them outside, shouting over his shoulder “Alex stay here – Vlad you’re with me!” The two large warriors stalked towards the vehicles outside. There were no drivers in sight, they must have run as soon as trouble started.

  There, in two of the limos, were two kids – one boy, one girl. The boy was in tattered clothing and had blood on his face. In direct contrast, the little girl was in a fancy dress with ribbons in her hair and she was clutching a doll. Zach didn’t know what was worse!

  They carried the kids back inside, and there was a roar from two Wolves. A male and a female came running. They changed while running and came to a stop in front of Zach and Vlad. They held their arms out and the two kids – a brother and a sister – were passed to their parents.

  The boy didn’t make a sound, no cries, no whimpers, nothing. The girl screamed and wailed and once more Zach didn’t know what was worse! He felt sick to his stomach. He walked with Vlad towards the Vampire lying tied up on the wooden dais.

  What ensued was not pretty. The Wolves had been instructed to take the kids out front and wait. Alex was glad – no child should see what damage Vlad and Zach did to the Vampire. The noises that tore from his throat turned her blood to ice.

  They didn’t stop until they had a list of buyers, where they were, who they had bought. Once they were certain they had it all, they ended him.

  In any mission, they did not report to any human law enforcement agency unless humans were involved. They reported only to the Council, and they had a long leash to work with, although in this case she was sure Vlad and Zach would have gone to any lengths to get the children back, whether they had to get the information from a human or Super.

  Zach pulled his phone out and pressed speed dial. “Thadius – get the cops or FBI or whoever here now. I’ll tell you when I get back
, I can’t talk now.” Zach was drained, this had taken a lot out of him emotionally.

  He knew that because he now was a father that it had hit him worse and he hoped to Christ never to come across this again. However, with the way the world was nowadays, he thought he just might.

  The other buyers were all terrified. The Wolves not out front with the kids were continually snapping at them, growling, obviously wanting to rip them to shreds. More than one had messed themselves and the smells were now permeating the air.

  Very soon, as if they had been waiting on a call, cars came rushing. Four FBI agents were in first with local police soon after. Zach took over, giving a report, short and to the point. They handed the list over also and were assured that the kids would be found and returned to their parents.

  Alex noticed another car and two women got out. The Agent talking to Zach advised that they were child psychologists, there to help the kids get through this. Especially the two who had been bought the previous week … everyone trying hard not to think on what they had been through before they got them.

  After what seemed like ages the buyers were taken away, none too gently by the police. The Wolves had changed back to human and were reunited with their kids. There was still two of the young Wolves missing but hopefully the FBI would get them back soon. They had the details and Zach had heard the lead Agent barking orders down his phone, telling officers to the addresses they had been given.

  The two kids who had been bought the week before had to go to hospital. There was obvious damage to the boy. It looked like he had tried to fight and been punched a few times. The little girl … well Zach didn’t want to think about her. She was a tiny thing, delicate, only about five years old! Zach felt every one of his many years of age at that moment. He wanted to get home and have a shower. Get the smell and dirt of this mission off him.

  The next second Alex was holding his arm and sending calming thoughts his way, his mate trying to soothe him. Even though he knew she had been just as much affected.


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