Naked Lies

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Naked Lies Page 23

by Ray Gordon

  "Not naked again?" Mat asked incredulously as he appeared in the lounge clutching the note I'd left on the doormat.

  "Oh, Mat!"

  "God, now what's your excuse?"

  "I... I don't have an excuse, as you put it."

  "Explanation, then?"

  "Explanation? Mat, we're man and wife, not employer and employee, not master and slave! Why do I have to have an excuse or explain why I'm naked in my own house?"

  "Well, it's not normal."

  "Normal? I don't want to be normal, thank you. I'm quite happy being myself."

  "How many men continually come home to find their wives naked?"

  "I have no idea. Anyway, I would imagine that most men would be delighted, not annoyed."

  "I passed John as I was driving up to the house. Has he been round?"

  "Yes, he called in to see me."

  "What for?"

  "Because he was passing."

  "I hope you weren't naked when he was here."

  "Of course I wasn't."

  "He was just passing? He must have wanted something, Jane."

  "Why? He's called in to see me before when he's been passing."

  "You've never told me."

  "You've never asked. I am allowed to have visitors, aren't I?"

  "Well, yes, but..."

  "Den calls round for coffee, as do Lisa and Carole. John pops in on the odd occasion to see me... What's your problem?"

  "Nothing, nothing."

  "What are you doing home in the middle of the day?"

  "I was passing."

  "Everyone seems to be passing."

  As he answered his mobile phone, I gathered my skirt and blouse and bounded upstairs to the bathroom. Locking the door, I stepped into the shower and washed my curvaceous body - my weapon. I ignored Mat as he hammered on the bathroom door and called out that he was going back to work. I wasn't interested in Mat, I had the evening - Ian's magnificent penis - to look forward to.

  No one would know where I was or who I was with. Suspicion, confusion, anger, hatred, jealousy... Mat was seething with a lethal cocktail of hurtful emotions. He'd used and abused me, and now it was my turn! Had he read the note yet?

  Chapter Thirteen

  Lisa came round after lunch, her ebony tresses shining, her succulent red lips glossed, alluring. She was more attractive than ever, and I longed for her naked body, her youthful cunt gaping over my thirsty mouth. Was she wet? I wondered, leading her into the lounge. Was her clitoris ripe for sucking?

  "Are you doing anything this evening?" she asked, plonking herself on the sofa, her red microskirt riding up her delicious thighs.

  "I'm going out with a friend," I replied as I stood before her, gazing at her breast buds pressing against her tight blouse.

  "Anywhere nice?"

  "I'm not sure where we're going yet."

  "That's a shame, I was hoping we could spend some time together."

  "There'll be other times, Lisa."

  "Yes, but... Oh, I don't know. Sitting in my flat night after night, I get bored. I don't suppose I could come along?"

  "Er... I don't know."

  "I'd really like to go out somewhere."

  I gazed into the dark pools of her eyes. What could my intuition tell me? Wringing her hands, she seemed different, nervy, uneasy. She was obviously trying to wheedle her way in, but I wasn't sure why. Perhaps she was still in league with Den? No one knew that I was meeting Ian and his friends, but Den might have got at Lisa, despatched her to discover my movements, my plans.

  "We can spend some time together now," I smiled.

  "Yes, but it's the evenings... I get so bored and lonely. Who are you going out with?"

  "No one you know."

  "I wouldn't be in the way, Jane. If you let me tag along I'll..."

  "I don't know, let me think about it. Are you wearing panties?"

  "No, I never wear them. Are you?"

  "No, I'm not. Lisa, there's something I'd like to do. I have this fantasy where you're bending over the back of the armchair and... Well..."

  "You are naughty!" she giggled. "What happens when I'm over the chair?"

  "You're tied down with rope, your pussy bulging between your lovely thighs. I lick you, finger you and make you come."

  "What else do you do to me?"

  "Finger your bottom and your cunt at the same time. You writhe and cry out when you come and then I drink the delicious cream from your dripping pussy."

  "Go and get some rope!" she giggled, leaping to her feet and slipping her blouse off. "Your fantasy is about to come true!"

  My cunt starting to irrigate in excited anticipation, I dashed into the kitchen. Rope - I didn't have any. I should organize myself, I reflected. A hiding place to keep rope, whips, handcuffs, Vaseline, candles... Recalling kicking some lengths of rope beneath the sofa when Mat had come home unexpectedly, I opened the fridge door. Taking a cucumber from the shelf, I cut it in half. "That'll do nicely," I breathed, my mind brimming with wicked thoughts.

  Returning to the lounge to find Lisa's lithesome, naked body over the back of the chair, her rounded buttocks projected, her hairless labia swelling below the melons of her youthful bottom, I placed the two halves of cucumber on the floor and grabbed the rope from beneath the sofa.

  "I feel really horny," Lisa breathed as I tied the ropes to her wrists and ankles, securing her in the lewd position.

  "So do I!" I giggled. "You have a lovely cunt. If only you could see your love lips, your open crack, your pink inner flesh. Mmm, very alluring."

  "God, your words alone make me want to come! Talk dirty to me."

  "I'll tell you what I can see," I murmured, kneeling behind her. "Two perfectly formed cushions of hairless, fleshy lips. They're smooth, soft, unblemished. Nestling between them, your inner lips are wet, curled like the open petals of a pink flower. And between your inner lips I can just see the entrance to your vagina, your girl juice oozing from your cunt. Where your outer lips fuse, there's a small bridge of skin running up to the brown eye of your bottom-hole. At the other end of your crack, your clitoris is peeping at me, looking at me from beneath its little pink bonnet, begging to be licked."

  "What are you going to do to me, to my cunt?" she asked eagerly.

  "I'm going to push my tongue into your cunt and taste your milk. But first, I'm going to push a cucumber into you, just to excite you, to wet you more."

  Taking the fruit from the floor, I pressed the cut-off end between her fleshy sex pads and gently twisted and pushed until it slipped deep into her tight sheath. Gasping, she wiggled her hips, her outer lips stretching tautly around the green shaft as I pushed it fully home. Taking the other half of the phallus, I pressed the thin end against her anal portal, pushing and twisting until the rounded end slipped into her tight hole.

  "What's that?" she cried as the shaft slid into her rectal sheath, stretching her delicate brown tissue. "Jane, take it out!"

  "It's all right," I chuckled. "Just relax and enjoy it."

  "No, it's too big!"

  "Of course it's not! There, it's almost in. You look lovely with both your holes forced open. You should see it!"

  "Please, don't push it in any further!"

  "Now the little bridge of skin between your holes has almost gone, the cucumbers virtually touching each other. Your pussy lips now form a perfect circle around the cucumber. You really do look beautiful."

  "God, it feels... it feels heavenly!"

  "I knew you'd like it. OK, wait there while I go and get something."

  "What? What are you going to get?"

  "You'll see."

  Scurrying into the garden, my lust juices coursing down my inner thighs, my clitoris crying out for my caressing fingers, I grabbed a thin bamboo cane from a flower border. In the kitchen, cleaning the mud off the cane, I felt a cloud of evil engulf me, as if I were possessed by the devil himself. Would Lisa enjoy the thrashing of her life? I mused, returning to the lounge. Whether she enjoyed it or n
ot didn't matter, I knew I would! Was I the devil's daughter?

  "What have you got?" she gasped as I stood behind the naked melons of her bottom and eased the cucumber deeper into her tight rectal duct.

  "You'll see," I breathed huskily, leaving an inch of the fruit protruding between her rounded buttocks, nestling in her anal crease.

  Bringing the cane down with a loud crack, I chuckled as her naked body jolted, her bottom bucking to meet its instrument of torture. "No!" she screamed as I brought the cane down again, lashing her pale orbs. "Jane, please!" Again, I landed the cane squarely across her tensed melons, watching the thin, pink weals forming, fanning out across her quivering skin. "Why are you doing this?" she screamed. Halting the thrashing, I ran my fingertips over her taut buttocks, moving down and caressing her open sex valley beneath the cucumber protruding from her bloated cunt.

  "You're still in league with Den, aren't you?" I asked, rubbing her swollen clitoris.

  "No, of course I'm not!" she sobbed.

  "I'll thrash the truth out of you, Lisa. You might as well own up and save yourself from..."

  "I am not in league with Den!"

  "It seems odd that you want to know where I'm going this evening, who I'm going with. And odder still that you want to come along. I suppose your plan was to discover where I'm going, and who with, so that you could tell Den."

  "No! Why would I want to do that?"

  "You tell me."

  "That wasn't my plan! I just wanted to be with you because... I've had nothing to do with Den since..."

  "You're lying, Lisa. Lying little girls deserve a good thrashing."

  "Please, I'm not lying!"

  "I'll cane your bottom until you tell the truth!"

  Resuming the thrashing, I watched gleefully as her buttocks turned a fire-red. The glistening cucumber shooting out of her cunt like a bullet as her muscles tightened, I didn't stop, bringing the bamboo cane down again and again with deafening cracks. Ignoring her screamed protests, her pleas for mercy, I continued to lash her burning buttocks until my arm ached.

  "You'll have some more in a minute," I hissed, dropping the cane to the floor and rubbing my arm.

  "Jane, please!" she sobbed. "I'm not in league with Den!"

  "Who was the man Den brought here?"

  "I don't know. You've asked me before and I've told you, I know nothing about another man."

  "You don't seem to know much. Considering that you're Den's accomplice, you don't know much at all."

  "I am not his accomplice!"

  "I really thought we had something together, Lisa. I thought that we might even end up together, living together as a couple."

  "That's what I wanted, too."

  "Then why ruin it?"

  "I did not ruin it!"

  I was a damned good liar, and so was Mat - but Lisa? She was too inexperienced to lie. But I had to be sure. I wasn't going to be taken in, to be made a fool of by the girl. Another twenty or so cracks of the cane across her scarlet buttocks, and I might believe her.

  Retrieving the cane I resumed the gruelling thrashing, landing one stinging blow after another across her bucking bottom orbs. She screamed and screamed, begged for me to stop, offered me anything and everything in return for her freedom - but I continued the beating until the cane snapped in two. The cucumber gliding out of her anal duct as her muscles spasmed, I focused on her inflamed holes, her sex milk streaming from her gaping cunt.

  Kneeling behind the sobbing girl, I licked the full length of her yawning cunt slit, lapping up her flowing honeydew, drinking from her burning duct. The squelching and lapping sounds of lesbian lust filled the room. I wanted her tongue lapping between my swollen love lips, licking my pulsating clitoris. But there was plenty of time for her to reciprocate, I reflected.

  Parting her outer sex lips, I pressed my mouth against the hot, pink flesh forming a cone around her open hole and sucked out her juices. Her sobs becoming whimpers of pleasure, I decided to take her to orgasm, to lick and mouth on her clitoris and allow her some satisfaction after her thrashing. I might thrash her again, should the fancy take me.

  "That's nice!" she gasped as I parted her vaginal lips as wide as I could and sucked her swollen clitoris into my hot mouth. My nose almost up her cunt, I repeatedly swept my tongue over the sensitive tip of her pleasure button, taking her ever closer to her desperately needed release. "Don't stop!" she gasped, her lust juices flowing in torrents from her sex duct, flooding my face.

  Her orgasm finally erupting, her bottom bucking, her naked body shaking violently, she screamed out in her coming. Again and again I swept my tongue over her pulsating clitoris, sustaining her climax as her cunt milk spewed from her open hole and ran down my face in torrents. Her orgasmic juices spurting from her cunt like spunk jetting from a knob, never had I known such a copious flow of come. As she cried out, her orgasm obviously peaking, I drove a finger deep into her tight bottom-hole, taking her higher to her sexual heaven. "More, more!" she gasped as I pistoned my finger in and out of her spasming rectal sheath, her muscles gripping me like a vice. "Don't stop!"

  Repeatedly fingering her hot bottom-hole, I lapped at her throbbing clitoris until her trembling body began to calm. She was almost done, her orgasm gently relinquishing her sated body. Her climax finally over, I slid my mouth up to her open hole and sucked out her sex milk, swallowing her creamy offering as her body relaxed, leaving her serene.

  "Nice?" I asked, slipping my finger out of her hot anal sheath.

  "God, yes!" she breathed as I stood behind her, eyeing her crimson bottom cheeks, the spilled cunt milk streaming down her inner thighs. Another thrashing? I pondered. Or should I now have her attend my cunt, lick and suck my clitoris to orgasm?

  Slipping into the kitchen, I took a large wooden spoon from the drawer - the nearest thing I had to a paddle. Thrashing her with the convex side of the spoon would ensure that her beautiful bottom melons would glow red, burn all over. Wickeder and wickeder! In the lounge, I gazed at her rounded bottom globes, the thin weals. Her fiery melons were asking for more, I knew.

  "So, you say that you're not in league with Den?" I pursued.

  "Of course I'm not."

  "I have to be sure, Lisa. Ally or adversary, friend or foe - I have to know."

  "I've told you, I'm a friend."

  "I'll know one way or the other within a few minutes."

  "What do you mean? How will you know?"

  The first deafening slap of the spoon against her left buttock caused her to yelp like a dog. Again, she yelped and screamed as the spoon slapped her right cheek. Repeatedly slapping each crimson globe in turn, I didn't give into her cries and pleas for mercy. Her screams and beseeching only serving to drive me on, I continued the beating, delighting in my debauchery as every inch of her rounded melons glowed, burning like fire.

  "Christ, Jane!" she screamed as I whacked the backs of her shapely thighs as hard as I could. "Please, stop!"

  "I'll carry on unless you tell me the truth," I panted, halting the beating.

  "I have told you the truth!" she sobbed.

  "OK, I believe you now."

  "You should have believed me in the first place!" she returned as I released her trembling body and helped her to her feet.

  "I had to be one hundred percent sure."

  "God, my bum really hurts!"

  "Here, come and rest on the sofa."

  "I don't think I'll ever be able to sit down again!" she moaned as she gingerly lowered her naked buttocks and reclined on the sofa, tears flooding down her flushed cheeks as she looked up at me. "You're horrible!"

  "And you're beautiful. Now, stop complaining and rest."

  As I grabbed the ropes and cucumbers, I wondered whether to allow Lisa to join me that evening. Would I mind sharing her, her beautiful cunt? I didn't know. Hiding the ropes in the kitchen drawer and tossing the cucumbers into the bin, I suddenly had an idea and dashed back into the lounge.

  "Lisa, I want you to ring Den," I
said, placing the phone next to her.

  "What for?"

  "Tell him that you've been to see me and..."

  "I haven't spoken to him for ages, Jane. I don't want to get involved in whatever it is you're doing."

  "You are involved, like it or not."

  "What about your husband?"

  "Mat? What about him?"

  "You said that we might live together, as a couple."

  "Oh, that. It's early days, Lisa. I have no plans, I don't know what to do about Mat, or Den."

  "Come and live with me."

  "No, I don't want to live in a flat. Look, ring Den and tell him that you want to join him again, join in with the blackmail and sex."

  "All right, but..."

  "There are no buts. I reckon that he'll ask you to find out where I'm going this evening. Tell him that you'll get back to him after you've spoken to me. Dial one four one first, I don't want him to know that you rang from here."


  Eyeing her firm breasts, her succulent nipples as she rang Den, I pondered on my plan. If Lisa rang Den back later and told him that I was meeting one of the college men at a pub, he'd tell Mat and... and what? My crazy plans never seemed to go anywhere, apart from causing confusion.

  "Den, it's Lisa," the sex-kitten purred. "Yes, I know. Look, I want to become involved again. I can change my mind, can't I? Yes, I do need money. Jane? What, this evening? OK, I'll ring her and find out. By the way, she asked about a man you took to her house. Who was it? Don't tell me, then. OK, I'll ring you back later."

  Replacing the receiver she looked up at me, a slight grin furling her full red lips. At least I was now sure that she knew nothing about Mat's involvement. "He seemed to believe me," she sighed. "He wants me to find out what you're up to, where you're going and who with."

  "Good. We'll wait for ten minutes and then you can ring him back. Tell him that I'm going to meet the college men and..."

  "Who are the college men?"

  "It doesn't matter who they are. Tell him that I'm meeting them on the common, Broadridge Common, at eight o'clock."

  "OK, but I don't see the point."

  "Neither do I, yet. You'd better dress in case Mat makes one of his untimely appearances. I'll go and make some coffee."


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