Forever After (Post Apocalyptic Romance Boxed Set)

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Forever After (Post Apocalyptic Romance Boxed Set) Page 70

by Rose Francis

  The intruder laughed again, eyes twinkling in good humour until he realized her dress was off, and there was a large man in the background with a gun pointed his way.

  His brow knit, anger tinting his voice. “What’s going on?” he hissed to her, grabbing her naked arm and jostling her. He looked so similar to her, with his dark hair and fair skin. His readable face and plush lips, downturned in anger.

  She swatted Will’s hand away. “Fuck off, Will, I told you. Not now.”

  Leon knew what was happening immediately, and the large muscled man, his cock still turgid and hanging out, lowered the gun, his muscles relaxing with some relief. Though it did little to make up for spoiling his first fuck in ages, at least he wasn’t in danger of dying. Well, he hoped not.

  He laid the gun down aside and began to close up his pants, hoping the pair finished their talk quickly.

  “What the fuck, Fiona?” he snarled into her ear, standing a little too close to her. “Can’t even leave you alone to fish now? I’m going to have to be with you every fucking minute?”

  She pushed on his chest, anger still brewing within her at both of the men. “I’m an adult! I can do what I want!” she hissed.

  Will looked over her body, at the dirty hair, her barely hidden breasts, and she tugged the dress up, almost exposing her slit. Instead, all that could be seen was cum dribbling down her inner thigh, and she tried to step away. He gawked at her, eyes turning dark.

  “You let him cum in you?” he snarled, rage contorting his face as he pushed her toward the tree line, stomping in front of her and past the stranger, gathering the bucket of fish, her backpack, and her romance novel, sucking a breath past his teeth.

  Not bothering to gather the rest of his things, Leon stood up, his height and size making him one imposing figure. He glowered at that shove of Fiona. “Hey, don’t treat her like that,” he commanded, his deep voice trembling with repressed rage, or at least the semblance of it as he tried to pick up for the poor girl, stepping between the two.

  Will glared at the rebuff, and Fiona shrank behind him, though neither was on her good side at the moment.

  “You’re the one risking her damned life,” he snarled, glaring toward Fiona. He didn’t loft his gun again, not seeming to be threatened by the larger man, fuelled by his own emotions.

  Fiona struggled into her dress, leaving herself oh, so bare for a few heartbeats before she pulled up the dress, her brother’s eyes flicking to her angrily, and then back to Leon. “Look, I don’t blame you.” His words were a lot more calm, but regardless he tried to stalk by. “She has to be cleaned up.”

  Leon softened. He wasn’t about to butt into their lives too much, but he just couldn’t stand to see her pushed around. Turning his gaze toward her he gave an apologetic frown. “Sorry,” he said lowly, seeming to mean it. “Things happened so fast.” Staying where he was, however, he added, “I meant what I said though,” and he did. For he trusted few people in these days, but a woman who relied on him because she carried his child? Well, he figured he could trust a woman like that.

  She couldn’t do up the back of her dress in such a hurry, and left it hanging tantalizingly low over her shoulders, and though she gave Leon one last, confused look, she took off into the forest, heading back toward the cabins with Will close in step.

  Chapter 2

  It was beginning to get dark, but he was fairly close to the outpost, just a half hour walk or so.

  It was a strange end to the tryst, he thought, certainly not as satisfying as he’d intended. Not with that damned interruption. But it had a certain sort of satisfaction to it, and he gathered up his things, redressing and preparing to venture on ahead once he was dressed again.

  By the time he finally arrived, he could smell the roasting meat, the fire crackling high. It was just a small little cropping of cabins, likely summer homes for rich people in better days but now convenient hideaways for the Traditionalists, as they liked to be called.

  After the mad gods had ravaged the lands, they became convinced that it was a dawn of a new era. Not something bad, but a reset for humanity. A chance to right the wrongs. Mostly environmentalists, they had been joined by a few religious people who heeded the call for a more simple life. Their days revolved around farming, hunting, and telling each other stories, passing on their history through word of mouth.

  This one only had a couple dozen people, but they were typically happy and friendly to all but those that dealt unfairly with them. His contact was the young woman that ran the “general store” as she called it, and he knew she could be found in the furthest cabin from the tree line.

  He didn’t see Fiona or her brother anywhere around, though there was a makeshift family of various genetics sat around the cooking fire, huddling into one another affectionately.

  At times he felt a pang of longing for such closeness, and normally laying with a woman mitigated that somewhat. Though the rude interruption that prevented him from ending the affair in a pleasant manner left him a bit... off.

  He turned from the sight of the families and made his way over to the general store. Doing business and seeing the familiar face would, he hoped, cheer him up some.

  She brightened immediately as she heard the bell ring and saw his face. Walking around the counter, Tia reached up, embracing him in a familiar, loving manner. They had a past, but the distance had grown tough on her. The last time they’d spoken had not been pleasant, but it seemed all was forgiven.

  Her smooth skin was a beautiful, light brown. Her cocoa eyes twinkled at him good-naturedly before she released him from her grips.

  “Hey, stranger,” Tia purred before backing away. The sudden removal of her large breasts from his rib cage was unpleasant, especially after seeing her in that simple white dress that delved so teasingly low. Her hands were hard from all the work she did out on the farm, and her arms were well muscled, but that did nothing to distract from her ample and quite visible cleavage.

  Being lovers with someone led to a certain familiarity that persisted even after the lovemaking ended. He stared a bit openly at her breasts, giving a very obvious and dramatic shiver.

  “Damn, Tia,” he said in his gruff voice, a bit huskier thanks to the postcoital weariness and day’s journey he was suffering from. “Seeing you again is enough to make me forget I just hiked through the damn countryside all day.” With a broad, handsome smile he rested his gun, helmet and pack aside, “How’ve you been, gorgeous?”

  “Busy.” The backs of her fingers ran down his chest before she forced herself away. “You know how it is. Planting season. We’re lucky we got a huge stock of seeds in from one of the communes in California.” She smiled, obviously having had a large role to play in procuring that.

  “What about yourself? Guessin’ you got something for me?”

  With a somewhat reluctant nod he hefted the heavy bag he was carrying up, carrying it over to her countertop. “The usual sort of stuff,” he said, brightening up a bit as he began to fish things out. “Some useful tools,” he said, referring to the knives as well as other more traditional tools. “Some entertainment,” he said, bringing forth some books. “The best, of course,” he added handsomely, “for my favourite lady in all the wastes.”

  She rolled her eyes playfully, appraising the items before she walked back to him. “You know, you’re always welcome to stay with us. It’d be so much easier,” she tried gently. It was how the discussion always started, and it never ended well.

  He was determined not to let it go that way though, and with a sweep of his powerful arm about her waist, he tugged her in against him firmly, as if they were performing some dance maneuver. Grinning down at her, he bent his head near her level, and he said, “Or you could come hold up with me in my castle. My queen, fat with child and more satisfied than you can imagine.”

  She laughed, the sound playful as she flicked at his chest. “Oh, just show me what you got me, you big lout.”

  She’d lost everyone in t
he disaster, watching her family dematerialize before her eyes. The dust, whatever it was, ate through their flesh, but it did nothing to her and she had no way of knowing what it meant. The religious among them said she must be blessed, but the memory burned into her skull and she felt the words lacked conviction.

  He was sad to feel her peel away. He knew, of course, she would refuse him again, but he hated it nonetheless. He finished pulling out the rest of the things for her, having truthfully saved some choice finds for her in the vain hope of winning her over. “I won’t be staying for good, but you don’t mind my staying the night, do ya?” he asked, the look he gave her hinting at how much it tortured him to stay away from her.

  She bit down on her lip, her face tilting down as she inhaled.

  “Leon,” she murmured. Looking back up at him, her eyes were a little more watery, but she nodded. There was a lot of emotion welled up inside of her, but she was trying to be strong for him. She wanted to salvage what she could, and she simply couldn’t resist the idea of spending a little more time with him.

  She always wanted more from him, never less.

  His broad face, so chiselled and strong, softened with his warm smile. He finished with the things and laid his pack aside before he moved to her, his strong hand rubbing from her shoulder blade to her spine. His voice was soft, losing a bit of that commanding authority it usually held. “And I’ll try to keep myself from stealing you away to my fortress in the night.” A light smirk teased his cheeks, and he wanted to lighten the mood for her.

  She chuckled, but the sound was a bit hollow. She stayed next to him for another moment before walking to the new items he’d unveiled, suddenly all business. “Well, alright. I think we could set you up with enough food to last a month, but it might just be my kindness speaking. We got a pair of new hunters lately and they’ve been doing great to add to our supplies.”

  He gave a kindly smile to her remark, shedding his heavy protective vest and trench coat. “Your stuff beats the pants out of my canned goods,” he confessed. “Though there’s something to be said for the odd tin of pineapple, or a chocolate bar. Can’t get that up here,” he said, teasing her with that remark he knew she’d find goading.

  She rolled her eyes before turning back to him, her arms folded under her chest as she pushed up her breasts teasingly, leaning slightly to expose her cleavage. “Yeah, well, you can’t get these over there,” she goaded him back, the line between a true fight and good-natured humour razor thin.

  His nostrils flared, and his eyes widened a little as he gazed at her breasts. Damn, was she ever right. He stepped to her, reaching out with a hand upon her hip, the other reaching about her back, lightly tickling her spine. “Could never argue with that,” he said lightly, his thick, dark thumbs stroking her flesh through that dress. “Wish at least one of us weren’t so damn stubborn,” he said and bent down, kissing her forehead tenderly as their bodies touched.

  “You always try to argue, though,” she whispered.

  She was a lovely woman, but he was right. She was stubborn, and could be a terrible bitch at times, depending on her mood. Today, though, she just seemed lonely. She licked over her lips, and though her eye twitched. She confessed to him, “Marcia and Luke lost their baby.”

  They were another couple in the commune that Leon knew, though not well, but he had noticed she was practically bursting last time he saw her.

  Leon frowned deeply down at her, for though he didn’t know them well it troubled him deeply to hear of such things. “Is she alright?” he asked hopefully, his hands stroking her sides until finally he just took her in his arms fully and gave her a warm, tender embrace, resting his cheek to the top of her head, which his height made so easy.

  “Don’t know yet. Martin says they just have to wait and see.” Her arms clutched about him tighter, and it was obvious that she was needy of him. Needy for his companionship, for his affection, and for the warmth of his body pressed against hers. She wanted to feel safe from the outside world, even this perfect slice of heaven she’d tried so hard to cultivate.

  Squeezing her so firmly, tight almost to the point of discomfort but knowing the limits of his strength not to pass over it, he murmured to her in that strong voice of his that sounded as if it could do anything, could command any outcome no matter how silly or preposterous. “I’d never let anything happen to you,” and it was silly, but it sounded so true the way he said it. “I’d keep you safe in my castle and stop anything bad from ever happening for as long as you were mine.”

  She hugged him back, and even on the brink of tears, she was strong, refusing the relief they’d award her. She tilted her head back and looked up at him so affectionately. “Look, Leon... I know this isn’t ever really going to work but... just for tonight?” she asked quietly.

  It wasn’t the first time she’d asked, but it had been a while.

  With a cheerful smile that was part teasing, part confident and cocky, but all loving and comforting, he brought a hand up to her face, stroked his thumb over her cheek, and said, “I’ll never turn down the opportunity to spend some time with you. You’ll always have a place in my heart, Tia. A prime, ladylike spot.”

  With another of his hearty, full squeezes, he lifted her up off the floor a good couple inches, bending down and tilting his head so his dark lips met hers.

  She kissed him back, her lips moving against his so tenderly, her hands wrapping around his neck as she helped him hold her body aloft. When finally they parted, she jerked her head back toward the stairs, her brown eyes full of promise.

  She didn’t share the cabin with any others for the most part, except for in the winter when their numbers swelled, and there hadn’t been a sound since he arrived.

  They didn’t walk to those stairs, however. He ran a hand down her spine to her ass, cupping that swell of flesh, and hefted her with a display of strength that made her look easier for him to carry than the satchel he brought in.

  With her in his arm, he stroked his other hand over her leg, then along her arm, and back, placing a kiss on her lips. “I am going to savour this night,” he said, his voice almost a growl as his fingers grazed her breast. “And I’m going to suck these sore.”

  She bit her lower lip, her nose nuzzling along his thick neck, her breath hitting against his collarbone. He could hear it quicken at his threat, and her hands clasped him more desperately. She’d always loved the things he could do to her, even before they got involved.

  Even after they stopped, she found it hard to say no to him.

  “Bedroom,” she growled, biting his ear and tugging it.

  Chapter 3

  The downstairs was laid out like a store, and there were several windows that could easily be spied into. She never cared for being spied on.

  He carried her into that room, never showing any strain from her weight. By the time he was in there with her, it was like he was back to how he was this morning; ravenous for affection and sex as if he’d been without for months.

  Bringing her to the bedroom, he didn’t want to part from her. He just kissed her aggressively, shoving his tongue into her mouth, and felt her up as he pressed her back to the wall. The woman earlier today was delicious, but Tia, and her gorgeous breasts, were beyond compare. He revelled in that voluptuous flesh, delighting in the feel of it, groping, squeezing, and kneading it as their tongues intertwined.

  Her room was simple, with a dresser and a bed, her curtains still open. It was darker up there, no candles or oil lamps to light their movements, but the silver moon cast a flattering glow on both of them. She was so lonely and afraid that her motions were more passionate, more needy, her thick lips pressing against his skin as she sucked.

  She lusted for this man like no other.

  Pressing against her, his engorged cock ground against her body. It’d had a taste of sweet release, but it didn’t feel like it with the way he needfully rubbed himself against her body. Those groping hands moved up, pulling down her dress from he
r shoulder, trying to make those sumptuously large breasts bare to his touch.

  It was all happening so fast, yet felt in slow motion. Or was it vice versa? He took her from the wall and moved to the bed, laying her out there before he moved to tug off his turtleneck sweater, revealing that mass of ripped and scarred muscle.

  She squirmed out of her dress so eagerly, revealing her simple, white underthings. It contrasted against her light brown flesh, and made it look so enticing, even in its simplicity. She reached behind herself, unclasping the bra and tossing it away unceremoniously, her legs already parted for him.

  She was a beautiful woman, with strong arms and a fine body, and there was an undercurrent within her. She wanted him.

  In the same time he was stripped down to nothing more than his snugly fitted boxers that cupped and accentuated the shape of his more-than-generous organ. Even for his broad and tall frame, he bore a large package, and he tugged down that last stick of fabric to reveal it, the shaft veiny and thick for her, glistening at its dark tip with his precum, his heavy pair of balls swaying as he moved onto the bed with one knee, taking hold of her panties and sliding them down her legs.

  There was a certain reverence in the way that he did that. This wasn’t the random seduction in the woods. He cared for this woman deeper. And though he’d seen her nude so many times before, it was special to strip away that last piece of clothing yet again nonetheless, and everything about how he did it and gazed at her suggested as much.

  She tried not to show how eager she was, but she had to focus quite hard on not just leaping into his arms. She wanted this to last, for him to be with her, comforting her, for quite some time. She trembled, her bare foot rubbing against his shoulder before she hooked her heel in against him, tugging him closer.

  “I need you.”

  Leon was prepared to savour this moment, but that plea of hers, that tug of her heel; it was all he could take. He held himself up with one palm by her head, and gripped her leg as he lined up his member with her cunt. It was so thick and full it stood out on its own quite well, needing no guidance from his hand to push it against and into her wanting cunt. He let loose a loud, reverberating groan of satisfaction, no longer needing to be constrained for they were in the privacy of her home.


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