Zombie Overload (Book 3): Learning To Live

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Zombie Overload (Book 3): Learning To Live Page 16

by C. M. Wright

  As fast as I can, I manage to get my one-footed balance and attempt to push Jake away. But he won't let go!

  "Kiss me," he says as he brings his lips toward my own.

  "Jake! Damn you! Just stop," I give him a harder push, which throws off my balance. I fall and, of course, I fall on Jake. And then, of course, whose head pops through the hatch at just the wrong time?


  Chapter Forty-Five

  "That's it! You can have each other." Will's face is red with anger.

  I violently push Jake away from me and all the best of my bipolar rage comes out in one solid punch to Jake's face. Blood sprays the window beside him as his nose explodes and his head jerks to the side.

  Jake brings his hand up to his nose and his already shocked look gets even more so when he sees the blood smeared across the back of his hand.

  I look up at Will, who's wearing an equally shocked look, and scream, "As for you, kiss my ass and open your damn eyes. I don't want either one of you pieces of shit!"

  With anger causing my entire body to shake, I reach over the back and grab my fatigues. I throw them on and climb in the front seat, not even feeling the pain in my foot when I bump it going over.

  With the rage I get from the bipolar, I turn into something not quite human anymore. It scares me...though not as much as it scares everyone else.

  I slide under the steering wheel and watch in the rearview mirror as Will gets inside, then, finally, Dustin gets in. Will and Jake enthusiastically encourage Dustin to get in the front with me and he does, totally oblivious of the danger. As soon as his butt kisses the seat, I floor the gas and wipe out every damn zombie in my path.

  My vision is tunneled, all I can hear is the ocean sound of blood rushing in my head, and my entire body is tight and tingling. There is a group of five zombies ahead of me. I open my mouth and scream. It's filled with so much rage that all the guys scream too, but from fear.

  I press heavier on the gas and the impact of the truck slamming into them, flips and dismembers the zombies. One flies up into the windshield and causes a single line of cracked glass to appear. I'm impressed! If this had been a normal vehicle, the speed and the impact of the undead hitting the glass would have shattered the it, and the damn undead thing would have been in our laps.

  The tires squeal as I turn onto the highway that leads back to my sister's and the silence is thick...so is the fear the men are feeling. I shake for a few more miles, still seething, but it's rapidly fading. Quick to begin, quick to end. Scary, isn't it?

  I hear Maroon 5's song, 'Payphone' and search for my phone. I hadn't taken it inside the house, hell, I didn't even know I had one! I finally see the lights flashing in one of the storage slots on the dash. I grab and open it-not even caring who is on the other end-just knowing whoever it is, probably isn't someone I'm pissed off at right now.


  "Hey, Sis. Everything alright?" my sister, Rose, asks.

  "Could be better, but I haven't killed anyone who's not a zombie...yet," I answer, giving a pointed look in the mirror to the two men in the back seat. They're smart enough to look away, fast.

  "Yeah, me either, but I'm damn sure close. Someone has got to do something with this stupid bitch. I swear, Canada! One more time, one more comment, and I'm gonna do it myself!"

  "Am I wrong in assuming you're referring to Sara?"

  "Nope. You're dead-freaking right."

  "Well, that's Jake's―"I throw a nasty look at Jake, whose eyes widen in fear"―little problem. And he will be doing something with her nasty-ass when we get back."

  Rose sighs with relief.

  "That's good, 'cuz I'm hardly exaggerating at this point. So, where are you guys?"

  "I have no idea but we are heading back now. Maybe a couple hours before we get there," I tell her.

  "Ok. See ya soon, Sis."

  "Hey! Wait. I'm not done." I laugh. "How are my boys?"

  "Oh, they're asleep. Pretty tired after the Halloween stuff they did. You should see the decorations! The adults-well, all but Miz Thang-though technically, I did say adults!-so each of the adults went into a separate room in the house and the kids trick-or-treated us. I got the bathroom." We both laugh at that. "We got tons of candy in a couple of the big boxes from the store in St. Thomas. But don't worry, we monitored the amount they were allowed to have."

  My heart aches at missing that with my kids. Damn these zombies and the morons who made them!

  I finish up the call with my sister and drop the phone on the seat next my leg. Giving a deep sigh, I clear my mind, determined not to let myself get depressed. Pissed is ok. Depressed is not.

  Dustin clears his throat and I look over at him, raising a brow in question.

  "Canada, I don't mean to screw up your plans, but we have to get you to the hospital, remember?"

  Ah, shit. But I don't wanna! I just wanna go home and be with my family, get some space from the two dopes in the back, and sleep! Is that too much to freakin' ask for?

  But right then, my foot takes a moment to remind me how much pain it's in. FINE! Damn it all to hell!

  I call my sister back but it goes straight to voicemail, so I leave a message about the delay in plans. Just as I end the call, it lights back up and starts playing its song-which startles me and I almost drop it, but I manage to hang on.

  Before I can even say hello, my sister's panicked voice fills the interior of the truck. Apparently, I had hit the speaker button.

  "You have to go help Dad!"

  "Which Dad and what's going on?" I ask her.

  "Dad Rex! His entire shop is full of zombies and they know he's upstairs so they won't going away. He could be stuck up there forever!"

  "Rose, calm down. He safe right now, though, right?"

  "Yes. He said other than that, he's ok."

  "Alright. Call him back and tell him we're on our way. Tell him we will call when we get close and, in the meantime, he can pack up what he needs to take with him. Then tell him to just stay calm, lay down, and rest." I know that will be hard to do, but the man already has health issues, damn sure don't need him getting sick on us.

  "Ok. I'll tell him. Thanks, Sis. I love you and be safe."

  "I love you, too, Rose. And I will. I left you a voicemail about having to go to the hospital about my foot, but I'll go after we get Dad."

  "Canada? Sweety, I don't think you're going to find any doctors you will want to take care of that foot there," Rose tells me with concern in her voice.

  Oops! Guess I forgot to mention Dustin.

  "Do you remember your neighbors up the road, Jim and Beth?"

  "Of course. They didn't make it, though," she says with sadness.

  "Yes, I know. Do you remember Jim's brother, Dustin?"

  "A little. Why?"

  "Well, apparently Dustin was the mysterious voice back at the store. He followed me, Jake, and Will and met up with us at a house we had stopped at. He's also a doctor. Did you know that?"

  "Yeah, I did. That's cool that he remembered you and can help you. Tell him hi for me and I'll see him when he gets here. I gotta get off here and go pee."

  Dustin calls out, "Hi, Rose. I'll see you soon."

  "You witch! Do you have me on speaker?"

  I laugh. "Well, not on purpose. Ok, gotta go. Someone will call when we get Dad."

  "Ok, Sis. Love you and be safe! And hi back, Dustin."

  Safe...what exactly is the definition of safe, anymore? I have to guess it means just don't turn into a zombie, because I'm pretty sure I have no idea how to actually be safe, if it means to not get hurt.

  Chapter Forty-Six

  The two guys in the back work on reloading guns and getting the other weapons ready. Jake holds out a gun to Dustin and Dustin puts his hand up, shaking his head.

  "I don't use guns."

  Is he frikken joking?

  "Come on, Dustin. Are you trying to tell me this whole time that you haven't used a single gun and never plan to?"
r />   "I'll not use a gun. They kill people."

  I stare at him, open mouthed.

  "You do realize, don't you, that that is the whole point? What do you plan to do? Slap them to death?"

  "People can get hurt with guns or shoot other living people..." He gives a pointed look at Jake and then back at me.

  "Alright. You made your point." I turn my full attention to the highway and ignore them all, until I hear Dustin ask Will to hand him his bag.

  Will finds a huge black sports equipment bag in the very back of the truck and struggles to get it up front without knocking me out with it.

  "Where did that come from, Dustin?" I ask him.

  "I threw it in when I moved the truck. It's got my own weapons in it, although I haven't had to use them very much since trying out the new skin."

  Ugh! Gag!

  Curiosity growing, I watch as he unzips and opens up the bag. Then he pulls out a medieval club-like weapon that has a long spike on the top and several smaller spikes sticking out around the longer one.

  "A mace?" I ask.

  "A type of mace. This here is a Morning Star. And this," He pulls out a thick wooden handle. When the four chains and spiked metal balls that are attached to it come out of the bag, I gasp in surprise. "...is a Quad Ball Medieval Spiked Mace. Whatcha think?"

  "That...is...frikken...awesome! I wanna try it!"

  I make a grab for it and he pulls it out of my reach.

  "Just drive. Besides, a little woman like you can't handle something like this," Dustin says.

  I hear Jake and Will gasp at the very stupid and dangerous thing Dustin just said to me. I look in the rearview mirror and see that they are looking at Dustin as if he were about to leave his cell for the last time in Death Row. Because of their reaction, I decide to surprise them and play it cool.

  "Yeah, you're probably right. I'd most likely hit myself."

  Now, that was hard!

  I'd much rather hit him with it than let him get by with saying something so idiotic. But the confused looks the two guys in the back are giving me now are totally worth it! And to be honest, I probably couldn't kill anything with it, but I never said I wanted to kill with it. I only said I wanted to try it.

  Chapter Forty-Seven

  We are now approaching the city limits of the small town where my dad lives and I try to see ahead to his shop, but the curve in the road and the hill we will have to drive up prevents it. It would have been nice to see what we are going to be up against before we actually get there, because as soon as we top that hill, his shop is just a fourth of a block away.

  I pull over and stop the truck just before the hill.

  "What are you doing?" Will asks me.

  "Well, I think we need to scout it out before we just charge up there."

  I explain the location of the shop to the top of the hill to Jake and Dustin and they all three agree that I'm right. Always!

  Dustin volunteers, considering he can walk around undetected. Jake insists on going, too, and I'm relieved he is. I'm still pissed at him and I'm not sure I'll ever trust him again. I'm still not sure I believe he hadn't seen Will back at Ma's house, either. If I ever find out for sure he did, I might just kill him myself.

  He and Dustin get out and disappear in the darkness. Will moves up front with me and I sigh, wishing I were totally alone and could have some time to just regroup, get my shit back together. But apparently, Will wants to make up.

  "Honey, I'm sorry. I overreacted and what I said was stupid. I don't want Jake to have you and I don't want our marriage to end," he says.

  I sigh and look over at him.

  "Well, that's good because our marriage can't end," I tell him.

  Will laughs and says, "I know, 'cuz there's no divorce court anymore, right?"

  I just stare at him for a few moments, not joining in his laughter.

  "No. Because I haven't killed you...yet. But give it time."

  His laughter dies abruptly and he hangs his head.

  "You're really pissed at me, aren't you?" he asks me.

  "I am. I love you, Will. I really freakin' do, but all this drama..." I shake my head. "And I'm not talking about just you. I'm referring to all three of us; you, me, and Jake. I think it's time we all grow up and start putting surviving and protecting at the top of our list. As for our marriage, just try to get out of it. You, the boys, and the rest of our family are top priority for me."

  Will says, "Me, too." Then he grabs and kisses me. I put my forehead against his and close my eyes. I'm exhausted but I know there will be no sleep for awhile, as we must first save Dad and then fix my stupid foot.

  The door opening startles both of us and we turn to the back and see Jake and Dustin getting inside.

  Jake tells us, "It's bad. My best guess is at least two-hundred," I gasp, "but Dusty here says he thinks it two hundred and five." Jake rolls his eyes and when I see how serious Dustin's expression is, I bust out laughing. But my laughter dies as abruptly as it started when the numbers of the undead echo in my head.

  I look at all three of the guys, desperately hoping at least one will come up with a good plan. But they just stare right back at me and I lose hope of getting any solutions from them.

  Ok, Canada. Think. Think. Think...I can't think of shit! Ok. Well, wait. What about this...

  "What about this, guys? It's not perfect and it sucks, but it's all I've got. We have Dustin get out and get closer, but stay hidden, just in case. And then you two and I lead the zombies away while Dustin goes up and gets Dad out and somewhere safe. Then we can pick them up."

  I watch them and wait for their reactions. They all look at each other and shrug.

  "Sounds like a plan to me," Jake says.

  "Yup. Better than what we came up with, which is nothing," Will says.

  "You got it," Dustin says.

  "Are you sure about this, Dustin? I mean, out of all of us, you have the most dangerous part," I tell him.

  "I only have one worry. What if your dad tries to kill me?" Dustin asks me.

  "I'll tell him when I call and let him know we're here."

  Dustin nods. "Then let's get it done."

  I call Dad and he answers, sounding no different than any other day I had called him pre-zombie. Calm, relaxed, just another conversation full of bullshitting. So I guess Kally isn't the only one who can do that.

  I tell him our plan and warn him about Dustin. "he'll look awful nasty, "―Dustin gives me a playfully offended look―"and he'll stink like you wouldn't believe. Plus, he'll look like a zombie. So don't kill him."

  "How will I know the difference?" Dad asks me with a hint of amusement in his voice.

  "If you see a zombie, clomping on big-ass feet up the stairs, screaming "Don't Shoot! Don't Shoot!" then it's probably him. If it were me, I'd throw a few heavy things at him just to be sure, though."

  Dustin sucks in a breath and gives me a "What the hell, woman!" look. I just grin at him.

  Dad and I hang up and Dustin gets out of the truck. We give him a few minutes to hide and then start up the hill. Dad's shop―mechanic shop/gas station, which is the sole cause of grenades not being an option, and even gunfire being a big risk―is on the far corner across the intersection from where we are. The intersection is a four-way but the only option we really have is to take the one that goes to the left. The other two options are backed up with zombies as far as the eye can see. Even the way we can go is going to be difficult, but it's the best-and really the only option we have.

  I ask the guys if they're ready and they tell me they are, as if they have a choice. So I stomp on the gas and we push our way toward the intersection. I manage to break through the crowd, but have to drive up on the sidewalk to make the turn as the mob in the road of the intersection itself is thick.

  I drive a little ways away from the last zombie and then stop. Will and Jake get on top of the truck and start calling them over. Slowly, most of them turn and come for us. But the ones behind the intersecti
on, past Dad's place, don't seem to hear the dinner bell.

  There's nothing I can do. I can't wait any longer or we will be surrounded and stuck. Putting the truck in gear, I creep forward, Jake and Will still making as much noise with taunts, threats, and name-calling as they can.

  Driving a couple miles outside of town, I pull into the driveway of a fairly large cemetery which has, not only the two front exits, but a hidden one in the back. I know, 'cuz Will and I made out here once when down visiting and never had any alone time. Just kissing. Nothing more. Honest!

  "What in the name of God are you doing? This is a frikken cemetery!" Will screeches at me. No! Really? How could I have been so stupid! A cemetery...who woulda thought!

  Jake is also looking through the hatch opening at me as if I've lost my mind, as well. I shake my head in sadness and pity. It's so hard to be the brilliant one at all times.

  "Yes, Honey. A cemetery. An empty cemetery. With a back exit and a gate." I give them both pointed looks, hoping they need no further explanation. Come on, boys, make Mama proud.

  "You're freaking crazy!" Jake shouts at me, as if I didn't already know that!

  "No. No, she's not," Will says slowly. "She's freaking brilliant!" Yep. I really am!

  Will ejects his head from the hatch and Jake follows, still wearing a confused and exasperated expression. I hear Will on top screaming with renewed vigor. Jake joins in but I can still hear the hesitation in his voice. I can't believe he hasn't figured it out yet. I gave enough details a child could have understood.

  Slowly making my way up the left road that travels around the graves in a circle, I watch as the zombies follow us inside. When we reach the back exit, Will jumps out and closes the gate. A chain with a padlock is looped around the post which he pulls off and locks the gate. We all get out, weapons ready in case any undead are out here with us in the dark. There are plenty of places for them to hide with all the tall uncut weeds and trees in this back area. The road is only a dirt path made by the cemetery grounds keeper's truck and probably other locals who know about it and need some alone time, too.

  Will helps me to the back of the truck and I sit on the tailgate as we watch the zombies still coming in the entrance. I watch the ones trying desperately to get to us. The gate is a big one-thick, and hard to get open even without being locked, but I'm sure it's not going to take the entire horde to get it down once a good many of them are pushing on it.


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