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Visitors Page 5

by Woods, Karen

  The people filed out of the centre and headed to the main entrance of the prison. They all walked in single file, like ducklings walking behind their mother. Kids crying and people arguing could now be heard. This was all so stressful for Susie. She shook her head as she watched the people in front of her heading towards the main prison.

  Walking inside the entrance her eyes gawped at the next procedure. Clocking the woman in front of her, she began to take her shoes off too. Were these security checks really necessary? For crying out loud, they were only going to see their loved ones? Peeling her coat off her shoulder she put it on the conveyor belt to be checked. Looking around, Susie waited for further instructions. She was now urged to go towards a female guard who stood looking at her wearing white plastic gloves. Susie was being searched. Standing on a large box she felt the female guard running her hands all over her body. Bet she loved the power she felt over everyone as she searched them, Susie thought. You could see by the screws face that she loved her job.

  “Lift your feet up love,” the woman asked. Susie obeyed her and one at time she scraped her feet up from the floor.

  “What the fuck could you hide under your feet,” Susie whispered under her breath, she was at breaking point. She stood waiting to collect her belongings as they came through the security check. Some kind of stamp was now put on the back of her hand.

  Now waiting, Susie watched the man behind her getting searched. She could see how distressed he looked. His eyelids were flickering rapidly and he was chewing on his lips constantly. It was obvious to Susie that he was concealing something on his body.

  Another visitor now joined her as they all walked up the stairs towards the next landing. She could hear him whispering to the male at the side of him. “Hope that fucking dog isn’t here today. What fucking day is it?”

  His mate laughed as he answered him. “It was here this time last week, so it might be here again today.”

  “For fucks sake,” the man moaned, “well if it comes near me, it’s getting my foot right up its sweaty ring piece.” They chuckled as they sat on some chairs facing another big desk. Susie wanted to stay near them both. If they were smuggling drugs inside the prison and getting away with it, she could need them in future. Fluttering her eyes at them both, she smiled letting them know she was onto their little secret.

  The guards now started to call their names out. A male guard opened the turnstile for the visitors to come through. The personal checks were still far from over. Once they were through the next door, each of them was told to stand on a thick yellow line. Each line was painted on the concrete floor and a distance away from one another. The warden spoke to the visitors. His voice was loud and full of authority. “Don’t touch the dog please. He’s just going to walk past you, nothing to worry about.” Susie stood with her hands held down by her side. She kept her head still and watched the brown and white Springer Spaniel filter through them all. The dog’s tail was swinging rapidly. Susie turned her head once it had passed her. The man behind her could be seen with his eyes closed. He looked like he was whispering something under his breath.

  All the visitors were now free to leave. Susie looked at the man again. He was by her side fidgeting. Checking no one was listening she prodded him in the waist with her finger. “You did well. I thought that hound was definitely gonna get onto you.” The visitor gave her a triumphant look. The first piece of his mission was now completed. All he had to do now was get the drugs to the inmate, and then the job was done. Susie giggled as they waited at the top of the stairs for the electronic door to open.

  Susie could already see the inmates sat at small tables waiting for their loved ones. People were squeezing their faces up against the glass, eager to get inside. The door now opened, and the visitors walked inside, scanning the area for their loved ones.

  Susie stood for a moment. “Where the fuck is he?” she mumbled. She couldn’t see him anywhere. About forty prisoners were sat at the tables and they all were wearing red bibs over their clothes. They all looked the same. An arm could now be seen waving in the air. Squeezing her eyes together Susie looked towards it struggling to make out if it was Tim or not. Walking slowly she smiled. It was him.

  “What a fucking joke it is to get in here. I’ve been outside for ages. It’s like fucking Fort Knox in here. I can tell you,” she sat down as she continued. “Every two minutes you’re getting searched.” Tim was eager to talk.

  “Shut the fuck up moaning, and give me a kiss,” Tim chuckled. His eyes were all over her like a rash. Susie leant over the table and puckered up. You could see Tim inhaling her fragrance as their lips connected. The inmate pulled her closer but she yelled in pain. “What’s up with you,” he snarled. Susie realised what she’d done and had to think quick.

  “Erm .. I fell down the stairs before.” Kicking her leg up at the side of the table she showed him her large heels. “It was these heels that done it. I just lost my balance. You know what I’m like. I’m a clumsy fucker.” He believed every word and kissed her hands as he held them both across the table.

  “You look sexy, babes”. He wanted to shag her brains out. You could see it in his eyes. Tim’s hand was now tugging at his crotch. “Fucking hell love. My cocks throbbing like fuck.” Susie leant over the table slightly as he raised his arse from the chair to show her his manhood beneath his jeans. “Touch it,” he smirked. You could see the shape of his trouser snake.

  “You horny fucker,” she giggled. Susie could see the full outline of his penis in his jeans and her face blushed slightly hoping nobody else could see it.

  “Unshackle the beast,” he giggled.

  Susie blushed. There was no way in this world she was tossing him off on a visit. She’d heard stories from her friends about what happened on prison visits and she wanted no part of it. Tim didn’t turn her on one little bit, and there was no way she was yanking his tackle on this visit or any visits in the future. He could go and take a running jump.

  “Go and get me some scran then, I’m fucking starving. The food in this place is crap. Get me a butty, a brew and some chocolate.” People were queuing up at the serving hatch; Susie could see two women serving behind the counter.

  “Yeah, hang on then. I’m not queuing up yet. It’s fucking hammered. Look at the queue,” she shot her eyes to the long line of people stood waiting to be served. He looked at the queue and he agreed with her nodding his head.

  “Yeah best wait a few minutes until it calms down.” Looking at his girlfriend in more detail he studied her face. Susie was such a self-centred cow and he knew his time in prison would be hard with her as his woman. She cared about nothing but herself. Susie was a gold- digging bitch and he knew only too well she didn’t love him anymore.

  Susie sat back in her seat. Tilting her head to the side she couldn’t wait to ask about Pippa. She’d been on her mind all day, and now she wanted him to tell her the facts about her. Hanging a finger from her mouth she began. “So how come you know Pippa?”

  Tim blanched, he was fidgeting. “I don’t really know her; I just gave her a job that’s all.”

  Susie pounced. Her face was over the table and she was looking him directly in the eyes. “What do you mean? You just gave her a job,” her teeth were clenched together. “So are you telling me, she just knocked on Delia’s and said ‘can I have a job?”

  Tim swallowed hard. “Yeah summat like that. Fucking hell Susie what’s up with that? Do you think I’ve been banging her or summit?”

  She looked angry. The guilt on his face was there for everyone to see, she paused for a second. “Well how did you meet her then?”

  Tim sighed and fed her a story that was nothing like the one Pippa had told her. He was such a lying bastard. Trying to change the subject he asked her to go and get some food. Susie huffed as she stood up. Grabbing the money from the table, she left him on tenterhooks. Tim was running his fingers through his hair. He looked relieved.

  Susie stood waiting to get served. The
man from earlier was now sat near her. He was visiting an older man who looked a couple of butties short of a picnic. Susie wondered if he’d passed the drugs over yet and kept her eyes focused on his every move. She couldn’t see anything. “Yes love,” the woman said.

  Susie stuck her head over the counter and looked at what food they had to offer. “What a load of shit,” she huffed. “Erm… can I have two coffees and a…” she paused as she scanned the sandwiches in front of her. “A tuna mayonnaise sandwich please.” The assistant began making the brews. Susie’s eyes now scanned the chocolate selection. She was hormonal and was craving a sugar fix. “Can I have a Wispa and a packet of Rolos as well love?” The woman passed her the two hot drinks with caution. Placing them on a red plastic tray Susie handed her the money. Gripping the tray with difficulty she made her way back to Tim.

  Tim was smiling as she placed the food onto the table. She shot him a look and he knew she wasn’t happy. A male guard was now at her side. His walk was slow and he seemed to be checking her out. He was a dish and Susie loved the attention he was giving her. The screw was bulging with muscles and you could see his biceps through his crisp white shirt. Susie wanted him to rip her knickers off there and then. He was sex on legs. With one last glance he walked past the table. Tim was snarling at him. “Nosey twat. What the fuck is Jenkins snooping at?”

  Susie didn’t hear a word Tim was saying and carried on watching the screw with drooling eyes. “He could sort me out anytime,” she sniggered, as she felt a wave of excitement ride through her body.

  “Dirty cow,” her boyfriend hissed. Tim checked the area and started to whisper in a low voice. He made sure Susie was paying him full attention, his hand covered his mouth. “I need some gear in here. I have to make some money fast.”

  Susie stared at him before she spoke. “How the fuck do you expect me to do that, I’m not bringing fuck all in?”

  Tim looked angry. “Will you shut the fuck up and listen ya nob. I’m not saying for you to bring anything in. I mean, I need a visit from someone who will.”

  Sighing, Susie looked relieved. Tim rubbed at his arms as he racked his brains for a drugs mule. “Get Ashley on it, he knows some proper dirty bitches who’d do owt for a quick few quid.”

  “Who the fuck does he know?” Susie snapped.

  Tim looked at her and could see how angry she was, he chuckled. “Ashley‘s a player. He’s got loads of women out there who’d die for him,”

  “I thought he had a girlfriend?”

  “Yeah he says he has, but come on love, he’d shag anything with a pulse.”

  Susie had to control herself. She wanted to tell Tim straight that Ashley had been sleeping with her for years; she took a deep breath and spoke like she didn’t care about his mate’s love life. “Yeah I’ll see if he can sort a visit out. What stuff are you talking about anyway?”

  Tim’s eyes danced about and he spoke in a firm voice. He scanned the area to make sure nobody was listening. “Some brown and sniff. I can earn a right few quid from it in here. The smackheads will do owt for a quick toot.”

  Susie sucked her lips. As long as she wasn’t involved Tim could do whatever he wanted. “I need you to get some money out of the bank for it. About five ton will do for now.”

  Susie nearly fell from her chair. “Get a grip, will you? Five hundred pounds for drugs. My arse.”

  He dragged her arms over towards him and pressed his fingers deep into her skin. “Listen don’t start with all that shit.” His warm breath was in her face and she could tell he meant every word he said. “Just get the money together and give it to Ashley. He’ll do the rest.”

  Panicking she agreed. Pulling away from him. “Okay, okay,” she whispered.

  The visit was coming to an end. Inmates could be seen standing and kissing their visitors. Susie watched the woman from earlier and she could see her boyfriend’s hand disappearing up her short skirt. Her kid was still running about the room and she didn’t give a shit as long as she was getting a bit of slap and tickle.

  “Come on then, give us a kiss.” Tim sunk his dry lips onto hers. His breath smelt of camel shit and she pulled her face from his.

  “Your breath stinks, you need to brush your teeth,” she said. Tim didn’t listen to her and carried on getting his quick fix of love, Susie didn’t respond as he carried on regardless.

  Susie got up and wiped her mouth on her sleeve. She could still taste Tim’s stale breath on her lips. Turning her head before she left the room she gave a half-hearted wave to him as he sat at his table. All the visitors stood together waiting for the screw to let them out. As her eyes followed a guard coming towards her, she realised it was the sexy one from earlier. Each person in turn was let out of the door. As Susie’s turn came Jenkins spoke to her. His voice was low and he made sure no one else could hear him. “You shouldn’t be coming to places like this love.”

  Susie smirked. Her heart was beating quickly. Struggling for words she spoke. “I know. I’m meant for better things me, aren’t I?” The screw nodded his head and winked at her. You could tell he was flirting, and Susie knew it too. With one last glance at each other Susie left. She could feel his eyes burning into her as she walked away. She started to strut her stuff. Standing tall, she pulled her shoulders back and gave a walk Claudia Schiffer would have been proud of.

  People were now going down the stairs as if there was a fire. Susie held the rail at the side of her and tried to regain her balance. “What’s the fucking rush,” she cursed to the crowd. No one listened to her and they carried on barging past.

  Through the exit door and fresh air hit Susie’s face. She inhaled deeply and her nostrils flared. Her body was craving a cigarette and she hurried back to the visitors’ centre to get them from her locker. The woman with the child from earlier was now at her side. The kid was still crying and being naughty. Susie couldn’t hold her tongue. “He’s a fucking handful him, how do you cope?”

  The woman laughed out loud. “I know, I need a taser gun for the brat don’t I?”

  Susie chuckled. “Yeah that would sort him right out.” They walked together to get their belongings. The woman introduced herself as Vicky. Susie was a nosey person and wanted to know the ins and outs of a cat’s arse hole.

  “So is it your boyfriend who’s in nick or what?”

  Vicky nodded as she tried to keep hold of her son’s hand who was now trying to break free. “Yeah he got slammed last month for six years.”

  “Six years! What the fuck did he do?” Susie gasped.

  Vicky giggled. “Oh just a bit of drug dealing. He was one of the foot soldiers who ended up getting caught.”

  Susie looked gob-smacked. “Well that’s a long time just for selling drugs. There must be more to it.”

  Vicky became defensive. She screwed her face up and didn’t like the way the conversation was going. “What do ya mean, more to it?” Vicky was staring at her now and waiting for an answer.

  Susie knew she’d overstepped the mark. “No love, I’m just saying that’s a long time for selling drugs.”

  Vicky grabbed her son’s arm as she entered the visiting centre. You could tell that Susie had pissed her off. Vicky left Susie’s side and could be seen bending down to get her belongings from her locker.

  Sat in the car Susie lit up a fag. It looked like each drag was calming her nerves. The stress seemed to disappear from her face. This was her life now and she hated every minute of it. She had to change it somehow, someway.


  Vicky Dixon looked knackered as she walked down the busy road towards the bus stop. Her son was still being naughty and she looked like she was on the verge of leaving him on his own.

  Sat on the cold plastic seat inside the bus shelter, she could see her son swinging around a lamp- post near the main road. Her body looked deflated and it was only when a car honked its horn at the toddler that she decided to stand up and get him. Her legs looked weary as she trudged to get him.

; Vicky’s face was on fire with temper and this time she let her child have it. He’d been a nightmare all day. Grabbing him by his coat she launched her flat palm right across his arse. With every swing the little boy howled out in pain. She was frothing at the mouth as she yelled into his face. “All day you’ve been asking for this. You little twat.” Vicky swung her hands at him. She was beating him hard. The child was dragged back inside the bus shelter crying his eyes out. Looking at him she plonked back down on her seat. “Cry, you’ll piss less,” she sniggered.

  Vicky watched her son rubbing at the back of his pants. “I hate you,” he moaned. Her face looked cocky.

  “Do you want to borrow my mobile phone?” she asked in a sarcastic manner, reaching her phone out to him.

  The child thought about her words and looked confused. “Why, who am I going to phone?”

  Her laughter could be heard now as she covered her mouth to try and keep a serious face. “Someone who gives a fuck, because I don’t.”

  The boy stamped his feet on the floor and made another attempt to go back to the lamp- post. This time his mother made no mistake about showing him who was the boss. She leathered him. The boy now sat next to her crying his eyes out. He tried to break free again but after a forceful dead- leg from his mother he knew she meant business. He was sobbing out loud as snot hung from his nose.

  A car now passed, honking its horn. Vicky screwed her eyes together as she watched the woman from the prison visit wave her hand at her. “What the fuck does she want?” she mumbled. Grabbing her son’s hand she yanked him towards the BMW X5. The passenger door now opened. “Where you going to? Do you want a lift?” Susie looked friendly and smiled at Vicky with her eyes wide open. The kid was already climbing inside the car. Vicky pulled at him but it was too late he was already inside sitting on the back seat.

  Vicky hitched her legs up and struggled to get inside. This car was mint and she felt proud to be inside it. Her own boyfriend drove a Fiat Panda - ‘The Rust Bucket’ she’d called it in the past. Turning her head to her son in the back of the car she told him to get his feet down from the leather trim. Susie was watching him like a hawk and regretting even giving them a lift in the first place. Pulling her seat belt across her body Susie started to speak. “Where do you live?”


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