Dixon (Stratham Shifters Book 6)

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Dixon (Stratham Shifters Book 6) Page 11

by Sarah J. Stone

  “I’ve got her, rest. She’s going to need you soon.”

  Dixon wasn’t happy, but he let go, anyway. Bac was right. She would need him to be strong. He stepped back and watched.

  “Little one, do something!”

  He held his breath waiting and wondered what would happen if Bac lost? Without a doubt, he would follow his mate through hell and back just to make sure she was safe.

  Finally, Melody must have done something because Bac tugged one last time and his beautiful mate was brought back through the portal. He didn’t get a chance to help before she was on her feet closing the golden framed door.

  She didn’t even notice him before she hit the ground.

  He rushed to her and lifted her lifeless body into his arms. She didn’t react to the movement. He sighed when he was able to hear her heart beating.

  “Take her inside,” Bac ordered.

  Dixon didn’t wait around to be told again. He sprinted back to the cabin and ran of the stairs. Somehow, he managed to open the door and he strode into the house laying his sweet mate on the couch. Her skin was pale and clammy. When he brushed his fingers across her forehead, it was warm.

  She didn’t move even when he took her boots of and tossed them on the floor or when he covered her with the blanket he pulled from the couch. With nothing to do, he paced, worried that she wouldn’t wake up again.

  ‘No, she will live.’

  Dixon prayed his beast was right. He couldn’t lose her now. Not when he’d just found her. She was the first person in his life to make him feel like he wasn’t worthless, and when he tore Oz apart she hadn’t turned away from him.

  His stomach protested with the thought of what he’d done as the beast, but he couldn’t worry about that now. He needed to focus on Melody and getting her to wake up.


  When Melody woke, she gasped as pain laced through her limbs. She peeled her eyes opened and stared at the ceiling. A dim light was on and she turned her head to see Dixon sitting in Bac’s chair.

  He smiled when her eyes met his. “You’re awake.”

  Her throat was sore, so she nodded. When she tried to sit up white lights danced in front of her and she figured it was best to keep lying down.

  “You’re okay?”



  “He’s been cleaning up outside since I brought you in. But, yes, he’s fine.”

  She nodded and let her eyes close. It felt like she’d been run over by a truck. She’d never been in this much pain. She felt Dixon watch her and knew she was safe. She shuddered when she thought of Sirk. He was determined to have her, but luckily, she had help on her side. She couldn’t help but let the sorrow of losing Webb wash over her. She had tried to save him too, but it was no use Oz had powers she didn’t know. She couldn’t fight against that without knowledge.

  “You should contact your sisters. They’re probably worried about you.”

  She opened her eyes again. She wasn’t looking forward to telling them what happened, but she nodded, anyway. “In a little while. I just need to rest for a bit longer.”

  “Take your time, sweetheart.” He came to her side kneeling beside the couch. He leaned in and brush her lips in a soft kiss. It comforted a part of her knowing he was there.

  “So, you shifted.”

  He laughed but he wasn’t happy. She frowned. He should be happy. He was finally able to let his beast free. They were one now. “Yeah, about that. I’m sorry.”

  “For what?”

  “I was violent.”

  He was still worried about that. “You were protecting me.”

  “You’re not mad—or disgusted?” He sat back on his heels watching her.

  “It wasn’t pretty, but no. Your lion is beautiful.”

  He kissed her again this time she tasted his relief. She slid her hand around his shoulder and gripped the back of his head holding him closer as she opened her mouth to him. This was what she needed. The closeness. At one point, she thought she had lost him. Her heart clenched worried it could still happen. This wasn’t over, no matter how calm things were now. Her uncle and Sirk would not let it go. It was only a matter of time until both of them had to be dealt with.

  His teeth nipped her bottom lip and she moaned. When he pulled back his eyes were dark and full of lust. “I can’t wait to get you home. I want to lock the doors and stay in bed for days.”

  Melody blushed. They’d only made love once, but she was looking forward to learning how to please him.

  Bac took that moment to come back inside and he smiled down at her. “How are you?”

  “I’m sore all over, but other than that I’m fine.”

  He nodded and glanced at Dixon. “Everything is as it should be out there. I’m not sure what to expect now, since the portal has opened so many times on my land.”

  Melody cringed. It was her fault he’d been brought into her troubles. She felt bad knowing he might be in danger. “I’m so sorry, maybe when I find Haven she can fix that. She’s good at that stuff.”

  “I’m sure it will be fine. I’m sure your uncle isn’t stupid enough to think you stayed here now. And I think it’s best if you two slip out as soon as possible. We don’t know who is coming next.”

  “Should I take her home?” Dixon asked.

  The big man seemed to think about it. “I don’t know if that’s a good idea, either. Maybe you should go to a hotel or something for a couple of days. Give Melody time to get in touch with her sisters. It’s their plan we’re following.”

  He was right. She needed to get to safety and talk to Haven—and Hanna. After what Webb said she was curious to know what it was he hadn’t lied about.”

  “We can go now. I’m okay.” She swung her legs from the couch and eased up. When she didn’t see the white flashes, she stood slowly. Dixon took her hand and steadied her. “I’m okay,” she repeated.

  She eased into a walk and took a few steps until she stood in front of Bac. “Thank you for all your help. We couldn’t have done it without you.” She lifted her hand and he knelt down so she could graze his cheek. “Don’t be a stranger now.”

  He nodded. Dixon disappeared down the hall to gather their things while she and Bac stood in comfortable silence. If anything, she gained more than she lost. She’d make sure Webb was okay, too. She couldn’t leave him alone, no matter what, but first she had to gather her wits. She’d never been a part of violence and it was taking its toll on her—mind and body.

  Chapter 16

  It was well after midnight before they left the warmth of Bac’s home and made it to the hotel. Melody sprawled next to Dixon and slowed her heart. She’d been nervous to leave, but in the end, it was better for them to go somewhere different.

  Now that everything had settled down she couldn’t fall asleep, and it was far too late to get in touch with her sisters. She had no idea what to do until she could call them. She was restless with worry and fatigue.

  Dixon pulled her to him and wrapped his arms around her. She sighed and enjoyed the silent comfort he gave her, but it was no use. She looked at him and licked her lips. There was one thing she knew could distract her from her worries.

  “Make love to me,” she whispered and knew she was blushing.

  When he went to respond she silenced him with a kiss and pressed her body to his. It didn’t take much convincing for him and he groaned when she licked the seam of his lips as he’d done to her before. It seemed like it had been way longer since they’d been able to relax and be close together. Heck, she hadn’t even gotten to enjoy their mating.

  She slid her tongue along his and shivered when he gripped her hair plundering his tongue deep inside her mouth. She moaned when he suckled her tongue.

  Dixon pulled back panting. She didn’t realize how easy it would be to turn him on.

  “Are you sure, sweetheart? I know you’re sore.”

  She nodded and kissed him again before pulling away. “Yes, please.”r />
  He chuckled but moved off the bed and removed all his clothes. When he stood in front of her she took her time exploring his toned body with her eyes. He was lightly tanned and built nicely. He wasn’t overly muscular, which in her opinion, was perfect. As her eyes traced lower the muscles in his abdomen tightened and she followed the thin line of hair down until she locked her gaze onto the most delicate part of his body. He would probably be offended if she voiced that out loud but that was the only way to describe it. It was large and hard pointing at her and she crawled toward the edge of the bed. She wanted to taste him and feel the skin on her tongue.

  Dixon seemed to know what she wanted, and he stood against the bed. She licked her lips and glanced up at him. He looked down at her with such love it was hard to believe he was hers.

  She blew a breath out along the head and he flexed. With one swipe of her tongue, she licked the moisture that had pooled over the slit. It was salty, but she didn’t mind.

  Taking a chance, she wrapped her lips around him and glided her tongue along the underside.

  Dixon entwined his hand in her hair and nudged her further, taking it slow. Soon, she was bobbing her head over him on her own. Each moment brought more of him into her mouth. She stretched her mouth so wide it ached. Pulling back, she gasped for breath and blushed.

  She wasn’t sure she was ready for that just yet. She had a feeling she had fun practicing though. “You’re too big,” she whispered, and felt ashamed that she had no experience. She’d never been like other females who always talked about exploring their sexuality. Melody never saw the point. She wanted to wait but now she wondered if maybe their plan hadn’t been so unwise.

  “Don’t worry ,sweetheart, I don’t expect you to do that, though, it felt amazing.”

  Her eyes shot to his to see if there was any sign of a lie, but she saw nothing. “Are you sure? I’m not experienced.”

  “I’m glad to be your first—and only. It makes it that much better.”

  She wasn’t sure she believed him, but kept her thoughts to herself. She didn’t want to ruin the moment. Her body ached to feel him inside of her again. Without a word she pulled her shirt over her head and dropped it on the floor. He licked his lips when he bare breast were revealed.

  He pushed on her shoulders and Melody took the hint and reclined back on the bed.


  When Melody opened her eyes again, the sun had already been up for hours. She glanced at the hotel clock and realized it was already well into the afternoon. She looked to Dixon lying next to her peacefully sleeping. His body was relaxed, and his face had lost every bit of tenseness he’d held when they first met.

  She thought of their lovemaking and smiled. Even though her body ached, it was a good pain. She sat up and looked down at her body. She was stiff and decided to take a shower before she called her sisters. It was time to figure out what to do next. With Oz out of the way and Sirk injured, she hoped they would have some time to regroup before anything else happened.

  She wanted more mornings like this. Waking up after a night of passion and seeing him sleeping by her side. There was nothing better than this. She slipped out of bed careful not to wake him and made her way to the shower.

  When the water was hot, she stepped in behind the curtain and sighed when the water ran over her body. She let her body relax under its warmth.

  When she felt the water temperature shift slightly she hurried and washed away everything that had happened in the last twenty-four hours. There was nothing she could do about it right now, and the sooner she was clean the sooner she could go home. She was anxious to get back to Dixon’s house. He’d said it was now their house, not just his, and she was thrilled to know she finally had a home.



  She ran through the fields again for the hundredth time in the last few days. The scent, something so unlike anything else she’d ever scented before called to her. All around her were trees. It reminded her of home. But that wasn’t what called to her. It was the scent of a male that seeped into her soul, bringing her back to this place over and over again.

  “No, not home any longer,” she whispered. She would never go back to Faerie unless she had to. Her place was in the human world, in the small town called Stratham. This was where she belonged whether he knew about it or not.

  Oh, no, she’d kept her distance. She watched him in all his sorrow that tugged at her heart, but she couldn’t go to him, not yet. He wasn’t ready for her, and as much as she wanted to wrap her arms around him and ease the tortured look in his eyes, she couldn’t.

  She ran along the path touching the trees and bushes along the way leaving a trail of her scent. That was the only thing she could do right now. She hoped soon the same man would forgive himself for whatever wrongs he’d committed so he could accept her.

  She knew he wasn’t human. And she knew he was some sort of shifter, but other than that, she knew nothing. He always came through these woods alone, and he always kept his eyes down, and her shoulders hunched. She could tell he wasn’t the most dominant man, but that didn’t bother Haven. She was dominant enough for the both of them.

  She nibbled her lip, wondering if he would be able to handle her independence and her desire to be in control. Not many in Faerie liked that about her. Most of the females were nothing like her, but she knew she didn’t have a submissive bone in her body.

  She touched the tree leaving one last touch of her hand before she ran out of those woods. She needed to go to her sister and find out exactly what happened. She knew it was something big, and it was something she hadn’t seen in his visions.

  That happened from time to time. The goddess didn’t always let her see what was to come. Haven had learned to accept her gift and use her visions as a path to discovery, not something that was set in stone. Though she was right about Melody’s mate. She was glad that had worked out. It was comforting to know her eldest sister wasn’t alone and that in itself made every lack of vision worth it. She didn’t need to know everything, anyway.


  Melody waited for Haven to show up. They’d talked for a few minutes, but nothing serious. She needed to see her first to fill her in on everything that happened.

  Dixon sat beside her in silence as if he sensed her need to have quiet. She appreciated that. His strong arm around her shoulder comforted her more than his words could for the time being.

  When someone knocked lightly on the door, she jumped up and ran toward it. She didn’t even look before she opened it to see Haven’s smiling face. She hadn’t realized how much she missed her sister until that moment. She let out a sob and pulled Haven into her arms.

  Haven hugged her, while at the same time pushing her into the room. Her sister whispered words of comfort to her and she let out all the tears she’d been holding in.

  When Haven pulled back, she gently wiped the tears away. “What’s wrong, Mel?”

  Melody pulled herself together and sniffled. “I just missed you so much.”

  Dixon cleared his throat and moved next to her holding out his hand. “I’m Dixon, Melody’s mate.”

  Haven smiled wide and ignored his hand before she pulled the larger man into a tight hug. “Welcome to the family.”

  He chuckled and moved back clearly uncomfortable with hugging a complete stranger, no matter who she was.

  Melody grabbed her sister’s hand and led her to the small table. She sat down and Haven followed suit.

  “Now tell me what happened.”

  She exhaled and spilled the whole story. Everything from the time she met Dixon, to finding out Bac was still alive, to Sirk trying to pull her back into Faerie. She didn’t take a breath until she was finished. She left out how her powers had grown and how she was able to take life force from another. Right now, she wasn’t sure what to do with that, but once she figured it out she’d tell her.

  Dixon was quiet the whole time and when she skipped over certain parts of what happened
he didn’t correct her. She was grateful he realized there were some things she wasn’t ready to discuss.

  “So much has happened.”

  Melody nodded. “I wish I could have kept Webb with us. I knew he hadn’t turned his back on us. What concerns me most is his message to Hanna.”

  Haven shrugged. “He’ll be okay; we’ll get him back, too. But we need to figure out how we’re going to get through to our thickheaded uncle that we aren’t up for sale.” She paused and let out a breath. “My mate is here also.”

  “You’ve met him?”

  “Unfortunately, no. He’s not ready to meet me yet. But I’ve left clues behind for him. I just hope whatever has screwed up his mind will be healed soon. I’m restless, and I need him. Hell, I think we all do. From what I’ve seen it’s going to take a lot more than us to get everyone safe.”

  “So your mate is going to help us?”

  “I certainly hope so. If things go like my visions have shown, it’s not going to be easy getting Hanna out from under Talbot’s clutches. Now that we’re both here, he’s beyond pissed.”

  Melody didn’t like the sound of that. Things were supposed to get easier not harder. She was exhausted just from what had happened already. She wasn’t sure if she was strong enough to handle another battle so soon.

  As if her sister read her mind, she smiled slightly. “You’ll have time to come to grips with everything, but we can’t wait too long. I’ll need you and your mate, too.”

  Dixon finally spoke. “Anything you need. You’re family now, and so is Hanna. Now that I can shift, I should be a much better person to have around, and of course Bac will help.”

  She leaned back in the chair and her eyes misted over. There was only two of them missing, and everything would be perfect. She had no doubt Hanna was in trouble, but she knew her sister was smart. They had a little time before things became desperate.

  Haven stood up and stretched. “I must be off. There are things I have to do, and you need to go home and enjoy what little peace you’ll have—it won’t last long.”


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