JOSS: A Standalone Romance (Gray Wolf Security)

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JOSS: A Standalone Romance (Gray Wolf Security) Page 101

by Glenna Sinclair

  “No worries.” I went to the elevator, a little dazzled that it, too, was glass, and rode it to the top. The building was a dizzying fifty stories straight up, and I saw others around it get smaller and smaller from my vantage point in the elevator. It was a good thing I wasn’t afraid of heights—that is, I didn’t think I’d ever had an opportunity like this one to be afraid of heights.

  The view behind me, as the elevator doors rolled open, was just as arresting. The receptionist had warned me that it was all glass, but that still didn’t prepare me for just how beautiful, glittering, and modern it all was. I couldn’t believe that this was Levi’s company, that he came here every day—well, the days when he could pull himself away from me to make it in to the office—and created more beautiful things.

  The very design of the building, this office, in particular, was so different from who I knew Levi and it amused me. At the same time, it made sense. He had parts of him that were old-fashioned—the way he held doors for me, drove me all over the city, spent his money on me. But there were other parts that were modern. He didn’t expect anything out of me, letting me be my own person while pushing me to be better still. He believed in me.

  Seeing this office for the first time was like examining that other part of him, the one who had worked really hard to get to where he was, and the one who had amassed his wealth because of his talent instead of mooching off of his family. I admired that about him, and wished he would tell me more. I ached for that more. I could’ve sat for hours and read books about Levi, if they were out there. I was hungry for knowledge about him. About how he was so amazing. About what had made him like that.

  I walked uncertainly, not sure where I was going in spite of all the glass, until my eyes locked on the biggest office, toward the back of the floor. If the man’s name was on the outside of the building, that’s where he’d be, I wagered. I walked with more confidence, until I saw him, talking with a group of burly men in the same dark suit and ties, all with earpieces in.

  I hesitated, and he happened to turn at the same time, locking eyes with me.

  I smiled and waited for him to return the expression, but he didn’t. He looked puzzled, first, then he paled, like he was frightened. Then, unless I was way off, he was angry, pushing past one of the guys in the suits and out his door to meet me.

  “What are you doing here?” he asked quietly, glancing around at the curious gazes we were getting.

  “I wanted to surprise you,” I said.

  “Well, I’m surprised.” He pinched the bridge of his nose. “Congratulations.”

  I felt stupid, like I was being fussed at in front of a bunch of strangers. Essentially, I was. Everyone in their stupid glass offices could see us, plain as day. I just didn’t know what mistake I’d made.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked. “Am I not allowed to be here?”

  “It’s not that, Meagan. It’s just…today’s not a good day.”

  Okay. I was pretty sure I understood. “You’re embarrassed of me.”

  “What? I am not.”

  “You’re embarrassed that I’m here,” I said, lifting my chin, keeping my voice as quiet as his. “I’m just fine at home, aren’t I? Hidden away. Out of sight. So you can be someone different here. I’m just something you like to entertain yourself with. A little secret you can keep to yourself.”

  “You’re way off,” he said, crossing his arms. “How did you even get here?”

  “The subway,” I said, and he made a noise in his throat. “What? Is that not allowed, either?”

  “You should’ve told me you were coming,” he said. “Better yet, you should’ve just stayed home.”

  “Fuck you,” I said, smiling as I did so, just for show. People were so busily pretending that they weren’t watching us, straining to hear what we were saying. “You can enjoy your lunch by yourself.” I shoved the bags at him and turned on my heel, stalking through that fishbowl until I got to the elevator, letting the doors slide shut behind me, enjoying the view as the ground came rushing up to meet me.

  How had I screwed up so badly? It didn’t make sense. I thought he would’ve loved the thought I’d put into making his lunch—or at least telling the chef what to make for his lunch—and taking it across the town. In my head, it was romantic, but Levi hadn’t seen it like that. He’d been angry for some reason. Whatever. I wasn’t sticking around to figure out why. He’d had his chance.

  I left the elevator and walked across the lobby, hungry and miserable, smiling at the receptionist before I left. Maybe this building was an indication that there were parts of Levi I didn’t understand—and probably shouldn’t want to understand. Maybe he was a completely different person when he came to work, and I’d somehow upset that balance by showing up unannounced. I realized just how much I didn’t know about him. Should I even be living with him? I’d never felt very unsure of it until now. Maybe I didn’t know him at all. Maybe he was putting on a show for me to lull me into a sense of comfort. To make me trust him.

  I shook my head at myself, disgusted. I’d been fooled once, in that way. How could I let myself get fooled again? Hadn’t I learned anything? Or was I doomed to repeat my mistakes, over and over again, until I died?

  I was wandering, unsure of where to go, my feet hurting in the stupid heels he’d bought me, when someone seized my upper arm.

  I whirled around, swinging my purse and hitting my assailant with it reflexively, when I realized it was Levi.

  “What the fuck?” I demanded. “What’s your problem?”

  “Get in the car,” he said, jerking his thumb over his shoulder, his face grim. A dark SUV was pulled up to the sidewalk behind him, the car he usually took to work. Had he really taken a car to chase me down? How had he known which direction I was going in? How had he found me?

  “No,” I said stubbornly, planting my feet. “I’ll walk.”

  “In those shoes?” He looked at my feet dubiously. “I can tell just by looking that you’re in pain.”

  “You’re the one who bought them.”

  “They’re not walking shoes, Meagan.” He sighed and let go of my arm. “Please get in the car.”

  “Are you going to tell me why you’re embarrassed of me?”

  He laughed, incredulous. “I’m not embarrassed of you. I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  “If you’re not embarrassed of me, then why don’t you want me at your work?”

  “If you get in the car, I’ll explain everything,” he promised. He looked tired, like he’d just run a mile. Had he come running after me once I left? The image should’ve made me smile, but it just made me feel sad. What was going on here?

  “I’ll get in the car, but only because my feet fucking hurt,” I said, pointing my nose in the air and ignoring the hand he offered me to help me to the curb.

  I slid into the back seat, noticing that two of those big men with the dark suits were sitting in the front, one behind the wheel. The one in the passenger’s seat sucked in air between his teeth.

  “Miss, if you don’t mind me saying…you look an awful lot like Matt,” he said. “We miss him. He was a good guy.”

  I didn’t know what to say to that, and was saved from having to say anything as Levi got in beside me and closed the door.

  “Back home, please,” he said. I waited for him to say something, anything, but he sat quietly, looking at his phone. Fine. Two people could play that game. I shoved my face against the window, watching the buildings move by.

  The drive probably wasn’t that long, but it felt like ages, four people in the SUV, and not a word exchanged beyond Levi’s instructions. I thought he’d want to make his explanation now, to alleviate my anger, but he seemed content to let me seethe and boil. Or maybe he didn’t want to have a fight in front of the other men.

  It struck me that they were part of his security team, since one of them had known my brother. He’d been having a meeting with them when I’d shown up.

  We reached the
townhouse, finally, and I didn’t wait for Levi to open my door. I pushed it open myself, taking my heels in my hands and walking barefoot up the sidewalk to the house. The butler opened the door, his lips pursed, before glancing behind me and opening the door wider for both Levi and me.

  “So what the hell was that?” I demanded, following Levi up the stairs. “Answer me, goddammit! I won’t be ignored. I came all the way with some lunch for you and it’s like I did the worst thing in the world.”

  He switched on the bedroom light and sat on the edge of the bed with a long sigh. I refused to sit down beside him until I understood what was going on.

  “Right as you got there, to my work, I was dealing with a security situation,” he said. “That was all. It startled me to see you there, at that moment. I’m sorry that I was rude. It was kind of you to bring lunch. I usually have working lunches, so you don't have to feel like you have to do that anymore.”

  “That was all?” I demanded, putting my hands on my hips. “I interrupted a security meeting and startled you? You were a total asshole, Levi. You made me feel like shit.”

  “I didn’t mean to, Meagan.” He didn’t offer anything else, but this wasn’t over. Not by a long shot.

  “Don’t you dare push me out,” I warned him, pacing the floor in front of him. “Don’t you do that to me, Levi.” Maybe I’d been good at being by myself before New York City, but I was fully addicted to having that support system with Levi. He knew exactly what I wanted, exactly how to make me feel good. I even had my doubts that I’d ever want to have sex with anyone else ever again—which was a stunning revelation.

  Should I have put a ring on it, or what? When you found the person you wanted to have sex with for the rest of your life because it was that physically fulfilling, was that how people decided to marry each other? There were probably other catches.

  “I’m not trying to push you out.” Levi ran both of his hands through his blond hair, a compulsive, stress-filled gesture. “There are just a lot of things going on right now, Meagan. Things you don’t know about.”

  “Then let me in.” Once I realized the problem wasn’t me, wasn’t the sex I was always demanding, I relaxed a little. He wasn’t going to push me out. He liked the sex just as well as I did. There was something else there that was making him act like this.

  “It really isn’t your problem,” he said. “I don't want to worry you.”

  “What else am I worrying about?” I laughed, always looking for a deflection. I worried about things constantly—that Levi would get tired of the sex. That he would get tired of me. That he would decide to do a little digging and discover all of my deepest, darkest secrets. That he would make me be alone again.

  I couldn’t be alone again. I decided I wasn’t built for it anymore.

  “You should be worrying about what you’re going to do with your life,” Levi said, but it was an old, worn-out argument. It was just something to say—his own attempt at deflection.

  “I’ll figure it out,” I said helplessly, knowing I’d said it before. I didn’t know what I wanted to do. Wasn’t it enough that I’d made it out of my hometown? Wasn’t it enough that I was here in New York, with Levi? “Why don’t you just tell me what’s going on?”

  Levi heaved a heavy sigh that sounded like it originated all the way down in his bones.

  “It’s just something that comes with the territory, I suppose,” he said. “A price to pay for having the money that I do.”

  I sat on the bed with him, pressing against him and offering a sense of physical comfort. If he wanted to forget about whatever he was worried about and sink into me, I’d welcome it.

  What I didn’t expect was Levi stiffening up.

  “Just talk to me,” I said, scooting away to look at him. “Something is obviously wrong—so wrong that it’s affecting me. So involve me. Tell me.”

  “Have you noticed anyone around the house who shouldn’t be here?” he asked, squinting at me. “A deliveryman, maybe. Maintenance staff? Anyone hanging around outside on a daily basis? Watching?”

  A small chill worked its way up my spine.

  “Tell me exactly what’s going on.”

  “My security staff has let me know about a credible threat to my safety,” Levi said, “and the threat mentioned you. Did you tell anyone that you were coming to New York City with me, specifically?”

  Troubled, I shook my head. “There wasn’t anyone to tell,” I said. “I didn’t give notice at my work. My brother was my last friend I confided in, and I still hadn’t talked to him in a year.”

  “You don’t have any friends at the bar?” Levi asked. “No regulars you’ve been in contact with since moving here? Friends from school you’ve chatted with?”

  It was pathetic to admit, and I was afraid of what Levi would think of me, but I didn’t have friends. I’d been isolated over the last year, and I’d done it to myself. I hadn’t wanted personal connections to anyone—not the regulars at the bar, not the people who saw me every day in my movements between the different landmarks in town.

  “No,” I said finally, clearing my throat. “I didn’t have anyone. No friends.”

  That admission didn’t seem like it bothered Levi very much. I guessed he was much more focused on the threat than by my sad lack of friendships.

  “What about here, in New York City?” he asked. “Have you made any friends here? Anyone who knows your name outside of the staff here at the townhouse? Anyone you’ve recently connected with?”

  “I haven’t been anywhere without you,” I told him. “You’d know as well as I would if there was some weirdo creeping around. No one here knows me.”

  Levi lapsed into silence, all out of questions to ask me. I didn’t like that silence, so I tried to fill it.

  “You should go to the police, if you haven’t already,” I babbled. “You’re the one who said they were good, and you have connections within the department. I’m sure they would be able to pull strings to see what was up. Maybe they’d even deploy a squad car or two to run surveillance here at the townhouse and at your work, maybe. You could probably get someone to follow us around to help figure out who was making these threats. And it’s a big city, too, you know. It could just be some random crazy person. This world’s full of them. ”

  “The threat mentioned you by name, Meagan,” Levi said quietly. “And your brother. My contacts I’ve talked to in the police department seem to think the threat’s connected to your brother’s murder.”

  That shut me right up. We sat there staring at each other, neither of us able to follow that statement with anything. It was starting to all make sense—the throng of security in Levi’s office, the fact that the receptionist downstairs was hesitant to admit me at all, citing recent changes in policy. Something had happened. Something that scared Levi.

  “You mean someone meant to kill my brother,” I said.

  “I don’t know if they meant to kill Matt, specifically,” Levi said, gripping his hair. I wanted to take his hands and untangle them, but I couldn’t make myself move. “Another possibility is that it’s just someone obsessed with the murder. It was in the news. That kind of visibility and violence tends to bring the crazies out of the woodwork.”

  “That’s so messed up.” I drew my knees up to my chin and hugged them, wanting to feel smaller for some reason. “My brother wasn’t famous. He didn’t know anybody famous. He was just trying to do his job and protect you.”

  Protect Levi so Levi would pay him, so my brother could bring me to the city.

  My ever-present anxiety and guilt gave a surge, reminding me that I was responsible for my brother’s death. If I’d been stronger, I would’ve been able to remain in my hometown, maintaining the house until we could figure out, legally, what to do with it. I should’ve been patient, but I’d been desperate to get out of that house. I’d forced my brother to think he had to take on a dangerous job in order to give me what I wanted.

  I hated this anxiety, and my old s
olution to cope reared its head. My savior was right here with me, well within arm’s reach. I didn’t have to feel like this. I refused to feel like this. I could do something to make myself feel better.

  I let go of my knees and crept back across the bed until I was sitting in Levi’s laps, my legs unfolding until they were wrapped around him. I hugged him close, and he held me after a couple of beats, stroking my hair. He froze when I kissed his neck.

  “Really?” he asked, puzzled.

  “Really, what?” I answered.

  “We’re talking about a threat that I’ve received—a very specific threat—that might be related to your brother’s death, and you want sex?”

  I stiffened in his lap but didn’t make a move to leave it. It was warm and comfortable, and even as he fussed at me, I could feel his cock stir within his pants. I was very sure I could win him back over.

  “It’s a stress reliever,” I suggested. “Wouldn’t you like to blow off some steam?”

  “Do you even care that Matt died?”

  My anxiety screamed inside of me. I was a heartless bitch, a worthless leech, a wretched, twisted, broken person. I didn’t have real feelings. I was ruined forever—irredeemable. A whiney, crybaby, weak victim.

  A murderer.

  I was all of those things, because I kissed Levi on his mouth, anyway. I kissed him hard, bit his lip when he tried to pull away, grinned when he shoved me away a half second before covering my body with his own, ripping our clothes off, and shoving his cock in me—roughly. It hurt, and I wanted it to, as my body quickly adapted and responded, slicking me from the inside out, building up to that inevitable release.

  Levi didn’t make a single sound, just breathing angrily through his nose, not kissing me, not grunting, nothing. He held one of the posts on the bed with one hand and had the other planted right next to my face, balled in a fist.

  I could feel that he hated me in this moment—that this was the very definition of a hate fuck, jagged and angry, out of breath but over too fast to get sweaty.

  My eyes rolled helplessly into my head as I came, gritting my teeth, trying not to cry out, trying to match that quiet intensity that Levi had. He stilled his thrusts as my body clenched and just watched me as I came apart.


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