Dawn of the Mages (The Magic Wakes Book 2)

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Dawn of the Mages (The Magic Wakes Book 2) Page 7

by Charity Bradford

  "Okay. A new name it is. What if you pick a quality you like and use an ancient language?" Landry asked. "Talia, first thing that comes to mind?"

  "Vis Vires. It means strength."

  "Vis Vires." Stefan rolled it around a few times. "I like it. Vis Vires it is!"

  "Great. Now we have a name to use when we present the plan to the mages tomorrow." Landry took a drink and hoped the rest of the evening would be relaxing.

  Ryce paused outside the auditorium door to soak up the magical residue she had left behind. He attended the council out of curiosity, willing to give Talia one more chance to prove herself. If she failed him again, he would use her own power against her. He'd been practicing using his magic without the vials. It came easier every time, but he had distilled the essence from her home just in case. He dabbed a drop of it on the back of his neck before stepping through the doors.

  The smells and tastes of many emotions washed over him as he pushed through the doors and stood in the shadows at the top of the hall. An earthy scent of baked dirt drifted over it all. His eyes focused on the stage where Talia spoke with Algodova's new king. Ryce sifted through the emotions to focus on King Stefan's unease.

  Maybe he doesn't want the mages to become visible to the rest of society.

  As he stared, Colonel Sutton hopped on the stage. Talia's emotions flared and mingled with the power she already exuded. The sensation washed over him, intoxicating, filling him with hope. What if he could help her rise in power? Stand by her side?

  She stepped toward the microphone, but Sutton stopped her. Instead, he motioned for everyone to sit down.

  "Thank you for coming. Our lives have changed and it's time we faced our future. We're lucky to have Talia Sutton, a descendant of Elvin Thule and the one responsible for destroying the Dragumon, here to help us plan for that future."

  Sutton? She married him? Ryce clenched his hands. He should have paid more attention to the net chatter. This would make things more difficult, but not impossible. There were many ways to get close enough to share her power. All leaders needed trusted advisors. He could fill that role.

  The crowd stood and applauded. Talia lifted a hand and motioned for everyone to sit. "Thank you, but we destroyed the Dragumon together."

  The gathering cheered even louder and it took several minutes for Talia to get them quiet again. Yes, she knew how to get people eating out of her hands.

  "Jaron taught us we are stronger when we work together. As a community we can accomplish more than we ever imagined for Algodova. It is our goal," she turned to indicate the King behind her, "to give this group of new mages the freedom to explore our magical talents while finding ways to improve everyone's way of life. Together we can help our world reach its fullest potential."

  It's time to test her. Ryce stepped out of the shadows. "And what is that potential?"

  Heads turned his direction. The level of curiosity spiked at his boldness. No one else would have dared interrupt before she opened the floor for discussion. Talia remained calm as he walked down the aisle.

  "Jaron came from a world where magic and science worked together. Imagine the wonders we could create if we achieved the same balance."

  "That partnering failed to save his world from the Dragumon. Our technology didn't save us. We saved us. With magic the rest of the kingdom wants silenced." He put on the show by smashing his fist into his hand. The whole time he twisted bits of emotions around him, reflecting them and guiding others to his side. "We have the right to use our powers any way we wish."

  "What's your name, Sir?" she asked.

  "Ryce Andre." He faced the only reason he had come back to Joharadin. Standing ten feet away from her made him stronger. He breathed in and willed his body to absorb more of her charisma. It came to him in tiny bits, as if reluctant to leave her. Maybe if he were closer?

  "Mr. Andre, no one is revoking your rights. However, we must decide how we will govern the use of these powers."

  "Who's to say the restrictions won't grow until we can no longer work magic? We need to present a strong front, not one of submission. Why should the Royalists have a say in how we use our skills?" Ryce pointed to Stefan. "We destroyed the Dragumon. The world needs to recognize us for that. We did what no one else could."

  The room rumbled as the mages whispered to each other. Ryce refocused on them. The little bits of emotional tweaking had taken effect, but he needed more on his side. He needed a following. With her charm wrapped around him, he reached out and directly touched as many minds in the room as he could, mentally pulling them toward him.

  Let it be enough. Ryce's strength drained away. He needed more practice, or more vials.

  Several people stood and voiced their concerns. The noise level grew and no one could be understood. Ryce relaxed and enjoyed the chaos.

  Sutton stepped to his wife's side and glared at Ryce.

  "The reason we succeeded where Jaron's people failed is because the Dragumon were created on this planet. With our ancestors' blood. Strong magic bound them to us, making them nearly indestructible for anyone else. No one else could have used magic to do what we did.

  "If not for Talia, we would have failed as well. Each of you understood that on the day of unbinding. You cannot deny it." His firm voice silenced the whispers. "Mr. Andre, have a seat and allow Talia to finish. We will have smaller group discussions afterward so you can voice your opinion."

  Ryce narrowed his eyes and clenched his jaw. An emptiness opened up inside as each person's loyalty drifted away from him and returned to Talia. He wasn't sure if the Colonel had sensed his use of magic and cut the threads, or if her name elicited that much power. Ryce was too weak to try again yet, but his strength would return. All he needed was a little time.

  Talia continued her prepared speech. "We will discuss several things over the next few days. First, what can we do to assure our community that we are the same people they accepted before they knew of our talents? A united front on this point will greatly reduce the fear many have of us.

  "Second, we will create a code of conduct and consequences for breaking the code. This body will form the governing council to enforce the code. Finally, we will share with you our plan to get the training we need to reach our full magical abilities.

  "This plan revolves around a trip to Orek, Jaron's homeworld. I will take the journey to learn as much as I can about how they used their magic, and how they combined it successfully with their technology. Is this acceptable?"

  The room erupted in a chorus of ayes. Talia took a deep breath and her shoulders relaxed. Ryce observed the King's anxiety lessen as well.

  Why does she want us to be like everyone else? He would have to help her see that the mages should move into positions of power all over Algodova. If she wouldn't join him, he'd have to fight against her. Surely, that won't be necessary. She'll understand.

  He'd try again. Be more patient. It might take longer than he hoped, but he could move himself into a prestigious position closer to Talia with patience. Maybe even join her on the mission to Orek. He would have plenty of time to convince her then.

  Ryce sat quietly through the King's discourse without paying much attention. He perked up when Talia returned to the podium.

  "We will take a ten minute break before dividing into smaller groups. The conference rooms have been marked according to the five main categories of magical elements. Many of you can pull from multiple sources. We ask that you choose to join the group for the talent you are the strongest in for the first session. There will be opportunities to attend other elements later in the day."

  A hand popped up in the front row and Talia nodded to the young woman. "What will we do in this session?"

  "We want you to talk about your talents and the challenges you face. Talk about what you need to know and bring up any concerns about the use of your magical abilities. This will be the foundation for our guidelines."

  The woman's hand waved again. "So what we say will affect the

  "Of course. I'm familiar with how my magic works. The only way to understand the other areas is by talking to you."

  Yes, she knows how to keep the mages on her side. Ryce watched people stand and stretch before heading to the doors. This was his chance. He felt strong enough to augment the emotions of two women close to the Colonel. They cut off his exit in their haste to speak with him. Ryce followed Talia out the side door.

  "Ms. Zaryn? Can I speak with you a moment?"

  Talia turned and he immediately focused on her eyes. He had forgotten how strange they looked up close. Streaks of deep indigo through light violet. He couldn't look away if he tried.

  "It's Sutton now. How can I help you?" She folded her arms.

  Chilly. Ryce extended his hand in her direction, determined to break through her icy barrier. "I'd like to apologize for my rudeness earlier."

  She accepted the offered hand. He forgot all about working with her. Her power and energy zinged through him, up into his arm, and the rest of his body. With charisma like that, he could reshape the world the way he wanted. The mages would never have to hide again.

  Ryce held her hand tight. He concentrated on collecting that essence for his own. If he could pull enough from her, he could store more of it in a vial. Physical contact helped, but he struggled to wrench the power away from her. It slid over him and flowed back to her.

  "Let go." She tugged harder and glanced toward the auditorium.

  "I wanted to ask you..." Ryce tried to steady his breathing and pull with everything he had.

  Talia gasped. He had gathered the equivalent of a tablespoon of essence before a force slammed around his mind shutting off his magic. A very physical hand clamped down on his shoulder and spun him around. He found himself face to face with the husband.

  "She said let go."

  "What did you do? How did you block me?" Ryce stretched his energy outward. Each time he hit an invisible barrier. He couldn't sense any emotions, feel or taste any other signatures in the air. Ryce crossed his arms to hide the shaking. He'd never been without his power. "How I use my magic isn't any of your business."

  "It is my business. That's what this meeting is about." Sutton glared. "You will not use magic while in these meetings. Especially not on my wife." Sutton let go of him and moved to Talia's side. "This is your only warning."

  Ryce's anger increased when they walked away. He remained calm on the outside, but inside he seethed. No one should ever be allowed to stop another's magic, and Ryce certainly wouldn't let someone tell him what to do. Not after he figured out a way to steal all of that woman's power.

  "Are you sure you're okay?" Landry led Talia into a side room.

  She shivered and rubbed her hands. "Yeah, but that was weird."

  "Tell me what happened." He looked more concerned than angry.

  "I don't know. A force tugged at my energy. I can't explain it." Even now she felt off. Like all the energies in her body had been reversed. Her nerves were on fire, jittery. "He gave me the creeps. I need to enjoy a sunsrise to shake off the strangeness."

  Landry took her hands in his. "He's been using magic to cause trouble. I caught him at it earlier in the auditorium and again a moment ago. I wonder if he's the one we're looking for?"

  "He seems unstable, but is he angry enough to cause riots?"

  He shook his head. "I don't know. I think he can sense emotions like me, and he's learned how to manipulate them. Jaron said I'd be able to do that if I practiced."

  Talia squeezed his hand. "Why would he start trouble? Maybe he isn't doing it on purpose, but his turmoil leaks to others around him."

  "I don't think so, but I'll watch him closer."


  Ryce's confidence returned with the magic. The incident convinced him to rethink his plan. He might never persuade the Sutton's to support his agenda for the mages. They acted content to keep them under the Royalist's thumb. If he intended to bring the mages out of obscurity, he would need to do it on his own. Pull other mages to his side.

  He made it through one more session. As Talia and the King led a discussion on how a mage should use their powers, Ryce planted seeds of discord. A touch here at the mention of never using their powers to influence another's will, a touch there at the mention of serving those without the gifts of the mage, and so on. He sowed a dozen or more when the King asked the mages to swear allegiance to the crown. These people were already subject to the King and yet that's the point they balked at the most. He worked cautiously, but Sutton's gaze followed his every move.

  When the king called for another break, Ryce remained in his seat. It didn't take long for him to be surrounded by three Royalists and the Watchdog himself.

  "I warned you. You're done." Sutton frowned at him.

  Ryce scowled as Sutton dragged him up the aisle to the door, the other Royalists following close behind. Men and women paused in their conversations to watch. He considered starting another riot, but the magical barrier cut off his power. It was like being doused with cold water.

  When they reached the outside, he jerked his arm free of the steely grip and straightened his shirt. "That wasn't necessary."

  Sutton motioned to the guards. "I want him locked up where he can't hurt anyone."

  "So that's how this new order is going to work? Arrest anyone who doesn't follow your rules?" Ryce smirked. "We'll see how long that lasts."

  "I warned you about using magic in there." Sutton waved him away. "Get him out of here. I'll talk to him when this is over."

  Ryce waited until he left. The farther away Sutton moved, the more focused Ryce's magic became. He reached into his pocket and removed another vial. They came in handy when the emotions he needed were absent in those around him. This one held sympathy. That mixed with the admiration they might have for Talia's spirit still hovering around him would do the trick.

  He discreetly removed the lid while they escorted him toward a transport. The fumes from the liquid leaked out. Ryce directed them toward the two Royalists.

  "I don't know why they kicked me out." Ryce didn't try to sound confused. He knew the men couldn't help but react to the potion.

  "The Colonel is wound tight. He probably overreacted," one of the guards spoke. "He does that a lot now he's married. Maybe we can let you off with a warning. Make sure you steer clear of the Suttons for a while."

  "Will do boys." Ryce mocked them with a salute and caught a ride on an aeroflyer instead of the military quadcarrier.

  His unknowing allies at the conference would spread fear and dissatisfaction. In time he would be able to invite them to join his cause. He needed to gather more power, and he knew a great spot to do that.

  After three days of discussions, the Sutton's had reason to hope the mages would find their place back in society. The only blight on an otherwise successful conference remained the interactions with Mr. Andre. Since his men had failed to carry out his orders, Landry had not been able to question the man about his use of magic.

  I knew I should have taken care of it myself. He paced between the living room and the balcony.


  He turned to see his wife staring at him. "Sorry, that guy is still out there."

  "Do you really think he used magic to manipulate people?"

  "Yes. Clearly, he wanted something from you. I can't help but wonder how long he's been following you." Landry sat on the couch, his leg bouncing. "He has to be our guy."

  Talia placed her hand on his knee, forcing it to still. "There are plenty of people watching out for me, and I promise not to do anything stupid."

  "I know, but he can make people do things. Would you be angry if we moved Jaron's ship out to the Acaran Base? You could work on it, but you'd be out of the city."

  She sat silently for a moment before a smile teased her lips. "You're asking if going to the mountains instead of staying in the land of steel would make me upset?"

  The tension in his shoulders eased. "I guess
that was a dumb question. Let's leave tomorrow. I can get the SEF moving tonight."

  "It must be nice to have such power." She winked.

  "Whatever, they want to keep you as safe as I do."


  Whispers entered Ryce's dreams. He strained to understand the words, but they lingered out of reach. Stretching, following, stumbling, and falling. He fell through darkness until he jerked awake slumped over a tree root. He sat up, his neck protesting, and his left arm tingling as the blood rushed into it again.

  The whispering continued. Ryce shook his head and tugged on his ear, but the sounds were real. He stood on shaky legs and followed. Words formed within the murmuring echoes.

  "Help me."

  The plea filled the night and sent a shiver through him.

  The trees were dense. A dim glow from the moons reached the forest floor. He inched toward the voice, the dream of falling fresh in his mind.

  "Who are you?" he called into the darkness.

  "I've been waiting for you, Ryce." The words hissed out of the ground at his side.

  Startled, he tripped over a rock, falling to his knees. "How do you know my name?"

  "I've watched you ever since Jaron became unworthy."

  Ryce's heartbeat quickened as he stared into the night searching for the source of the voice. Shadow slid over shadow, but nothing solid held his attention. He stretched his magic powers outward and tasted the air. The bitter flavor of burnt plastic that had followed the alien mage named Jaron hung heavy in the air.

  "You left him?" he asked.

  "Yes. He grew unworthy of the gifts I bestowed upon him." The voice wrapped around him in a cold fog.

  "What gifts?" He spoke boldly as the greed woke within him.

  "If you are worthy, I can show you. All you have to do is speak the words."

  "I don't know the words."

  "I can teach you."


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