Insufferable Proximity 2

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Insufferable Proximity 2 Page 6

by Stefani, Z.

  When he sat back down next to her, she grabbed his hand. She pulled it up to her mouth and slowly took one of his fingers between her lips. She gently sucked the tip into her mouth before sliding her tongue across the tip.

  Julian had never been so aroused in his entire life. The feeling of her warm mouth sucking on the tip of his finger erected his penis like the Statue of Liberty.

  “Stop.” Julian tried to pull his hand away.

  “Why?” she asked.

  Her breath against his finger was almost his undoing.

  “You need to rest,” he answered with deep regret.

  “But I want to touch you, and I want you to touch me.”

  “You have a head injury, Heaven; we need to wait. Just a little longer. Trust me, this is killing me too.”

  She slid his hand down her chin and to her chest. He tried to pull away, but he felt powerless as his hand neared her vagina. It felt like a magnetic pull and the more he resisted, the harder it pulled.

  “Please?” she whispered as her hazel eyes locked on his.

  Her voice sounded like a siren to him. He was having difficulty resisting.

  “No, you need to rest.” He finally pulled his hand away.

  “Where are you going?” she asked as he stood up.

  “Bathroom, I’ll be right back,” he answered before speed-walking to the bathroom.

  He stood before the sink, turned on the cold water, and splashed his face a few times, hoping it would help. He dried himself off and looked in the mirror. The cold water had helped a bit, but he knew that eventually it wouldn’t be enough. He took a deep breath and reminded himself that she was injured. He reminded himself repeatedly before he finally walked back into the room.

  “Are you all right?” she asked as he came close.

  “Yes, I’m fine.” He jumped into the bed next to her and pulled her close. “Let’s get some rest.”

  Heaven laid her head against his chest. She felt safe, content and aroused. She had never felt so close to another human being in her life as she did Julian. She wanted it to be like this forever; she never wanted to let him go.

  “I want to apologize for being such a bitch to you. I’d also like to apologize in advance for any meanness I may project in the future.” She grinned.

  “I like it when you’re mean,” he smirked in return. He could tell that her medicine was beginning to kick in.

  “I really want to apologize for breaking into your office. That was low, even for me.”

  “I’m glad that you broke into my office. This thing between us may have taken years to get where it is now if not for that.”

  “You think we would have eventually gotten together, regardless?” she was shocked to hear that.

  “Not at the time, but I do now. We’re too perfectly suited for our hate to have lasted forever.”

  “I like that, it almost sounds like destiny.” She smiled to herself. She was never the whimsical type of girl who believed in karma or destiny; she believed in fact and logic. Now, destiny seemed less ludicrous and more appealing.

  “You call it destiny; I call it lack of control. It was just a matter of time before I lost control and locked you in my office. Now that I know how your body reacts to me, I know that you would have eventually succumbed.”

  “I can’t believe you still wanted to have sex with me after all those years of fighting.”

  “Not just sex. After all that fighting, I wanted to fuck you raw and beat your ass. After each fight, I’d spend hours fixated on what I wanted to do to you.” His words stimulated both of them. He felt his cock stand at attention, and Heaven felt the moisture spread across her sex.

  “That sounds good,” she purred. She slid her hand down to his penis, and he flinched at the overwhelming sensation.

  “Not now.”

  “I feel better.”

  “No baby, your body can’t handle what I want to give it.” He kissed her forehead as he removed her hand. “Trust me.”


  The next morning Heaven woke to find Julian sitting on the bed next to her. With her brain still a little foggy from sleep, she abruptly sat up and moved closer to him. Julian went one step further and pulled her onto his lap. With her legs partly wrapped around him, she leaned her head against his wide chest. It was becoming her favorite place in the world.

  “Another bad dream?” he asked as he rubbed her back.

  “Yes, but not as bad as the last one. Let’s stay like this all day,” she laid a kiss on his chest, “I don’t want to move.”

  “Good idea,” he said as he kissed the side of her forehead. “How do you feel?”

  “Better; my head doesn’t hurt as bad.”

  “Good,” he said as he ran his hand down her back.

  “I am starving though.” She sat up and the strap of her tank top fell down, exposing the top of her plump breast.

  The simple act hit Julian like a cannon to his cock. The image was erotic, and he knew what treasures lay beneath that tank top. He needed to slide that strap back in place before he snapped and pulled her top off. It would only escalate from there.

  You should be trying to protect her, not trying to fuck her, he cursed himself for his lack of self-control as he quickly slid the strap back in place.

  His plan might have actually worked if his finger hadn’t brushed her skin. Now his erection was increasing at a rapid pace. Try as he might, he couldn’t remove his hand from her shoulder. Her soft, supple skin was like quicksand, pulling him in deeper. He wanted to pull her top down; he wanted to see her breasts. However, he knew where that would lead.

  Curse you for your weakness! he mentally chastised himself. If he weren’t so weak, he would at least be able to have a taste to hold him over. But, you know where that taste will lead.

  He stood up and gently placed her back on the bed. He needed to put a little space between them before he did something that would make her health worse.

  “I’ll call down to the kitchen for food.”

  “Are you all right?” she questioned, noticing his strange behavior.

  “Yes, I’m fine.”

  “You’re not acting fine.”

  “I’m fine. The last thing you need is an upset stomach to accompany your injuries.” He quickly changed the subject before he called down to the kitchen

  Although he was right, Heaven was still surprised by how quickly his mood had changed. She looked at him suspiciously, wondering what was going on in that head of his. If her head weren’t hurting, she would delve deeper into his shifty moods.

  She watched him grab one of the pills from the bottle and walk towards her. She opened her mouth as he put the pill on her tongue, but she couldn’t resist tasting his skin and quickly curled her tongue to touch his finger. He quickly pulled his hand back and handed her a glass of water.

  He sat down and fed her the thick soup.

  “At least it’s not chicken water.” She grinned.

  After she finished eating, he rolled the tray and sat it outside the bedroom door.

  “I’m stuffed; I can’t eat another bite.” She lay back on the bed, holding her stomach. “We should take a walk together in the backyard.”

  “No, I want you to rest.”

  She frowned. “But I just woke up; I’m well-rested.”

  “You don’t have to go to sleep, but I want you to rest.”

  “So, I’ll rest now and then later we can go for a walk.”

  “No, later you will be resting.”

  “I’ve been resting for days.”

  “Then a few more won’t hurt.”

  “Look here, Mr. King, I will not be spending the next week resting in this bed. I promised to take it easy, but I never agreed to play the undead while bound to a bed.”

  “You’re not bound to the bed, but if you keep this up, I will tie you to it.” He winked before lightly kissing her pouty lips.

  She wanted to object and argue, but the tingling sensation that shot from her lips to
the center of her clit prevented it. That small kiss affected both sets of her lips and instantly mellowed her mood.

  “That might make things a little more interesting,” she whispered as she slid her small foot up his thigh.

  “That’s enough; I mean it, I want you to rest.” He covered her small foot with his large hand. He needed to prevent her foot from reaching his cock. If it did, he would immediately react in an unbefitting manner.


  “Just for a little while.” He put his finger over her lips.

  She removed his hand. “There is no way I’m going back to sleep. I’ve literally slept for days.”

  “You don’t have to sleep, but I want you to rest your body until that medication kicks in.”

  “I need to go for a walk; I need to get some air. My legs are cramped.”

  “Soon. Once you’re fully healed, I will take you anywhere you want to go.”

  “My head is starting to feel better. I can’t wait to get out of this room for a little while. Honestly, I can’t wait to get back to work.”

  “Now that you mention it, we’re going to take a couple of weeks off from work.” He figured now was the perfect time to tell her.

  “No way, I can’t miss two weeks of work.” She tried to sit up, but he eased her back down.

  “You don’t have a choice, baby girl.”

  “That’s completely out of the question! I can’t afford to take two weeks off—I have bills.”

  “I’ll take care of those bills. You’re going to be my wife very soon; you can afford to quit your job and never work another day in your life. You are taking some time off.”

  “I refuse to take more than a week.”

  “No, Gavin’s trial starts in less than two weeks. In addition, you need at least a week or two to heal. Speaking of which, we need to postpone the wedding until you’re healthy. We’ll schedule it when things have settled down.”

  “You mean postpone it until Gavin is in prison?”

  “Yes, that’s exactly what I mean. Even though we’re postponing it, everything is still the same. You’re still moving in here.”

  “Speaking of which, I need to go get a few of my things,” she reminded him.

  “I had a moving crew go to your place and pack everything.

  “Everything?” she raised her brows nervously.

  “Everything. Your mother sent one of her girls to oversee.”

  “Which girl?” Her eyes grew wide with worry. “Who did she send? Maude?”

  “Yes, she said that was the only person you’ll allow in your place besides family.”

  “Yes, only my mother, my aunt or Maude. And you of course.”

  “I want you to sell your house.” He looked her straight in the eyes, wanting her to know how serious he was.

  She shook her head. “No, that’s out of the question.”

  “You’re never moving back there, and you’re never moving out of this house.”

  “I know, but knowing I still have a house puts me at ease. It gives me a sense of security.”

  “You’re selling it. I am the only security that you need.”

  “I don’t want to sell my house,” she refused.

  “Fine, then sell it to me. I’ll give you ten times the market value.”

  “Doesn’t that defeat the purpose?” She raised her brow with a grin.

  “You not selling it will defeat the purpose. You already have a house—this is your house—end of debate.”

  “We’ll discuss this later when my head isn’t hurting, she replied with a frown.


  When Heaven fell asleep, Julian called his cousin Royce.

  “It’s worse than I suspected,” Royce told him.

  “I was afraid of that.”

  “Gavin Grant did a number on the security system.”

  “How bad is it?”

  “He disabled all the security cameras. He used a code that Fritz’s son can’t even break. He cut the wires to the main security system, but we fixed that. We called the phone company; they will be here in the morning to fix the severed phone lines. They’re also going to assign you with a new phone number.”

  “Thank you for your help.”

  “You never have to thank me…we’re family.”

  “I’m just going to spend a couple more days with Heaven, and then I’ll be there to help.”

  “Take your time; we’ll be steadily working on it.”

  Julian hung up the phone and went to sit on the side of the bed. He looked at Heaven and smiled. He knew he should be down there helping his family secure the house, but he couldn’t tear himself away from her. He was still thankful that she was safe, but he wasn’t ready to leave her.

  As he looked at Heaven, he noticed her strap had fallen down again. Not only had it fallen down her shoulder, the top half of her plump breast was exposed. He could see a sliver of her nipple and felt himself swaying towards her. As if in a mindless daze, he bent his head and kissed the top half of her exposed nipple.

  As his lips touched her silky skin, he felt his blood ignite. His lust was powerful enough to make him forget his oath to protect her. He wanted to ravish her; he wanted to taste, touch and kiss every inch of her body. He could see himself throwing her on the bed, ripping off her nightgown and sinking his cock deep inside of her.

  She’s injured, you sicko! She has a concussion! You’ve done some really low things, Julian, but ravishing Heaven while she’s injured is out of the question, he mentally chided himself. He pulled back as if her breast were covered with poison. He needed to run away from her; he needed to leave the room.

  “Julian?” Heaven asked as she sat up and rubbed her eyes.

  “Are you all right?” he asked as he went back towards the bed.

  “I was having a very strange dream.” As she moved the cover down, he saw the top half of her breasts. He saw her legs, and could almost feel her soft skin rubbing against him. He could see the indentation of her navel and felt his cock begin to do somersaults.

  “How about a bath?” he asked, using her trademark poker face. He couldn’t look at her in this state a moment longer.

  “A nice, hot, bubbly bath does sound delightful.” She tried to get off the bed, but Julian stopped her.

  “I’m feeling better and I can walk now,” she said as he gently picked her up.

  “Not yet…let’s give it a couple more days. The doctor said that rest was the best cure.” He carried her to the bathroom and deposited her on the settee.

  “I don’t think that the doctor meant for me to remain perfectly still for seven whole days.”

  “It’s not about what the doctor wants; it’s about what I want, and I want you to take it easy,” he replied as he kneeled before her. He began to help her take off her shirt.

  “You say take it easy, but what you really mean is that you want me to pretend that I’m a corpse.”

  “Exactly,” he agreed. He finished helping her undress, taking care not to look at her naked body. Then he carried her to the tub and sat her in the warm water.

  “Damn this feels good,” she sighed as she stretched. “You should get in with me.”

  “I took an extra shower last night.” Julian had to turn his head as her full breasts broke the surface, or he would be forced to take another ice-cold shower.


  “It was late.”

  “Why? We already bathed”

  “I’ll go get your clean clothes,” he answered as if he hadn’t heard her.

  While she bathed, Julian called down and asked his cousins to bring up the big-screen TV and the movies he’d ordered for them. When he was done, he walked back into the bathroom with her clean clothes.

  “My cousins are bringing something up, so I want you to stay in here until we’re done,” he informed her.

  “What are they bringing?”

  “You’ll see,” he teased before he left the bathroom. He made sure that the door was shut befor
e he went to let his cousins into the room.

  Heaven’s curiosity had gotten the best of her. She was out of the tub, dried off and dressed in record time. She was ready to open the bathroom door when Julian opened it from the other side.


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