Insufferable Proximity 2

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Insufferable Proximity 2 Page 15

by Stefani, Z.

  “I took a shower last night.”

  “We had lots of dirty, kinky sex last night,” she reminded him.

  “I know; that’s why I’m waiting until we get home. I love the way you smell on me.”


  “I’m kidding, I took one after we had sex. You’d already fallen asleep.”

  “Why didn’t you wake me up?”

  “If I woke you up, we would have had sex in the shower, and then again after we got out. That would have defeated the purpose.”

  “Touché,” she nodded in agreement.

  Julian walked into the bathroom, shaved and brushed his teeth. He grinned when he walked back in the room and saw Heaven tapping her foot.

  She narrowed her eyes. “If I’m late, I will never forgive you.”

  “Never?” he gasped sarcastically. He threw on his shirt and walked over to her. “Maybe if you show me your breasts, I can work a little faster.”

  “Stop it,” she shooed his hands away when he started to unbutton her shirt, “I’m going to wait for you in the car.”

  “No, you’re not,” he grabbed her arm and slapped her behind before motioning to the bed, “go sit down, I’ll be done in a minute.”

  She walked over to the bed while giving him a dirty look.

  “If you keep looking at me like that, I’ll beat your ass before we leave.” He grinned, but headed towards her when she rolled her eyes. “Roll your eyes at me again.”

  Heaven looked him directly in his eyes and rolled hers again. Julian grinned as he grabbed her, sat down on the bed and pulled her over his lap.

  “Stop, we’re going to be late,” she whined as she kicked her legs.

  “If you don’t stay still, I might accidentally rip your skirt. Then we’ll definitely be late.” He rubbed his hand across her behind before he lightly swatted it.

  “Ouch!” Heaven cried out dramatically.

  “I barely touched you.” He swatted her much harder, and she really cried out. “Now that one deserved a scream.”

  “Are you done yet, you sadistic—”

  “Not yet.” Unable to resist, he smacked her butt again. “Now I’m done.”

  He bent his head to kiss her butt, and slid the tips of his fingers up the backs of her legs.

  “Enough Julian,” Heaven pouted as she went up to her knees on the bed. “You’re going to get us both too worked up, and I will be so mad at you later if I’m late for work.”

  “Next time, don’t rush me. You know I can’t resist you when you’re pissed.” He lightly smacked her butt one last time before kissing her lips. “Have a seat; I’ll be done in a minute.”

  “I should be the one smacking you for making us late.” Heaven rolled her eyes as she got comfortable.

  “In your dreams, Princess.”

  She narrowed her eyes and stared at him through her thick lashes. “I would love to beat your ass.”

  “I bet you would,” he said, grinning widely.


  “I want to drive to work,” Heaven demanded.

  “No.” Julian refused to let her have her way.

  “I’m driving my own car.”

  “You take one step towards that car, and I’ll call the office to tell them we won’t be coming in today.”

  “I am not missing another day of work, Julian King.”

  “You won’t have a choice if you’re tied up in the basement,” he threatened, but the thought of a trip to the basement was oddly appealing to her. “I want you with me—I don’t want to take any chances.”

  “Gavin is in prison, not jail—prison. He can’t hurt us anymore,” she tried to reason with him.

  “Until you can prove that Gavin worked alone, you’re not leaving my side. Until I’m sure that there is no way Gavin Grant could escape from prison—you’re following my rules.”

  “You won’t believe that until he’s dead.”


  “You are such a rule-dealing tyrant. You’d use any situation to enforce more rules.”

  “Get in,” he tapped her butt, but she didn’t move.

  “If Gavin had an accomplice, don’t you think that accomplice would have been there to help him when he tried to kill us? We would have heard something by now. You have everyone you know still investigating what happened. You would know.”

  “Get in the car,” he demanded.


  “Say ‘no’ one more time to me…,” when she opened her mouth to object, he put his hand over her mouth and continued with his threat, “…I will bend you over that seat, yank up your skirt and then fuck you from behind for the next three hours.”

  Heaven stood there for a moment debating her options. It could be an all-out war that ended in sex, or she could go willingly.

  “Fine,” Heaven snapped as she got in the passenger’s seat.

  She knew by the look in his eye that he was serious and wouldn’t take ‘no’ for an answer. Besides, the more he talked, the more she wanted to take the day off. She was torn between arguing, sex and work. The thought of the basement was a little too delightful to ignore. If she continued arguing with him, she would be the one dragging him down to the basement. Despite her developing fantasy, she needed to get back to work and back into the swing of things.


  The King Law Firm was once again abuzz with the news of Gavin Grant now that Julian and Heaven had returned. Everyone had his or her own theory, analysis and opinion about the situation. Gavin’s little act of violence had shaken up the employees’ sense of security. Things were different now. Cliques were disbanded, trust was obliterated, and safety had become a luxury.

  “I’m glad Julian is back safe and sound. I still can’t believe Gavin tried to kill them,” Reese said.

  “I knew there was something wrong with that man, there was something in his eyes,” said Adele, Lila Strain’s secretary.

  “It’s always the quiet ones,” Reese, her fellow secretary added.

  “If you knew that something was wrong with him, then why were you constantly flirting with him?” Gloria asked Adele.

  “I did not flirt with Gavin,” Adele snapped.

  “Yes, you did…you flirt with everyone,” Reese added.

  “I do not.” Adele’s eyes widened as if they were accusing her of blatant lies.

  “Yes, you do,” Gloria protested.

  “Anyway, like I was saying, I knew there was something evil lurking inside of him. No one is that nice,” Adele continued.

  “Well, I for one never expected that from Gavin. I didn’t think that ass-kissing punk had enough courage to pull something so extreme,” Gloria admitted.

  “It’s always the quiet ones you have to watch out for,” Reese nodded her head with conviction.


  They were running late as Julian insisted they stop and get coffee. He didn’t want her to keep leaving her office for fresh coffee. Julian had his arm around Heaven’s shoulders as they headed to the elevator. Despite the crowd, his hand slid down to rest on her hip.

  She didn’t care; she grinned as if to say ‘Let them look.’

  Julian squeezed her hip as they stepped out of the elevator. They walked to her office, ignoring the stares of the people around them.

  “Your office was moved right next to mine,” he said as he led her to her new office.

  “Hi, Sevigne!” her secretary smiled widely, “It’s so good to have you back!”

  “Thank you, it’s good to be back,” Heaven said, smiling as Julian led her into her new office.

  “Wow,” Heaven’s eyes grew wide at the sight, “it’s huge. It’s as big as yours.”

  Smiling as he shut the door behind them, Julian replied, “I think it’s bigger.”

  “It’s gorgeous, and I love it.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed his lips.

  “I love the fact that you’re so close to me.”

  “Right next door.”

  “I want you t
o relax today. Don’t go too far, and don’t leave your office. I have Fritz and Riley rechecking security.”

  “I’m not staying in my office all day.”

  “Then you’d better not leave this floor,” he warned her.

  “I won’t.” She had no intention of leaving; she was excited to be back at work.

  “And I want to know every time you leave your office.”

  “Okay.” She couldn’t stop the smile from spreading across her face. “Do you think Gavin escaped from prison and is waiting for me on another floor?”

  “That’s not funny.”

  “Or, maybe his mysterious accomplice is waiting to tackle me in the cafeteria,” she snickered.

  “I’m going to finish some work, and then I will be in to see you,” Julian said with a frown before he lightly kissed her lips. It wasn’t a joking matter; the thought of Gavin escaping paralyzed Julian with fear. He couldn’t keep his eyes on Heaven every second of the day, no matter how hard he tried. She was still too stubborn.

  “I want to go to the café for lunch,” she reminded him.

  “Wherever you want,” he shrugged before kissing her again.

  “Maybe we should just go home for lunch,” she suggested, and he smiled wolfishly.

  “I like that idea best. I’ll be back, but remember—don’t leave this floor, and call me if you need anything!” he finished.

  “I’m not leaving the floor, and I’ll call you if I need anything,” she repeated dramatically.

  He kissed her one last time before leaving her office. She had just turned to her desk when she saw his briefcase; grabbing it, she headed out the door.

  “Julian,” she called and ran over to him.

  Julian turned to her, and then stood in a trance in the middle of the hallway. He felt his cock grow to an ungodly size as he watched her run towards him. He looked around to see that a couple of the secretaries and the new guy were looking. Julian zoned in on the new guy and frowned. He was virtually drooling as he also watched Heaven’s breasts bounce. Julian unconsciously growled low in his throat.

  “You forgot your briefcase.” She smiled as she handed it to him. He took his briefcase and pulled her close to him.

  “Are you wearing a bra?” he whispered in her ear. Without her binding corsets, it was hard to tell.

  “Of course.” She was shocked by his question.

  “Don’t run like that again. Not here,” he pulled back to look at her, “but when I get you home, I’m going to make you run for hours,” he chuckled before he bent his head to kiss her. This wasn’t just a little peck—this was the real deal.

  He held the back of her neck as his tongue slipped between her lips. She didn’t fight him…she didn’t want to. It felt as if he were churning magic in her mouth, and it was spreading down her body.

  For one slight moment, they stood alone in the hallway. There were no secretaries or lawyers nearby; there was no sound, no light…there was only the two of them. His lips were soft for a second before he crushed his mouth against hers. As if it had just dawned on them that they would not be able to kiss or touch each other for the rest of the day, they deepened their kiss.

  He kissed her mouth as if he already missed it. His tongue went deeper, trying to get as much of her taste as he could. He knew that he needed to pull away before he changed his mind and dragged her back home. The way she was beginning to melt in his arms, he was sure she wouldn’t object. When he finally tore his lips from hers, she inhaled as if she hadn’t breathed in hours.

  Heaven couldn’t stop the smile from spreading across her face. She was never one for public displays of affection, but when Julian kissed her like that, none of that mattered.

  “I’m coming to see you soon. Really soon,” he whispered before he briefly kissed her lips again.

  She watched him walk into his office. She had no more than turned when she heard her name.

  “Ms. Deville?” Heaven turned to see Gloria coming towards her.

  “Hello, Ms. Gray.” Heaven had gained her composure before she turned around.

  “Oh please, call me Gloria. I’m sorry to bother you; I’m sure you’re anxious to get back to work. I just wanted to thank you for what you’ve done for me. I really appreciate it,” Gloria said with a bright smile full of sincerity.

  “For what?”

  “For talking to Mr. Baker, and asking him to keep me on as his secretary. I thought for sure that I’d be fired. I love this place, and I really didn’t want to leave.” Gloria’s eyes traveled over to Ian King for a moment before darting back towards Heaven.

  “You’re a good secretary, and good secretaries are hard to come by. I had no intention of letting you be punished for your former boss’s deeds. You weren’t going anywhere.” Heaven grinned with confidence. Luckily, Gloria’s employment at the firm was never up for debate. However, if it had been, Heaven would have gone to bat for her. There was no way she would let Gloria leave the firm.

  “I can never thank you enough.”

  “There is no need to thank me,” Heaven said with a sincerity that made Gloria’s smile widen.

  “We should do lunch one day,” Gloria dared to ask. Hell, it was worth a shot; who was she if she wasn’t taking chances?

  “That sounds like a good idea, we’ll talk soon,” said Heaven and smiled, before turning into her office.


  “Disgusting.” Lila Strain grimaced after watching Julian kiss Ms. Deville. She suddenly felt sick to her stomach. Juliette and Lila frowned in disgust as they watched Gloria Gray run down the hallway to speak to Ms. Deville.

  “When did they become friends?” Lila asked.

  “Who knows?” Juliette shrugged.

  “This is going to sound horrible, but too bad Gavin didn’t just kill the bitch,” Lila said to Juliette, her new faux best friend. She tried to make it sound like a joke, but her tone was a little too serious. They had bonded over their hatred for Heaven, and their mutual belief that Julian’s new relationship wouldn’t last. They were both fixated with Julian but for very different reasons.

  Lila longed for more of what she’d had, while Juliette desired what she could never get.

  “My sentiments exactly,” said Juliette, frowning in disappointment.

  “She really is evil, if anyone deserves it, it’s Ms. Deville,” the sneaky lawyer whispered.

  “I still don’t understand why Ayden would hire her in the first place,” Juliette scoffed.

  Lila raised her thin eyebrows. “Maybe she slept with him, too.”

  “It’s a possibility, she is very deceptive. All this time I thought she was a prude. Turns out she’s the biggest whore of them all,” Juliette muttered.

  “She must be; how else would she be able to get Julian King to settle down? Julian is like a robot that’s programmed only for sex. He never lets emotion get involved. I swear the man has no heart, and if he does, it’s small enough to fit in the head of his cock.”

  “He just needs the right woman in his life to change that,” Juliette said with a knowing smile on her face. Lila turned to look at Juliette as if she were dense.

  “Are you daft? That will never happen. The most you can hope for is for him not to get sick of you too quickly. After that—you’re gone with the morning trash, honey,” Lila said. She liked Juliette, since they shared a mutual hatred. However, it was their mutual love for the same man that would inevitably end their rocky relationship.


  Clive Baker sat in the passenger seat of his friend’s car. He was primping in the rearview mirror. He ran his finger through the tousled curl in the front of his hair; he’d just gotten his roots touched up, and his hair looked fabulous.

  “They did a damn good job with the color; it’s like silky gold.” He couldn’t take his eyes off himself.

  “That curl drives me crazy,” the woman driving the car purred.

  “I know.” Clive flashed his best grin. He was extremely particular about the tousled wave t
hat hung down the middle of his forehead. The curl had to be three-quarters of an inch longer than the rest of his hair. He didn’t want it too long, but it had to be long enough to notice.

  “I swear I could watch you get ready all day.” She slid her hand through her dark-brown hair. She’d kept her hair dark-brown because it turned Clive on.


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