Naked Lies

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Naked Lies Page 15

by Ray Gordon

  My heart racing, my body shaking violently, I left the house and wandered aimlessly down the street. Had Mat sent me the cruel notes? I wondered. Why would he bother? No, there had to be someone else, someone who'd been watching, spying.

  I felt that I was dreaming and that I'd wake up and find Mat sleeping beside me. But the horror was real enough. I'd been used and abused, tricked and blackmailed - by my husband! The lies, the deception... I couldn't begin to comprehend what had happened. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry, I felt no emotion - just numbness.

  Sitting on a bench in the recreation ground, I held my head in my hands, trying to find some logic, some explanation for the way my husband had treated me. I hated Mat, I hated Den - I hated myself. The way Mat had questioned my nakedness when he'd know exactly what I'd been forced to endure! The times he'd said he was going out for cigars, going upstairs to change into his shorts, going to see about a computer... He'd delighted in my plight. It was only in my seething hatred that I realized how much I'd loved Mat. But now? My husband was a first rate bastard! No, a devil!

  At least the whole ugly episode was over, I reflected. I'd tell Den where to go and there'd be nothing he could do about it. His threats held no water now, they were futile. The perverse games were finally over. What I'd do, what I'd say to Mat, I had no idea. I wouldn't confront him, not yet. I needed time to think about my future. What future?

  Lifting my head, I looked around, wondering where to go. I couldn't go home, not yet - I couldn't face Mat. I wasn't sure whether I could ever face the bastard again, but I knew that I'd have to. At some stage, I'd have to confront him, tell him that I was leaving him. But why should I leave? I reasoned in my rising anger. I hadn't been the perpetrator of the wicked plan. I was the innocent victim.

  "No, I won't leave!" I breathed through gritted teeth as I walked home. "I'll not let the bastards win!" I had to be clever, turn the tables... I'd say nothing, act as if I knew nothing about Mat's lies, his evil ways. I'd do my utmost to appear normal, calm, cool.

  As I closed the front door, Mat emerged from the kitchen, his tanned face smiling. "Ah, you're back. Where have you been?"

  "It's such a lovely evening I went for a walk," I smiled, seething with hatred and anger. Had he seen the bed, the sex-stained sheets? "What have you been up to?"

  "I've been talking to Den. Look, I know you don't like him, but I need his advice. Is it OK with you if he comes over for an hour or so?"

  "Why don't you go to his place?" I asked, walking into the kitchen and filling the kettle for a semblance of normality.

  "Because all my papers are here, it would be difficult."

  He was obviously planning another session of sexual abuse. No doubt he'd pretend to have to go out for ten minutes and Den would force me to suck him to orgasm. Mat would be hiding, watching another man fuck his wife's mouth. He was perverse in the extreme. Deriving satisfaction from watching me being sexually abused by another man, he was evil.

  "I don't mind if he comes over," I finally conceded.

  "Good, I'll go and tell him. I really do need to sort this out as soon as possible. We'll sit in the dining room, so as not to get in your way."

  "OK," I smiled as he stepped into the garden and went off to find his accomplice.

  I had to think, to come up with a plan. Mat would say that he had to go out and Den would come at me with his threats... Should I play the game? I pondered. Should I suck the beast off, knowing that Mat was watching? I could make out that I was really enjoying it, beg for Den to sperm down my throat. No, I wanted to ruin their fun, spoil their games.

  I'd tell Den to go to hell. He'd talk to Mat and they'd try to come up with a plan, hatch new ways to blackmail me. Images of my mother racked my mind. If Den sent her a copy of the video tape... I'd cross that bridge when I came to it.

  "Hi, Jane!" Den beamed as he followed Mat through the back door. "How are you keeping?"

  "I'm fine," I replied sweetly. "I'm just making coffee, would you like some?"


  "Damn!" Mat cursed, holding his hand to his head. "Damn and blast!"

  "What's the matter?" I asked, knowing full well that he was about to announce his timely departure.

  "I forgot to post some important letters. They're in the car, I'd better walk down to the post-box now. Er... You two have a coffee and I'll be back shortly."

  As Mat left the kitchen and closed the front door, Den grinned at me. The bastard was obviously hiding in the hall, spying through the crack in the kitchen door which he'd deliberately left ajar. But I was about to thwart the decadent duo's wicked game, destroy their fun!

  "There's time for me to fuck your pretty mouth," Den grinned, eagerly dragging his erect penis out of his jeans. "Kneel down and suck me off, bitch!"

  "I'd don't feel like sucking you off!" I returned.

  "You'll suck out my spunk or..."

  "It's over, Den. I'm not going to be blackmailed any more'."

  "Don't start all that nonsense again. When Mat sees the video tape, he'll..."

  "I don't care what he does, I'm not your slave any more'."

  He zipped his jeans, frowning as he realized that I really did mean it this time. After several more futile threats, he looked pathetic, confused, his dark eyes staring hard at me. He didn't know what to do, what to say, as I poured the coffee and sat at the table. Standing next to me, he pulled his penis out again, offering his bulbous glans to my mouth as I turned to face him.

  "Put it away!" I stormed.

  "You'll suck me to orgasm, Jane, otherwise..."

  "Den, please get it into your thick skull - it's over!"

  "But Mat..."

  "But Mat nothing. I don't care any more', I've had enough."

  The front door slamming shut, Den slipped his penis into his jeans. Mat had hardly had time to go to the post-box! But, realizing that the game might well be over, he obviously didn't think of that as he walked anxiously into the kitchen.

  "Den, let's go through to the dining room," he suggested, his brown eyes mirroring more than a hint of confusion.

  "Er... Yes, right."

  "You were quick!" I teased. "You couldn't have gone to the post-box and back that quickly."

  "Er... No, I... I forgot that I'd posted the letters earlier."

  "Panic over, then. I'll be in the garden if you need me," I smiled innocently, taking my coffee and wandering out onto the patio.

  Once they'd gone into the dining room, I slipped back into the house and loitered in the hall. Den was saying that he'd done his best and Mat was cursing me. They were behaving like schoolboys who'd just lost their football over the fence. Blaming each other, I thought it was going to end up in an almighty row.

  "Let's calm down," Mat finally said. "We've still got the video tape. There's no way she'll want her mother seeing it, so..."

  "I'm not so sure," Den broke in pensively. "As you heard, she seemed pretty adamant."

  "I wonder why she's not worried any more? Do you reckon she has got someone else?"


  "If she plans to leave me, then... No, there's still the tape and her mother. It's been going so well, and now this! What the hell are we going to do, Den?"

  "Shit, I don't know!"

  "I know, I'll show her one of the photographs, the one with her on the lawn flashing her fanny, perhaps. I'll say that it was posted to me, at my office."

  "What good will that do?"

  "It'll be a taster, Den. Believing that you've sent me that photo, she'll be fearful of you sending me the others - and the video tape."

  "It might work," Den sighed.

  "It will work! She'll realize that you mean business. If you threaten to send the photographs and the tape to her mother, she'll have no choice other than to allow you to fuck her."

  The crafty bastards were sunk, thrashing about in the waves of the cruel sea, trying to cling to the wreckage of their evil plan. My hand up my short skirt, toying with my outer lips, I recalled
the sex I'd had to endure, wondering what I'd do now that it was all over. Lisa? I pondered. I'd enjoyed sex with her, but it had been wrong - I wasn't a lesbian. Or was I? I still didn't know what I was or what I wanted.

  "Tomorrow morning's plan is out of the bloody window," Mat sighed despondently. "I've arranged to have a couple of hours off and..."

  "Look, I'll try the mother angle. I'll go and tell her that you're on the phone and I'm in the garden to give you some privacy. I'll tell her that I'll send a copy of the tape to her mother unless she plays the game and sucks me off."

  "All right. Tell her that I'll be on the phone for some time, business or something."


  Dashing out onto the patio, I sat down and waited for Den to join me. Mat would no doubt be spying out of the dining room window, hoping to get his kicks from watching Den fucking my mouth, but he was in for a great disappointment! A plan formulating in my mind as my would-be blackmailer emerged from the house, I grinned amiably at him.

  "Finished already?" I asked.

  "No, Mat's on the phone. He'll be some time - time enough for me to come in your mouth."

  "Den, I've told you..."

  "Then I'll send a copy of the video tape to your mother. I'll post it first thing in the morning."

  "And I'll phone her and tell her not to open it. I'll say that it's a present for Mat and I had to have it sent to her place in case he saw it. I'll drive over and pick it up."

  "In that case, I'll drive to her house and drop all the photographs and the tape through her letterbox, no envelopes or packaging."

  "You are clever," I smiled. "But not clever enough."

  "We're wasting time, Jane," he whispered angrily, taking his erect penis out yet again. "Come on, bitch - suck it!"

  Rising to my feet, I wandered down the garden, leaving Den with his cock trying to fly his jeans, his face frowning. I glimpsed Mat at the dining room window as I turned and pretended to look at a flower border. The pair of them had failed miserably! I reflected. But if my poor mother were to see the evidence... I hadn't won yet, I knew only too well.

  I became aware of another battle raging - my insatiable clitoris calling for intimate attention. The sight of Den's purple knob, the thought of his sperm bathing my tongue, had turned me on frighteningly. With horror, I realized that even if I put an end to the sex I'd be cutting off my nose to spite my face.

  The only partner I'd be left with was Mat, and I didn't want him. I'd have no one to satisfy my progressively increasing thirst for sex. There was Lisa, of course, but... No, I didn't want a lesbian relationship. I had to resist, to deny my craving for her fresh body, her beautiful cunt. Besides, she was a lying bitch!

  Wondering what plans Den and Mat had made for the morning, I smiled sweetly as Den wandered across the lawn and stood fidgeting beside me. "I'll drive over to your mother's now," he threatened. "I can be there in an hour or so."

  "Den, listen to me. I'll have sex with you as and when you want it, but..."

  "There are no buts. It's all or nothing."

  "Listen! As I told you, I'm leaving Mat for another man. I don't care whether you believe me or not, I'm leaving him. We'll have sex, but not when Mat's around."

  "He's on the phone, so you have time to suck..."

  "No, not when he's around. Tomorrow morning, I'll ring him at work. If he's there, then I'll be sure to have at least an hour alone. It takes him a good hour to drive home, so..."


  "Take it or leave it, Den."

  "OK," he sighed. "Let me know when you've phoned him."

  "Go back into the house and I'll join you shortly."

  Now what would the evil pair come up with? I wondered as Den mooched across the lawn with his hands in his pockets. Would he tell Mat about my offer? Surely Mat got his kicks from watching another man sexually abuse me? How would he react knowing that I was having sex while he was at work? A voyeur is only a voyeur when spying, watching others fucking. If Mat was never around he couldn't use the hole in the fence or fuck my bottom while I was blindfolded. No doubt they'd come up with some plan or other but, for the time being, I felt that I was winning.

  Returning to the house, I crept into the kitchen, listening intently as they chatted in the dining room. Mat was still cursing and complaining while Den was coming up with one crazy plan after another. Again wondering why Mat had treated me like this, why he'd wanted to watch me enduring sex with another man, I thought about Lisa.

  Had she had sex with Mat? A tart like that would undoubtedly enjoy any man's cock up her cunt, and the way Mat had behaved, he'd have had no qualms about fucking her. Perhaps Den had come up with the same idea as me, I mused. Perhaps he'd sent her round to see me because she was his double agent. But she'd seemed genuine enough when we'd been in bed together - genuinely loving and lusting. My thoughts were muddled. She was no more innocent than Den or Mat!

  Picturing the girl's alluring cunt, I pondered on shaving my pubic hairs, removing my downy cunny fleece. Mat would believe that Den had forced me to do it. I'd say that I'd done it because I preferred it that way, hairless, smooth, naked - like Lisa. I might even mark my breasts, spank my milky mammary spheres with a thin cane and Mat would believe that Den had done it. Den would deny it and Mat would become suspicious.

  I'd feed Lisa false information, tell her that Den had forced me to endure anal sex with six men. I'd say that I'd had three men at once, in my mouth, my bum and my cunt - and discover whether her allegiance was true or false. If she really was the lying bitch I believed her to be, my claims of dreadful sexual abuse would get back to Mat.

  But, whatever I did or didn't plan to do, the thought of Mat treating me the despicable way he had wouldn't leave my mind. In pursuing his perverse sexual gratification, he'd put me through a living hell. He'd never shown signs of perversity in the past, never talked about anal sex, bondage, buttock whipping... When had he changed? I wondered. What had changed him?

  When Den finally left I ventured into the lounge to find Mat pouring himself a large scotch. As he lounged in his armchair, I sank onto the sofa, wondering what to say. He smiled at me, but there was confusion in his eyes. What would he say? What devilish plans had the evil pair conjured?

  "Had a good day?" he ventured.

  "Not bad. Oh, I forgot to tell you, Lisa phoned earlier."

  "She phoned here?" He frowned, leaning forward in his chair.

  "Yes, she's coming over for coffee tomorrow morning."

  "Coffee? But..."

  "But what? I thought it rather nice of her to ring me. We'll spend some time together, get to know each other."

  "Is Den coming with her?"

  "Den? Why would he want to come with her?"

  "I just thought... As they're friends, I thought he might come with her."

  "No, Lisa's coming on her own. We're going to have a chat, you know, woman to woman - girl talk."

  "Does he know?"

  "I have no idea. What is it, Mat? What's the matter?"

  "Nothing, nothing. Er... I'm just nipping over to Den's. I forgot to ask him something."

  "OK. Well, I think I'll go up to bed. I could do with an early night."

  "Right, I'll see you later."

  Grinning as he scrambled from the room, I was sure that I was now way out in front, winning point after point. Knowledge is power, I reflected. Now I knew who my adversaries were, I could fight them. Was Lisa an adversary or an ally? I didn't know, but I'd soon find out. I debated whether to ring her, feed her some false information and see where it popped up. But no, not yet, I decided.

  Grabbing the ringing phone, I was surprised to hear her. "It's funny that you should phone, I was just thinking about ringing you," I chuckled.

  "Den's just phoned me," she said. Her voice was cold, hard, accusing. "Did you tell him that I'm coming round for coffee tomorrow morning?"

  "You're not, are you?"

  "No, but did you say that I was?"

  "Why would I say that?
Why would I say that you're coming round if you're not?"

  "I don't know. He went apeshit, started yelling at me."

  "Why? I don't understand."

  "I suppose, after all that's happened, he doesn't like the idea of me seeing you without him."

  "I don't know what he's playing at now, but I can assure you that I've said nothing to him about you, Lisa. I haven't even seen him, let alone talked to him."

  "What about your husband? Did you say anything to him? He might have mentioned it to Den."

  "I haven't talked to Mat about you. Lisa, are you sure that you don't know who Den's friend is, the man he brought round here?"

  "No, I don't know him. I wonder why Den thinks that I'm going to see you tomorrow?"

  "He's up to his tricks again. I wouldn't trust him, Lisa. The best thing is to ignore him."

  "Yes, I suppose you're right. Oh, there's the doorbell. I'll... I'll call you tomorrow."

  "That'll be nice, I'll look forward to it."

  "OK, bye."

  The ball was rolling faster, picking up momentum. Mat had told Den, Den had rung Lisa... I was almost beginning to enjoy the fun and games, but the terrible things Mat had done to me weighed heavy on my mind. I'd never forget, let alone forgive. But I had to keep my wits about me, not dwell on the past. Look forward, plan ahead.

  As Mat breezed into the room, I looked up, smiling sweetly. "You were quick, did you see Den?" I asked.

  "Yes, I did," he replied pensively. "Jane, Den's just told me that he's going out with Lisa tomorrow morning so I don't see how she can be coming to see you."

  "That's odd. Why would she say that she's... Oh, perhaps she's coming here, and then going next door to Den."

  "No, they're going out early, for the day."

  "How strange. Perhaps she forgot?"

  "She'd hardly forget that she'd arranged to go out with Den for the day."

  "No, I suppose not."

  "Has she been to see you before?"

  "Yes, she came round before the weekend, I forgot to mention it to you."


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