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Visitors Page 18

by Woods, Karen

  When she got into the toilet, Pippa pulled her mobile from her pocket and dialled Ashley’s number. When he didn’t answer she texted him to tell him what had happened and told him to come and pick her up as soon as he was free.

  Meanwhile Susie sat watching Delia’s from afar. She was fuming and wanted revenge on the girls inside, especially Vicky and Joan. Who the fuck did they think they were talking to her like that? Hiding away in a bus shelter she could see the entrance to the brothel. The night was cold and she was jerking her legs up and down trying to keep warm. Her warm breath could be seen blowing out in front of her. Susie’s eye looked swelled and you could see her hands holding one side of her face. She was in pain.

  Looking at her mobile phone she decided to phone Ashley. He was the only person who could help her. She felt so alone. Listening to the ring tone for a few minutes she gave up trying. It was obvious he didn’t want to speak to her. Usually he would pick his phone up straightaway. Susie now held herself back in the shadows of the bus shelter. She could see the front door of Delia’s opening slightly. Vicky could be seen leaving. She talked to Pippa for a few minutes before she left after they gave each other a quick hug. Pippa was still stood at the door scanning the area. Susie stood to her feet and pulled her black coat tightly around her body. Dipping her head she was about to follow Vicky. Susie paused. She looked frozen. She could now see Ashley’s car pulling up not far from where she was stood. She watched him sitting in the car park and she could see he was on his mobile. Stepping out onto the road she was just about to run over to the car when she saw Pippa coming out of the brothel. Sliding back into the shadows she watched on.

  The brass jumped into the car with Ashley. She watched him pull her towards him and kiss her passionately. Susie melted to the floor as she covered her mouth with her hands. Her breathing was rapid and she was struggling for breath. Watching them pull out of the car park she hid away from their view. Her hands now cradled her stomach and tears ran down her face. Ashley’s baby was growing inside her and she felt suffocated as she fell onto the cold floor. “Bastards,” she sobbed as she punched her clenched fist onto the plastic bus shelter.

  Susie knew she was in no condition to confront them both. She needed to go away and think it through. Ashley thought he was having one over on her and she wanted to make sure she wiped that smile right off his face. Pulling herself up from the ground she wiped her nose with her sleeve. Heading from the bus-stop she started to make her way to her car parked in a nearby side street. Tomorrow was another day and once she’d slept on it she was sure her mind would be full of plans to pay the lot of them back, especially Ashley.


  Susie lay wide awake in her bed as the morning light broke through her bedroom window. Her face felt swelled and sore. She looked sad lying there just staring into space. Rolling slowly about the bed she reached for her mobile phone. Scrolling down the contact numbers she stopped as she came to Tim’s name. Lifting her head up, she focused at the clock on the wall. Tim would have his phone on at this time surely. Susie was desperate to speak to him. Taking a deep breath she pressed the green button to start the call.

  Susie looked in pain as she sat up in the bed. “Hi baby it’s me Susie.” Her feet were curling up at the end of the bed as she fidgeted about trying to get comfortable. Her tone was low as she spoke to her boyfriend. “Yeah I know Tim. I’m coming to see you soon. I’ve just had loads to do. You know how it is, don’t you?” Susie was listening to Tim and she kept rolling her eyes. “Yeah I know. Listen I’ll book a visit for two o’clock today. We can sort it out then.” The phone call lasted a few more minutes and she finally said goodbye. “Arse-hole,” she mumbled under her breath. Sighing, she fell back onto the bed. Reaching for the remote for the TV she flicked through the channels looking for something to watch. The sound of her phone ringing could be heard. Pulling the covers from the bed Susie searched all over for it. “Where the fuck is it?” she moaned. She was throwing the duvet all over the place. Finally she found it. Ashley’s name was on the screen flashing. She scowled as she answered it. “What do you want?” she answered angrily. Susie stood up from the bed and her face was going red as she raised her voice. “Nar, you should have been here last night. You can’t just come here when you feel like a leg-over.” Susie shook her head as she listened to him talking his way out of it. Her eyes were raised to the ceiling. “Yeah alright, I’ll see you in five minutes. Just come in the back way. The door’s already open.”

  Susie looked white in the face and gripped her throat with one hand. Covering her mouth she sprinted to the bathroom. Her cheeks suddenly filled out. The sound of retching could be heard. Susie’s head was hung over the toilet bowl and yellow liquid was pumping out of her mouth. Lifting her head up every now and then she looked like she was struggling to breathe.

  “Susie where are you?” Ashley shouted as he climbed the stairs.

  Standing behind the bathroom door she yelled back to him. “I won’t be a minute I’m just getting a wash. Go in the bedroom.” His footsteps could be heard going past the door. Susie wafted her hands in front of her face. She was hot and flustered. Walking to the mirror she could see her skin had changed to a light grey colour. Bringing her hands up to her cheeks she slowly slapped at them trying to bring some normality back to her face. She didn’t look well. Dragging her hair from her face she grabbed a hairgrip from the side of the sink and tied her hair back. Susie ran some cold water into the sink and started to splash it all over her face.

  With her head still stuck in it she could hear Ashley shouting her from outside the door. “What are you doing in there? Fucking hurry up, I need a piss.”

  Susie lifted her head up and reached for a towel. Patting it on her wet skin she replied. “Hold you’re fucking horses, I’m coming now.”

  Opening the bathroom door with the towel still covering her face Ashley walked inside. Unzipping his jeans quickly he stood pissing at the side of her. “Phew, I needed that,” he sighed. Susie’s eyes darted into him. She could see his manhood from where she stood and knew without any doubt in her mind that it had been stuck up Pippa all night long. Susie coughed and stared at him. Sitting on the edge of the bath she casually swung her legs out in front of her. Her face was cocky as she licked her lips.

  “So come on then, where were you last night.” Ashley shook his penis and zipped his jeans up. He looked agitated. Following him into the bedroom she was still interrogating him. “Are you ignoring me or what?”

  Ashley turned his head back to her and shot her a look and sniffed hard, she knew he was ready for snapping. His teeth were gritted together and she could see the vein in the side of his neck pumping. He was close to breaking point. “I was out with my mates,” he groaned.

  “Fucking hell, am I not allowed a life now?” Susie retaliated. “Oh you’ve changed your fucking tune, it was only last week when you was up my arse telling me you wanted to be with me twenty- four- seven.” She was pacing around the bedroom kicking things on the floor.

  Ashley came up behind her and dragged her by the hair. He was in her face. “Don’t get lippy bitch, perhaps I’ve got sick of your shite and moved on. How about that?” He spat into her eyes. Susie was trying to break free; she was kicking her legs out in front of her. Her body looked weak and she was fighting a losing battle. Ashley threw her onto the bed like a rag doll and stood in front of her. Jumping back up from the bed she spat into his face.

  “Well fuck off back to where you were last night then. Don’t be coming round here chatting shit to me.”

  Ashley chuckled menacingly. Gripping her face in his hands his knuckles were turning white, he squeezed her cheeks together. “Orr did you miss me. Come here and give me a kiss then.” Ashley’s moods switched like the weather and she knew she would have to back down otherwise he would have kicked the living daylights out of her. The sound of lips smacking together could be heard. Susie cringed as he stuck his tongue into her mouth. Her nostrils were
flaring as she inhaled deeply, she could smell perfume all over his body. Pushing him away with a firm hand she sat on the bed.

  “I’m going to see Tim later.” She watched his face and not one bit of emotion was visible. She nudged him in the waist. “Are you listening to me? I said I’m going to see Tim later.”

  Ashley turned to face her. Cupping his hands under his chin he looked at her. “Does this face look like it gives a fuck? Do what you want, I’m not arsed anymore. I’m sick of waiting about for you.”

  Susie’s eyes welled up. She wasn’t usually this emotional but she couldn’t control it. Tears trickled down her face. Ashley looked at her and shook his head. “Fucking hell, what have I said now?” Susie dropped her head into her hands and sobbed. Her shoulders were shaking up and down and finally he comforted her. “Why you crying love?” lifting her head up she stared deep into his eyes.

  Taking a minute to find her words she spoke. “I’m hormonal I think.”

  Ashley bolted up from the bed. Dragging his fingers through his hair he stood at the window. “Right you better get it sorted. I’ve told you before I don’t want no bin lids running about. You need to get rid as soon as possible. How much is an abortion?”

  Susie bit hard on her knuckles. She stood up and walked to his side slowly. “Is that what you want, for me to get an abortion? I thought you loved me?”

  Ashley held his head back and laughed. “I love everyone me darling. I’ve told you I don’t want a baby.” He leant on the windowsill and sniggered. “Me, having kids! Are you having a laugh or what? You can get that fucking daft idea right out of your head.”

  Digging in his pockets he pulled out a wad of cash. Quickly counting it in his hands he threw it onto the bed with a flick of his wrist. “There’s about five ton there, get it sorted.” Silence filled the bedroom and Susie plonked herself back on the bed. Touching the money with her fingertips she gathered it together and placed it on the side.

  Ashley was stood next to her, he looked edgy. Cracking his knuckles he blew a deep breath. “Right I’m getting off. I’ve got some graft to do today with Duggy, and Jethro.”

  Susie looked deflated as she replied. “Why, what’s going down? You haven’t worked with them two for ages.”

  Ashley tilted his head to the side and nodded. He could see himself in the mirror not far from him and stroked his chin slowly as he answered her. “They’re meeting some big- head from Cheetham Hill. He’s got some brown for sale and if it all goes to plan we should be in for a right few quid.”

  Susie was up in arms. “Fucking hell Ashley, why are you getting mixed up with heroin? Just do your normal grafts. You don’t wanna get caught up in all that do you?”

  His eye lids flickered rapidly. With his hands waving in front of him he shouted at her. “Why are you so concerned all of a sudden? You usually don’t give a flying fuck.”

  Susie huffed as Ashley eyes pierced into her. “I’m just saying, that’s all. Do what you fucking want then, I’m not arsed.” Flicking her hair back from her shoulders she listened to the details of the job. Her face changed. Gripping the money from the side of the bed she stroked every note with her long talons. “Well I better get myself sorted then, hadn’t I?”

  Ashley nodded, and sprung up from the bed. Checking his watch he looked at her and squeezed his crotch. “Right I’m off. Do you fancy a quick shag before I have to go or what?” He was pulling her legs apart and pouncing on top of her. Before she knew it he was inside her. She looked in pain. As he mounted her she started to tell him about the troubles at Delia’s. He looked angry as he placed his flat palm over her mouth. “Will you shut the fuck up? Here’s me trying to bone you and you’re chatting away as if we’re just sat talking. Fucking concentrate will you?” Susie’s eyes closed and she made a few noises but she was faking it. Ashley’s arse could be seen moving up and down now like a fiddler’s elbow, and by the look on his face he was ready to shoot his load. Ashley’s face looked like a pig in a fit as he found heaven. Susie just lay underneath him and watched his face screw up. His eyes were closed and his nostrils were flaring. Once he’d finished he rolled from her body and sighed.

  “Just what the doctor ordered that was.” Susie had to bite her tongue. She was ready to tell him that she knew about Pippa. Her fingers gripped the white sheets on the mattress and her eyes were closed tightly together. Her mouth was moving, but no sound was coming out. Lighting two cigs he passed her one. The sound of him inhaling the nicotine could be heard. Both his cheeks were sucked in at the side. Susie watched him with wide eyes. The bastard thought he was God’s gift! He patted his stomach. “I better get back to the gym later. I’m piling the weight on, aren’t I?”

  Susie looked at his lean body. She knew exactly what she was doing as she replied to him. “Yeah I thought you’d put weight on but I didn’t like saying.”

  He bolted upright. “You cheeky cunt. What do you mean?”

  Susie knew she’d struck gold and watched his face drop. She could see him breathing in and out now and patting his chest. She smiled at him. “You were the one who said you’d put weight on, not me. I was just agreeing with you.” He was in a strop now and slid out of bed. Pulling his jeans back on he stood up in the full- length mirror. He was turning from side to side and you could see his cheeks sucking in and out as he checked out his physique. Turning his head back to her he sniggered.

  “Fat, my arse. I’m all muscle me.”

  Susie sighed as she watched him flexing his arms in the mirror. “Posing fucker,” she whispered under her breath.

  Ashley left once he’d had a wash. He was in a hurry. Standing at the window she watched him get into his car. The music could be heard pumping as soon as he got inside it. Susie froze for a moment. Pulling the curtain back slightly she could see him driving away. Cradling her hand on her stomach she looked in deep thought. Quickly she ran back to the bed and grabbed her phone. Holding it to her ear she looked scared. Her lips were trembling. “Hello police please. I would like to report a big drugs deal that’s happening today.” Susie was on the phone for at least five minutes. She told the police every bit of information she knew about Ashley’s dodgy deal. As she finished the call she nodded her head. Her voice was low as she whispered to herself. “Let’s see who the smart arse is now, prick.” Her face held a cunning look as she started to get ready.


  Susie sat waiting in the visitors’ centre at Strangeways prison. It had been ages since she’d been to see Tim. She looked tired and her usual fashion sense had gone right out of the window. She looked as rough as a bear’s arse. Her lips were still swollen and she hoped as soon as Tim saw the state of her face he would close Delia’s down and make sure Joan was dealt with good and proper.

  Looking about the room nothing had changed much. The walls were still depressing and a few pictures hung on them that inmates had painted. Kids still ran about the centre and nobody seemed to care about life any more. The names were soon called for the visits. All the visitors made their way to the main prison for the normal searches.

  Waiting patiently at the top of the stairs Susie could see the visiting room. The inmates were sat there waiting eagerly. A screw now came to let them inside. Susie’s face changed as she saw it was Jenkins who was opening the door. Pulling at her clothes she stood tall. She was coughing.

  Visitors pushed past each other to get to the convicts. Every minute was precious to them. Susie stood in front of Jenkins. Their eyes locked. Making sure no one was listening he whispered to her as he slid past her. “I want to see you tonight. I want this shit over and done with okay?”

  “No worries I’ll phone you later,” Susie nodded. As she walked to Tim’s table she turned her head back over her shoulder and she could see the screw looking flustered. “Dirty twat,” she mumbled under her breath as she walked further into the prison.

  Tim was fidgeting nervously as she walked over, he looked agitated. “So, to what do I owe the honour?” he asked sarcastic
ally. Susie pulled her coat from her body and hung it on the back of her chair. Turning back to face him, she smiled. Tim noticed her bruised lips and shook his head. “Is that what Joan did?” he asked.

  Susie gasped, “Has she already been in touch with you telling her side of the story?” He nodded. Susie’s eyes welled up. Reaching over she tried to touch his hands but he pulled away. He couldn’t look at her. Dipping her head she knew she’d lost Tim for good. It was all her own doing and she knew that more than anyone. Licking her dry lips slowly she spoke. “Do you want a brew?” Tim nodded.

  “Yeah get me a coffee and some choccy biscuits.” Standing to her feet she went to join the queue for food. Tim looked at her in amazement. This was so out of character for her. She was being too nice.

  Jenkins could be seen walking towards Tim. Their eyes locked and they grinned at each other. Tim dropped his head into his hands as he walked past.

  Susie sighed as she sat back down in her chair. Placing the cups on the table she slid one towards Tim. She looked exhausted and her hands were shaking. Tim slouched back in his chair and scanned her face. He could see she wasn’t herself. “You look rough.” Susie stared at him and tears fell onto her cheek. Tim struggled to hold back his emotions and just did what came naturally to him. Grabbing her hands he tried to comfort her. “Ay what’s all this about. This isn’t like you.”

  She snivelled and wiped her tears away with her hands. “Tim I’m sorry. I’ve been a right bitch since you’ve been in here. It’s just all got too much for me.”

  He shook his head. “I know, I know,” he whispered. Susie picked at her fingernails as she looked at Tim. He was unsure of her and was waiting for the usual nasty Susie to return. Leaning over the table she spoke in a low voice. “Tim, can we start again?”

  She looked sincere. Tim was huffing and puffing. He was finding it hard to keep still. “Susie you haven’t been to see me in moons. What do you expect? It just seems to me that since the money has stopped you want to play the devoted girlfriend.” He rocked back in his chair and rubbed at his crotch. “I needed you Susie and you left me to rot in here. You didn’t give a flying fuck about me.”


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