Summoner of Storms

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Summoner of Storms Page 13

by Jordan L. Hawk

  Forsyth had planned this for years, with the full knowledge and cooperation of the director. The rot at the heart of SPECTR wasn’t new. Hell, given the apparent age of some of the scanned photos, someone knew about the drakul and the Soviet experiment for a while, probably since SPECTR formed in the ‘70s.

  He’d believed in SPECTR. In his friends and fellow agents. In the chain of command above him. He’d trusted they held to the same ideals taught in school and at the Academy. The paranormally-abled weren’t freaks or damned or evil. They could do real good in this world. SPECTR acted not as a sword, but a shield held between innocent people and the NHEs who would hurt them.

  Caleb once accused him of drinking the Kool-Aid. At the time, he’d told himself Caleb just didn’t understand. Even a government bureaucracy could do the right thing, as long as good and decent people made up the bureaucracy.

  No wonder Caleb thought him brainwashed. How had he been so stupid? So naïve? Had he really believed SPECTR took him in because they saw some good, some potential which escaped even his own parents?

  They’d just seen a gullible tool. Someone who would spout the company line. A loyal little drone, so desperate for a place to belong he’d do anything they wanted without question.

  John leaned his head against the window. The AC unit directly underneath kicked on, blowing cold air into his face. All those NHEs he’d exorcised over the years would fuel something terrible, as if he’d helped refine the ore for a nuclear bomb. All the lives he’d thought he’d saved would be in danger again, this time from something far worse than the NHEs he’d put down in the first place.

  Why hadn’t the Goddess let him die, all those years ago in the rehab facility, when he’d slipped a belt around his neck and secured the other end to a showerhead? If Sekhmet was the Devourer of Evil, if the drakul had contributed to the myths surrounding Her, why hadn’t She struck him down before he added to this horror?

  Unless the hard goddess of the desert, the burning Eye of Ra, cared only for the deaths of demons, and not for those of humans. NHEs didn’t have human concerns; why should the gods be any different?

  Hell, maybe the Goddess didn’t even exist. Gray had never seen the handiwork of a deity. Maybe it was all just one more lie, a comforting tale to hold back the dark, to conceal the fact nothing mattered and they were all doomed anyway.

  “I’m going to opt out of this plan,” Caleb said.

  Startled out of his thoughts, John turned to him. Tiffany and Sean did the same. Caleb looked unspeakably strange at the moment, his long swirl of hair clashing with the suit, the bullet holes and blood stains making everything seem even more surreal. But he stood straight, and his hands didn’t shake.

  “What are you talking about?” Sean asked wearily.

  “You know, the plan where we all stand around and just wait for Forsyth to kill us? I’m not signing up for it.” Caleb spread his hands out as if pleading with them. “Look, we know what Forsyth intends to do, and we know where and when it’s going down. I think Tiffany needs to get on one of those disposable phones of hers, call everyone she can. Then we’ll all go and kick Forsyth’s fucking ass.”

  “The Vigilant are gone,” Tiffany said, rising to her feet. “We’re splintered. On the run. God only knows how many of us Forsyth has captured, or who he’s made talk. The force we took with us to RD to break Starkweather out? I can’t raise a fifth as many people today.”

  Caleb nodded once. “Fine. Maybe it will just be the four—five—of us. Hell, maybe it will just be Gray and me if it comes to that. But I’m not sitting here while Forsyth summons up some poor drakul and goes bananas. If we have to, Gray and I will eat every damn demon between him and us, and catch every fucking bullet. But it would be a lot easier if we had some help. Who’s in?”

  It occurred to John maybe Sekhmet had laid Her hand on him because out of everyone, he could fall in love with a drakul. With Caleb, so beautiful with his chin lifted in defiance, his brown eyes flashing fire, and under it all Gray’s roiling energy and boundless confidence.

  Not even two months ago, when he’d first caught sight of Caleb on the bottom floor of the abandoned house, Caleb had been scared and surly. Just wanting to hide and save his own skin. Gray only wanted to hunt and eat, no thought to anything else.

  And now here they stood, challenging three experienced agents to grow a pair and get the fucking job done.

  Maybe SPECTR had betrayed its own principles. But John didn’t have to. The organization might be rotten to the core, might have never really believed in anything it preached.

  John did. And it had to be enough.

  “I’m with you,” he said. “No matter what.”

  Despite everything, Caleb’s mouth turned up into a smile, and John swore lightning flashed in the depths of his eyes. “Glad to hear it.”

  “Ah, shit,” Sean muttered. “After today, Forsyth is going to want my corpse one way or another. Might as well go out in a blaze of glory.”

  Tiffany shoved her chair back from the computer. “Fine. Point made. I’ve got some phone calls I can still make. I’m still la capitaine, after all, and Papillon would be disappointed if I didn’t have any tricks left up my sleeve. Maybe we’ll all die tomorrow anyway, but with any luck, we can at least drag Forsyth screaming down to hell with us.”

  Chapter 14

  An hour later, John sat on the king bed in his and Caleb’s room. He felt shaky and strung out, emotions raw as the enormity of what they faced hit home.

  The sound of running water in the bathroom shut off. A few minutes later, Caleb stepped out, his long hair hanging damp from the shower. He wore nothing but one of the thin hotel towels wrapped around his waist. Noticing John’s gaze on him, he struck a flirtatious pose. “See something you like?”

  “Yeah,” John said softly. Caleb did look damned good right now, the soft glow of the lamp feathering across his belly, calling up definition from slender muscles overlaying long, graceful bones. The flat, pinkish-brown disks of his nipples, startling against pale skin. Good enough to eat, but it was the whole package John wanted.

  “I was just thinking about the first time you took a shower in my condo there in Charleston, after I brought you home. You tried so hard to convince me you were a bad ass who didn’t have any use for a Spec.”

  Caleb’s grin turned rueful. “Shit, I ended up crying my eyes out in that shower. Good thing I didn’t know what really lay ahead of me, or I’d have had a total breakdown.”

  “I didn’t realize.”

  “I didn’t want you to. Trying to be a bad ass, remember?” Caleb crossed the room and sat down on the bed by him. “We can do this, John. I know we can.”

  “And here I thought I was the walking, talking motivational poster.”

  “Yeah, well. Guess you’ve worn off on me.”

  Caleb leaned in and kissed him. The kiss started soft, but John slid his arms around his lover, drawing him closer. The bare skin of Caleb’s shoulders felt good beneath his fingers, the wing of scapula and curve of vertebrae familiar now. It seemed right, somehow, the way they fit together. John deepened the kiss, the texture of their tongues sliding together, Caleb’s breath quick against him. Static sparked in Caleb’s long hair, etheric energy swirling at the edge of John’s awareness.

  Caleb drew back, nipping John’s lower lip lightly. “Chances are, we’re going to run into a lot of NHEs tomorrow.”

  Not really what John wanted to think about at the moment. “I guess.”

  “Some of them you might even be able to pull out of the host,” Caleb went on, running his hands lightly up and down John’s arms. “Maybe we ought to get you powered up.”

  Ah, that’s why he’d brought it up. John grinned. “I’m game.”

  Oddly, though, Caleb hesitated. “Are you okay with the blood thing?”

  Gray hadn’t tasted John’s blood since the first night he’d manifested during sex. John hadn’t brought it up, assuming it just wasn’t something the drakul wante
d to do all the time. “Of course I am.”

  “Not afraid we’ll go nuts and start attacking people?” Caleb asked the question lightly, but he didn’t fool John.

  “Of course I’m not. We’ve already gone over this. I trust you two.” John rested his hand against Caleb’s chest, feeling the beat of his heart. “With my life.”

  A low, wicked grin crept over Caleb’s face. “Good. Because it’s like...mmm. Well. You’ll see.”

  John arched a brow. “I will?”

  “Mmm hmm. Because first you’re going to suck off Gray. Then he’ll taste your blood, and I’ll fuck you.”

  John’s dick pressed hard against the zipper of his trousers. “Best mission prep ever,” he growled, and kissed Caleb hard.

  Suddenly he was kissing Gray, all lashing hair and surging energy, like a thousand tiny tongues of electricity against his skin. He ran his tongue over the fangs abruptly present, finding the blood groove on the backs.

  Gray tugged impatiently on his shirt. Having already shed his coat and tie, John reached for the buttons. Gray got there ahead of him, ripping the shirt open in a shower of flying buttons.

  The drakul growled, a low sound that sent another surge of blood rushing straight to John’s cock. His lips fastened around John’s nipple with just the slightest scrape of fang. John groaned involuntarily, back curving to give better access.

  “Fuck.” He grasped Gray’s shoulders and shoved him back.

  Gray allowed John to push him down against the bed. His lightning-touched eyes watched hungrily as John hurriedly shed the rest of his clothes, then tugged the towel away from Gray’s hips.

  “You are beautiful,” Gray said unexpectedly.

  John paused. “Oh?”

  “I do not have preferences as to the appearance of mortals,” Gray explained. “And even what mortals find preferable changes like the tide. But I find great beauty in your form nonetheless.”

  John grinned and moved to straddle Gray. “I think it’s the best compliment anyone’s ever given me.” Also the strangest and most awkward, but that was part and parcel of most of his interactions with Gray. “Let me thank you for it.”

  He wrapped his hands around Gray’s wrists, pinning the drakul’s arms at his sides. Well, not really—John didn’t have a hope of overcoming Gray’s strength if he wanted to move. But Gray went along with the illusion.

  John kissed Gray’s throat, then ran his tongue along the curve of collarbone. The drakul’s scent of petrichor and ozone, mingled with ancient incense, rose from his skin and saturated John’s senses. His skin tasted faintly of the cheap hotel soap. He let out a rumble, which almost sounded like a purr, when John licked his nipples.

  John took his time, working his way down, biting and kissing as he went. Gray’s reactions weren’t the same as Caleb’s, and John took his time memorizing them. Pale skin pebbled under his mouth when he nipped Gray’s flank.

  Releasing his grip on Gray’s wrists, he slid all the way down to settle between the drakul’s legs. Gray’s cock lay against his stomach, hard and leaking, flushed dark purple with need. John encircled it with thumb and finger, just beneath the crown, holding it out of the way to nuzzle Gray’s balls. He breathed deeply, a curious mix of Caleb’s musk and Gray’s inhuman scent, heady and inviting. He nibbled lightly on the wrinkled skin, even as Gray’s hand settled on the back of his neck, the prick of barely extended claws tantalizing against his skin.

  Goddess, he loved this, every sense saturated by his lover, including the sixth one no one would understand but another exorcist. In a strange way, it reminded him of when he’d finally admitted to himself he was gay. A feeling of rightness, of falling into sync with something inside him. Something he never would have felt if he hadn’t met Gray, or if Gray didn’t return his desire.

  He ran his tongue slowly up the length of Gray’s cock, from base to crown. Precome beaded the tip, and he sucked on it, tasting lightning and salt on his tongue. His own dick begged for attention, but he ignored it for the moment.

  A soft rumble escaped Gray when John slid all the way down, taking his whole length so the head pushed against John’s throat. The hand on his neck tightened slightly, although not in an attempt to control. Sliding back up, John pulled off and shot him a grin. “Like this, do you?”

  “Yes.” Gray’s deep voice took on a husky note. “Do it again, please.”

  John repeated the action, before turning his attention to sucking on the head and upper shaft, wrapping one hand around the base and slowly stroking in time with his movements. He used his other hand to play with Gray’s balls, tugging and teasing.

  Gray’s breath grew more ragged, claws flexing against John’s neck, although never enough to break the skin. John redoubled his efforts, closing his eyes to shut out everything except for the taste and feel of the cock in his mouth. Moaning with the pleasure of it.

  Gray shuddered suddenly, the storm of etheric energy around him flaring. John sucked harder, was rewarded with a mouthful of bitter-salty semen and something else, something which crackled on his tongue like he’d touched it to a battery. Hot and wild, and he almost came against the sheets himself, a wash of ecstasy along sensitized nerves.

  He sat back, grinning with satisfaction, his cock practically pointing at the ceiling. Gray looked utterly glorious, sprawled against the sheets. For moment John wondered if Caleb’s plan would actually get carried out, or if the drakul would just roll over and go to sleep.

  Then Gray sat up and cuddled against John, arms sliding around his waist and drawing him in for a heated kiss. “Let us taste you.”

  The low growl of the words sent a jolt of anticipation through John. To hell with whatever Tiffany or Renée or anyone else thought: Gray wasn’t going to start sucking blood from random people, any more than he would turn into a crazed rapist just because he and John had fun in bed. Gray was a predator; the whole blood thing was probably his equivalent of licking chocolate off a lover’s skin.

  John tilted his head to one side, offering access to the base of his throat. Gray’s arms tightened slightly, and his spent cock twitched against John’s abs. His lids were heavy over inky black eyes, lips parted to just show the tips of his fangs. One hand skated up John’s back, over the exposed skin of his throat, before dipping down to just above his collarbone.

  A brief flash of pain, one claw breaking skin and scratching hard enough to draw blood. It would have hurt under any other circumstances, but at the moment John was too turned on to feel anything but excitement. Especially when Gray let out a low growl and darted in, lips sealing around the small wound.

  Fuck. John tried to rub against Gray’s thigh, but Gray held him in place, strong and powerful. The drakul moaned against his skin, cock stiffening back to full attention, leaving a slick trail across John’s belly.

  With a gasp, Gray pulled back. Energy shifted, growing muted, and Caleb blinked brown eyes at John. A sexy grin shaped his lips, and he shifted against John, rubbing their pricks together. “Ready for round two, Starkweather?”

  “Oh hell yes.”

  * * *

  “Lie down with your ass lined up with the edge of the bed,” Caleb ordered. John hurried to comply, his heart beating so loud he heard it in his ears. Caleb watched, stroking his cock idly. “Mmm. You look good like this. All exposed and waiting for me.”

  John nodded. “Yeah, baby. I want you.”

  “You’ll have me. Eventually.”

  An involuntary whimper escaped John. “I haven’t come yet. Unlike some people.”

  Caleb just winked at him. “You like to be teased and you know it.” He went to the pile of their things, bending over and giving John a nice view of his ass while he rummaged around for the lube. Returning to the bed, he set the lube aside, then went down on his knees on the floor between John’s legs. His hot breath ghosted over John’s balls, and a slow lick up his shaft left John gasping.

  “Not sure how much I can take, babe,” he warned. “You’ve got me pretty
worked up.”

  Caleb’s tongue traced back down, swirling around his balls, sucking on first one, then the other. He dipped lower, wet heat tracing the edge of John’s hole. John closed his eyes and relaxed, giving himself over to the sensations as Caleb licked and pressed lightly with the tip of his tongue. He moaned encouragement.

  There came the soft pop of the cap on the lube. A moment later, Caleb replaced his tongue with a finger. “I like watching my body disappear in yours,” Caleb said. “Especially my cock.”

  “Yes, please,” was all the answer John could articulate.

  Caleb took his time, slowly teasing in and out with one finger, then two. He occasionally gave John’s cock a single languid stroke with his other hand. Before too long, it was everything John could do not to writhe right off the end of the bed. “You’re killing me here.”

  “So impatient,” Caleb teased. But he rose to his feet and grabbed the lube again, smearing a generous amount over his prick. John’s throat tightened with anticipation, and he moaned when Caleb pressed against him, working in nice and slow. So good, the stretch and slide, and he clutched the sheets to keep from just grasping his cock and jacking off right there.

  Caleb made a small sound of pleasure when he was all the way in. Gripping John’s hips, he leaned over and started to move. Every thrust sent a shudder of need through John, driving him higher and higher. Caleb’s long hair tumbled forward, brushing his thighs, belly, aching cock.

  “Goddess, yes, babe, keep going, give it to me.” John babbled now, brain short circuiting.

  “Take it,” Caleb growled, hips moving faster. The echo of Gray under his words, just as there was always an echo of Caleb beneath Gray’s. The world came apart around John, nothing but pleasure and heat, Caleb’s hair and wicked grin, brown eyes drinking in the sight of John under him. “Tell us you want it.”

  “Yes! I want it!”

  Caleb’s head snapped back, his groan of pleasure suddenly deeper, hair coming to life around him, claws digging into John’s hips. John grabbed his aching cock, not able to stand it another second, barely two tugs before he was coming too. Hot spunk splashed on his chest, and the flare of energy sparked along his nerves, like a cascade of stars.


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