Shifter Mate Series Three Book Box Set - BBW Paranormal Romance: Includes Bear Boss's Mate, Werebear's Mate, Purrfect Mate (Shifter Series)

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Shifter Mate Series Three Book Box Set - BBW Paranormal Romance: Includes Bear Boss's Mate, Werebear's Mate, Purrfect Mate (Shifter Series) Page 15

by Rayne Reilly

  Marcy looked surprised. "No. You didn't upset me at all. Why would you think that?"

  Amara tucked some hair behind her ear and shrugged. "I know he's your friend, too, and I guess I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."

  "You have been my friend for much longer than he has,” answered Marcy. “I want you to be happy, that's all. Like I said, I was planning on introducing you two anyway."

  Amara detected a hint of worry in her friend's expression and wondered if she was hiding something. Her own fears were bubbling up and she wondered if Marcy was sensing it. She watched her friend wash some vegetables and put them to one side on the counter. Drying her hands with a small towel, she stood across the counter from Amara.

  "How would you feel about living in Pleasantville, now that you're here?" Marcy asked.

  Amara had been dreading this conversation. She knew what Marcy meant and she preferred not to discuss the past. She worked hard at not thinking about that night. Her subconscious occasionally reminded her with night-terrors, but she had learned to cope quite well – more or less – by not thinking about it.

  "I like the town well enough. People at the company seem nice. I think I could live here. But in town."

  "Good. I think this place would suit you. It'd be nice to have you close by and I know you'd come to love it here as much as I do. You just have to give chance."

  Marcy went back to making dinner. Amara chewed the inside of her cheek and scratched her head. There was something Marcy didn't want to say and while she was curious as to what it was, she was also afraid to ask. Marcy was keeping a big secret of Amara's and she hoped that she'd never betray that secret to anyone.

  "Is your family all coming to the wedding?" Amara asked, trying to make small talk.

  "Yes. My mom and siblings. A few cousins too. Most of the people at the wedding are from town or are Austin's family and friends. He grew up around here. You'll like his family; they're very nice."

  Amara wasn't really looking forward to seeing any of the people from the town where she and Marcy had grown up. She hadn't been back there in ten years. She knew that she'd been the source of gossip for ages after the incident that drove her away. She wondered how they would respond to seeing her again after all this time.

  She gazed at the granite counter top in front of her without seeing it. When she looked up again, Marcy was staring at her with a look of concern.

  "The wedding will be fun. Don't worry. Besides, you've got a sexy, hot guy that you're obligated to dance with as part of wedding etiquette. I know Bern is pretty happy about having his first dance with you," Marcy said.

  Amara scrunched her nose in surprise. "How do you know that?"

  "I have eyes. He likes you and I know he wasn't looking forward to going to the wedding alone. You two will be perfect dates for one another," she grinned and winked at Amara.

  Chapter Eight

  A couple of days after Amara arrived, Austin announced that some of his family and friends were coming over for a small get-together. Marcy seemed happy but a little stressed at having to entertain ten to fifteen guests all evening.

  Amara stepped in and did her best to help Marcy with organizing and preparing for the evening. Together, they had decided to make all the food themselves. After spending the better part of a day and a half getting the house in order and cooking tons of appetizers, they were ready.

  Amara had heard Austin mention that Bern was on the guest list. She felt hopeful that he would be happy to see her and maybe even offer her the job.

  After dressing in a new cocktail dress that she had purchased for just such an occasion, she tied her hair up with a few wispy strands of hair falling softly around her face. Carefully, she applied makeup and lipstick before taking a deep breath and headed downstairs to help Marcy greet the guests.

  Once she was downstairs, she found Austin assisting Marcy. Together, they were the perfect hosts as they welcomed their guests for their pre-wedding gathering.

  Amara held her breath when she heard Bern's voice. He's here. Breathe. Amara entered the kitchen, pretending to be looking for Marcy and hoping to avoid him until she could collect herself. Too late. A large warm hand rested on her shoulder. She turned to face the big hulk of a man that made her weak in the knees. Her shoulder tingled under his palm.

  "Hi, Amara," he smiled at her.

  "Hi. Nice to see you," she smiled back, licking her lips unconsciously.

  Quickly, she allowed her eyes to scan him top to bottom and back again. He looked incredible and smelled even better. Biting her lip, she turned toward the counter to get a drink in an effort to stop herself from hugging him. She was blissful to see him again and her body was responding to him just as it had done before.

  Bern stepped up beside her. Amara made herself a cocktail and turned to find him standing very close. He was looking at her, a gentle smile on his lips. She felt herself getting warmer.

  "Amara. There you are," Marcy said as she and Austin entered the room hand in hand. "I see you've fixed yourself a drink. I was coming to do that for you."

  "No need. I've got this. You go and be a hostess," Amara held up her drink and smiled at the couple. Austin and Bern exchanged a fleeting look. She had no idea what it meant, but she was certain that it was about her.

  Standing so close to Bern made her palms sweaty and other parts of her were soon moist as well. Bern moved to stand directly in front of her and looked down at her.

  "Are you enjoying your visit here in Pleasantville?" he asked.

  Amara nodded and looked up at his sexy brown eyes. Licking her lips she responded, "Yes. It's a nice change of pace. Marcy and Austin have been great." She wondered if he would mention the job and whether or not she was hired.

  Suddenly, music was blasting in another room and Amara could hear voices as more people were arriving. She and Bern stared at one another for a moment in silence. Amara began to feel self-conscious and excused herself to go into the next room to get away from the intense feelings she was having. Bern stepped aside and she could feel his eyes on her as she walked away.

  Normally outgoing and chatty, she found herself out of her element since she didn't know anyone. She searched the growing crowd of people, hoping to find Marcy. There she was, chatting with a couple in the corner of the room. She gulped the rest of her drink. Maybe all I need is to loosen up a bit. She returned to the kitchen to make another drink. Looking around quickly, she could see that Bern was no longer in the room. After making a fresh drink, she headed back into the main room where everyone was congregating.

  As the evening wore on, she met and chatted with many of the guests, returning to the kitchen several times to get another drink. This group weren't big drinkers. Most were friendly and cordial but she sensed an underlying discomfort coming from some of them, toward her.

  Later in the evening, she wandered out to the back deck where she could look up at the stars. She was alone and sat in a chair on the edge of the deck, peering up at the night sky.

  If there was one thing to love about being in the country, it was the lack of light pollution, plunging the outdoors into absolute darkness. On a clear night, the stars twinkled and shone like millions of diamonds against a black velvet backdrop.

  The air was warm and dry. Silently pondering the sparkling sky, she marveled at its beauty. Suddenly wistful, she found herself whispering, “Star light, star bright, first star I see tonight...”

  Closing her eyes, she wished for the same kind of love and happiness that her dear friend Marcy had found.

  "Had enough of everyone?" Bern asked from behind her.

  Startled, she turned to see him walking toward her, his hands in his pockets. She sat up properly in the chair, holding her drink in both hands.

  "I love how clear the stars are out here. It's beautiful," she said. Her head felt fuzzy from the alcohol. Better stay seated for now.

  Bern was now standing next to her. "It is. I love the outdoors. This time of year i
s even more incredible as we move into summer. I usually spend some of my summer camping outside and fishing."

  "Really? I never pegged you for a fisherman or a camper," she said.

  "Being from around here, it's what I'm used to doing. What about you? Do you like the outdoors?" he asked casually.

  "I used to like yeah I suppose being outdoors is okay. I think I've lived in the city long enough to appreciate it again."

  Amara could feel her heart racing as Bern stood close enough for her to feel the body heat from him. She decided to stand rather than crane her neck looking up at him. Slowly she stood, trying not to stumble. She moved to the other side of him. He turned to look back at her. He looked as though he wanted to say something to her, but stopped himself.

  Amara felt a little awkward for a moment.

  "Have you given any more thought to the job?" she blurted.

  She held her breath as he grinned at her. There was a long pause. "Have you?" he countered.

  What is he talking about? He knows I want the job...doesn't he? She wasn't going to show any fear around him.

  "Yes. I was thinking that I'm more than qualified and would be a great addition to your staff," she said, doing her best to sound confident. Inside she was trembling with worry that he had given the job to someone else...someone less slutty perhaps. She'd had enough to drink that she felt good, but not so much that she was unaware of what she was saying. Had he noticed how many drinks she'd had tonight? Was he judging her for it?

  Bern smiled and put a hand on her upper back. "In that case, I guess I have no choice but to offer the job to you," his voice was warm and sincere. Amara felt a rush of excitement from his touch, her back gently tingling under his hand. And she was more than just a little relieved that she had a job if she wanted it.

  "Great. When do I start?" she asked, sounding a little too eager, even to her.

  Chapter Nine

  The Wedding Day.

  The sun was shining as Marcy and Amara walked down the small aisle past the pews filled with people. Marcy looked radiant as she joined Austin at the front of the church. They stood next to one another beaming with joy. As the ceremony went on, Amara couldn't help but feel the happiness that Marcy was exuding. Austin looked lovingly at Marcy.

  Amara imagined herself standing with Bern, exchanging vows one day. She caught herself letting out a small sigh and quickly put a hand to her mouth, feigning a cough to cover it up. Glancing over at Bern, she caught a slight grin on his lips as he looked back at her. Quickly, she averted her eyes away from him.

  After Marcy and Austin exchanged their vows and a passionate kiss to seal the deal, the two beaming newlyweds sauntered hand-in-hand down the aisle toward the door.

  Standing at the front of the church, Amara's heart skipped a beat as she sensed Bern's eyes on her. As nervous as a schoolgirl, she stared at the bright bouquet in her hands without seeing it.

  Bern took a few steps toward Amara, extending his arm for her to take before following the bride and groom. Linking her arm in his, she held her breath, her body tingling with energy that raced back and forth between them.

  She hoped that her legs would not give out as they began to wobble beneath her. His arm was huge, and next to Austin he was quite easily one of the largest men in the church. Her mind began to drift... she thought about his size elsewhere, remembering their night together a couple of weeks ago. She felt herself getting aroused and looked up at Bern's face to see a faint hint of a grin. His nose was in the air, his nostrils slightly flared.

  Could he feel her want?

  When the four of them got into the limousine, Amara sat next to Bern and the newlyweds sat across from them. Marcy and Austin kissed and cuddled amorously. Amara couldn't ignore the fact that Bern looked pretty damned hot in his tuxedo. The thought of making out with him made her feel aroused. "Get a room guys," Amara joked. Marcy and Austin turned to face their friends and chuckled.

  "I can't believe we are finally married," Marcy squealed. Amara laughed. "I am happy for you both. You clearly love each other. I hope I find that someday myself," Amara said. Bern cleared his throat and exchanged a look with Austin. The two women pretended not to notice and began gushing about the wedding day so far.

  They reached the reception hall within minutes and the men got out and helped the women out of the limo.

  "Thank you," Amara said, glancing down at her feet and then up at Bern as she climbed out of the limo. Bern nodded and smiled. Taking her hand, he and Amara followed the newly wedded couple inside, to continue the festivities.

  Everything at the ceremony had gone off without a hitch. Amara was relieved to see how much calmer her friend was since meeting Austin. Gone were Marcy's early days of anxiety and worry. Her friend had found her “happily ever after.” Of that...Amara was sure.

  During the next few hours, the guests congratulated the bride and groom. Then the incredible meal was served. Everyone feasted on their choice of salmon or chicken, with rice and vegetables. Austin had spared no expense in terms of quality and the amount of food served. The wedding cake was a marvel in itself, standing nearly three feet tall. It was one of the most beautiful cakes Amara had ever seen. The dinner and toasts to the lovely couple, left Amara feeling more hopeful that she might find what they had, someday. She enjoyed being seated next to Bern during the meal, even though they didn't speak a lot. His toast to Austin left her realizing just what close friends they were. They had been friends for more years than even she and Marcy were.

  Finally, after an emotional and exciting day, the newlyweds were about to have their first dance as husband and wife. Gazing deeply into one another's eyes, Marcy and Austin smiled as they waited for the music to begin. Knowing that she and Bern would be called next, Amara felt butterflies of anticipation in her stomach. Once again, she was going to feel his incredible, muscular body beneath her hands.

  She was surprised at how easily she had let herself fall for him, even though she did her best to make sure he didn't know. She had a hard time trusting men and the idea of having an actual relationship scared the daylights out of her. Over the past ten years, the only results of dating had been heartache and disappointment. Each time she had allowed her heart to get involved, the guy would avoid seeing her again.

  Bern had spoken to Amara several times since the night of the party. Most of their conversations focused on her new job and details around it. The plan was that she would arrange to move to Pleasantville after the wedding and stay with Marcy until she found her own place to live. All her belongings would be stored until she was ready to move to her new home. Marcy and Austin's honeymoon was being postponed until the autumn, so Amara hoped to be busy and out of the way so that they would have time alone right after the wedding.

  Bern had dropped by the house a couple of times to see Austin before the wedding. On those occasions, Amara couldn't help but notice the way he seemed to be studying her. If it were anyone else, it might creep her out but with Bern, it drew her to him even more.

  Anyone could see that the man was gorgeous.

  For the first time in her life, she had met a man who not only slept with her, but wanted to be around her afterward. There was no denying how she felt when she was with him. But she couldn't help but wonder when everything would fall apart, like it always did. She hoped that by not ever sleeping with him again and just remaining friends, she could delay any fallout or problems between them.

  The DJ called for her and Bern to approach the dance floor. Bern put an arm around her waist and led her out to the center of the room. Holding one hand up in classic waltz style, he kept his other hand on her waist and she did the same.

  Once the music began, he pulled her closer. Feeling his warmth and masculinity, she delighted in his cologne. He was intoxicating; she didn't want him to let her go.

  What is wrong with me? the little voice on her shoulder admonished. I can't be with him.

  Conflicted, Amara tried to ignore the powerful ma
gnetic pull toward him. Yet she frowned when the dance ended as he stepped back and let her go.

  Bern smiled widely. She could see that he was about to say something to her but he was interrupted when a woman's voice call out to her.

  "Amara? Amara White is that really you?"

  Amara turned to see a cousin of Marcy's. Lucy. She didn't know why but she was well aware that Lucy had never liked her. The feeling was quite mutual.

  Amara reached out to clutch Bern's hand, hoping he would save her from this scrawny big mouth that used to bully her when they were kids.

  "Hi, Lucy," Amara felt Bern's hand tighten around hers. Her insides quivered at his touch. Taking a breath, she squared her shoulders. She was ready for whatever Lucy was going to say. Lucy looked up at Bern and back at Amara. Obviously, she was assessing the situation before speaking again.

  "Nice wedding huh?” remarked Lucy. “We were surprised when we got the invite. Marcy never seemed to be the marrying you, I guess. Then again, you just never know with people, huh?"

  Lucy twirled her hair between a couple of fingers and looked Bern up and down, licking her lips. Suddenly, Amara felt possessive. This was her hunk and Lucy had no business drooling over him.

  As if he understood how Amara was feeling he stepped closer and put arm across her shoulder, pulling her tightly against his body.

  "This is Bern," Amara said pointing up at the bear of a man towering over her.

  "Her boyfriend," he quickly added, before Lucy could say another word. She narrowed her eyes and stared at them both.

  "Really? I'm surprised," Lucy said quickly, rubbing her hands together.

  What was she up to?

  "Oh? Why?" asked Amara, her temper starting to rise. Clearly, Lucy couldn't understand what a guy like Bern saw in a fat girl like Amara. All those years of judgment about her weight filled her with anger. It was enough that she wasn't crazy about some of the things she did. No one else had the right to judge her.


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