Kane: I Am Alpha (Law of the Lycans Book 9)

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Kane: I Am Alpha (Law of the Lycans Book 9) Page 1

by Nicky Charles

  Kane: I am Alpha


  Nicky Charles

  Kane: I Am Alpha

  A Law of the Lycans Novella

  Copyright © 2017 Nicky Charles

  All rights reserved. This book may not be reproduced or used in any form whatsoever without permission from the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. All characters and storylines are the property of the author. Your support and respect are appreciated.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters and incidents are drawn from the author's imagination and are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons either living or dead is entirely coincidental.

  This book contains mature content and is intended for mature readers.

  Edited by Jan Gordon

  Line edits by Moody Edits

  Cover Design by Jazer Designs

  Cover images used under license from Shutterstock.com

  Paw print and wolf head logo

  Copyright © Doron Goldstein, Designer

  Table of Contents




  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3


  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12


  A Message from Nicky

  Contact Me

  Books by Nicky Charles


  To all my fans whose avid support of this series continues to overwhelm me each and every day!

  I would also like to dedicate this book to Mark Coker, the ‘Alpha’ of Smashwords. It was his vision of an independent publishing platform for authors that made it possible for me and numerous others to share our books with the world. Without him, it is doubtful you would be reading this book!


  Thank you to those who helped cross-check facts and who read the rough drafts. Your feedback was invaluable.

  I’d also like to give a special shout-out to Jennifer Barner who went above and beyond by finding important passages in The Mating that had to be addressed in this tale!


  This novella was written in response to the ongoing requests to hear Kane’s side of The Mating, the original Law of the Lycans story. Please be aware it took considerable time and extensive cajoling to get him to agree to an interview. As he informed me on more than one occasion, an Alpha is a very busy individual and any spare time he has would be better spent with his mate and pups rather than humouring an author.

  (Hmph! For the record, I was quite proud of my self-restraint during such moments when I bit my tongue rather than remind him that I am the person who created him. However, Kane might be surprised at the retribution I dish out to him in future stories!)

  On that note, I’d like to state that any anomalies between this text and previously written stories are solely the result of Kane’s absent-minded replies to my questions rather than a lack of fact checking on my part. Please direct any complaints towards him and not me!


  Kane stood, hands in his pockets, idly listening to the discussion around him. It was Zack’s birthday and they were celebrating the Alpha’s special day with a night out in a city about an hour from home. Having finished dinner at a local restaurant with the requisite cake and song, they were now going to see a movie. Three of Zack’s daughters were present and strongly advocating for seeing a chic flick while their husbands wanted to watch a zombie movie.

  “Ryne, which one do you think we should see?” Zoe appealed to Ryne, her father’s other co-Beta.

  Ryne shrugged. “Makes no difference to me. What about you, Marla?”

  Marla, Ryne's girlfriend, hung on his arm. “It doesn’t matter to me, as long as it’s dark and we get a private corner.”

  Chloe, Zack’s youngest daughter made a gagging motion behind Marla’s back and Kane couldn’t help but chuckle.

  Helen, the girls’ mother, clapped her hands. “Enough. It’s your father’s birthday. He gets to decide.” She turned and smiled at her mate.

  “What? I actually get a say?” His comment was ironic since, as pack Alpha, his word was law.

  “Of course, you get to pick, Dad. We all know you have excellent taste when it comes to movies.” Phoebe smiled and tried to lead him towards the chic flick.

  Kane tuned out the discussion and began to study his surroundings. It was more crowded than usual likely due to the heatwave that gripped the area. The dark, air-conditioned theatre offered some temporary relief from the mid-summer warmth. Couples, families, groups of teens; they brushed past where he stood, momentarily blocking the view of the movie posters that decorated the walls and causing the smell of popcorn and melted butter to swirl throughout the space.

  One particular scent caught his attention and he began to search for the source only pausing when his gaze landed on a gathering of young women. They were Lycans, though their T-shirts and denim, the favoured garb of teens, allowed them to blend in with the crowd.

  He cocked his head. The movie theatre was on the edge of the Rock Valley pack’s territory so it wasn’t surprising to run into others of his kind. They certainly presented no threat. Still, there was something about the group that kept his attention riveted to them.

  They didn’t seem to notice him which spoke poorly of their skills. He frowned in annoyance. Instead of laughing and giggling about the actor pictured in one of the movie posters, they should be attending to their surroundings. He decided some instruction at the Academy would do them good. While he was a strong proponent of peaceful co-existence with humans, young Lycans needed to remember their heritage.

  About to turn away, the group of girls moved and he noticed another member who had, thus far, been hidden from view. For some reason, the sight of her caused him to freeze in place, his breath catching in his throat, his blood heating in his veins. His inner wolf immediately awakened and fixed its attention on the female with an intensity he’d never experienced before.

  She was of average height with rich brown hair, deep green eyes and a warm smile. Exactly what attracted him, he wasn’t sure. Pretty but not stunning, her appearance wouldn’t normally garner such a reaction from him. Maybe it was the fact that she was quieter than the others or perhaps it was the composed way she held herself.

  He narrowed his eyes and inhaled, trying to sort through the various scents and isolate hers.

  Talk to her, his wolf urged.

  He actually stepped towards her when someone grabbed his arm.

  “Come on, Kane. Dad’s decided on that historical film.” Chloe handed him a container of popcorn and he absently smiled his thanks, his attention still focused on the girl.

  Who was she? He watched as she ate a bit of popcorn then licked her lips. Damn but he wanted to taste her, to press his lips to hers. He wished she would look his way. Would she feel the same pull between them that he was experiencing?

  “Hey Kane, quit day-dreaming.” Ryne nudged him. “What are you thinking about? Plotting how to get Zack to let you drive his new toy?”

  “Er…yeah.” He forced himself to look away from the girl and grasped the excuse his half-brother had provided. “Helen couldn’t have picked a better present than that truck.”

  “Yep. But if anyone gets to drive it besides Zack, it wi
ll be me.”

  “As if that would ever happen.” He couldn’t resist glancing over his shoulder one more time. Of course, Ryne had to notice.

  “Found yourself a bit of eye-candy, I see.” Ryne flicked his eyes over the group of girls. “Too young for my taste but pretty.”

  “Don’t let Marla hear you say that,” he warned, thankful his brother hadn’t realized it was one particular individual in the group that had captured his attention. The idea of another male looking at the girl made his inner wolf bristle.

  “Marla’s in the washroom,” Ryne pointed out. “Besides, I know how to keep her sweet.”

  Kane laughed and followed his packmates into the movie but, when the evening was over, he had no recollection what the film was about. The faint lingering scent of a brown-haired female had been much more captivating than the actors on the screen.

  Chapter 1

  A massive wolf stood on an outcropping of rock, head lifted proudly as the sun glinted off its jet-black fur. Behind it, white clouds dotted a bright blue sky creating the perfect backdrop for such an animal. It was a picture that begged to be captured and saved for posterity. Of course, artistic merit was of no importance to the creature. There were more important things to be concerned about, namely guarding the pack’s territory.

  The wolf was intent on surveying the area, keen amber eyes skimming over all that lay before it, noting minute changes that most would overlook. This was the animal’s domain and it knew every inch of the land like a lover. They were as one; the land whispering to the wolf, revealing its secrets, providing shelter and sustenance. In exchange, the wolf guarded it with a ferocity that was not to be denied.

  Small meadows, a stream that merged with a river and eventually a lake, tall pines, broad maples, oaks and cottonwoods, distant ravines and scrubby underbrush; it spread as far as the eye could see. The shades of grey and blue and green and brown mixed and blended in perfect harmony while the occasional bright dots of colour formed by wild flowers and birds provided areas of contrast. It was an intriguing yet soothing palette that filled the animal with contentment.

  Yes, the forest was more than the wolf’s home; it was a living breathing entity, his heritage, a gift to be passed on to future generations so that they too could thrive, enjoying and protecting the gifts of nature. The wolf and land needed each other. If one faltered, so did the other.

  Of course, a wolf also needed a mate and he had yet to find a suitable one within the territory. Well…there had been one belonging to another pack. The female’s image shimmered before him only to fade. They had not met but he’d felt an instant attraction to her. She’d been young and beautiful and he could see her bearing many fine pups to build the pack. Would they ever meet again though? That would be for the gods to decide.

  A scent drifted by on the breeze. The wolf’s nostrils flared as he inhaled deeply then frowned. Two others were coming and he turned his head, amber eyes searching for signs of movement. It was his half-brother and a female from the pack. He made no effort to move and greet them, instead waiting for them to approach. He was on duty and wouldn’t leave his post.

  “There he is!” Ryne, his brother, called out.

  “Hello, Kane!” The female, Marla, clutched Ryne’s hand as if the ground were too rough for her to traverse on her own.

  The wolf narrowed his eyes in annoyance. Marla was an anomaly, more comfortable in her human skin than in her wolf form, enjoying the comforts of civilization over the rugged beauty of nature. She had her reasons, but he often wondered if a bit more effort on her part wouldn’t make life easier for everyone. Indulging her tried his patience at times, especially when she attempted to play him and his brother off each other. Thankfully, she seemed to have settled recently.

  “You make a pretty picture standing there like that,” Ryne joked.

  The word ‘pretty’ had the wolf swishing its tail. Ryne liked nothing better than to tease him over his preference for a trimmed appearance. An unkempt beard and longer hair were Ryne’s choice, in keeping with his artistic bent or so he said. The man was a photographer, a damned good one though telling him so would only inflate his already bloated self-esteem.

  Not that he and Ryne didn’t get along. As half-brothers, they were closer than most full-blooded siblings, a harsh upbringing had formed a strong bond between them. They were also incredibly similar in appearance, however, even as pups their personalities had set them apart. Everyone had always said he was the calm, logical one while Ryne was wild and wicked.

  “We’ve been taking pictures.”

  Marla’s announcement drew the wolf’s attention. He watched as she sat down.

  She flicked her long, blond hair over her shoulder managing to lounge elegantly despite the fact she was perched on a log. “I’m going to help Ryne arrange another exhibit. Now that I’ve been promoted at Bastian’s I’ll have more say on the scheduling of art shows.”

  “You’d make a great picture, Kane.” Ryne raised his camera.

  “That’s a wonderful idea.” Marla clapped her hands. “Kane, you’re so handsome, everyone will be fawning over a picture of you.”

  “I thought I was the handsome one?” Ryne quirked a brow at her and she laughed.

  “You’re a sexy, dashing devil and you know it, Ryne Taylor.”

  Ryne bent and gave her a thorough kiss. “And don’t you forget it.” He turned towards his brother and began to focus the camera. “Give me a smile, Kane.”

  A growl from the intended subject had Ryne pausing. “Now don’t go all wolfie on me, Kane. I know you don’t want any humans to see pictures of Lycans. This would just be for family.”

  He hesitated and Ryne pressed his point.

  “It could be a Christmas present for Helen. You know she dotes on you.”

  He cocked his head and then sighed, giving his permission.

  “Great.” Ryne quickly began snapping pictures from various angles.

  Finally tired, the wolf yawned and shifted to human form. “That’s enough, Ryne. I’m supposed to be working not acting like some pin-up boy.”

  Marla grinned. “And a fine pin-up boy you’d be.”

  “Again with praising Kane?” Ryne scowled. “It seems you need a lesson on which brother you belong to.”

  Marla stood and pressed herself to him. “I can’t wait.”

  Kane rolled his eyes. “Why don’t you two get a room?”

  “Because Marla already has an apartment,” Ryne winked. “You must be getting senile. You were the one who helped her get it.”

  “Senile? You’re the older brother.” He raised one brow. “You might want to get Marla to pluck those grey hairs.”

  Ryne caught himself in the act of raising a hand to his temple. “I don’t have grey hair.”

  “Of course you don’t.” Kane then winked at Marla. “Right, Marla?”

  She laughed and shook her head. “You two, always joking.”

  “It’s what brothers do best.” He grinned reflecting on the many escapades they’d shared over the years.

  The sound of a vehicle caught his attention and he turned to stare towards a distant road. “Looks like Zack is on his way home.”

  Ryne glanced towards where he was looking. “Yep. He’s really enjoying that new truck. He guards it like a hawk. I haven’t even had a chance to drive it yet.”

  “Really? I took it for a spin yesterday. I even had a chance to look under the hood.” Kane couldn’t resist the gentle gibe. “Of course, I am his favourite.”

  “Favourite? Ha!” Ryne rolled his eyes. “More like he took pity on you for being the lowly younger brother.”

  “Boys, please!” Marla stepped in front of Ryne and slid her hands over his chest and then up to his neck where she linked her fingers. “Your bickering is hilarious, but I really think we should be going.” She stood on tiptoe and nipped at Ryne’s chin.

  Kane looked away, the public displays between these two were a bit much. Zack’s truck was still in view, a
streak of black and silver. “He seems to be going awfully fast.”

  “He probably can’t wait to get home to Helen.” Marla nuzzled against Ryne. “Let’s head back to my apartment. I can check you for grey hair.”

  “In a minute.” Ryne shrugged her off and stepped closer to Kane. “Zack never speeds.”

  “No, he doesn’t.” Kane shifted restlessly, a sense of unease coming over him. “I have a bad feeling about this.”

  “Me, too.”

  The two brothers now stood side by side, watching their Alpha take one curve and then another at what seemed to be increasing speed until trees obscured him from view.

  “Come on, Ryne.” Marla swatted at the air. “There are too many bugs here.”

  “Yeah,” Ryne glanced at her and then back to where the truck had disappeared from sight. “I’ll take you—”

  A distant sound interrupted him, like the crashing of metal and then a loud bang. Both men gave a start and started to run.


  Chapter 2

  Kane put his arm around Helen’s shoulders, offering her what support he could as they stood by the fresh grave. It was located on a bluff overlooking the territory Zack had ruled for so long, the view showcasing the land in all its majesty. The pack could take comfort in knowing their Alpha was still watching over them, his spirit in the breeze that wound through the trees and dipped into the valleys.

  That comfort was hard to feel at the moment, though. The dappled shade that danced over the gravestone reminded him of the tears that had fallen on the day of the accident. Breaking the news to the pack had been difficult. Watching Helen weep had been even harder. She’d needed no one to inform her what had happened, of course. The bond with her mate had let her know the minute he’d died, and she’d collapsed, clutching her chest as sobs shuddered through her.


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