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Visitors Page 3

by Woods, Karen

  Susie stood her ground. She gripped her fingers tightly and knew she would have to defend herself. Who did this hooker think she was speaking to? “Ay fucking baggy fanny. Don’t you ever talk to me like that; otherwise you’ll be out of that door before you know what’s hit you. Do you get me or what?”

  Pippa looked anxious. She fidgeted around and knew she would have to back down. She’d heard from the girls that Susie was a loudmouth and quickly tried to make a joke out of it all. “Ay, less of the baggy fanny. I’ve probably got the tightest motty in here.” The girls all joined in the debate now and laughter could be heard. Susie looked relieved as Pippa sat back down. She reckoned she could take her out, but there was something about this woman that told her to be careful.

  The women were listening to Susie now as she took control again. “As I was saying, I’m going to be your new boss. A few things will be changed in this place but only the decor. It looks like a shit tip,” she shot her eyes at the entrance. “The carpets stinks, when was the last time this place had a lick of paint.”

  Pippa jumped in again holding her sides laughing. “We’re the only thing that’s had a lick in this place, never mind the fucking walls.” Susie broke a smile. This woman had a wicked sense of humour. Everyone laughed with her. Susie felt like she’d made her mark on the hussies and started to relax. She could see Joan sneering at the side of her. Susie could see by her face she wasn’t happy that the girls hadn’t kicked off.

  At that moment the entrance door swung open and nearly came off its hinges. Helen stood looking flustered. Pippa growled at her and looked her up and down. She was just about to give her some abuse when Susie introduced her. “Everyone this is Helen, Tim’s sister”. A few of the girls already knew her and nodded their heads. Helen seemed in pain and held her stomach area as if she was going to keel over. Her knees were knocking together and she was swaying about. “Where’s the shitter? I’m gonna shit my kecks if I don’t get on the toilet soon.” Joan showed her the way and she wobbled past them all as if she was squeezing a penny between the cheeks of her arse. Small droplets of sweat could be seen on her forehead. She didn’t look well at all. Susie was spitting feathers. She looked annoyed as she watched Helen go past. What an embarrassment she was.

  A few of the girls now left as punters came through the door. It was obvious the men had been before because they knew Joan. Susie watched as the girls led the two customers to the bedrooms.

  Pippa still sat on the sofa looking her new boss up and down. Susie was intrigued by her and wanted to know a bit more about her past. Falling back into her seat she began the conversation. “So how long have you been working here? Tim’s never mentioned you before.”

  The woman grinned and licked her bottom lip. “I’ve been here for about six months now,” she held her head back and chuckled. “I can’t believe Tim has never mentioned me though. He’s a top lad, yanno.”

  Susie urged her to continue. What the fuck was she on about Tim was a top lad. How did she know? She delved deeper. “So was it Tim who found you or Joan?”

  Pippa gasped and giggled sarcastically. She knew she was winding her new boss up and loved every minute of it. Twiddling her hair between her fingers she smirked. “Nobody found me love. I agreed to work here when Tim told me what kind of business he ran. I was on my arse, and he had this place, so it all made sense if you know what I mean?” Susie watched the brass as she spoke about Tim. She seemed to melt in the chair at the sound of his name. Her eyelashes fluttered as she continued. “I met Tim in a nightclub. I was a dancer there. The money was alright but I had trouble with the management.”

  “No fucking wonder. You’re a gobby cunt,” Susie mumbled under her breath.

  “Tim was like my knight in shining armour I suppose. He didn’t like the way the boss spoke to me and told him straight that I was leaving.”

  Susie jumped in. Her face was red and her mouth was dry. “What do you mean ‘your knight in fucking shining armour?’ Are you saying you’ve been sleeping with my man?”

  Pippa shook her head slowly. She knew what she was doing. “Nar am I eck. I’m just saying he’s a good man, and for you to look after him. He’s a good catch for any woman you know.”

  Susie wanted to jump on her and scratch her eyeballs from their sockets but the sound of someone moaning in the room made her turn her head. Helen was stood at the doorframe with one hand resting on it. Wiping her forehead she spoke to Susie. “I’m not a well woman love. Are we going to be long or what, because I feel like I could shit for England?” Susie located her handbag and quickly had a few words with Joan. Before she left, she shot a look at Pippa who was still sitting on the sofa looking like the cat that had got the cream. Susie looked puzzled but had a gut feeling that Tim had been sleeping with her. Gritting her teeth she nodded her head towards Pippa as she left.

  Helen was still moaning as they went down the stairs. “Will you shut the fuck up?” Susie snapped, “You’re doing my bastard head in. I said for you to stay in the car didn’t I?”

  Helen’s face looked blank and she spoke to her with an apologetic tone. “I was touching cloth. I would have shit all over the car if I didn’t get to a toilet fast.” Susie blew her breath. “Well you should have squatted outside or summit. I bet the girls think I’m a right shit bag now having you waiting in the car.” Susie yanked the door open with force. She was raging now and let Helen have it. Standing with one hand on her hip she let rip. “Let’s get one thing straight. You don’t need to look out for me. I’m big enough and strong enough to sort out anything or anyone that stands in my way.” She froze in her step and Helen turned her head to look at her. “Including you, Helen.”

  Helen stood gawping. Who the fuck did she think she was, talking to her like that? She tried to calm her. “Stop fucking stressing will you? And what do you mean including me. I’m your family and I’m here to make sure you’re okay, but if you want to ride it solo sweetheart, feel fucking free.” Susie carried on walking towards the car as Helen carried on moaning behind her. She’d seen her arse and wasn’t shutting up for love nor money. “I mean I do someone a favour and this is how I get treated. Well fuck you Susie; I know when I’m not wanted.” Susie slid the key into the car door. Jumping inside she waited for Helen to get in. She wanted to leave her there but she knew that would have been over the top behaviour, she snarled as she watched her click her seat belt on.

  All the way home Helen held her stomach and Susie felt quite bad for her previous rant. It was obvious this woman was in pain, and she tried to show some concern. It was hard for Susie to be nice to her because she really hated Helen with a passion but she played the part well of a concerned friend. “You need to go to the doctor’s love. I mean to have a smell like that coming from your arse; your guts must be rotting away.”

  Helen was forgiving and spoke straight away. “I’ve been loads of time love, but they just say it’s indigestion. Tablet after tablet they give me but nowt seems to work.”

  Susie thought about Helen’s size and spoke aloud without thinking. “Your weight won’t help though will it? I mean come on, you must be touching on twenty stone.”

  Helen nearly choked and waved her hands in the air. “Am I fuck twenty stone you muppet, I’m about nineteen. It’s just that I look bigger because I wear baggy clothes and all that,” she dragged at her clothes lifting them up from her stale sweaty body.

  “Yeah right,” Susie laughed.

  “Nar honest, I’ve lost pure weight, ask my mam. I’ve been on that ‘Slim Fast’ stuff.”

  “Well you don’t look any different to me,” Susie smirked.

  “I could murder a kebab. I’ve shit all that curry out from before and now my stomach’s empty,” she gripped Susie’s arm and pleaded with her. “Any chance we can stop at Pizza Lane or summit?” Susie sighed at the beached whale at the side of her. She had to laugh though because Helen was just so funny in her own way.

  Helen ran into the takeaway as if her life depen
ded on it. She came out shortly after with a Kebab wrapped in white paper. She was holding onto it for dear life. It looked like a roll of five by four carpet slid under her arm as she got back into the car. Helen ripped her food open and squashed the Nan bread together at the end. Her hands were shaking as she took her first bite. The smell filtered Susie’s nostrils. She was starving too. She hadn’t had a bite to eat all day; she was looking at the food and licking her lips.

  “Orr will you go back in Helen and get me one?” Helen was ripping her Kebab apart in her teeth like a feeding lioness. Meat and salad was dangling from her mouth. She agreed with a nodding head. Susie searched her bag for her purse as her mobile phone started ringing. Quickly glancing at the flashing screen she could see Ashley’s name. Ignoring the ring tone she passed Helen a crisp ten pound note.

  “Get me one of them what you’re eating,” she pointed on Helen’s lap. “Get some hot chilli sauce on it please.” Helen still held her half eaten food in her hands as she took the money from Susie. She left the car and could be seen still munching her food through the shop window.

  Quickly redialling the number Susie held the phone to her ear as she kept one eye still focused on Tim’s sister. Her voice was low as she spoke. “I’m with Helen, Ash. You’ll have to ring me back later when I’ve got rid of her. I’m on my way home soon,” she paused and rolled her eyes. “Fucking hell I’ve been to see the girls at Delia’s, stop stressing will you? Right, right, speak soon bye.” Quickly chucking her phone back in her handbag she watched her food being prepared through the large glass window. Her mouth was watering.

  Both the women sat eating their scran in the car. Helen had finished eating long before Susie; she could feel her eyes watching her like a dog waiting for some food to be flung her way. Susie had never been a big eater but tonight she felt like she could eat a scabby horse much to Helen’s disappointment. Susie left just a few strands of Doner meat and a bit of fallen lettuce, she got ready to fold the white paper and throw the remains away.

  “Wait up there, don’t throw it. I’ll finish it,” Helen gasped.

  “Greedy bitch” Susie mumbled as she handed her the remains of her feast. Helen was eating like she’d never been fed. No wonder she was so big.

  Susie headed home she was exhausted. She dropped Helen off first and was glad to see the back of her. As she drove off she could hear her shouting that she would see her the following day. Susie ignored her and watched her waddle into her house as she left. “You won’t be seeing me tomorrow lard arse,” she giggled.

  The phone was ringing again. Turning the music up Susie ignored it. After all, it could only be Ashley wanting to know where she was. He was becoming a nuisance and she hated his desperation. It was late as Susie entered her house. She looked quickly over her shoulder making sure nobody was watching her as she pushed the key into the lock. She looked uneasy and quickly bolted the door once she was inside. Her eyes were tired and she was ready to drop.

  Walking into the living room she noticed her cigs. “Fucking hell, that’s where I’d left them,” she said to herself. Susie had been gasping for one earlier and thought she’d lost them. Dragging a fag from the gold Benson and Hedges packet on the table, she hung it from her mouth searching for her lighter. Flicking the end of her finger over the lighter she stuck her head towards the flame. Sucking noises could be heard as she inhaled her first blast of nicotine.

  Kicking her shoes off, Susie grabbed the remote control for the telly. Scrolling through the channels she looked for something to watch. Every time she pressed a TV station it was the same as the last. “Fucking babe-station,” she laughed. “Ten minute teaser, what the fuck is this world coming too with all these porn channels?” Susie tilted her head to the side as she watched a blonde woman on the screen stretching her body out across the bed. The woman was sucking on her finger slowly and ordering the viewers to phone the number at the bottom of the screen for more adult fun. “What a fucking joke,” she moaned. Susie knew Tim had stayed up late into the night to watch these programmes. She’d had endless arguments with him the past, calling him a dirty pervert. She knew without a shadow of a doubt that he’d phoned these sex lines, the numbers had been on her phone bill. Tim had denied it of course, but she knew deep down inside that her partner was one of them sad male wankers who got off on talking dirty to some horny slut down the phone.

  The phone started ringing again. “For fucks sake Ashley you’re doing my head in now,” she growled. Pressing the green button on the phone she spoke in an angry manner. “What’s up now?” She held the phone from her ear as she listened to Ashley going ballistic at her. Smiling to herself she tapped her fingernail on her front tooth. “Just chill ya beans, will ya. I told you where I was. It’s not as if I’m bouncing around in someone’s bed is it?” Laughing to herself you could hear Ashley getting angry. Susie had finished playing with him now and spoke to him with a giggle in her voice. “Listen, just shut up for one minute you crank. Are you coming over or what? I need a back warmer for tonight its freezing?” she was holding her hand over her mouth to disguise her amusement. “Right, alright come through the back way. I’ll turn the sensor lights off. See you soon, hurry up I’m knackered.” Susie threw her phone on the table at the side of her.

  Turning all the downstairs lights off, Susie crept to the back door waiting for her lover to come. Peeping out into the back garden she checked the area for nosey neighbours. Nothing but a cat could be seen. As she watched the animal sneak along the back fence she smirked. The cat’s mannerisms were as devious as her own. Watching it balance along the wooden fence it seemed oblivious of her.

  Suddenly she heard shuffling noises. A dark figure blocked out the light from the nearby lamp- post. A large body frame now crept up her garden path. The crunching sound of gravel could be heard. “Sssh,” she whispered with one finger held up towards her mouth. You could just about see Ashley’s eyes. He was dressed like a Ninja, all in black. Gripping hold of his black padded jacket she pulled him inside. “What the fuck are you dressed as? Hurry up and get in before someone clocks you.” Her eyes were dancing as his head dropped down to check out his clothes. Running his hands up and down the black material he sneered. He knew he was overdressed but somehow it seemed the right thing to wear at the time. He wiped the sweat from his forehead.

  “What do you mean? You cheeky cow. Did you want me dressed in fucking bright rainbow colours or summit? I just thought I would blend into the night if I wore black.”

  “You’re such a nob,” she chuckled. Susie quickly locked the back door and turned to see Ashley peeling his coat off. He was struggling. Touching his body with her index finger she could feel the wetness of his sweaty skin. He was so sexy, there was no denying it. Her body craved his touch. Stroking her hand over his arms she felt the ripples of muscles. He knew she liked what she saw and flexed them harder.

  “Do you want a drink or owt before we go up to bed?” she asked.

  Ashley shook his head. “Nar, I’m sweet.” He seemed eager to get to the bedroom. Grabbing at his crotch he winked at Susie.

  “Come on then, take me to your love nest.”

  Ashley had been up the stairs in the past, but that was only to use the toilet. Of course he’d looked in the bedroom where she slept with Tim, but it had always made him feel sick knowing his woman was sharing a bed with another man.

  Flicking the small light on, the lovers went upstairs. Susie’s feminine touch was written all over the bedroom. Jumping on the king-size bed she patted the space next to her. “Come on then, get your kit off.” Ashley blushed and stood fidgeting. He didn’t think it would have bothered him but as he parked his arse on the bed he felt strange. This was his mate’s bed and he knew he’d overstepped the mark. Falling down onto the crisp white bedding he locked his hands over his head. He lay staring for a moment until Susie kicked at his legs.

  “What’s up with your face now, mard arse?”

  Rolling onto his stomach he dragged his t-
shirt over his head and flung it on the floor. Lifting his head up, he gripped her chin in his hand.

  “It doesn’t feel right this yanno.”

  Susie shook her head; she knew exactly what he was talking about. It was written all across his guilty looking face. “What the fuck are you going on about?” she said. He could see she was getting ready to explode and sat up as if boiling water had been poured all over him.

  “I can smell Tim on the bed that’s all,” he wiped his hand over the sheets with a flat palm and held it up to his nose smelling it. Passing his hand over to Susie he insisted she smelt her boyfriend’s body scent. She pushed his hand away with force.

  “Fuck off, will you,” she hissed. Why would she want to smell the sins she was committing. “You need to sort it out Ash; you rather get in the bed or fuck off home. It’s up to you.” She peeled the bedclothes back from the bed and yanked her clothes off. He knew she was pissed off and quickly made the decision to join her in bed. “I’m just saying that’s all; don’t go all moody on me now.”

  Lying beside her he stared into her closed eyes. Her eyelashes were flickering. She could feel his eyes burning into her but kept them shut. He’d been a dick-head and now she was making him pay. He was getting the silent treatment.

  Ashley blew his warm breath onto her face with an endearing look held in his eyes. “Orr don’t be mad babes, wake up; I know you’re not asleep.” Susie pulled the blanket up and covered her mouth, she was dying to laugh. She was playing with his emotions like a cat played with a mouse’s tail. Sinking his warm lips onto hers he could see she was responding. Her eyes slowly peeled opened and she looked lost in his big blue eyes. Their mouths connected and the kiss they shared was intense. The sound of groans filled the bedroom and within minutes you could see his body on top of hers thrusting between the sheets.


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