Hunted and Caught

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Hunted and Caught Page 9

by Madisen, Samantha

  Now that he put it that way, she wasn’t sure.

  “I want you to touch yourself, Rena.”

  Her head snapped up instantly at his gentle order.


  “Exactly what I said. I want you to put your hand between your legs and touch yourself.”

  She looked deep into his eyes, wondering if this was some kind of test. Why would he be telling her to touch herself as a test? It didn’t make sense.

  Still eyeing him, she moved her hand slowly toward her center. When she touched her thigh, the tips of her fingers felt the wetness that had trickled down from her pussy. She looked down.

  “No.” The word came as soon as she broke his gaze. It caused her to look back up at him again. “That’s right. I want you to look at me the whole time.”

  Her pulse quickened as she realized what he was going to make her do.

  “Good. Now put your fingers in between your legs.”

  Still looking straight at him, Rena obeyed the order, her fingers gliding along her own damp folds. Her mouth opened in a tiny gasp.

  “That’s good. Now spread yourself. Find where you can give yourself the most pleasure.”

  She moaned softly, her fingers moving back and forth across her parted slit until she found the tiny nub of flesh that caused a shudder to race through her. She gasped and bent over slightly at the sensation.

  “Ah, ah!” Riks said, holding up a finger. “Not yet! Wait. Wait for my command.”

  The throbbing ache between her legs begged to be released. Rena felt her thighs begin to shake and anguish crept across her lips but she resisted the overwhelming urge to move her finger around the spot she’d found. Riks put his hands behind his back and released her from his gaze. He stepped to one side. Suddenly, Rena understood what she was meant to stand there, perfectly still, staring straight ahead until he gave her the command to pleasure herself.

  She heard his footsteps moving slowly around her, and she could feel him staring at the parts of her body she knew he found most exciting. As she held her pose, each passing second her body cried out for release. She braced herself against the feeling, sinking into the pain of it, the difficulty of it, the same way she sank into submission during his punishments.

  Rena heard the door swing open. Every instinct in her body screamed at her to turn around, to cover herself, to run into a corner and hide in shame. But a much more powerful force had blossomed somewhere deep inside her, one that kept her still despite herself. She knew it must have been Voida who opened the door. It was Voida who was there in the room with them now, staring at her naked body, most likely playing out some twisted fantasy in his own mind.

  The wetness swelled between her legs, running down her thigh again and toward the floor. She knew he could see it. They both could. This was the test. How much of her own humiliating shame could she withstand? Would she wait for his command or would she cave to her own emotions?

  Rena closed her eyes. This wasn’t about Riks at all. This was all about her. She felt her mind settle into the conclusion the same way her body settled into being spanked, and she realized this was her only choice.

  She felt Riks lean in against her cheek.

  “Excellent. Now you can release.”

  His words sent a flood of delicious agony through her that settled in between her legs. Knowing full well that both he and the Bani Voida were still watching, Rena began to spin her finger quickly over her taut clit. Each circle brought her closer and closer to the pleasure she’d been denied. She felt her thighs start to tremble as waves of tension and release moved through her. Her mouth opened in agony, and she nearly doubled over. Her pussy tightened and she closed her eyes at the thought that maybe next time he might put himself inside her and she would feel herself tightening against him.

  The idea sent a sudden eruption of ecstasy crashing through her and with a scream she fell to her knees, her hand still moving frantically between her legs as her body shook into a blinding bliss.

  When it was over, she stayed there on her knees, crumpled in a heap on the floor, the evidence of her pleasure now dripping onto the floor.

  “She is well trained already,” she heard in the soft raspiness of Voida’s voice.

  “She’s barely trained at all,” Riks replied. He turned so the Bani couldn’t see him and gave her a wink.

  He sounded… surprised, almost. Somehow it mattered less now. Now that she knew the battle was inside.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “You’d think they’d get the damn things fixed with all the money we pay in approach permits!” Voida thundered, banging a scrawny fist against the control console.

  Rena looked at Riks, who just shook his head and rolled his eyes.

  The three of them sat in the pilot’s cabin watching Anat loom ever larger through the window as they made their approach. Most of the approach markers that were supposed to guide ships to the planet were either broken or missing, which had caused the Bani’s outburst.

  When Rena glanced over at him, she saw him move his head quickly back to the control console. She knew by now that he was almost completely unable to resist looking at her naked form any time he was around her. Riks had been right, she’d become accustomed to being completely naked, to existing that way. Nevertheless, Voida’s attention still brought her some shame. She wondered what it would be like to be walked down the landing platform. Would all the deckhands be staring at her? Or had they seen enough women without clothes on by now that it would be nothing peculiar to them?

  “You better keep your eyes on the road, Voida,” Riks’ deep voice stirred her from her fantasy.

  “Road?” the Bani grumbled, looking over.

  “Never mind.” Riks waved the question away. “It’s a human thing.”

  “Hm,” was the only sound the Bani grumbled in reply.

  The three sat in silence as Voida flipped switches and flicked through screens with approach plates, guiding the shuttle toward the planet’s surface. A red error on one of the screens broke the silence with a gnawing drone.

  “Aw, marmle shit!” the Bani cried, smashing another fist against the control console.

  “What is it?” Riks asked, leaning across to take a look.

  “Left stabilizer control…” the Bani mumbled as the ship veered sideways from its course. Flipping more switches, he feathered the throttle and soon they were traveling along the same smooth line as before.

  Rena felt Riks tap her on the shoulder. She looked over at him to see him staring intently at her, one finger raised. She knew that look by now. It meant “Follow me and do as I say.”

  “Stabilizer control,” Riks said casually, leaning backwards and settling into his chair.

  “Yes…” the Bani hissed, making more adjustments on the console. The planet’s surface filled the window now and Rena could just make out the shape of the giant city they were headed toward.

  “Yeah, I used to have that damn problem all the time when I was catching marmle out Ashima way. Hell, I got so good at fixing it I could probably do it in my sleep.”

  Rena saw the Bani glance over with a furrowed brow. He turned back toward the console as the ship gained speed on the approach. Rena watched as he piloted the craft expertly through re-entry and onto the landing pad they’d been assigned by approach control. Once the engines had begun to spin down, the Bani pushed the communications link to the docking master and waited for a response.

  “Anat ground services. What can I do you for?” came the voice crackling over the intercom.

  “Give me a price for a stabilizer control repair,” the Bani grumbled, folding his skinny arms over his fat stomach.

  “Alrighty, just one cycle…” the voice came back. The three waited in silence. Rena could feel Voida silently fuming beside her at the inconvenience. “Yes, hello?” the voice crackled.

  “What?” Voida snapped.

  “You were looking for a price?”

  “Well? What is it?” Voida banged
the control console with another angry fist.

  “It’ll be thirty thousand credits for the labor. The part’ll run ya ten.”

  “Forty thousand credits??” Voida shrieked at the speaker. A soft chuckle preceded the response.

  “Welcome to Anat. Hope you enjoy your stay! Let me know if you want us to get started on that.”

  Voida turned to look at the two of them, his face so swollen with anger it looked like he might explode. “That’s piracy!” he screamed, waving his hands above his head.

  Riks leaned forward. “Hey, Voida. You up the bounty split another ten percent, I’ll fix it for you for free.”

  Rena glanced over to see Riks’ cheerful grin.

  “Ten percent!” the Bani shrieked. He had his gun unholstered and pointed at Riks before either of them could react.

  Rena fought her instinct to reach out and grab the weapon in front of her and twist the creature’s hand with it. She wouldn’t be shot but he might fire off a stray one that hit Riks. It was too big a risk.

  “You’ll do it for free and be grateful for it!” he cried, shaking his gun up and down.

  “Whoa, easy does it, Voida,” Riks said in a calm voice, “let’s talk this over.” His hands came up to show the Bani he wasn’t about to try anything.

  Rena sat in her seat, nerves simmering as she waited for how the situation would play out. She didn’t doubt that Riks could take care of the Bani but getting into a firefight on Anat didn’t seem like the wisest plan. Beside her, Voida’s breathing gradually calmed. After some time, he holstered his weapon and leaned against the control console.

  “I get a little… angry at these prices…” he muttered by way of apology.

  “It’s piracy. You’re right,” Riks agreed, nodding.

  “Ten percent is too much,” Voida barked, his eyes darting back and forth between the two.

  “Look, Voida, the bounty’s a hundred thousand. You’re getting forty now. You want to blow all that on a stabilizer control repair just because you happened to land on the wrong planet? Come on, think about it. The part’s ten, you pay me another ten, you still come out on top. I’ll tell you what else, you can have everything we make at the viewing.”

  The Bani raised an eyebrow. “Everything?” he growled.

  “The whole thing.”

  Voida scowled. “What’s in this for you?” he asked, suspicious.

  “Money,” Riks shrugged. “We’re not going to do much better than a few thousand at the gallery. I haven’t paid my crew in a few cycles. An extra ten thousand’s gonna go a long way to fixing one of those heat shields you blasted off.” Riks fixed the Bani with an angry stare.

  Voida looked away, scratching at his head with a fist. After a few moments he looked back.

  “When are you going to do it? The viewing’s in a few hours.”

  Riks waved a hand, dismissing the concern. “This is gonna take an hour. Tops. You go get the part, we’ll wait here.”

  One corner of the Bani’s mouth curled into a smile. “Nice try, human,” he whined, “but I’m not that stupid. You go get the part. I’ll wait here with the girl. Once you’re back, I’ll take her to the gallery. We’ll wait for you there.”

  Riks shrugged. “Whatever you want, Voida. Whatever you want.” After undoing the buckles of the safety harness, he started to head toward the door. “Oh yeah,” he said, turning around. “I don’t really have any money.”

  Rena watched Voida roll his eyes, reach into his pocket, and take out a fifty-thousand credit chip. He threw it at Riks, who caught it in midair.

  “Thanks!” Riks glanced at Rena, then back at the Bani. “Hey, Voida? No funny business. With the girl.”

  The Bani answered with nothing more than a chuckle. Riks walked off the ship.

  Chapter Fourteen

  “You’re gonna fix it yourself?” the fat Anatin behind the counter asked, squinting its eyes at Riks.

  “Yeah, yeah, of course I will…” he answered, trying his best to sound confident. The creature seemed unconvinced.

  “You know how to calibrate stabilizer control? Humans can’t calibrate stabilizer control, not with those eyes!” the creature said, pointing at Riks with one of its stumps.

  Riks turned his head. The lineup behind him had started forming as soon as he’d asked to buy the part and now there were at least ten different life forms waiting. Some of them had started to grumble. Riks leaned in close to the Anatin. The last thing he needed now was a confrontation.

  “What are you doing?” the creature yelled, backing away. “Get away from me. Disgusting human, trying to touch me!”

  “Alright, alright,” Riks said, backing away with his hands up. “I’m sorry. I don’t want to touch you. I just… look, I really want this part. What’s it worth to you?”

  The Anatin leaned forward again. Riks hoped he had understood.

  “A cool thousand.”

  “A thousand fucking credits!” Riks screamed before he could stop himself. The lineup behind him stirred and he realized what he’d just done. He put on a smile and turned around. “Alright, alright, sorry, folks! We’re almost done here!”

  The creatures behind him grumbled but no one unholstered. Riks spun back around to face the Anatin.

  “Alright. Fine. A thousand credits it is. But you gotta let me use your comms. I can’t spend that kind of money without talking to my captain.”

  The Anatin shrugged three of its shoulders.

  “Whatever. Comms that way.” It pointed its stump toward the back.

  Riks moved past the massive thing and toward the blinking lights of the communications panel on the wall. Glancing over his shoulder, he punched in a string of seven characters. He felt his pulse in his chest as he waited, hoping he would get a response. A wave of relief swept over him when he heard the voice on the other end.

  “Uh… this is N1C1-967. Who’s this?”

  “Hury, it’s me!” Riks whispered, turning his head to see if anyone could hear him. The Anatin was glancing over. Riks gave him a wide smile and a thumbs up.

  “Captain?” Hury’s voice crackled loudly.

  “Shh! Shut up! Keep it down! I’ve got a little situation over here.”

  “Oh, sorry, captain,” Hury answered, his voice much quieter now. “Captain, what’s wrong? Where are you? We’ve been scanning for the Bani’s heat signature and…”

  “Hey! I said shut up!” Riks ordered.

  “Yes, sir…” Hury replied.

  “Listen up. Find a wormhole and make the jump to Anat. There’s been a change of plans.”

  A long silence followed the order before Aamer’s voice crackled to life.

  “Ummm… captain?”

  “What is it, Aamer?” Riks asked, glancing over his shoulder again. The Anatin had stood up and was walking toward him now. “Hurry it up!” Riks snapped.

  “We’ve only got fuel enough for one more jump. When we get there, we’ll be stuck!”

  “Shit!” Riks swore. It didn’t matter now. He would have to figure it out later. “Just make the jump. I’ll think of something once you’re here. You got that?”

  “Aye aye, cap…”

  Riks mashed a hand against the communications panel just in time to silence it. He spun around and looked up at the massive Anatin staring down at him.

  “Captain says no problem!” Riks said, giving the creature a serious nod.

  The thing eyed him for another moment before shaking its heads. “Alright, human. Back up to the front. I’ll get that part.”

  Riks breathed a sigh of relief as he moved toward the counter. Now all he needed to figure out was how to steal a few jumps worth of fuel…

  Chapter Fifteen

  Voida had ordered Rena back into the room where Riks had been training her to wait for his return. When she heard his voice, she pressed an ear up against the door.

  “I need a few minutes with her. Alone,” she heard him say.

  “Why alone?” the Bani asked.

sp; “I won’t see her until the viewing. I want to be certain she’s ready. You still want to make that money, don’t you?”

  “Fine,” the Bani grumbled. “Like I said though, I’ll take her to the gallery while you fix the part.”

  “Just like you said,” Riks replied.

  “And once the viewing’s over it’s right back to the ship and straight to Ceto!” Voida barked.

  “Straight to Ceto,” Riks echoed.

  A shudder ran through Rena. What if all of this were just a ruse? What if he really did mean to turn her over to the Bani for breeding? Her life as she knew it would be over!

  The door swung open and Riks stepped inside. Rena stood up straight. Riks smiled and closed the door.

  “Rena,” he said, stepping close to her. Her body responded to him right away, but she ignored the now familiar pull. “Are you ready?”

  Rena nodded. She felt anything but and her dreams every time she slept were filled with all the things that might go wrong at the viewing. Riks leaned closer and whispered in her ear.

  “I contacted the ship. My ship. Our ship.”

  The words “our ship” made her bottom lip begin to quiver. Riks’ expression changed to concern.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked, his voice still low.

  “Nothing,” Rena replied, blinking back tears.

  “That’s not nothing,” Riks said. “Rena, you have to tell me. We can’t have you like this for the viewing.”

  She looked up at him with wide, round eyes. Tears began to stream down her face as she searched his expression for what she needed to see there. When he pulled her toward him, she began to sob.

  “I’ve… I’m sorry, Riks. I… I don’t know what’s happening,” she cried, her face pressed into his hard chest. He wrapped his arms around her and pressed her to his body until the tears began to ebb. When she looked up at him again, he wiped her cheek with his thumb.

  “This is my fault,” Riks said, staring deep into her eyes.


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