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Visitors Page 16

by Woods, Karen

  Holding her ear to the door she could hear her mother’s reply. “Just get the cheque book.” Helen sat on her mother’s bed and her eyes looked eagerly inside the shoe box. Her fingers looked like bunches of bananas as she lifted the lid. Helen was like a kid in a sweet shop. Lots of Tim’s personal things were inside the box. Her eyes flickered as she clocked a sparkling diamond ring in the corner of the box. Checking no one was about she slid the gold ring over her fingers. She was struggling to get it past her fat knuckle. Her face looked stressed; you could see her finger turning white. Sliding her teeth down her finger she dragged the ring onto it. Sitting back on the bed Helen held her hand from her face. The ring was way too small for her but somehow she squeezed it onto her fat finger. Her mother’s voice could now be heard shouting from downstairs. “Helen what the fuck are you doing up there? I hope you’re not rooting about.”

  Helen grabbed the cheque book quickly and came to the top of the stairs. “I’m here now. It was right at the bottom of the box.” Mary gave her a look from the bottom of the stairs.

  “Right bring it down then, if you’ve found it.” Helen bounced down the stairs. Mary listened to the noise she was making and shook her head. The house was trembling with her body weight coming down the stairs.

  Helen was at the living room door looking hot and flustered. “There you go, do you need a pen?”

  Mary sighed. “You’re loving every minute of this aren’t you?”

  Helen smirked. “Yep, fucking dead right I am. I want to see the slut come down to earth with a bang.” Helen burst out laughing as she reached onto the windowsill to pick up a pen. “Every dog has its day, mother. And this is my day.” She smirked and passed the black pen over to Mary.

  Once the cheque was written, Helen forged Tim’s signature. She went into the hallway and grabbed her damp coat. Re-entering the room she started to put her coat on. ”Right mam, give us that cheque and I’ll pay it into the bank for you. In five days it will be cleared and then the bitch won’t have a pot to piss in. Welcome to my world, Susie!” She cackled like a witch. “Let’s see how long you’re smiling when you’re skint.”

  Tim’s mother passed her the cheque with trembling hands. You could see she was hesitating. Helen snatched it. “Come on woman, I’ve not got all fucking day.”

  Helen marched to the shopping precinct with haste. The rain had stopped now but the wind was still cold. Looking down at her finger she looked at the diamond ring shining like a star. It looked expensive, for once Helen looked happy.

  Once she’d paid the money into the bank she looked relieved. Her face was red and small droplets of sweat were visible on her forehead. That was one job from Tim’s list done now. Her next destination was to go and see Joan. Tim knew all about her ripping him off but that didn’t matter to him anymore; he needed her to come back and manage ‘Delia’s’ until he got home.

  Tim’s sister jumped on the bus and headed down Rochdale Road. Her eyes never lifted from the ring sitting on her finger. Standing to her feet she got ready to get off the public transport. With her head dipped through the window she could see Mays Pawnbrokers just in front of her. Helen jumped from the bus with a spring in her step. Checking the area first she headed inside with her head down.

  Helen’s teeth sank round the ring on her finger as she tried to pull it off. Her face looked strained, and every now and then she shook her hand out in front of her in pain. Her finger was turning purple, it had swelled. Joining the queue of desperate people she finally managed to pull the ring off. Wiping her spit from it, she twirled it on her finger. Waiting patiently she looked around the shop.

  Helen got twelve hundred pounds for the ring. Folding the pawn ticket in her hand she shoved it deep inside her coat pocket. Her face looked white as she stepped out from the shop.” “Fuck me,” she whispered. This was more money than she ever imagined. A cunning smile filled her face. She was a conniving bitch.

  Flagging a taxi down from the main road, Helen headed to Joan’s house. The money in her pocket was carefully hidden away and she kept patting her pocket every now and then to make sure it was still there. After paying the taxi she made her way to Joan’s house. Rapping on the letterbox she stepped back from the house looking up at all the windows for any sign of life. She saw the net curtain moving about and knew someone was inside the house. Bending down, Helen shouted through the letterbox. “Joan it’s me Helen. She stood twisting her body about waiting for someone to open the door. When the door opened, Joan looked like she’d just got out of bed. Her hair was stuck up all over the place and she looked different. “Alright sweetheart, can I have a quick word with you?”

  “What the fuck do you want?” Joan scowled.

  “Ay Mrs Attitude, don’t be stressing with me, I’m here to help.” After a pause Helen tried again, “Fuck me Joan; are you letting me in or what?” Joan didn’t speak and just held the door open for her to come inside.

  Joan’s living room was a shit-tip. Clothes were all over the place and old magazines were scattered about the furniture. The place stank of sweaty feet and stale cigs. Helen screwed her face up. Her own house was a disgrace but Joan’s took the biscuit. Lifting some old newspaper up from the couch, Helen parked her arse. “You look rough Joan. Are you feeling okay?” Joan sat down and searched the ashtray for cig dimps. Helen watched her carefully as she unfolded a cig butt out with caution. Joan’s face was screwed up as she tried to light it from the flame. Watching Joan drain every bit of nicotine from it, Helen shot her a look of disgust.

  “Right what the fuck do you want, I’m busy,” Joan moaned.

  Helen shook her head and smirked. “Stop being so fucking nasty, will you. I’ve done nowt wrong to you, so remember that.”

  Joan wrapped her arms around herself and pulled her skanky housecoat tighter. “I know love, but I’m just pissed off and all that. No work, no money what do you expect, a laughing clown?”

  Helen held her head to the side. She loved the control she was feeling and it was written all across her face. “Our Tim wants you back running ‘Delia’s’.”

  Joan coughed loudly and at one point she looked as if she might be choking to death. Once she’d caught her breath she replied. “Are you having a laugh or what?” she replied sarcastically.

  “Nope, seriously love. It’s all going pear-shaped in there and Tim wants Susie out of the joint as soon as possible.”

  Joan smiled as she scanned the ashtray for more cig ends. “I knew that slut wouldn’t be able to hack it.”

  Helen jumped in and stopped her dead in her tracks. “Oh she could hack it, Joan. That’s not the reason why he wants her out.” Helen spoke in a low voice now, and made Joan swear she wouldn’t tell anyone of what she was about to tell her. Once she had Joan’s word, she continued with an excited tone. “Susie’s only been shagging Ashley.”

  Joan’s face dropped and her mouth was wide open in shock. “No way,” she huffed.

  Helen was on fire now and couldn’t wait to spill the beans on Susie. “Our Tim said she’s been at it for years, the dirty slapper.”

  Joan was on one now, her face was alive again. “I fucking hate that woman with a passion, I’m so glad she’s been knocked off her high horse. When you think about it...” she held her head to the side and held one finger inside her mouth, “they were always together and he was always defending her when I slagged her off.”

  “Well she’s up the creek without a paddle now,” Helen butted in, “He’s asked my mam to draw all his money out of the bank, so the shit will hit the fan when she finds out.” Helen sat upright in her seat. “Swear to me Joan. You won’t breathe a word of this to anyone, because if our Tim knows I’ve been chatting his business he’ll go sick at me.”

  Joan looked happy. A smirk appeared on her face. “Does she know I’m coming back to ‘Delia’s’?”

  Helen shook her head. “Does she fuck, Tim’s gonna tell her some story and say some bad arses are giving him shit and that they have threatene
d to go in the brothel and cause shit for you all.”

  Joan nodded her head. “Right. Am I starting back there tonight or what, because I have to sort my shit out.”

  Helen twisted her greasy locks in her fingers. She looked like a sergeant major getting her troops ready for war. “Yeah be there for about nine. Tim should have phoned her by then and told her the script.” Helen held her belly as she laughed out loud. “Oh, I wish I could be a fly on the wall when she knows her empire is crumbling around her.” Both women sat looking happy at Susie’s downfall. Helen patted the money in her pocket and stood from her seat. “Right I’ve got to go to ASDA and get some shopping. My fridge is bare as fuck. I feel like old mother Hubbard.”

  Joan followed her to the door. “Thanks love,” she whispered as Helen stood outside her door. “I’m gonna sort my shit out now. I’ve been all over the place lately and this is just what I need to make me pull my finger out.”

  “Right love, I’m here for a good time, not a long time. See you later about nine at Delia’s.” Walking away Helen held her arm up behind her head and waved goodbye. Joan stood for a minute and checked the area. Everything seemed quiet for now. Closing the front door she rubbed her hands together, feeling excited.


  Susie was dressed and just about ready to go to the brass gaff. She could hear someone knocking at the front door. Checking her watch she went to open it. “Who the fuck is that? at this time,” she whispered as she marched to the door. Helen was stood looking at her with a cocky face. Susie was livid. “What the fuck are you doing here?” Helen placed her hand on her hip.

  Tim had already made Helen’s day by telling her earlier that she could tell Susie she was no longer running the brothel. He was going to tell her himself, but he said Helen could tell her and make it all seem real. Helen began with concern in her voice. “Listen, Tim’s in big trouble. He’s asked me to come round here to fill you in. Don’t think for one minute I would be here otherwise.” Susie snarled at her and gritted her teeth. You could see her fists clenching together as she told her to come inside.

  Once they were both in the house Helen began. She looked so convincing and at one point she shed a tear for her brother’s safety. “It’s all going off Susie. Remember them guys who Tim had trouble with ages ago?”

  Helen was holding her hands out in front of her. Susie was shaking her head as she paced the front room. “No who?”

  “The Jones crew from Blackley. The lads who sell the brown and sniff up there.”

  Susie sat down and Helen joined her sitting by her side. “Yeah I know who they are. What the fuck have they got to do with Tim?”

  Helen spoke slowly. She looked as if she was remembering her script. “Well Dominic, you know the fat guy?”

  Susie was hanging onto her every word. “Yeah yeah,” she huffed.

  “He’s in Strangeways with our Tim and they’ve been at war. Tim said they’ve been fighting.” Susie rubbed her arms. You could see goose pimples appearing on her skin. Helen carried on. “Apparently he’s sending some guys to the brothel tonight to smash the place up. Tim said he doesn’t want you near the place, because this man is a mad-head and he knows he wouldn’t think twice about getting his foot soldiers to slice you up.”

  Susie looked scared “Why are they fighting?”

  Helen sighed. Susie knew Dominic Jones personally and he was a main head in the area. She’d heard some bad stories about him in the past and knew he was someone not to be messed with. Helen dug deep in her pockets and pulled out a packet of twenty cigs. Slowly opening them she pulled two cigs out and offered Susie one. Once they were both smoking Helen told the full story.

  “Dom knows our Tim has cash and he wants to knock him down a peg or two. I mean our Tim is on even par with him and his men, isn’t he?” Susie just listened and never replied. Blowing smoke from her mouth Helen looked at Susie with evil eyes. “It’s war love. Tim wants you out of the place and nowhere near it. Joan’s going back there tonight.”

  Susie screamed out now at the top of her voice. “What do you mean Joan’s going back to ‘Delia’s’? Over my fucking dead body she is. The woman’s a raving crack-head.”

  Helen knew she had to up her game and stood up from her seat. “You can’t go anywhere near the gaff love. Joan will be able to sort them out if they come. She’s dealt with this kind of shit before. Think about it. If Dom’s men see you there, they’ll just waste you to spite Tim.”

  Susie was stood frozen for a minute. No words were coming from her mouth. Sitting back down she looked up to Helen who was standing over her. “Why hasn’t Tim told me all this? Why has he sent you to tell me?”

  Helen maintained eye contact with Susie. “Fucking hell, Tim’s probably protecting you. He probably doesn’t want to speak in front of anyone in there. You never know whose listening, do you?”

  Susie was tapping her fingers on her front teeth. “What about Ashley, why isn’t he sorting it all out?”

  “Dunno love, our Tim said he wants to see Ashley on a visit as soon as possible. He wants you to sort the visit out.”

  Susie reached for her mobile phone. Her hands were trembling. Finding Ashley’s name she began to ring his number. Helen sat back down in her chair and watched her slowly falling to pieces right in front of her very eyes. She loved every minute of it. Susie held the phone to her ear. After a few minutes she flung her mobile phone down beside her. “The prick isn’t answering.”


  Ashley looked at his mobile phone as he lay on his bed. An arm was draped over his body and he looked back at Pippa with a smile on his face. “Who was it?” she asked in a cocky voice.

  “Susie,” he replied. Pippa snuggled up beside him and kissed his body slowly.

  “Phone her back and tell her ya banging me.”

  Ashley laughed out loud. “Pippa you are so blunt. I can’t just say that to her.”

  “Why not? When I see her I’m gonna tell her anyway.”

  Ashley rolled on top of her and pinned her arms down over her head. She was giggling as he bit her breast softly. “I’m gonna tea-bag you, you filthy animal.” Ashley chuckled as he moved his arse up over her face. Dipping his ball bag into her mouth she could be seen squeezing her mouth tightly shut. “Open wide,” he shouted as he moved further up the bed. Pippa was wriggling about underneath him, as his bollocks whacked against her mouth. They were both laughing their heads off.


  Susie sat watching the clock on the wall. Helen was still sat there watching her every move. “I’m going to Delia’s. Fuck, sitting here all night. If they come I’ll just have to deal with them won’t I?”

  Helen went red in the face. “Are you right in the fucking head? Tim has told you, he doesn’t want you anywhere near the place. Just do as you’re told for once in your fucking life.”

  Susie shook her head. She sat fidgeting, twisting her fingers. Chewing her bottom lip she replied. “I can deal with them. You can come with me if you want?”

  “Don’t be daft” Helen ranted, “Do you think I’m going anywhere near the place after Tim has told me what’s going to happen? It might not happen tonight, correct, but mark my words the lads will come, and I for one don’t want to be any part of it.”

  Susie knew she was right and stood up. “Do you wanna drink? I’ve got a bottle of wine in the fridge?”

  Helen looked relieved. “Yeah I will do. Haven’t you got any Cider instead?”

  Susie shook her head. “No I don’t drink it. It’s fucking loony juice.” Susie left the front room and Helen looked pleased with her performance. Susie stood in the kitchen and typed out a text message to Ashley. “Where the fuck are you? Phone me as soon as you get this message. It’s important.” Once the message was sent she placed the phone in her pocket and dipped her head inside the fridge. Grabbing a bottle of red wine she searched for two glasses in the cupboard.

  Helen was smoking as Susie came back into the room. This was the first time s
he’d ever seen Tim’s sister with a twenty packet of cigs. Laughing she placed the two glasses on the table. “Fucking hell have you won the lottery or something? Since when do you buy twenty cigs?”

  Helen chuckled. “I know, I just thought I would treat myself with the budgeting loan I got from the Benefit Agency.” Helen was watching Susie like a hawk and began to tell her about her misfortune. “Did I tell you someone grassed me up to the fucking social?” Susie shook her head as she sipped from her drink. Helen reached for her glass of wine and began to tell her more details. “Yeah some slimy bastard phoned the benefits on me and Mike. They told them I was living with someone and that I was claiming as a single parent.”

  Susie looked uneasy. “No way did they? Did they tell you who it was?”

  “Nar did they fuck. They just said they had a phone call from someone who wouldn’t give their name.” Susie lit a cig and tried to change the subject, but Helen was still on it and carried on with a sarcastic tone. “Whoever it was, will get what’s coming to them. Trust me. What goes around comes around. An eye for an eye and all that.” Susie agreed.

  Susie had a text alert; she pulled her mobile from her pocket and read the message. It was from Ashley telling her he wouldn’t be long. Shoving her phone out of the way she knew she’d have to get rid of Helen as soon as possible. With a concerned look on her face she spoke to her. “I’m so tired, every day since Tim’s been in nick, I just can’t find the strength to do anything. I mean he’s been inside now for over six months hasn’t he?”

  Helen blew a hard breath from her mouth. “Wow is that how long he’s been gone. Time’s flying isn’t it?”

  Susie agreed. If she was truthful to herself, she was missing Tim and she was starting to realise just how much she loved him. Helen quickly looked up at the clock on the wall. “Right I better be off. Mike will be climbing the walls. I’ve been out ages all ready.” Susie stood to her feet. The sooner Helen was out of there the better.


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