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The prisoners of Operation Bernhard are usually listed by numbers copied from the Sachsenhausen Register because, even though the copies contain some duplications and omissions, the list gives the best approximation of the order of their arrival. The list in this appendix was created from the entries into the handwritten Mauthausen Register of Inmates as the surviving 137 men of Operation Bernhard were processed into Mauthausen on April 13, 1945. (NARA RG 242, A-3355 Mauthausen, roll 13, p. 841 et seq.). Insofar as it was possible, the names have been reconciled with the typed Mauthausen card index that can be accessed online via the Yad Vashem Central Database of Shoah Victims’ Names ( Most of the cards include the names of family members. Variant spellings, especially in Polish, are retained to facilitate online access and therefore may not match names as spelled in the text of this book, which have been taken mainly from memoirs and official Allied reports. Places of birth and residence as well as citizenship are spelled in this appendix as they are found in the Mauthausen Register. Litzmannstadt, for example, was not converted to Łodz; the citizenship is given, as in the Register, as DR (Deutsches Reich) rather than Poland.
The Register lists some prisoners from Austria, France, and the Baltic states as “DR” but when areas of these countries have been incorporated into Hitler’s Reich, the original country appears in brackets. Men from Norway and Holland, for example, retain their country of origin. Czechoslovakia had ceased to exist as a nation and was split into the Nazis’ Czech Protectorate and the puppet state of Slovakia, just as Yugoslavia was partly dismembered with a puppet regime of Croatia.
The names of five men do not appear in the Mauthausen Register because the men were executed after becoming ill while at Sachsenhausen. These men are believed to have been: (1) Pjotr/Isaak Sukenik/Sukiennik, a young man from Białystok who contracted tuberculosis and was murdered about February 15, 1945; (2) Jizchok Fingerut; (3) Abraham Kleinfeld of Vienna; (4) Ernest/Arnost Stastny of Brno; and (5) Heinrich Sonnenthal (b. 1920). A sixth man, Herman Gütig, was executed for burning pound notes in Block 18/19. The last prisoner to be executed for illness, Karl Sussman of Vienna, does appear in the Register because he was not murdered until May 1, 1945, two weeks after his registration. Most have calculated 144 as the total number of prisoners who passed through Block 19, but it is likely that Sussman was counted twice, which would make the total 143, although the precise number will probably never be known.
Sachsenhausen number Mauthausen number SurnameFirst nameBirth yearMonth/dayPlace of birth/residenceCitizenship/nationalityProfession
1 14898 138410 Cytrin Feiwel [Felix] 1894 5/6 Frankfurt/Leipzig DR toolmaker
2 23768 138526 Wilde Samuel 1919 1/16 Warsaw Poland calligrapher
3 43811 138503 Speier Walther 1893 4/27 Berlin DR electrician
4 46674 138480 Plapla [Papler] Isaak [Jack] 1919 11/11 Grifte / Kassel stateless calligrapher
5 46674 [sic] 138481 Pick Alfred 1906 10/12 Domazlice Czech dental technician
6 46675 138446 Kohn Georg 1901 2/3 Reisen Lissa / Alt-Chemnitz DR [Latvia] merchant
7 46676 138426 Gottlieb Ernst 1907 8/28 Wien DR [Austria] wallpaperer / upholsterer
8 46678 138482 Perkal Chaim 1912 3/10 Lomza Poland printer
9 46680 138443 Kaufmann Jaroslav 1901 1/19 Husova Czech dentist
10 46681 138450 Krebs Leo 1910 11/17 Beuthen (Bytom) DR [Austria] printer / painter
11 46834 138461 Lewin Arthur 1888 7/31 Berlin DR printer
12 46837 138469 Luka Richard 1913 10/30 Milan (Italy)/ Prague Czech architectural engineer
13 46840 138456 Lauber Jakob 1906 9/1 Krakow Poland draftsman
14 46842 138524 Weissmann Friedrich 1901 5/11 Plumacz stateless typesetter
15 46845 138424 Goldberg Chias Aron 1909 1/8 Tarnoczeg / Berlin stateless bookbinder / printer
16 46848 138519 Tupler Artur 1890 6/10 Nova Ves / Hodenova Czech bricklayer
17 46850 138462 Lewinski Kurt 1908 3/17 Kulmsee / Berlin DR calligrapher
18 46852 138414 Ehrlich Leib 1905 4/28 Osiek / Warsaw Poland printer
/> 19 46853 138453 Kurzweil Hans 1908 7/1 Wien DR [Austria] bookbinder
20 46855 138405 Bober Hermann Max 1896 5/1 Berlin DR printer & typesetter
21 47140 136422 Gecht Joszip 1918 9/1 Suchumi [Georgia] / Piatakowa USSR [unknown]
22 47148 138532 Zessarski[y] Matej 1914 12/22 Owrutsch / Owrucz USSR [Poland] electrical machinist
23 47832 138513 Stein / Skala Oskar 1902 8/5 Tabor / Klofacova Czech paper specialist
24 48854 138514 Steiner Viktor Karl 1907 8/13 Wien DR [Austria] bookbinder
25 51110 138517 Tragholz Felix 1908 12/1 Wien DR [Austria] ceramicist
26 51316 138505 Springer Artur 1888 3/4 Wien / Belgrade DR[Austria] industrialist / paper
27 61113 138402 Blaustein Max 1904 5/6 Berlin DR printer
28 61117 138415 Epsztejn Lejba 1903 6/18 Paris Poland writer / typographer
29 61120 138509 Schnapper Friedrich [Fritz] 1893 12/18 Frankfurt am Main DR printer
30 61125 136423 Glanzer Isaak / Israel 1899 8/22 Zborov / Nagyvarad Czech print shop owner
31 61127 138473 Nachtstern Moritz 1902 11/11 Warsaw / Oslo Norway stereotypist
32 61129 138535 Zymerman Persc 1919 4/5 Radom Poland printer
33 61136 138466 Libermann Josef 1914 10/20 Piotrkow / Mlawa Poland printer
34 61138 138510 Schurek Chaim 1915 3/10 Straygowo / Mlawa Poland [unknown]
35 67175 138530 Zakrzewski Nachum [Nachim] 1926 1/19 Bialystok USSR [Poland] printer
36 67865 138516 Tiefenbach Severin 1919 3/22 Leslaw / Litzmannstadt Poland engraver
37 67866 138436 Italiener Leib 1915 7/27 Litzmannstadt Poland engraver
38 67867 138448 Kosak Mojsche / Mosjek 1904 5/25 Bialystok USSR [Poland] typesetter
39 67868 138439 Jablocznik Noach 1901 10/18 Litzmannstadt Poland printer
40 67869 138533 Zyberski Leib 1892 7/5 Grajewo / Bialystok USSR [Poland] engraver
41 67870 138447 Kosak Hirsch 1897 12/12 Bialystok USSR [Poland] typesetter
42 67871 138485 Rapoport Towiec 1903 11/12 Litzmannstadt Poland printer
43 67873 138413 Edelsburg Nuchim 1907 4/14 Minsk Mazowiecki / Litzmannstadt Poland printer
44 67874 138479 Plac Chiel 1885 3/12 Belsk / Bialystok USSR [Poland] painter
45 68061 138476 Nieft Horst 1920 5/23 Berlin DR decorator
Krueger's Men Page 29