Shifter Mate Series Three Book Box Set - BBW Paranormal Romance: Includes Bear Boss's Mate, Werebear's Mate, Purrfect Mate (Shifter Series)

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Shifter Mate Series Three Book Box Set - BBW Paranormal Romance: Includes Bear Boss's Mate, Werebear's Mate, Purrfect Mate (Shifter Series) Page 9

by Rayne Reilly

  In fact, she was intending to let something happen if the opportunity presented itself again. Since the attack, she’d re-evaluated things and was trying to summon the courage to take whatever this relationship was to the next level. When she began feeling stronger, she convinced Austin to let her go to work for half days.

  “Everything will be so far behind if I’m not there,” she had told him. He shook his head at first, not wanting to admit that they needed her back at work. She continued to explain what had to be done and how it would be better if she was there just a few hours a day to see to it all. Reluctantly, he finally agreed and drove her in each day for several hours and then brought her back each afternoon.

  Near the end of her second week with him, she began to worry that he’d want her to leave soon. She enjoyed living with him. He did all he could to see that that she healed up without having to worry about anything. He even proved what a great cook he was and prepared incredible meals every day for both of them.

  “I could really get used to this,” she joked after finishing a delicious supper of poached salmon with vegetables and rice.

  Austin laughed. “You should get used to it. I love to cook; it’s much better when I have someone to share it with, though.”

  Marcy could see that he’d relaxed a lot since she had come to stay with him. The tension he seemed to be holding in him in the weeks before, was easing away. Maybe they’d both been lonely and didn’t realize how much. She was enjoying his company every evening and even though they weren’t sleeping together, the companionship was something she would miss when she had to return to her apartment.

  After dinner they moved to the living room to sit in front of the fire with a glass of wine. Marcy found herself wanting to finally open up about her feelings.

  She turned to face Austin.

  “I’ve really enjoyed staying here…and I appreciate how good you are to me,” she said.

  Austin placed his wine glass on the table next to them and took her hands in his.

  “You deserve it…I’ve enjoyed having you here. In fact, I was thinking that it would be nice if you never left.”

  Marcy smiled broadly.

  “Really?” she tried to hide her excitement.

  “You are my mate. I have no doubt about that. There has never been any woman that’s made me feel the way I do when I’m with you. When I was faced with the thought of losing you, I nearly lost my mind. I can’t see myself ever wanting to live without you…I want you to move in with me.”

  Marcy felt her heart swell with emotion. He had just bared his soul to her and it was everything she wanted and needed to hear. Something inside told her said she could trust him. Everything he’d done proved that. The thought of living without him was intolerable.

  “I feel the same way about you. I’d love to live with you,” she said.

  Austin and Marcy leaned toward one another as if in slow motion. She couldn’t believe it was finally going to happen. Her heart fluttered at the thought of kissing him again and all the other things that she’d only fantasized about. Their lips met in a firm yet soft kiss. Marcy felt a warmth through her entire body as she finally allowed herself to acknowledge what she’d felt from their first kiss.

  She wanted Austin in her life and would do whatever it took to make sure the relationship worked. She owed that to both of them. Austin deepened the kiss even further. Marcy threaded her hands through his hair. The softness of his lips and the feeling of his hands on her filled her with want.

  Until now, she’d tried to ignore or push aside the physical responses her body had when he touched her. The need had been building since their first kiss. She pushed herself closer to him, gasping slightly as his hands moved down her sides, touching her gently. Tingles rippled through her. She felt breathless as their tongues entwined in a more passionate embrace. Austin pulled back slightly and looked at her.

  “Are you okay? You’re breathing heavy…”

  Marcy laughed, “I’m fine…I just want you…”

  She tugged gently on his bottom lip. Austin let out a throaty growl. The corner of his lip curled slightly.

  “Me, too…more than you know…” he said as he lifted her and pulled her onto his lap.

  “You’re beautiful.”

  He moved his hands down her chest and around to her back, careful not to press hard on her ribs.

  Leaning back a little, she replied, “I don’t think anyone has ever called me that, aside from you.”

  She kissed his face and teased his neck with her tongue.

  “Your sexy curves make it hard for me to concentrate on much else,” his voice was low and sexy.

  “You’re pretty hot yourself…it’s taken everything in me not to give in and sleep with you already…” she said, as she began unbuttoning his shirt with one hand. Austin kissed her neck and shoulders…

  Marcy ran her hands down his chiseled chest. His skin was soft just like it had been in her dreams. She couldn’t believe she was finally going to see him naked, for real. The ripples of muscle begged to be kissed as she stroked him. She winced when she tried to lean down to kiss it. Austin stopped her and moved her aside carefully before standing. Picking her up once more, he carried her upstairs.

  She hadn’t been in his bedroom yet and was surprised to see a king-size bed. Carefully, he laid her down on the bed and took off his shirt. Marcy sat up and hung her legs over the side of the bed pulling Austin to her so that he was standing between her legs directly in front of her.

  Her lips caressed his chiseled abs as her hands found his belt and trouser button, deftly undoing both to let his pants fall to the floor. Austin let out a load moan when she freed his swollen erection at last. Marcy did a quick intake of breath at the sight of him. He was larger than any other man she’d been with. She adjusted herself so that there wasn’t too much discomfort to her rib cage when she moved.

  With his manhood in her hand, she moved her tongue up and down in long strokes, reveling in pleasuring him. He held her head, his hands tangled in her hair. His breathing was jagged as he moved slowly, in and out of her mouth.

  Moments later, he pulled away and leaned down to kiss Marcy tenderly. Carefully, he helped her to stand up. After undressing her, he pulled her body against him. She felt her body tremble with anticipation. Marcy felt the growing arousal between her legs and ached to feel him inside her at last.

  As she laid back on the bed, Austin moved onto his knees between her legs. Moving his hands across her body, he massaged one breast while flicking his hot tongue over the hardened nipple of the other one. Marcy moaned loudly and bit down on her bottom lip. Explosions of pleasure coursed through her, as his expert tongue made its way down her body. He licked and teased her until she was arching her pelvis toward him.

  When he reached the apex of her thighs his hot mouth found her sweet spot and kissed it. Slowly his expert hands and fingers brought her pleasure, touching her in all the right places. As the long awaited climax built inside her, she felt as if she would lose all control. Her hands tugged at his hair, her pelvis raised higher as she pushed herself harder against his mouth.

  “Austin…don’t stop,” she murmured. His slightly hooded eyes gazed up at her, as his tongue encircled her pleasure spot.

  “Yes!” she cried out as he brought her over the edge. He held her hips as she writhed under him, waves of pleasure washing over her. “I want you inside me,” she said breathlessly.

  Austin moved to lie next to her; she felt his erection against her leg.

  “I think you should be on top. I don’t want to hurt you with my weight. At least until you’re completely healed,” he said motioning to her still-bandaged rib cage.

  Marcy moved across him until she was straddling his hips. She placed her hands on his hard chest as he eased his hardened length into her. They both moaned in unison as he pushed himself inside her, slowly. She felt herself stretching to accommodate him. He felt so good. She’d never been with a man so incredibl
e in bed. Was it because he was her mate?

  Austin’s pace quickened as he moved in and out of her. She could tell he wouldn’t last long. She hoped he felt as satisfied with her as she did with him. She leaned forward to kiss him. His hands were on her hips as he pushed himself deep inside her. Moving faster and faster, she felt another orgasm building. They stared into each other's eyes as they moved in sync with one another. Marcy could feel the heat rising in her, threatening to take her over the edge again. Austin held her hands in his, their fingers clasped as she pushed back with her hands.

  Austin panted as he thrust hard and fast into her. Marcy watched his face change and knew he was about to climax. She felt joy at seeing him filled with such pleasure. She didn’t want this moment with him to end.

  Seconds later, Austin let out a deep growl as they climaxed together. Marcy felt her skin prickle with goosebumps of pleasure at the sound of him being pleasured. They released each other's hands and she let herself fall against him. They were both moist with sweat. They stayed that way for a few minutes as they tried to steady their breathing once again.

  Marcy carefully moved to lie next to Austin. He wrapped her in his arms. At that moment, she felt happier and more complete than she’d ever been. Lying side by side, Austin touched her cheek and pulled her close. When their hearts settled down a little, Austin spoke.

  “I know I should have waited until you were completely healed, but I think it would have killed me,” he joked.

  Marcy laughed. “I have to agree. It feels so good to finally consummate the relationship. You were on my mind constantly.”

  “Were?” he grinned.

  Winking she said, “Now I don’t have to just fantasize about how incredible you are in bed. I can experience it first-hand.”

  “Wait until we do our bonding ritual, the sex is suppose to get even better,” Austin said smoothing her hair.

  “Bonding what?”

  “Ritual. Now that you’ve accepted me as your mate, we are bonded for life. To seal the deal…so to speak, I would bite you during sex and we would be mated forever,” he watched her face as he spoke.

  “Really?” she was surprised that there was a bear mating ritual.

  “Is that something you think you would like to do?” he asked.

  “Is it safe?” she wondered.

  “Yes. There is of course a very small chance that you could turn into a shifter. But you have to have a certain genetic disposition for it to work.”

  “So I could become a bear shifter like you?”

  The thought fascinated her. She hadn’t seen him change into his bear yet, so there was a natural curiosity around it.

  “Yes. But don’t get your hopes up. Most humans don’t. I just wanted to mention it…just in case.”

  He leaned in to kiss her shoulder and face. She snuggled into him as he moved up toward her cheek.

  “Maybe that’s something we should do on our wedding night?” she murmured.

  Austin pulled his head back and looked at her with a grin from ear to ear, “I think that’s a great idea…though, you do realize that you’re already claimed by me right?”

  She nodded, “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  She finally felt like she’d found the right person with whom she would share her life. He was perfect for her. In every way.

  Chapter Twenty

  A month later, Austin and Bern left the office early to catch up and have a drink at Paul’s Bar and Restaurant. The Christmas party was set up for that night and they looked forward to the celebration. Austin wanted to update Bern on the the status of his relationship with Marcy. Bern wasn’t surprised to hear that they were now living together. He’d been completely supportive just as Austin expected him to be.

  “I envy you though,” Bern smiled, “I wish I could find my mate. I’m ready to start a family too. Maybe now I’ll have a chance with you officially off the market,” he joked.

  Austin laughed, “It isn’t like I’ve done all that much dating. Though, maybe now that the police have arrested the men responsible for the attacks on women, you’ll be able to start dating again yourself.”

  Bern smoothed his hair off his forehead, “I want what you two have. I’m not convinced I’ll find that here.” His face was serious.

  Austin shrugged, “I thought the same thing, until you hired Marcy,” he said, taking a sip of his drink.

  Austin found his thoughts drifting to Marcy. She had wanted to stay at work a little longer, changing her clothes there and coming to the party with Darla and the rest of the staff. He appreciated the time with Bern, but he couldn’t wait to have Marcy all to himself later that night.

  Austin smiled when he saw Marcy enter the restaurant. She was wearing a low cut, dark blue dress that accentuated her curves beautifully. Her brunette hair hung in soft curls around her face and cascaded down her back. She was a sight to behold. Austin took a deep breath as he looked at her big blue eyes. Lately she’d been happier than he’d ever seen her. There was no more worry and sadness in her eyes. He felt a sense of pride, hoping he was partly responsible for the change in her. Though their relationship had deepened and she now shared his bed, he had yet to tell her that he loved her. He hoped that tonight he would do that and much more. He wanted them to spend the rest of their lives together.

  When their eyes met, Austin felt a surge of energy in his chest. He smiled as she nodded and walked toward his table. He held her gaze until she reached him. She leaned down and he kissed her.

  “You look amazing,” he said as she beamed back at him. She licked her lips.

  “You look great yourself,” she flirted and put a hand to his large chest. She took a seat next to him at the table. Austin looked around the table. Some of the staff were staring at the two of them. The rest hadn't seemed to notice what was going on. They were busy drinking and chatting to one another. Austin sipped his drink, then stood before the group of staff and friends.

  "Welcome everyone. Before our meal begins, I'd like to propose a toast…To each and every one of you for a job well done and another very successful year for Bear Bones Construction. I hope all of you enjoy yourselves this evening. Thanks for coming out!" Austin raised his glass in the air and then brought it to his lips.

  His eyes moved to Marcy as she took a sip of her drink and looked at him lovingly. The table began to buzz with individual conversations as the serving staff began bringing the first course of food to the table.

  Bern turned to Austin and in a low voice said,“I forgot to mention, that project – ”

  Austin frowned, “Let’s discuss it later. Tonight is for having fun.”

  Bern furrowed his brow and grinned. He looked between Marcy and Austin.

  “I don’t know what you’ve done to him, but I like this new Austin,” he laughed.

  Austin smiled and reached for Marcy’s hand, squeezing it. Marcy grinned back at him. His new, more relaxed attitude was because finally, he had everything he had always wanted. A successful business and the perfect mate, whom he hoped to make his wife.

  After dinner the music was blasting throughout the party room and the staff at the private bar that Austin had arranged were making sure they took care of everyone. Most of the staff had husbands, wives or partners who were dancing, laughing and enjoying themselves. Austin, Marcy and Bern sat together watching everyone smiling and laughing.

  “It’s nice to see everyone let their hair down and enjoy themselves,” Bern said.

  Austin felt for his friend. He seemed less chipper than usual. He knew his long time friend was wishing he wasn’t alone any longer. Especially after seeing how happy Marcy and Austin were. Austin chatted with Bern as Marcy sat bouncing to the music, smiling happily. He hadn't noticed that Sheila, from marketing, was sitting in the corner of the room staring at them.

  “I’ll be right back,” Marcy said as she stood and pointed toward the ladies' room. Austin nodded once and went back to chatting with Bern. Seconds later he felt so
meone standing close to him. He turned to see Sheila.

  “Can I speak with you outside?” She asked.

  Austin stood. “Why?” he asked.

  Sheila backed up a little and smiled innocently, “I have something I want to tell you. I’d rather not do it in front of everyone.”

  She motioned toward Bern, who was frowning at her and shaking his head disapprovingly.

  Austin shrugged and motioned for her to lead the way out of the room. Sheila walked casually ahead of Austin and out of the restaurant. He assumed she was up to something, but hoped she was going to apologize for her early treatment of Marcy. Sheila knew that he and Marcy were together as a couple.

  “What is it?” he asked when they got outside.

  Sheila put her hands on his chest.

  He grabbed them and pushed her away. “You said you wanted to talk. So talk, or I go back inside,” he said gruffly. Sheila pouted and huffed for a moment, “You know…I’m hurt that you never asked me out…You know I would’ve done anything to be with you.”

  Austin rolled his eyes and let out an exasperated sigh.

  “I noticed. Unfortunately, I don’t feel the same way about you. Why can’t you see that?” he asked.

  Sheila pretended to wipe away non-existent tears and reached toward him again.

  “Please, Austin. Just give me a chance…”

  Austin growled at her, “I’m with Marcy. You never had a chance before, what makes you think you would get one now?” He could feel himself growing impatient with her.

  Brushing past her, he started to head back inside when he saw Marcy standing just inside the restaurant looking at them. In a couple of quick strides he was at the door. Opening it, he put a hand toward her.

  “Can you please come outside?” he asked.

  “Are you sure?” she asked. He could see she was uncomfortable with the situation she’d stumbled upon and he didn’t want Sheila to do anything to disrupt this night. He nodded and Marcy took his hand to go back outside with him. He felt a sense of pity for Sheila when he saw her face as they approached her. He didn’t see any other way, but to show her that her advances were falling on deaf ears.


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