Kane: I Am Alpha (Law of the Lycans Book 9)

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Kane: I Am Alpha (Law of the Lycans Book 9) Page 4

by Nicky Charles

  His stomach suddenly felt like it had ice in it. “So we can’t take our stuff?” He didn’t have much. A new shirt Helen had given him for his birthday. A battered copy of the Book of the Law Zack had shared when he’d expressed interest in learning more about pack law. Zack was the Beta and had always taken extra time with him, answering his questions.

  “I mean, Carter and I are leaving. You’re staying.”

  “We are?” He and Ryne spoke together.

  “It’s for the best.” She pursed her lips. “Money is tight right now. You two are growing out of your clothes every day, eating like bottomless pits.”

  Ryne sneered. “Carter doesn’t want to have to waste money on us.”

  “That’s not the reason.” She rubbed her arm.

  Kane noticed the bruise marks on her arm. They were shaped like his father’s hand. His own fingers curled into fists wishing he was big enough to defend her.

  His mother continued speaking. “The Alpha feels it would be better if you had a stable home for a while. Carter is talking about heading south of the border and who knows what the schools will be like.”

  “So we get to stay here…for how long?” He ignored Ryne’s mumbling that school had never figured in any of their moves before.

  “I don’t know.” She reached out and ruffled his hair. “You’re almost grown. It’s not like you need your parents that much anymore.”

  He wasn’t sure how he felt about that. Now eleven, almost twelve, there were days he felt like he was grown up. At other times, he really wished he had a mother who baked cookies like Helen and fussed over him when he was sick. And a father who paid attention like Zack and taught important things like tracking and reading the weather.

  “Where will we live?” Ryne had folded his arms, eyes narrowed.

  “Zack and Helen have agreed to take you in.”

  His eyes widened at the news and Ryne nodded in approval.

  She looked at both of them and gave a tentative smile that didn’t match the sheen of tears in her eyes. “I know you’ll be happier here.”

  “Mom, I…” Kane shifted on his feet unsure what to say. She was his mother and he loved her in spite of everything. “Why don’t you stay with us? You’d be safe here and—”

  “No.” She didn’t let him finish. “Carter is my mate and mates stick together.”

  “Like you stayed with my father?” Ryne pointed out.

  “That was…different. Things didn’t work out. He…he didn’t want to be mated to a female.”

  “What?” He cocked his head. “I don’t understand.”

  “Never mind. It’s not important.” She shook her head. “The point is I’m going with Carter. He’ll take care of me. Besides, he needs me. You know how he gets sometimes.”

  Yes, he knew. She loved them, but she didn’t love them enough to leave his father. Damned bastard.

  She took a deep breath. “I have to go now. Be good.” She gave Ryne a quick hug and him as well, pressing a kiss to his forehead. “I’ll keep in touch.” With one final glance, she turned quickly and left.

  He looked at Ryne, feeling a strange lump in his throat. “So, this is home now.” He said the words tentatively, not certain if he should believe them and not even sure if he should be happy or sad.

  Ryne looked around and nodded. “Yep.” He picked up his duffle and dumped the contents on the bed. “I guess we’re finally home.”

  “At least until they kick us out.” He thought of all the times he’d believed he finally had a home only to have it all fall apart.

  “Yeah.” A hint of fear flickered over Ryne’s face before it was hidden by the blank mask he wore so often.

  Kane wet his lips and glanced towards the door. “Should we have asked to go with her anyway?”

  “Nope.” Ryne wandered over to where he stood and slung an arm around his shoulders. He seemed to be forcing a confident tone into his voice. “She’s made her choice. And she’s right. This is a good place for us. Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you.”

  “You’re only thirteen,” he scoffed.

  “Old enough.” And with that Ryne had flipped him over for a wrestling match…

  The memory faded and he blinked. Looking around, he was surprised at how far he’d travelled. There was a large ravine nearby and he trotted to the edge. The air was cool, the rising sun only now starting to penetrate the shadows cast by the trees. Sitting down, eyes half-closed, he absorbed the scents and sights and sounds of the territory. They nourished his soul, filling him with contentment.

  He loved this land and all who lived here and he’d do anything for them; Zack and Helen and the whole pack. They’d become the extended family he’d always longed for. If they hadn’t taken him in, who knows how his life might have turned out.

  About a year after moving in with Zack and Helen, the Alpha had stepped down and Zack had ascended to the position, the pack voting for him over the other contender, Dietrich. As Alpha, Zach had arranged for his foster sons to go to the Academy for training when they were old enough. Then, after graduation, he’d eventually given them both positions as Betas. It was more than either of them would ever have been able to achieve if they’d stayed with their parents. Yes, he owed a lot to this pack.

  A sound drew his attention and he turned towards it. On the other side of the rugged ravine stood a black wolf. It was glaring at him, head lowered, a low rumble emitting from its throat and travelling across the divide towards him

  It was Ryne, the brother who’d promised to always take care of him.

  Chapter 5

  The appointed time of the challenge fight arrived. Kane stood on one side of the small clearing, Ryne on the other. A neutral observer from OPATA, the Office of Pack Administration and Territory Allotment, a division of Lycan Link, stood in the middle. He didn’t look pleased. No doubt his weekend plans had been ruined by the emergency call the Council of Elders had placed. The man flicked a look at those gathered, rattled the paper in hand authoritatively and cleared his throat before reading the rules to those gathered.

  “Opponents step forward.” The man pointed to spots on either side of himself, approximately six feet apart.

  The brothers approached, eyes meeting and then looking away. Ryne was edgy, bouncing on his toes, his hands clenching and unclenching, jaw tight. Kane exhaled slowly, keeping his wolf under control, not wasting energy on nervous movement.

  “The first ten minutes will be fought in human form. Should the fight continue beyond that point, I’ll give the signal and you may shift into wolves.” The official glanced at both of them and they nodded.

  It was standard procedure. Since the human half of a Lycan was considered the dominant member, they needed to prove their worth first. If the combatants made it beyond ten minutes then they were likely equally matched and the wolves would then be tested.

  The official continued to outline the rules. “The fight will continue until there is a victor or one of the combatants admits defeat or revokes the challenge. If I see evidence of foul play, I will call a halt and both of you will stand down. Foul play includes the use of weapons or interference from other Lycans or outside forces. This includes magic if any such beings are present.” He scanned the crowd before continuing. “As the designated spokesperson, I must state on OPATA’s behalf that, in principle, they disapprove of a challenge to the death. Having said that, they also acknowledge that it is allowed under the Book of the Law. Do you understand and agree with the terms?”

  “Yes.” Ryne spoke first.

  Kane nodded, swallowed and then answered. “I do.”

  The official stepped back several paces and then nodded. “Begin.”

  In a flash, Ryne moved, striking hard and sending Kane reeling backward to the ground. Fists swinging, he began to pummel his opponent until Kane managed to flip them over, striking blows of his own. They fought for dominance, frequently changing position, the advantage see-sawing back and forth.

  Kane pulled b
ack and sprang to his feet, Ryne following suit only to stumble as Kane kicked out, knocking him down. Ryne reached out grabbing Kane’s ankle, pulling him off balance so they were once more tumbling in the dirt. Grunts, panting, curses and soft cries of pain filled the air.

  “You deceiving bastard.” Ryne’s fist plowed into Kane’s mouth. “Zack trusted you.”

  “What the hell are you talking about?” Kane spat out blood as he dodged another punch while delivering one of his own.

  “You know damned well.” Ryne panted. “The truck. You had it all planned.”

  “What about the fucking truck?” Kane barely had time to clench his stomach muscles before Ryne slammed his knee into his gut.

  “You took it for a drive. You admitted it.”

  “So?” He dodged a blow that was aimed at his chin.

  “Don’t play the innocent with me.” Ryne wrapped his fingers around Kane’s throat. “I’ll never grovel before the likes of you.”

  Kane wheezed, his hands on Ryne’s as he tried to pry away the fingers that were squeezing his windpipe. His arms trembled with the effort and then he was free, sucking in mouthfuls of air before launching his own attack.

  They rolled over and over, equally matched, the balance of power shifting every few seconds. Part of Kane’s brain noted the smell of alcohol on Ryne and he wondered at the man’s stupidity. Even a fool knew keeping your wits about you was key to a fight.

  A whistle pierced the air followed by the official’s voice. “Time. Opponents shift forms.”

  The air shimmered and two black wolves appeared. Snarling, they attacked using tooth and claw against each other. Ryne fought like a demon, some inner rage driving him into a frenzy of activity. Clouds of dust rose around them as they tumbled about, claws digging into the ground for traction, growls and the scent of blood filling the air.

  Kane tried to hold back, letting his brother expend his energy. He retreated to minimize injury while waiting for the right moment to strike. Cool logic was his plan, knowing Ryne couldn’t keep up his frenzied assault for too long.

  His strategy slowly began to work. Ryne was tiring, his breathing laboured. Kane shook his head to clear the blood from his eyes. He knew he was injured but ignored the pain. Now was the time to act. Digging deep, he began to deliver his offensive attacks, darting in and out, nipping at legs, going for the hamstring, the belly.

  Ryne twisted and turned, trying to avoid him and that was when Kane saw his opening. He slammed into Ryne knocking him down and grabbing him by the throat. Ryne’s hind legs scrambled wildly, catching Kane in the belly but he didn’t let go despite the feel of his flesh tearing. He bit down harder, cutting off Ryne’s air until he felt him go limp.

  Only then did he step back, exhausted and panting, hoping he’d only subdued his brother and not killed him. He shifted back to human form using his own energy to force Ryne to change as well.

  “Get up!” He growled the words, chest heaving as he struggled to catch his breath. Sweat dripped down his face as he narrowed his eyes keeping them fixed at the man at his feet.

  Ryne stared up at him with obvious hatred yet made no effort to move. His lip was split, one eye almost swollen shut. Various bruises and scratches adorned the rest of him, blood dripping from the numerous gashes.

  Kane knew he must look the same. He could feel blood streaming from his side, soaking what remained of his clothing. Truth be told, he was feeling the effects of blood-loss, the edges of his vision starting to darken. He hid it though, no sign of weakness showing outwardly. This was a battle for leadership of the pack and ancient instincts wouldn’t allow him to concede defeat.

  Ryne continued to glare at him from the ground. The last blow had robbed the man of his breath, giving Kane a momentary advantage. Now the question was whether Ryne would resume the fight or not. If he did, it would be to the death; they’d gone beyond the point of any other option.

  “Get up and fight…brother!” He spat out the last word while praying Ryne would concede. His hours pouring over the Book of the Law had given him a loop hole, provided he had a chance to use it. The law stated the victor of a challenge became Alpha, it didn’t specifically say the other challenger had to die. Rather, it said all who lived in the pack would bow before him and be subject to his decrees. His dictates would be abided by the members, upon the fear of death.

  The death, or life, of any pack member had always been in the hands of the Alpha. In ancient times, the victor would often choose to kill their opponent, but he’d argue they’d evolved beyond that point, that killing to maintain power was turning their backs on all the advances made and to once again become little more than creatures governed solely by ancient instincts.

  So that was his plan…if the cards fell in his favour.

  Seconds ticked by, the gathered crowd silently awaiting the outcome that would decide the future Alpha of the pack. Kane was prepared for another attack, knowing Ryne was weighing his options. The animal within Kane was thirsting for blood but, as always, he was in control. That was his advantage. He acted with cool logic whereas Ryne was the impulsive hothead.

  There was a flicker in Ryne’s eyes and then he slowly shifted his eyes to the side and down. A small gesture but significant. The battle was over.

  “Kane is the winner.” The OPATA observer declared the outcome.

  Those assembled murmured at the news. There was no cry of victory nor sounds of discontent. Both men had their share of supporters, both had qualities that would make them good leaders but the pack accepted the results unilaterally. It was the way of their people.

  “I am Alpha.”

  Kane made the statement loudly, widening his stance, hands on his hips as he met the gazes of the Lycans gathered, mostly members of the Council of Elders and few other higher ranking Lycans. No Marla; a corner of his mind acknowledged the fact before returning to establishing his dominance. Each person present lowered their eyes, showing their submission. No one challenged him. A feeling of pride swelled within him, the power and elation that came with victory.

  “As for my opponent, Ryne Taylor. I will allow him to live.”

  The crowd gasped but he paid them no mind.

  “I will allow him to live, not out of brotherly love—there is little of that left between us—but because the needs of this pack are foremost in my mind. Ryne has many friends within our pack and his death would serve no purpose except to cause grief, division, and discord at a time when we need to be unified.”

  He turned to face Ryne, hand extended. The heat of battle, the need to be dominant would leave them now and hopefully they could repair their relationship. They’d been co-Betas and after a cooling off period, he’d offer Ryne the Beta position again except…Ryne was no longer there.

  “Ryne?” He called out the man’s name, turning in a circle, peering into the trees that surrounded the clearing where the fight took place.

  “He’s gone, Alpha.” John stepped forward. “He slunk away as soon as you said he would live.”

  He nodded slowly, hoping Ryne would be all right. They might have been opponents but the man was still his brother. He kept his thoughts to himself, however. Strength and decisiveness were needed now as he established his control. “John, I’m appointing you as my Beta, if that’s agreeable with you.”

  John nodded. “Thank you. I’ll do my best to serve you.”

  “Excellent.” He clapped his hand on the man’s shoulder. “Your first duty is to take me to the medical centre. I think Nadia needs to put a stitch or two into me.”

  John glanced at the blood-soaked clothing and nodded. “I’d say that’s a good decision.” He jerked his chin towards the others gathered. “What about them?”

  Kane looked at his pack members. “Spread the news of the results and that I’ll address the pack tonight at seven.”

  He walked to the car and, tossing the keys to John, slid into the passenger seat.

  “Being Beta means I’m your chauffeur?” John gave h
im a teasing glance.

  “Yeah. Home James, or whatever it is the rich and famous say.” He leaned his head back, coughing, struggling to breathe. Now that he didn’t need to put on a show of strength for the pack, he was starting to feel like he’d pass out. “Except, make that the infirmary.”

  Chapter 6

  Hours later, Kane stood beside the podium facing the members of his pack. In some ways it was surreal, the events of the past week like a blur. He’d never imagined himself in this position at such a young age. Someday, but not now. In other ways, it was all too real. The expectant faces before him, the gauze on his side protecting his stitches.

  Nadia, their nurse practitioner, had nearly had a fit when John had dragged him into the infirmary. His knees had kept giving out on him as he swam in and out of consciousness.

  “What the hell happened to you? I go away for a few days and this is what you get up to?” She cut off the remains of his bloody shirt as he lay on the gurney, fighting to draw air into his lungs.

  “I’m the new Alpha.” He gave a crooked grin as he struggled to form the words.

  “More like the half-dead Alpha.” She hissed as she saw the wound. “Damned fools. Where is your opponent? Already in the grave?”

  He shook his head. “No idea. He left.”

  “I saw him leave,” John added. “He was limping but looked better than our new Alpha here.”

  Kane gave a sigh of relief. He’d been worried. His goal had been to win the fight while causing the minimum amount of damage. Seems like he must have been successful.

  “Ouch!” He winced as Nadia probed his wound. Too bad Ryne hadn’t been following the same principles.

  “Well, if he shows up here, I’ll treat him as well. Medicine doesn’t discriminate against stupidity.” Nadia scowled, mumbling to herself as she enumerated the injuries. “Laceration to the side, approximately two inches deep, a probable pneumothorax—”

  “Is that bad?” John asked.


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