Forever After (Post Apocalyptic Romance Boxed Set)

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Forever After (Post Apocalyptic Romance Boxed Set) Page 73

by Rose Francis

  “What am I going to do?” she whined, looking quite annoyed at not being lusted over despite her apparent disinterest in him. She was quite the tease, and hated having her power taken away from her. Reaching out, she grabbed his hand, squeezing it. “Besides, we’re supposed to meet Tia for supper!”

  Celia waited patiently, confident that she would have her time with him. The others merely watched, curious.

  Leon gave Celia a hard stare, his dark eyes penetrating. With a look back to Faith he said, “You keep doin’ what you were doin’, and then I’ll be back to get to you,” and reached over to lightly slap his large, powerful palm against her ass, a cocky smile on his face.

  Faith stood from the box and took a step forward, shocked by his spank, looking quite flabbergasted at his rebuttal.

  Looking to Celia, he said, “Let’s talk,” firmly, as if commanding it.

  “Tia’s gonna be pissed!” Faith hissed out, as if suddenly she were concerned for her sister’s feelings, her arms crossed over her chest angrily.

  Celia, meanwhile, opened the door, leading him out into the fresh air and walking toward another cabin, not waiting for him to follow.

  Before following after, Leon gave a brief sly smirk to Faith, whispered for her ears only, “Should’ve taken the opportunity when you had the chance,” flashed her a teasing wink, and followed after the Asian woman to the neighbouring cabin.

  Chapter 7

  He was intrigued by her the moment he saw her, and though he saw much of what she said was madness, that’d never stopped him before. Not with Tia, after all.

  Opening the door, she revealed a rather small, plain cabin. It was intended only for two, and it didn’t seem anyone else was home. Lighting a candle, she silently walked down the hall, opening the door to a bedroom and quickly closing the curtains. It was an action considered suspicious, yet she had no hesitation. Nothing about her movements gave a hint that she felt uncertain in any of this.

  “Shut the door behind you. I don’t know when my roommate will be home.”

  Leon did this dutifully, the tall, muscular man having no issue with the bizarre secrecy. He was a cautious man himself, after all. His home was a monument to that paranoia. Looming over her in the candlelit room, his dark visage was all the more imposing. “A lot of strong talk back there,” he said lowly. “You surprised me.”

  “Faith bringing you surprised me. I don’t know why she was there in the first place. She keeps showing up after she stumbled upon us a couple of months ago.” Celia frowned, seeming quite annoyed at the other woman’s actions. “Regardless, I’m pleased. You travel all over, yes?”

  With a slow firm nod, he responded, “I don’t take to farming, or sitting around. I go into the heart of the city, take the things others are afraid to go near. I trade with various places around, I give them those things I don’t need or care for, and they give me the best of what they have to offer.” He let his gaze roll down over her, studying her and her looks intently.

  She was a fit young woman, and her scant clothes showed off her toned body. She set the candle down next to her bedside table, sitting atop the bed and crossing her short legs. Her skirt snaked up her thigh, teasingly high, as she bent down to untie one of her sneakers.

  “Do you have information about other societies? Their birthrate and how many children they have growing among them?” she asked, her brown eyes moving up his body slowly.

  She was definitely his type. With a slow nod to her question, he responded huskily, “That’s easy enough information. Doesn’t take much to get someone to start yammering to you about all the births and pregnancies in a camp when you pass through.”

  He didn’t quite know what to make of the woman. He liked her, that’s about all he knew, but he liked plenty of nutcases. He continued to stand immobile and tall, his bulky muscles easily outlined by his tight turtleneck sweater and the cargo pants that bulged with his thick thigh and calf muscles beneath.

  She kicked her shoe into the corner of the room, bringing her other foot up onto the bed and unlacing that one, letting her skirt fall back around her black panties before she kicked that one aside as well, leaving on her black, knee-high socks. She shifted on the bed, cross-legged at her pillow.

  “You can sit,” she allowed, her eyes on his face. ”Have you run across the cultists?”

  At that, Leon came over, his heavy mass causing her bed to creak and groan beneath them both, creating a recess that almost sucked her toward him a little.

  “Of course,” he said, his hand resting near her leg, his thumb beginning to brush across her stockinged calf. He was intent to let this play out, see where this strange woman went with it.

  “And what of their birthrate, hmm?” She tilted her head, the long, black hair falling over her shoulder and across her cropped top. “It’s higher than elsewhere, isn’t it?”

  Watching her with his dark gaze, he was a bit enraptured with her. Perhaps the crazy talk helped, or maybe it was just the pent-up frustration of earlier, for he found himself nodding slowly. “Not many know,” he said, his fingers feeling out her leg, moving up and past the edge of her dark sock. “They try to keep it hidden. Mask their power.” Those broad fingers of his moved up across her bare thigh, achingly slow. “But not much escapes my view.” A broad, sly smirk on his face.

  She smiled, her crossed legs feeling so taut and muscular under his grasp. She looked gleeful at his words, sitting up straighter at his confirmation of her beliefs. She licked her lips, biting her lower one in as she digested it all.

  “I knew it,” she finally exhaled. “They reward their followers with the gift of eternal life through our kin,” she explained diligently, her eyes excited.

  “Do you believe?”

  Leaning in toward her, his body looming a bit over her, he was grinning a bit as he spoke. “I was born for this life.” His hard fingers brushed up against her skirt over those firm thighs of hers. “I was made to survive these wastes, and I embrace it.” With his gaze locked on hers he leaned in, almost pushing back against her. “That’s why you don’t find me here with these fools. I live as the strong do. Independent.”

  She seemed so pleased with his response, her dark eyes focused on his.

  “You’re the best chance I have here,” she confessed. It was a strange thing to say, something so crass in such an unsexual manner, despite the sexual underpinnings of her statement. “How long will you be staying here this time?”

  With almost a growl to his voice, he said, “I’m the best chance you have, period.”

  His hand slipped up her skirt entirely, rubbing her bare skin and then touching the band of her panties, fingering them as he began to push his chest to her, his face hovering but an inch from her own. “Two nights, tops,” he said, his broad pecs rising and falling beneath his sweater as his breathing grew heavier. As cool and unsexual as she made it, it didn’t inhibit his feelings on the matter.

  “If you’re strong enough to carry it through,” he said, eyes partially lidded now, “I can take you away from here. Show you so much.”

  She shifted, her fingers hooking into her panties and pushing them down, moving them off over her socked feet and tossing them on top of her sneakers. She still kept on her thin shirt and her pleated skirt, her dark eyes focused on his face.

  “I want your kid,” she said, her words heated as her mouth moved to his neck, kissing him roughly. She even nipped at his flesh as her hands clasped his sweater, pulling him to her body, “I want you to fuck me ’til I’m pregnant,” she hissed.

  Such an odd way to request it, her word choice so bizarre. But it did the trick, for he pushed her down into the bed with his own motions, kissing her paler skin hungrily upon her neck in return. Grabbing her two legs, he pushed them back and wide, spreading her before he moved his hands to his own waist. His belt was undone and his pants open in a heartbeat, for he took her desires at face value, and wasn’t about to miss another opportunity.

  The massive totem
of his own virility exposed and throbbing immediately, he angled himself so that it rubbed down against her now exposed sex, trying to jam it into her as his two hands felt out her chest and kept her legs back.

  She was wickedly slick, that trimmed bit of pubic hair doing nothing to hinder him as he slid into her body. She was so tight and pleasant around him, her entire body clinging to his. Even if she felt this was some sort of means to an end, she certainly didn’t act it. She seemed, instead, hungry for his flesh.

  She continued to kiss and nick him with her teeth, her slender legs easily pressed back so that they met the bed, her skirt flipped up over her stomach. Her breathing was already heavy, and she moved her hand, grabbing the candle and trying to hand it to him.

  “Pain,” she hissed, “is the purest form of worship.”

  Sheathed inside her he was almost too wrapped up in the pleasure of her cunt to absorb the meaning of her words. She was one sick little princess, he thought, but he was game. Before taking it, he pulled his sweater off over his head, and all the while his cock throbbed widely inside her.

  With his chest bared, he took the candle in hand and let the light fall across the wide display of hard etched muscles, the pronounced markings of old scars and wounds. If she liked pain, perhaps she’d enjoy that sight, he reckoned.

  In a low guttural voice, almost growling, he said, “You’ll not find a better master of pain,” and with a hard tug back of his hips, he then rammed his cock into her with a rough thrust. The stab of pain that accompanied it was alleviated only by the hot, stinging pain of wax as he tipped the candle so that a dribble of searing liquid ran down her inner thigh.

  She hissed her pleasure, her head tilting back as she twitched, her cunt clinging to him tightly. Her hand went to her chest, flicking up the crop top and exposing her braless chest with the dark little nipples, hard and wanting. In the close light of the candle he could see there were some burns and cuts in various stages of healing along her normally hidden regions, the rest of her body delightfully smooth and youthful.

  “Yess,” she moaned, digging his large cock into her further, feeling herself stretch around him. He was imbedded so deep around her with her legs pushed back as they were that tears sprang to her eyes and she craved more.

  He didn’t pause to admire her beauty, though he admired it all the same. Hers was a special kind, after all, rare in many ways, not the least of which caused by of her extreme behaviour.

  With low grunts he continued to pump his hips into her, he gave it to her hard, for he relished the opportunity. As big as he was—as girthy as he was—he rarely got a chance to cut loose, even a little, with women. Though this was far from going wild, he hammered into her tight cunt hard, his balls slapping against her ass.

  Licking his lips, he spoke to her in a commanding voice, “Give me a child, and I’ll keep you swollen with seed till the end of your days,” then tipped the candle again, another small dollop of wax landing, this time, upon her breast.

  Her nipple hardened with the pain, her mouth dropping open in an “ahh.” Opening her eyes, she found his, her breathing hard as she hooked her feet in under the headboard, her body rolling so that her ass was lifted off the bed, begging him to bottom out in her deeper and harder.

  The woman was obviously no virgin or, at least, not a stranger to this type of pleasure. She took it willingly, her cunt quivering and tightening around his thick, black cock. Her hand went into his hair, grasping at it and jamming her mouth to his.

  Mashing their lips together, he kissed her fiercely, bent over her twisted form he hammered down into her, striking the depths of her cunt, greeting the entrance of her womb with his bulging, wide crown. Grunting as he plunged his meaty shaft down into her, he felt his loins stir. It was all so much, and he wanted to pump her full.

  Pushing the candle aside to the side table, he took hold of the bottoms of her thighs and ass, and he pistoned himself into her with a brutal pace. It had to have been excruciating for her, he thought, but he didn’t let that hinder him. He continued with the harsh treatment as his broad chest heaved and he grunted loudly. “Cumming,” he panted out, feeling his dick swell inside her, the fire travelling up its length as his balls tightened.

  She seemed to derive more pleasure from that single word than anything he had said or done. She practically quaked against him in her excitement and the strain of her body, her eyes glassy with tears. A stupid smile appeared on her face between her gasps and whimpers, the pleasure crashing through her.

  Her nails dug into his neck and shoulders as she rode out his orgasm, her pussy clamping down around his cock.

  All the teasing and wait had been worth it, he decided, as he rammed his shaft down into her so hard and fast. The first heavy spray of his virile seed down into that waiting receptacle was satisfying beyond measure. Oh, he’d come inside that girl earlier, but he was so primed for danger he couldn’t enjoy it at all.

  This, however, he revelled in. He grunted and groaned loudly as he pumped her hard, making sure he squeezed out every last spurt, every last drop of his seed. With a loud, satisfying cry, he filled her with his rough thrusts as his fingers dug so hard into her flesh they’d likely bruise. He didn’t even notice it, but as his thick black cock shot its load he had been cursing and muttering at her to “take it, take it all.”

  Her head twisted about on the pillow, writhing in her own, much quieter, pleasure. Both hands move to his ass, joining her socked feet as she pulled him within her deeply. She held him there, jammed within her sopping cunt, as she came down from her high. When finally she was able to speak again, her voice was a bit dry. “In the top drawer,” she murmured, motioning to the night stand.

  Opening it up revealed an assortment of illicit objects that he had no idea how she’d obtained. Razors, a dagger, and a very large dildo lay on top.

  Looking at her assortment of toys, he pulled out the large dildo, eying it curiously then looking to her. “Would’ve taken my time,” he said, “if I knew you cared about more than carrying strong life.” He flexed his still large, swollen dick inside her, forcing her vaginal walls wider for a moment.

  She laughed, a short, stilted thing, as her eyes opened at him. “You’ll have time before you go,” she promised, her straight hair a bit messier after their tryst. “But in the meanwhile, I don’t want to lose any.”

  The actual meaning of the thing then struck him, and he grinned a bit. “Good girl,” he muttered approvingly. Carefully, he began to rise up, sliding his thick, veiny girth out of her, almost as obsessive as she about not spilling or wasting any.

  Wiping what creamy white seed of his remained on his own dark cock into her folds, he then shoved the thick dildo into her hard, sealing it in place. With a lick of his lips he said, “More to come before I go.”

  She moved her pillow from beneath her head, propping her ass up and allowing it to tip her sex back. She was quite the little sight with her skirt and shirt pushed out of the way, revealing her wax-stained nipple and thigh, and the dildo-plugged pussy.

  “First thing tomorrow morning. You’ll be most potent then,” she ordered.

  “I’ll be here,” he promised with a wry smirk, watching her as he was already getting up and beginning to get dressed again. She was a sight to behold, alright, he mused to himself. It didn’t take him long to throw on his sweater and do up his pants, nor did the little extra push he gave the dildo. “’Til then,” he bid her farewell.

  Chapter 8

  She let him see himself out into the chilly night. It had been an eventful day, especially for such a sleepy little hollow of such peaceful people. It was a crisp evening, and there was still light conversation coming from the direction of the fire. They were a social group, and spent so much of their time around one another.

  Faith sat outside the cabin, looking rather sullen. She stared up at the sky, her thin arms wrapped around her knees, and upon his approach, her dark eyes turned to him. “Have fun?” she hissed hatefully. Apparen
tly she hadn’t quite mastered her jealousy as others in the camp.

  Glancing back at the cabin he remarked ruefully, “That lady is nuts. Friend of yours for long?” He acted casual, as if nothing beyond a conversation with a crazy lady had just occurred, resting his back to the cabin beside her, putting his arm about her naturally.

  “She’s new.” She rolled her eyes. “I tried to warn you. Fuck.” Her eye twitched just slightly. “I’m sorry I ever brought you here. I thought it’d be a laugh.”

  “I thought it was pretty funny,” he remarked wryly, his hand rubbing her back. He leaned in, speaking quietly, “Doesn’t feel so good to tease now, does it?”

  Her head turned away from him, shame burning her cheeks at his words. She quickly stood up, looking down at him. “We’ve missed dinner.”

  Seeing her stand up, he reached out, taking her hand and tugging her back toward him as he nonchalantly rested against the cabin. “Maybe we should do somethin’ else then,” he suggested, a slight curve to one corner of his smile.

  Her confidence had been shattered, and no longer was she being the flirtatious young woman of earlier. Instead, she almost looked frightened, collapsing against his body and looking up at him on her knees. “Leon,” she murmured. It was a mix of emotions, of reverence and fright, but mostly she sounded sober. “Tia’s probably had some time to cool off.”

  Putting his strong arms about her, he held her comfortingly, stroking the back of her hair soothingly. He bent down and kissed her head. In a warm embrace he murmured to her quietly, “We can head back if you like, or we can prance off into the woods to play tag if you want. I don’t care. Just glad I get to see you again anyhow.”

  She was all soft against him, no longer rebellious and in control. He had taken her down more than a couple of pegs, and her hands rested on top of his thighs, taking in a breath.

  “I like you,” she exhaled, her eyes on him, “but I don’t want to get in the way of you and Tia. Not really.”


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