Shifter Mate Series Three Book Box Set - BBW Paranormal Romance: Includes Bear Boss's Mate, Werebear's Mate, Purrfect Mate (Shifter Series)

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Shifter Mate Series Three Book Box Set - BBW Paranormal Romance: Includes Bear Boss's Mate, Werebear's Mate, Purrfect Mate (Shifter Series) Page 18

by Rayne Reilly


  "Yes. A few of the local Pleasantville police are. Don't worry, once he realized you were scared of us, he didn't want to make things worse. His only goal was to see you home safely."

  Amara bit the inside of her cheek. Her natural curiosity began to show, "Are there really a lot of shifters in Pleasantville?"

  Bern nodded again. "Yes, there are a fair few. Bears, werewolves and cougars mostly. We've been in the area for over a hundred and fifty years. Most people native to the area know that. It isn't like we are secret any more. The Internet and You-Tube have seen to that. The mainstream media don't talk about us because we're careful to stay out of the news.

  “We also have human contacts that help us to keep our lives more or less private. Occasionally, feral shifters cause problems, and when that happens there are people – other shifters – who hunt them down and either try to rehabilitate them or..." he grimaced.

  "If they can't rehabilitate them? What then?" she questioned.

  Bern shrugged and Amara understood that they were likely killed. Suddenly, she had a million questions for him.

  "Do you mind if I ask you another question?" She wanted to learn more about shifters and how they lived.

  For ten years, she had deliberately avoided learning anything about them. Determined to keep her narrow view of them, she fed her irrational fear. She had to admit, though, Bern was one of the nicest men she had ever met. Since they met, her feelings for him were something that surprised her. She wanted to understand how she could feel this way; she hoped he wouldn't mind shedding some light on a few of her questions. After all, he had just proclaimed that she was his mate.

  "No. Shoot," he looked visibly relaxed.

  "Is it normal for shifter males to have human mates?"

  "Sort of. It's happening more and more because our male to female ratio is declining. It is believed, in our traditions, that we all have a mate that we are fated to be with. Fortunately for us, we are able to pair bond with human females when they show up as our mates. We have no control over who our mates are.

  “The interesting thing is that in some cases, the human women are able to become shifters as well."

  "What? How?"

  "Some women have the special gene required to safely turn into shifters. Not all women have it though. There are stories of some women going through the mating ritual, only to end up becoming the type of shifter that bit them.

  Amara's brow shot upward. "Bit? You mean there's biting involved in this mating ritual?"

  Bern chuckled. "It's not as bad as it sounds. When we bond with our mates, we bite them during lovemaking. It only has to happen once that way. After bonding, you are mated for life."

  Amara had to admit, it sounded intriguing. She didn't mind things a little rough in the bedroom, but biting? She wasn't sure how she felt about that. She wanted to know more. "What do you mean, mated for life? How long do you guys live?"

  "You only have one mate. Life span depends on the type of shifter you are. All shifters live longer than regular humans or the animal on its own. The combination of the two beings seems to extend our life span. I'm chronologically only thirty-three, but I will look like this for many years before I begin to age."

  Amara's heart began to melt as she looked at this beautiful man in front of her. The tenderness in his eyes and face made her feel compassion for him. She wasn't sure that she ever saw herself settling down, but if she did, he would be top of the list. She leaned toward him, placing both her hands on him. He smiled and relaxed himself against the sofa.


  "How do you know if you have the gene to become a shifter?" she asked.

  Amara wasn't sure why she was asking, but a part of her was naturally curious. She didn't feel afraid of Bern and was quite surprised to actually be turned on at the idea that they were mates.

  After all those years living in fear of not only shifters, but living in a city just to avoid contact with them, it seemed foolish now. She felt a bit silly for being so neurotic about it. It took meeting Bern and going to Marcy's wedding to help her get her memories of that night back and to see how irrational she had been all along.

  Another thought occurred to her, sending chills up and down her spine at the thought. Not in a bad way either.

  "Why didn't you bite me, the night we were together? I mean...if I'm your mate?"

  Bern raised one eyebrow and tilted his head. He was obviously shocked at her question but politely responded without missing a beat.

  "Many didn't know what I was or that you were my mate. It isn't typical, from what I've been told, to bite someone the first time they have sex. The couple have to agree upon it when it's time."

  "I see. This is all so new to me, I wish that Marcy had told me this stuff. I might have let go of my fear of shifters earlier. I still wouldn't want to be at risk of attack again – from anyone. But thinking about all this on my way home, I realized that I could just as easily be attacked here in the city by a human male."

  She shook her head, remembering how Marcy had almost been killed when she was attacked by a former human boyfriend.

  "It seems like you're a little more comfortable with the idea of living among shifters. That's good news," Bern said.

  Amara tucked some hair behind her ear and sat back, "You know what? I am. I really am. I did a lot of thinking over these past few hours and I feel like I need to step out of the nightmare of my past. I've spent ten years being afraid. The nightmares that I've had are frightening; there's no doubt about it. But I consider myself an intelligent and strong woman. I just never realized that by not talking about that night, I was not moving forward with my life."

  She hugged herself tightly. Then closed her eyes for a moment and reopened them. Sitting next to Bern...a shifter...she felt safe.

  In fact, she felt something coming from him that she had never encountered in her life before. A man with heart and kindness. Clearly, he cared about her. She couldn't help but feel something for him as well, even though it didn't fit within the rigid confines of what she'd built in her mind around relationships. She wondered if he would still have her, after everything she'd put him through. Did he think she was worth it? She certainly hoped so.

  "Are you a bear shifter, like Austin?"

  "Yes," he said calmly.

  "What kind?"

  "Brown bear. Nothing interesting," he grinned.

  "Ha. I'd say that a man who can turn into a bear is pretty interesting!" she laughed.

  "I have to say, I'm surprised at your change of heart. I expected to have to convince you to let me into your apartment. I never expected you to welcome me. Are you saying that you don't think I'm a monster after all?"

  "I never thought you were. I was just scared of something I knew nothing about."

  Amara rubbed the top of his hand, feeling the smooth, slightly hairy skin beneath her own hand. She could feel his eyes on her and hesitated to look up at him for fear that she would melt into him, begging him to take her right there and then. She still had a million questions. But she wasn't frightened or worried anymore.

  Instead, she was intrigued and wanted to find out more about him and his life as a shifter.

  Bern's voice was low and slightly hoarse when he spoke again, "Would you ever consider being with me? Now that you know the truth?"

  Amara felt a pang of guilt that he would even have to ask her that.

  "I have to admit that I am deeply attracted to you and feel something for you that I can't say I've ever experienced,” she replied, somewhat reluctantly. “If there is anyone who can help me get past my trust issues with men, I have a feeling it's you. Can we start over? Would that be okay?"

  Bern leaned forward and cupped Amara's face with his hands.

  "I'd like that very much. For the record, I don't mind what's happened between us. It seems to have helped heal a part of you that needed it. This may scare you, but I know you are my true mate and I want to spend the rest o
f my life with you. I don't care how long it takes for us to work things out, so long as we keep trying."

  Amara swallowed and her eyes glistened with tears, "I've made such a mess of everything. I can't imagine why you would still want to be with me. I don't feel like anyone special."

  Bern stroked her head with one hand, smoothing her hair.

  "You're incredibly special to me. You are beautiful...I know you've been hurt and guys have treated you badly, but I wouldn't do anything to hurt you. If it takes the rest of my life to prove that, so be it."

  Amara actually felt a sense of relief and excitement. She had talked herself into the possibility of moving out of the city, only to have a freak-out. Maybe it was time to start over. Maybe a relationship with a werebear, wasn't so bad after all. So far he was a better man than any she had ever met.

  "Thank you," she said as she looked up at the man who made her weak in the knees. Her heart skipped a beat.

  Bern's mouth curled up on one side with a sexy grin. He dropped his hands to his thighs. Amara put a hand toward him. "I'm Amara. A foolish idiot," she said.

  Bern shook her hand gently, "I'm Bern. And I'm a werebear," he replied, playfully.

  In that moment, Amara thought that maybe there was a way to set things right. She was prepared to give their relationship a try and to learn all she could about shifters. Bern beamed back at her.

  "Does this mean you'll come back to Pleasantville and start your new job?"

  She nodded and frowned slightly. What about a hot and heavy romance? Bern saw the look on her face and quickly added.

  "Maybe we can have a real date and get to know one another," he suggested with a wink.

  "I'd like that," she said.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Arriving at Amara's apartment, Bern had felt a great sense of trepidation. What if she didn't want to listen to what he had to say? He couldn't force her to go to Pleasantville with him and he couldn't make her accept him as a mate. He had been so happy to finally find her and now he was faced with the very real prospect of losing her. Again.

  Fortunately, everything seemed to be working out and his inner bear was overjoyed. She had not only invited him in but they'd had a reasonable conversation about shifters and their relationships with one another. Now that he knew where he stood with her, he could focus on nurturing a great relationship between them.

  It was clear to him that she had done a lot of thinking about things on her journey home. He noticed how embarrassed she seemed when she opened the door to him. He remained reserved at first, not wanting to be disappointed again.

  Their discussion had revealed that she didn't find him scary or terrible. She had made assumptions about shifters without ever finding out the truth about them. His feelings for her grew each time he was around her, and today had been no different. It surprised him that feelings could develop so quickly, but he had seen the same thing with Austin and Marcy. His only concern now was to ensure that Amara felt safe and secure with him.

  "I need to apologize to Marcy and Austin," she had said to him.

  He smiled and nodded, "If you pack some things, I'll bring you back with me today. No point in you staying here any longer than necessary."

  Amara looked around the room and sighed, "I have to pack up the whole apartment. There's so much to do if I'm going to move"

  "I'll help with things, don't worry," he said as he gave her a big bear hug.


  It was twilight when they arrived back in Pleasantville. They stopped for a late lunch along the way. They spent their time getting to know one another better and enjoying each other's company.

  He was pleased to see a softer side to her and was glad that she was open to a long-term relationship. He knew it would take time to get her to trust him fully and he was prepared to do whatever he could to show her that his feelings for her were sincere.

  Along the journey home, she shared with him some of her likes and dislikes, which were a lot like his. Her love of the outdoors had begun in childhood. It turned out that the only reason she moved to the city was because of her fear of shifters. When he told her that shifters also lived in cities, she didn't seem surprised.

  "I thought they might. It seems only reasonable to assume so," she laughed. When they pulled into the driveway at Austin's, Bern watched as Amara went up to the door and knocked. Marcy greeted her happily and the two hugged for several minutes, as tears trickled down Amara's cheeks. He had been puzzled by their lack of communication with one another at first.

  But now he knew that Amara had kept things to herself as a form of protection to avoid being hurt. He also knew enough about Marcy to know that she had avoided telling Amara about shifters because she thought her friend had been too traumatized to even listen or give them a chance. In the end, it was Amara's own mind that opened up the possibility of accepting shifters in her life.

  "Once I apologize to Austin, I would like to give them some honeymoon time alone," Amara had told him before going to knock on their door. He agreed and waited in the car for her to return. Bern planned to keep Amara busy for the next few weeks with a new job and a lot of dates.

  Marcy waved at Bern to join them inside. Getting out of the car he went in to join his friends and his new mate. He hoped that in the weeks to come, she would fall in love with him. He wanted to share his home and his life with her when she was ready to have him.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Pleasantville - Three weeks later

  Life was turning out pretty great for Amara now that she lived in Pleasantville. Starting her new job a few days upon returning, she found that she fit into the new environment very well. She had quickly acquainted herself with the marketing department and the clients that Bear Bones already had.

  The weekly meetings were a chance for her to update the staff as well as Austin and Bern, the company's CEO and Project Manager, on her progress with new and old customers. They were happy with her work ethic and ability to deal in a still-mostly-male industry.

  She had been at her job for just over two weeks and was enjoying it very much. Bern had taken care of the details of her move. He had even driven her back to finalize everything with her old apartment.

  When she picked up her car from the city, he followed her back to Pleasantville to ensure she got back safe and sound. She was grateful for the independence again.

  Austin and Marcy had postponed their honeymoon until the fall, which meant that she wasn't in their big house all alone. Austin and Marcy were not only welcoming, but made her feel like family. With most of her belongings in storage, she was looking forward to finding her own place to live once she had saved enough money.

  Meanwhile, she and Bern were dating on a regular basis. For the three weeks since she had arrived in town, he had taken her out almost every night. At work, the four friends often had lunch together.

  Life certainly wasn't lonely and Amara had to admit to herself that being part of a thriving social group was just what she needed. Though she was outgoing and social in the city, she often kept problems and issues to herself. She was unable to trust anyone enough to discuss personal issues.

  Now that she and Marcy vowed to always be honest with one another, she had someone in whom she could confide, which took a huge weight from her shoulders. The same went with her relationship with Bern. It was incredibly easy to talk to him and he was very accepting of her directness. She loved that he respected her needs and wants and he didn't push her.

  Each of their date nights ended in toe curling kisses that left them both begging for more. She wondered if it was as hard for him to resist falling into bed together as it was for her. God, how she wanted him every time he touched her. He had been very clear about giving them both time to really get to know one another.

  As she prepared for another date night with the man she desired more than any other, there was a soft knock at her door.

  "Come in," she said. She was applying make-up at her bedroom mirror when Marcy

  "You look amazing!” Marcy gasped. “Where are you two going tonight?" she asked with a gleam in her eye.

  Amara had chosen a light flowery summer dress with a low cut front that showed off her cleavage. She hoped that tonight, she would get more than a sexy kiss goodnight from her Mr Right. She was determined to try out his bed, whether he was ready for it or not.

  She had waited for more than a month since their first sexual encounter. He drove her wild when he touched her, no matter if it was holding her hand or placing his hand on her back. His scent was enough to make her wet with desire and she wondered if he would be receptive to sleeping with her at last.

  Her knees went weak at the thought of seeing him naked again. His body was incredibly toned and muscular. She fanned herself as she responded to Marcy, heating up at the very thought of him.

  Marcy was watching her with great amusement. No doubt she had been there with Austin. In fact, she still was. Amara witnessed it on a daily basis.

  "He said he's cooking for me, so we're heading to his house. I haven't been there yet. We've intentionally avoided it for obvious reasons," she said, with a sly grin.

  Marcy laughed.

  "I totally get it,” she giggled. “You've managed to hold out longer than I did with Austin. Our shifter men are hard to ignore and it's even harder to say no to them!"

  Marcy put her hands on her hips and gave a look of approval to Amara.

  "I'm happy that you've given this a chance. You seem so happy. The great thing about Bern is that he's considerate beyond anything I've ever seen in anyone else. Austin is wonderful, don't get me wrong. He's just a little more alpha and I like that. Bern is more of a beta bear, but he suits you so perfectly, wouldn't you say?" she asked, with a devilish grin.

  Amara smiled back and smoothed her hair before standing to face her friend.

  "I think we both have our perfect mates. But then I assume that's how this whole shifter mate thing works," she saw a glint in Marcy's eye, "Okay, you know something...what gives?"


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