Forever After (Post Apocalyptic Romance Boxed Set)

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Forever After (Post Apocalyptic Romance Boxed Set) Page 82

by Rose Francis

  Continuing, obeying her absolutely, he unbuckled his belt and shed his cargo pants, the heavy garment going to the floor revealing his thick thighs, narrow hips, and the steel-hard cock, so impressively large as it stood out above his heavy set of balls.

  She refused to take her eyes off his face, and as the final bit of his clothing hit the floor, she uncrossed her legs. “Now me,” she purred. She stood up, her body poised before him, the buttons on her blouse begging to be undone.

  There were no more thoughts in his head but obeying this goddess before him. Quite literally. Moving his strong hands to her boots, he carefully undid the zippers down the side, one at a time. He lifted her feet and very carefully removed the footwear, laying them aside with such worshipful care, as if they were relics of a saint.

  He wanted so badly to touch her beautiful, pale legs, lick, kiss, bite, and rub them. But he didn’t dare. He moved his hands up, undoing the buttons on her blouse slowly, carefully, revealing more of smooth stomach, until at last he peeled it away and those gorgeously formed breasts, unclothed beneath, were exposed to the air. It took immense willpower, or something else altogether, to keep from cupping and squeezing those perfect mounds.

  With her blouse off, he went to her hips, undoing the zipper he found there, sliding it down off her legs and lifting each foot to get it off completely.

  All it left were those panties, the white morsel of cloth nestled between her thighs. And he took extra special care with them, curling his dark fingers into the fabric and rolling them down off her as he revealed her pinkened labia. He stared at that sight as he finished his task, stripping her down to nothing at all and laying her panties aside with the same meticulous care.

  She barely breathed as he undressed her, but her eyes were stuck on him with rapt attention. She bent when he required, positioning herself in front of his body. Her hands didn’t even shake.

  Though her fear of men was well founded in most of the remaining world, with him she didn’t even tremble. Her skin was so smooth, and her tight nipples begged to be sucked, but instead all she said was, “Crawl into bed.”

  Her voice had returned to that lovely, dulcet tone, no more anger or annoyance present. He had pleased her!

  The hulking black man did as told like an obedient boy, climbing onto the large king-size bed and making room for her. He rested back against the ample number of pillows, propped up on his elbows as he lay there. The pose did wonders for exposing his masculine physique, leaving little to the imagination as his thick, throbbing cock rested against his lower stomach, his sac against his two thickly muscled thighs.

  As imposing as he could be to look at in all his glory, he simply lay there watching her, waiting for more of her beautiful words to instruct him. To just speak to her was bliss.

  She moved atop the bed, grabbing the blankets and pulling them down as she slid on top of the mattress, her long legs poking down into the sheets as she lay there, just inches from him. He could smell her, but she pulled the blankets back up. Her hand went to her hair, pulling out the side ponytail and placing the elastic on the night side table, leaving her dark, black, lightly curled hair to fan around her head.

  Her eyes fluttered shut, but her lips opened, a familiar tone coming from her. It was a lullaby of some kind, though he could only assume it was in her native tongue, for it certainly wasn’t English. There, with the woman lying mere inches from him, smelling and looking so heavenly, he found sleep despite his hardness. It remained, throbbing against him as he slumbered.

  Chapter 17

  A strange sensation lifted him from sleep, though he had no idea how long he had rested. It could have been seconds or hours, but the feeling of weight on his body was apparent. He tried to move his arms, but found them useless at his sides, his legs equally so. Even opening his eyes was a struggle, but when he did he found the room basked in a pale pink light that didn’t seem to have a source.

  Atop him sat his new roommate, and he could feel her pussy around him, though he couldn’t lift his head to see it. She felt so divine, though. Slick and tight, her speed just right as she coaxed his body to pleasure. Her hands were on his chest, he could feel, and with each motion of her hips he could see her firm breasts jostle.

  Her eyes bore into his, a nearly sadistic smile curling her lips as she noted he was awake, and her inner muscles gripped him tightly. A soft song came from her, though it barely seemed like her lips moved.

  He should’ve been alarmed at this all. Nothing about it was right or natural. But instead all he could think was how grateful he was that this was happening, even if it was only a dream. The cling of her tight cunt about his massive cock was beyond perfect, he decided, and he groaned lewdly, smiling thankfully up at her as her beautiful, ethereal voice filled the room again.

  He wasn’t bothered by her sadistic smile, not in the least. His cock throbbed inside her and he could only hope she was enjoying it as much as he was despite his inability to move.

  The way her hips rolled and glided over his thighs, the press of her hands to his chest were all such wonderful sensations, even as her nails dug into his flesh. Her black curls framed her face so perfectly, and her eyes turned toward the ceiling.

  It was hard to tell how long she had been fucking him, but her pussy was dripping and had already coated his cock, the thick honey running down to lubricate his thighs and heavy sac. Her mouth began to move, catching up with the song, and upon that final syllable, when all became quiet, he came.

  It was powerful, the sensation starting in his toes and running up and down the length of his entire body as though it hadn’t just been his cock that she had been caressing and pleasuring. It was beyond compare, beyond anything he had the ability to reason, and his mind went blank, filling with blackness.

  By the time he came to once more, she was no longer in his bed, her ponytail holder disappeared from the side table, though her clothing remained folded at the side. He was struck with panic, at first, at her disappearance.

  Something in him, though, spoke to the fact that she was not gone.

  His erection still throbbed between his legs, smooth and clean, and he couldn’t be sure it wasn’t all a dream.

  Chapter 18

  He got up immediately. He wasn’t panicked, feeling she was here, but he still wanted to see her. To be sure.

  Without dressing he exited the room, leaving the door open as he looked about the dark hall of his home. He wanted to believe it really happened, all of it, despite what scary implications there were behind it. Something in his mind felt broken, and he was no longer able to think anything ill of her for certain, only meekly question at the recesses of his mind.

  She was standing at the top of the steps, overlooking his kingdom. She was so delightfully nude, that smooth curve of her bottom so lovingly pronounced above her slender legs. Her black hair was pulled back in her side ponytail, the curls just barely touching against her shoulder.

  She turned toward him, her smile touching the corners of her mouth.

  “Sleep well?”

  Nodding vaguely he approached her, wanting to be near her, climbing the ramp to the top level of his multilevel base with her. Looking down at her as he approached, he managed a soft, “Was it a dream?” His voice an eerie murmur.

  “Was what a dream?” Her head tilted to the side, but he could swear she was laughing at him behind those dark eyes of hers. She stared only a second before averting her eyes. “What do you have for breakfast?”

  Looking over her petite frame, so light but appropriately padded in the right places, he was so smitten. He felt his erection would never subside.

  “What would you like? I have some preserves from the village,” he stated, talking about the jams and pickled vegetables he kept from them. “There’s also a bunch of old-world things. Cereal even. Though not much milk left, it’s been a few weeks since I traded,” he stated, willing to give her any of it. All of it.

  He almost forgot his question, but it came ba
ck to him. “And I meant... us, you and I. Did we have sex?”

  The nature of what happened hardly seemed describable by sex. He was unable to resist, or do anything after all, and she had obviously initiated it without his consciousness even.

  She tilted her head to the side, looking at him intently. “Of course we did. You wouldn’t stop touching me, feeling over my body as I tried to slumber. Perhaps it was the drowsiness that let me succumb to you, but”—she moved closer to him, pressing her small body against his large, bulky frame—“maybe the loneliness had its role to play as well.” She lingered there for a few moments, his cock pressed between her stomach and his pelvis before she stepped away.

  “The village?” she asked, her curiosity piqued. “Where?”

  He knew that never happened. He wouldn’t have dared touch her again without her approval, not after the last time. But she said it had, so somehow he accepted it. It just seemed right to, feeling her pale form against his dark skin like that.

  “It’s west of here,” he said softly to her. “I do regular trades with them. They don’t want the techy stuff so much, so I just bring them simple things, they generously give me fresh foods and the like, so I’m not eating only old-world tins and packaged grub,” he explained.

  “A good deal for you both, then,” she cooed, her hand trailing down his arm gently, her fingertips almost tickling him. “When are you leaving for there next?” She tilted her head softly in question.

  Smiling down at her with such pleasure at her touch, his manhood twitching in response to that voice of hers, he said, “When would you like me to?” Nothing else mattered, he decided, but pleasing her.

  “Soon. I will come with you.” She smiled, as though she were gifting him with something amazing. Her hand moved along his bicep and down to his hand, guiding it to her hip. “They have something that belongs to me.”

  He more than eagerly placed his hand on her hip. He wanted so badly already to put his arm around her, after all, but didn’t only because he feared upsetting her again. He’d do anything to avoid upsetting her again.

  Brightening at her offer to come with him, he asked softly, “Are you sure you wish to risk going out? I could get anything they have of yours and take it back to you. You can count on me.” He was being absolute honest and determined.

  She looked at him, considering his offer for a while before she finally nodded. Her voice came out far more singsong than before, almost melodic in her manner of speaking. “They have my sister. I wish for her safe return to me. She was taken right after the fall and I have not known where she has been until very recently.”

  It was a cryptic response; she seemed to have no interest in the village yesterday, despite living only a few hours away from it. Not to mention there was only one person in the entire place who could possibly share a blood relation with her.

  That didn’t deter him, though, and he gave a broad smile. “Celia,” he said softly. “I know her.” He looked absolutely enchanted to be able to divulge that information to Adrianna. It meant he would be able to please her, and nothing mattered more.

  His powerful, dark hand gripped her hip firmly, “I will bring her right back, Adrianna,” he said in his low voice, the authority gone, and only devoted worship left. “Don’t worry, I won’t disappoint you.”

  She nodded, stroking his hand against her hip tenderly. “We will eat and you will leave. How long do you typically stay?”

  He looked absolutely in bliss, she was touching him, and he was touching her. They’d made love. “On average a couple nights, it depends,” he said honestly, his strong fingers kneading her flesh at her hip. “Is there anything else I can do for you before I leave?” he asked eagerly.

  She smiled and shook her head, leaning up and kissing along his chin on his strong jaw. “We will speak before you leave. For now, we will eat.”

  Chapter 19

  After he’d prepared her a breakfast—breaking out the special foods he’d been saving for a spectacular occasion, such as bacon fried on a gas grill—he tidied up and explained to her the workings of his manner, all the little traps, tricks and such. “The solar power isn’t enough to keep everything going twenty-four-seven,” he said as he wrapped it up. “So be careful with how much you use,” he warned.

  He was all smiles, dressed back in his travel clothes, gun over his shoulder, backpack stocked for the trip. “Are you sure there’s nothing more I can do for you before I leave, Adrianna? Or anything else I can get while away? I want this to be YOUR home, no matter what it takes.”

  She took in a breath, exhaling against his chest as she stood just in front of him. It felt almost tingly, even through the thick, protective material he was wearing. She traced something against his chest and shook her head.

  “Just act natural. Be yourself. Do not frighten her,” she warned, reaching up to touch his face.

  “I will protect our home while you do this task for me, and when you return, all things will come to you.”

  Something about what she’d said or done made him shiver. “You’ll see I’m the best man you could choose,” he stated, for the first time in ages some of his old firmness coming back to his voice, “and you could not regret that choice.” He almost bent down to kiss her, but stopped before quite doing so. He hadn’t been given permission, after all.

  She smiled and stepped away from his intentional kiss, the action so smooth it barely seemed like a rebuttal.

  “Be safe,” she bid him. “I will be here when you return.”

  Those words soothed him, and he set out. Unable to keep himself from looking back frequently, even when the building itself was but an increasingly smaller silhouette to his back.

  Once he met the entrance to the forest, though, his attitude took a dramatic shift. He felt like his old self once more. He still desired to be with the woman he’d left at his home, but it was no longer equal to his love for Tia and Faith. He still wanted to help her, but it was just as much as he wanted to help others.

  He still wanted her to stay with him, but as a part of his plans. He was no longer a pawn in hers.

  Still, there was a compulsion to see this through to the end, and as he hiked through the eerily silent woods, his trading goods strapped to his back—at her insistence of seeming normal—he was able to properly reflect on her presence in his life, and his home.

  It was disconcerting, to say the least, seeing the world again as he had, only now such dramatic decisions having already been made, and so carelessly at that. He couldn’t fathom what had possessed him to behave as he did. It seemed bizarrely unnatural, and a shiver went through his spine.

  He could even feel a bit of worry that he’d return to find his home robbed or burnt down—for real this time. But he pushed that aside, he’d do this, as he normally would, and not just because Adrianna had told him to. He was looking forward to seeing those women he cared for with Tia.

  Chapter 20

  The trek was uneventful, and when finally he came to the clearing that indicated the start of their perimeter, he could hear the same sounds that had greeted him when he left, though they seemed somehow more sombre. He remembered that Tia had mentioned that a woman was ill after miscarrying, but that she was on the mend.

  He couldn’t see anyone he cared to speak with, though many familiar faces looked at him as he made his way through the camp.

  The unsettling revelations that came to him after leaving his home troubled him still, and he wanted some answers. He wasn’t one to wait around, after all, so he went to see Celia. She would be expecting him anyhow; he’d told her to after all. So he headed straight there, intent on letting himself in if able, avoiding the more open areas of the little village, so that he wouldn’t stumble into Tia first. As much as he wanted to see the woman, he had to have some sort of resolution first.

  The door was left unlocked, and pushing himself into her room, he saw her sprawled on the bed, her legs kicked in the air as she looked through a fairly heavy-lookin
g old book. She gasped and shoved it between the wall and her bed, sitting upright.

  “Don’t you knock?” She scowled, wearing the same clothes as she was last time. It was easier to care for clothes than to have a wide array of outfits, and it suited her so well. Her face was a bit red at his intrusion but as she got up from the bed she looked up at him earnestly. “It’s too early to tell, you know.”

  He had laid that matter aside for the time being, his mind so wrapped up in the odd happenings with Adrianna. Though at her words he couldn’t help but frown a little. It’d been nearly a month, so he was hoping she’d know something.

  Unshouldering his bag, he put it down by the door and shut it behind him. “Let my excitement get the better of me,” he said, trying not to let his disappointment show. He sized her up. “No clue at all?” he asked, stepping near to her.

  “Even if there was, I wouldn’t jinx it by telling you,” she said, her words only slightly acidic as she moved up toward him, staring upwards and letting her long, black hair cascade down her mostly bare back. “Come to make sure?” She smirked, her flush returning to her cheeks, but looking less embarrassed and more excited.

  His own worries of the past couple days went away, and he reached out, sweeping the small woman up into his muscled arms and lifting her off the floor. Pulling her up nearer to his height he kissed her lips hard. “Yes,” he said in a gravelly, authoritarian tone that he’d almost thought forgotten. “And more.”

  Her eyes widened a bit, then narrowed eagerly. He could practically feel her arousal at his manhandling of her, her mouth eagerly parting against his.

  “Like what?” she purred, all but begging for more.

  He kissed her again, shoving his tongue deep into her mouth before pulling back. He was nearly crushing her in his arms. “I came to take you back with me,” he husked. “If you aren’t with child yet, you will be before long in my home,” he promised. His strong hands stroked her spine, and he didn’t give her opportunity to argue. “And it’ll be a better environment for you. Keep you from being troubled by other people’s nonsense. Focus on the one thing that matters.” The words rolling off his tongue so roughly.


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