BILLIONAIRE ROMANCE: The Unforgettable Billionaires: The Complete Collection Boxed Set 1-12 (Young Adult Rich Alpha Male Billionaire Romance) (Alpha Bad Boy Billionaire Romance)

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BILLIONAIRE ROMANCE: The Unforgettable Billionaires: The Complete Collection Boxed Set 1-12 (Young Adult Rich Alpha Male Billionaire Romance) (Alpha Bad Boy Billionaire Romance) Page 111

by Violet Walker


  Rebecca and Peter were waiting for Henry at the breakfast table. They’d been informed that he’d just come back from a short tour of the estate. That is not a good sign. While Peter seemed to have resigned himself to his fate, she was still hoping for some miracle to save them.

  “Good morning, Lord Thompson, My Lady,” Henry gave a small bow after entering the room, a big smile on his face.

  “Good morning to you, too, Lord Northwall,” Peter said half-heartedly. Rebecca couldn’t help but feel sorry for him. Her anger rose once again at Lord Northwall’s merry tone. Why did he have to sound so cheerful? He should at least have the decency to not be happy about snatching their estate in front of them!

  When Henry looked at Rebecca, he was rewarded with an angry glare. He chuckled inwardly at her defiant attitude. She knew that she was about to lose her everything but she had apparently not given up yet. That made her like her even more. The way her cheeks flushed when she got angry made her look even more beautiful. He was dying to see her response to his offer.

  “I see that you’re already making yourself at home in Leicester. I just heard that you’ve had a tour of the estate and even interacted with the locals,” Lady Rebecca’s voice dripped with honey even as her eyes shot daggers at him.

  “Well, yes. I thought it would be nice to get to know this place a little better. After all, I’ll be the owner of the estate in a few days.” He knew that his statement would make her angrier but he couldn’t help himself! He got a twisted sort of pleasure in making her lose her composure. His mind wandered to the future and when he would make her lose her calm in bed. He was sure that she’d be extremely responsive to his touch! Good Heavens, the mere thought of touching her aroused him so much that he could feel his trousers stretch!

  “Of course! I am sure the people here will love you when they learn how you’ve worked so hard to win the estate.” Again a sarcastic remark! This woman is driving him crazy!

  “And I suppose they’ll love Lord Peter even more when they learn how he lost his estate,” Henry replied, face twisting into a smirk. Peter’s face fell a little at his remark and he heard Rebecca gasp. For a minute, no one moved, no one said anything. There was complete silence in the room.

  “Lord Northwall, we hoped to keep things quiet for a day or two. We are thinking of an appropriate way to disclose this information to our people and I hope you will co-operate with us in the meantime,” Peter said.

  “Of course, Lord Thompson, why not! But I have a plan that I feel would suit all of us,” Henry replied.

  Peter and Rebecca looked at him a little skeptically. “And what exactly would that be?” asks Rebecca, unable to control her curiosity.

  “We are each currently in a do-or-die situation. If we decide to work together for our mutual benefit, I think all our problems could be solved.”

  Rebecca and Peter looked at one another in confusion. “Can you please clarify? I don’t understand how you are in a do-or-die situation! From what I can tell, you are rather in a win-win situation!” Rebecca exclaimed.

  “Well, as they say, grass is always greener on the other side. I may seem to be in a win-win situation, but in reality, I am facing a huge problem of my own.”

  “Please don’t talk in riddles, Lord Northwall. Just tell us your plan!” Peter seemed interested in what Henry had to say now. Anything to save him from humiliation and disgrace!

  “My mother, Her Grace the Duchess of Southampton, wants to see me married in the next six months. She wants me to produce an heir as a proof of my responsibility toward the estate,” Henry cringed a little as he said these words.

  “I don’t think any of this has anything to do with our problem.”

  “Patience, my lady, is a great virtue,” Henry said with a devilish smile. Rebecca’s face reddened slightly and she was extremely grateful when he finally looked at Peter and continued, “As I was saying, my mother has given an ultimatum of sorts by to get married in six months’ time or be prepared to forfeit my inheritance to my first cousin Lord Philip Northwall.”

  “How can we help you with this, Lord Northwall?” Peter asked, still confused.

  “Well, as you know now, I am now looking for a suitable bride and although there is no dearth of ladies who’d be more than happy to become the Duchess of Southampton, I have my eyes set on one lady in particular,” says Henry and looks at Rebecca.

  Rebecca was stunned. Suddenly, everything around her seemed to move in slow motion. She was trying to wrap her head around Henry’s words. He wanted to marry her? Why on earth would he want anything to do with her after the way she’d behaved? Since he’d arrived, she’d been nothing but rude to him! Did he want to take revenge for her spiteful behavior? Did he want to teach her a lesson for being so hateful? Good Lord!

  “I want to marry Lady Rebecca if I have your permission. It would be a marriage of convenience. I will make my mother happy by marrying her and you will get your estate back,” Rebecca heard Henry say to Peter. How simple he made it sound!

  “Lord Northwall!” thunders Peter. “Do you have no shame at all? You are asking me to subject my sister to a lifetime of pain and grief in return for my estate? I may come across as a reckless person, but I am not so heartless. I love my sister more than anything in the world!”

  “Please consider the options before coming to a conclusion, Lord Thompson,” Henry said calmly. “If you refuse my offer, you will subject your sister to a life of poverty and misery. On the other hand, if she marries me, she’ll be the Duchess of Southampton. I agree that it may be a loveless marriage, but she’ll enjoy the life of a Duchess! What more can a woman ask for?”

  “Love, respect and companionship,” Rebecca said quietly, blinking rapidly to disperse the tears that threatened to flow from her eyes. “But you will not understand that, my lord. Peter, I think what Lord Northwall is saying makes sense. We don’t have many options.”

  “But Rebecca…”

  “No ifs ands or buts Peter. I am ready to marry Lord Northwall. Please decide on a suitable date and make arrangements for the wedding.”


  Regency Romance

  A Prize to Be WOOED

  Defiant Lords Series

  Rose Haven

  Regency Romance: A Prize to Be WOOED

  Chapter One

  Rebecca is finally getting married today. She should be happy; her dream is finally coming true. But she is far from that; in fact, she can’t remember a day in recent times when she’d been so depressed.

  She is willingly subjecting herself to a life that isn’t too dissimilar to that of her late mother. Her mother had always pined for her husband’s love, she’d spent her entire life hoping that her husband would finally mend his ways and come back to her. But nothing of the sort happened, and she died a slow, lonely death. Rebecca had promised herself that whenever she married, it would be for love.

  But where is love in this marriage? For God’s sakes, it is a marriage of convenience, she reminds herself. Her future husband is too much like her father. She’d heard that, when in London, he frequented the Covent Garden too often for recreation and was a regular at the Almack’s. Yes, he is extremely good looking, but what good are looks if your husband has eyes for women other than yourself! She’d rather have a plain looking man who’s in love with her!

  Rebecca slowly gets up from her bed and casts a final glance at the mirror. She is pleased with what she sees. In an off white gown embellished with pearls and lace and a neckline that gives a subtle hint of her cleavage, she looks like a princess. She twisted her hair up in a sophisticated bun with a few loose tendrils to frame her heart-shaped face. Her gown beautifully offsets the deep blue color of her eyes.

  As the time of the wedding fast approaches, Rebecca gets butterflies in her stomach. Although she is unhappy about marrying Lord Northwall and despite the fact that she loathes the man, a small part of her is anxious t
o know his reaction to her appearance this morning. She has no idea why, but the thought of him throwing an appreciative glance her way makes her giddy.

  “Are you ready, My Lady?” It is Lily, one of her chamber maids.

  “Yes, I guess I am.” Rebecca lets out a sigh. She is a nervous wreck.

  “Lord Thompson and His Grace are waiting for you in the study,” Lily informs her.

  “Please tell them that I’ll join them in a moment.” Rebecca needs some time to compose herself. She doesn’t want Lord Northwall to witness her anxiety.

  “Rebecca, you aren’t ready yet?” Peter stops in his tracks as he rounds the corner. “You look lovely, dear sister.”

  “Why, thank you, my dear brother,” she smiles.

  “Rebecca,” Peter says solemnly, “I just had a word with Northwall. I know that he’s made a bargain with me that may not seem very fair at the moment, but the man has his reasons for doing what he’s done. He was facing a dilemma and he chose a path that he believes will benefit all of us.”

  Rebecca nods, a little unsure of what Peter is talking about.

  “I know I told you all sorts of negative things about Lord Northwall, but now that I’ve spent some time with him, he doesn’t seem so conniving after all. I mean, he’s been giving me ideas on how to manage the estate and has even offered to help me with the irrigation problem that we’re currently facing,” Peter adds.

  Rebecca is surprised to hear this. She’d never expected something like this from Lord Northwall.


  “Yes. I just do not want you to be blinded by your hatred towards the man. If he wanted, he’d have snatched the estate from us and made you his wife for a pittance, but he didn’t. I know he may not be a saint, but what man doesn’t have some flaws. Take a look at me!” Peter laughs a hollow laugh.

  “Oh, Peter! I don’t know what to expect from him. I’ve been so rude to him the entire time, I am afraid he’ll take out his revenge on me once we get….”

  “No, I don’t think so. If he’d wanted revenge, he had a lot of ways to go about it. I hate myself for putting you in this position, Rebecca. If only I’d not been so foolish….”

  “There’s no use mulling over the past. I just want you to learn from your mistakes, Peter. I’ve looked after this estate as best as I could these past years. Now it is your responsibility,” Rebecca says and gently touches his shoulder.

  “I know, sister. I’ll try my best to not disappoint you.” Peter smiles and reaches for her hand. “Now let’s get going. Lord Northwall is waiting for us downstairs.”

  Taking a deep breath, Rebecca finally braces herself for the day and moves towards the study where her husband-to-be is waiting for her.

  Chapter Two

  Lord Northwall is waiting anxiously for his bride to arrive. They had planned a small marriage ceremony at the local church after which they’d return to Southampton. He knows that Rebecca probably hates him for forcing her into this marriage, but he didn’t have too many options. He needed a suitable bride as soon as possible and Peter and Rebecca badly wanted to retain their estate. This arrangement suited them all.

  As he hears the gentle swishing of skirts, he turns his head towards the door of the study and what he sees makes his heart stop in his chest. Lady Rebecca Thompson is standing there with her brother, looking drop dead gorgeous in a beautiful off-white gown. Her cheeks turn a crimson red as he looks at her appreciatively and when Lord Peter Thompson clears his throat, he finally realizes that he’s openly staring at her.


  Lady Rebecca Thompson and His Grace Lord Henry Northwall’s wedding ceremony is a short affair with just a handful of people present to witness the proceedings. It is over in a matter of moments and Rebecca becomes Her Grace Lady Rebecca Northwall.

  God! The name sounds strange to her ears, but it is her new identity and she tries to accept it gracefully. While she is sad about leaving her brother and the place she’d spent her entire life, Rebecca is also anxious to see what the future has in store for her. She remembers the look on Lord Northwall’s face when he saw her this morning in the study. His reaction told her that he loved what he saw. She is thankful that her husband at least finds her good looking!

  As much as she hates to admit it, she is slightly in awe of his magnificent persona. The way his muscles flex when he moves his arms, the way his strong hands held her delicate ones during the ceremony, the way he stole glances at her from time to time, everything made her feel something she’d never felt before. Could it be that she is attracted towards Lord Northwall? If that is the case, she’ll have to keep her emotions in check. Getting too attached to him will bring nothing but heartache and she’s not prepared to deal with that after all that she’s been through.

  Peter’s voice brings Rebecca out of her thoughts.

  “Rebecca, are you ready? Lord Northwall wants to leave right away for Southampton.”

  “Yes….yes, I am ready.”

  With a forlorn expression on his face, Peter says, “I’ve got all your belongings and gifts loaded in the carriage.” He hesitates for a moment looking uncharacteristically awkward. “I am going to miss you.” His voice becomes thick with emotion.

  “I am going to miss you too, Peter. And I am going to miss Leicester!” There are tears in Rebecca’s eyes.

  “I’ll visit you next month. Please remember my words, Rebecca. Try not to judge Lord Northwall too quickly. I have a feeling that he is a nice man. You just have to be a little patient…..You know I don’t want you to end up like Mother. Rebecca, a man won’t stray if he gets enough love from his wife.”

  “Do you think Mother didn’t love Father enough?”

  “I am not saying that. Each man is different. Father was never in love with her, and though Mother did love him immensely, she never really tried to win his heart. Do you understand what I am saying?”

  “Yes, perhaps.” She forces herself to smile at him. “Something else I’ve understood today is that my little brother has now finally grown up. I can’t believe that you’re discussing these things with me. You almost sound like Father,” says Rebecca.

  “I don’t want to be like him, Rebecca, never in a million years!” Peter replies soberly.

  “Of course not! You are nothing like him. I know that you just went down the wrong path for a while, but now that you’ve realized your mistakes, you’ll be the best Earl England has ever known,” Rebecca’s smile widens.

  “Is Her Grace ready for the journey? His Grace is waiting for her in his carriage.”

  A sudden knot of tension forms in Rebecca’s stomach. She had not understood until now that she’ll have to cover the entire distance from Leicester to Southampton with Lord Northwall within the confines of his carriage. It is going to take a good three days!

  Peter nudges her a little and gestures towards the carriage waiting in front of the church. Her feet have suddenly become as heavy as lead. What is she going to do if Lord Northwall tries to come close to her in the carriage? Or if he tries to kiss her! He’s married you for an heir, silly. Of course he’ll want to consummate the marriage as soon as possible, a voice at the back of her mind says. She shivers at the thought.

  It is not that she isn’t physically attracted to him. It’s just that she firmly believes that a man and a woman should come together in the most intimate way only once they are in love. Unfortunately, her marriage with Lord Northwall is based on anything but.

  Chapter Three

  Lord Northwall watches patiently as his beautiful bride slowly approaches the carriage. There are mixed emotions on her face. She looks a little melancholic which is obvious, given that she’s leaving behind her brother and her estate and embarking on a new journey totally unaware of what the future holds for her. But along with a hint of sadness, there is another emotion playing on her face. She looks anxious and a little fearful. What can she possibly be afraid of? Surely not him! He chuckles inwardly as he
remembers her fiery nature and the way she accused him of stealing the estate from her brother. No, there has to be something else bothering her. He intends to ask her once they are on their way.

  As Rebecca and Peter near the carriage, Henry comes out to receive his wife. After a final goodbye, Rebecca and Henry finally begin their journey towards Southampton.

  Once inside the carriage, Rebecca chooses to sit as far away from Henry as the little space permits and this amuses Henry no end. So, she is still angry with him for forcing her into marriage! The way she looked at him during the ceremony, Henry had wondered if she could also feel the sweet tension that was brewing between them. Could it be that he’d been wrong?

  “My dear, if there is anything I can do to make you feel more comfortable, do let me know.”

  Rebecca starts. “What? Ummm… no, I mean nothing. I am very comfortable, thank you,” she replies. Lord Northwall just addressed her as “my dear”! Good Heavens!

  “Why are you sitting so far away, then? Are you angry with me?”

  “Angry? Why should I be angry with you, my lord?” Rebecca says, her huge eyes going round with surprise.

  “Please call me Henry. There is no need for such formalities now that we are man and wife. Besides, there is no one listening to us here.”

  “Alright. What makes you think that I am angry with you Henry?” she says a little too sweetly.

  Henry laughs out loud at her courage. She never ceases to amuse him. One moment she’s acting all coy and shy like a new bride and the next she’s back to her fiery self.

  “I thought that perhaps you were angry with me for leaving you with little option but to marry me.”


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