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Forever After (Post Apocalyptic Romance Boxed Set)

Page 88

by Rose Francis

  She nodded, her hands taking his and moving them to her blouse. “Undress me and you may sleep for a day.” She smiled, the words sounding like the best reward he could have been offered.

  “Thank you,” he said, sounding so tired but genuine, his large hands, so dark in comparison to her pale flesh. The fine buttons of her blouse such tiny, delicate things, hard for him to grasp as he deftly undid the garment, fumbling only due to his exhaustion as he peeled it away, revealing those perky, perfect breasts of hers beneath. He wanted to cup and hold them so badly, but didn’t dare. He merely laid her top aside, then undid the zipper of her skirt, tugging it down and off, lifting her legs one at a time so gingerly to strip her down to nothing but her exquisite nudity.

  She undid her own holster, laying it aside before she turned to him.

  “Get into bed,” she ordered, her voice so stern, “and lay back.” She began to hum, foreign words slowly adding to the beautiful song, in bits and pieces before it became fully lyrical. He felt so tired, the same, hazy state he had slept in during the last time she was here. It felt slightly different, though. He couldn’t move, as before, but this time he couldn’t see as well. He could feel, though, her hands wandering around him. Trailing over his body, and the fact that he couldn’t see her only made the sensations feel more erotic.

  It was so tantalizing, and he tried to move, finding himself remaining still despite his efforts. Just as he felt her hand touch his throbbing phallus, though, it stopped. It was then he realized he could no longer hear, but he could sense something was wrong. So very wrong. Something had happened.

  It felt like hours that he lay there, unable to move or see or hear, just feeling the harsh blankets wrapped around his form. They didn’t feel like his regular sheets, they were too scratchy and... cold? He wanted to shiver, but even that he couldn’t do, his mouth frozen in place until suddenly it was over.

  The sensations left him, the heaviness holding him down, the chill... It all disappeared as his senses returned to him, and the first thing he noticed was that Adrianna was lying on the floor, her forehead bloody. Celia stood over her, panting and gasping as she clutched some invisible thing in her hand, and he was reminded of their plan.

  The forced servitude all melted away, and he could only see his former grovelling as disgusting and weak. With a grimace, he rose up, looking to the two women. Realization swept over him, and his eyes went wide. “You did it?!” he asked abruptly, a bit of shock at seeing the elder sister bloodied and unconscious. “You held nothin’ back, did you?” he remarked as he pushed his feet over the edge of the bed.

  A moment’s worry entered his mind, seeing the younger sister standing there, undoubtedly holding the object that was the source of his imprisonment.

  “Of course I did it.” She smiled triumphantly, though her eyes remained down at her sister’s bloodied skull. “She’ll be fine,” she murmured as she dropped to her knees, pushing the bangs from her sister’s face. “She’s always fine.” Adrianna’s rib cage still rose and fell, giving credit to Celia’s words, though she seemed a bit off. There was a lot of awe and respect in her motions, and her nails dug into the palm of her flesh as she squeezed that invisible pendant tighter as she stood. “Maybe that’ll teach her a few lessons.” She looked to Leon. “Tie her up. I’m assuming you’d have handcuffs?”

  He did, he’d raided a police department early into the crisis, and handcuffs were just the thing that would have multiple uses for him. Rising up, he shook his hand through his dreads, rotated his shoulders, and generally just did every little thing he could to try and shake off the dirty feeling of being someone else’s tool.

  “Yeah,” he said, stepping over to her and petting Celia’s hair. “Here,” he said firmly, holding out his hand. “I’ll store it safely for now.” Nude as he was, he towered over her, looking as commanding as ever, though inwardly he was afraid the temptation might be too much, even for this young woman that lived to be dominated.

  “You can’t even see it,” she scoffed, smiling up at him. “If I wanted to use it on you, you wouldn’t be asking that right now. By the way. Besides, you don’t know the destruction spells and, fuck, I don’t even know if you could feel it. It exists outside of our reality.” She opened her palm, showing it to be empty to his eyes.

  “The spell I used on you only prevented her from reading your mind during sex.” She smiled.

  Furrowing his brow, he said, “We had sex?” With a shake of his head, he said, “That doesn’t matter. I’ll store it if I can feel it, so that she can’t get to it before we’re able to destroy it. You can come with me to put it in the safe, if we must, but someone should really watch her in case she wakes up before we return.” Fair enough, he thought. He felt he could trust Celia, but still, she couldn’t just carry it around until they were able to destroy it. Adrianna could steal it back.

  “Just please get the cuffs, Leon. Really. We’ll handle one thing at a time.” She moved toward him, lightly closing her hands and pressing her nose against his chest. “Once she’s secured, we can deal with the spell.”

  He bent down and kissed the top of her head, not liking the sound of that but silently acquiescing. He wasn’t gone long before he returned from one of his supply cabinets, wrist and ankle cuffs in one hand, a sturdy chair in the other to attach them—and her—to.

  “Here we go,” he announced. “This’ll be her comfy new home for a bit,” he declared.

  Chapter 29

  She was still dressed in her sweater and pants, no longer clutching an invisible thing in her hands. “We need to do it outside of this room. As far from here as possible while still being in the building,” she commanded, though he didn’t feel a magical compulsion to obey. “This place is set up to be her strong point. Really, I’m kind of amazed I could take her on in here.”

  Leon inspected the room again after those words, the odd arrangement of things surprising him. “Maybe she was busy trying to solve the mystery of my unreadable mind,” he said, grasping at straws to understand all this nonsense he’d thought fantasy before now.

  Adrianna’s nude, unconscious form was no trouble for him to lift and arrange upon the chair. One thing of note, he had to confess, was that her beauty really wasn’t an effect of any spell. She was stunning, and it did take a bit of conscious effort to ignore it as he shackled her to the heavy chair.

  “Let’s go,” he said to Celia. “I know the place.” He put a hand on the smaller woman’s shoulder and led her on. It was cool in the building, but he didn’t bother to put on clothes. He had to get this done immediately. He led the younger sister down the ramps and across the great halls of the building toward one of the former entryways. The real entrance was blocked off by wooden walls, forming one of his “rubble rooms,” but the area surrounding it was empty but for reinforcement.

  “Here,” he stated.

  She took in a deep breath, shrugging off her backpack and opening it up. There were numerous items that she spilled out, strange jars of herbs and bugs that he had never seen before, and a large tome that he recognized as the one she was reading when he barged into her room last time. She had been planning this for longer than he knew, and as she lit the strange-scented candles, he felt like he was being pulled in two different directions.

  Atop a gold plate, she lay, well, nothing to his eyes but he sensed it was the object. A few subtle signs from her hand, and there was a strange background noise that started out so low. What was it? His ears strained, but he couldn’t make sense of the reverberating sounds.

  “I need you to be my anchor,” she murmured, her eyes lidding as she sang a soft hymn like tune, and suddenly he could see something else in the air. It was almost as if he was seeing the space between, and his body felt a bit queasy. Her voice started to ring out, echoing off the walls of the room even though the small area seemed hardly large enough to echo her words. They filled him, though, and he felt the urge to hold on to her hand, squeezing it tightly as her voice crescend

  He could see the object now, a tiny, teal gem, no bigger than Celia’s pinky, pointed and see-through, swirling with dark particles. It didn’t seem to follow the normal rules of geometry and seemed, to his engineering-trained eyes, to be unfeasible. Somehow it was staying together, but it looked as though it shouldn’t.

  Celia gasped as her head went up to the ceiling, and as his eyes followed, they could both see something swirling and growing larger in the darkness of the room. It was equal parts light and shadow, bright and dark, and its shape changed so quickly it wasn’t easy to get a good idea of what it was.

  Her words, though, seemed to make it shy away, a loud, shrill noise reverberating through both of them before it swirled into the amulet, devouring it and dispersing into the air. It was all around them, the strange amalgamation of impossible matter, and Celia closed her mouth and held her breath.

  When finally the air settled and the shade retreated, she sucked in a deep breath, her body falling back toward the hard floor. Leon, however, swept in, scooping up her slender body in his thick arms, lifting and cradling her with ease.

  He had no idea what he just witnessed, it was some glimmer of the horror they had all witnessed with the fall of civilization. He’d hoped not to see that sort of thing ever again, and it chilled him to his core to see her conjure it up. Nevertheless, he lifted Celia against his chest and took her from the room, wanting to get away from the source of it.

  Taking her to one of the other rooms, not wanting to use the sullied chamber Adrianna had tainted, he laid her out atop the bed tenderly. “You did good by me,” he husked approvingly.

  She was barely conscious, her eyes fluttering between opened and closed as her lips part. “We’re not done,” she whimpered. “We need to dismantle her room, and you can’t risk what traps she has in there. Just give me a minute and move her out of the room. Somewhere far away.”

  Seeing her so weakened, he didn’t care for that idea, but he nodded. “Okay, it has to be done,” he affirmed. He lifted Celia up again, sparing her the energy of making the trip on her own. Gingerly, he put her down on her feet, steadying her and giving her dark-haired head a kiss before moving to the elder sister. He lifted her, chair and all, with ease. “You’ll be alright?” he asked Celia to affirm.

  She nodded, her hand resting against the door frame in order to steady herself. “Yea,” she murmured, her eyes working their way around the room, over the strange decorations and candles, the odd bed. Her eyes were still adapted from the spell, and she could see the layers between reality, and took a few steps in toward the dresser containing all of the candles and herbs, slowly signing above them. Her voice began to hum and reverberate, and he could hear it all the way through the building as he moved Adrianna’s limp form.

  On the way across the great building, he stopped at one of the hidden caches. He fished out a first-aid box then continued on. He brought the limp, shackled woman to one of the smaller unused bedrooms, barely able to fit one of the king-size mattresses he’d used. Setting her down in the corner, he opened the kit and knelt before her, cleaning away the blood from her beautiful head, preparing to bandage or treat the wound. Even after what she’d done, he didn’t care to see her injured, and certainly not dead!

  She was very slowly coming to, a mere mortal once more, and her eyes went to his face with disdain. Inhaling deep and tasting the blood in her mouth, she scowled. “I knew I should have killed her,” she lamented. “She’s manipulated you away from me!”

  Seeing the blood trickle along her lips as she spoke so bitterly, he reached to the first-aid kit and took out some of the clean water there, pouring up a small cup of it. “Kill your own sister?” he remarked casually but curiously in his deep tone, lifting the cup to her lips. “I’m glad you don’t seem seriously hurt, Adrianna.”

  “You have no idea what you’ve just helped her do,” she warned, her tone icy. “I was trying to get her back so that she couldn’t go ahead with her little plan, but you’ve only helped her along!”

  Chapter 30

  His broad, handsome face, framed by thick dreads didn’t show his worry, but he stroked her cheek softly. “Here. Take a sip to clean the blood from your mouth and then tell me,” he said, the subservience gone from his voice, but still rich with concern and a bit of adoration. She was still quite stunningly beautiful, after all.

  She did as instructed, running her tongue over her lips and spitting out the water and blood onto the floor. “She’s just using you to get what she wants!” she moaned, but her words lacked conviction. Adrianna sounded desperate and needy, and he wondered briefly if the object had been the cause of her confidence and easy mannerisms. Even though her beauty hadn’t faded, she had lost a spark.

  Leon didn’t buy it, but he also didn’t care to make this entrapment rougher than necessary. The woman knew where his home was, was bitter and vengeful, and he wanted to soften that.

  Knelt before her, he still had to bend a bit when he leaned in to kiss her forehead tenderly. “It’s okay,” he assured her. “I’ll take care of you still,” he asserted confidently.

  His tenderness seemed to strip everything away, and she sobbed. She’d lost so much; her power, her control were all taken from her and by someone she loved, no less. She looked to be such a broken shell of an individual and she shook her head sadly.

  “I need to be alone,” she begged.

  That was no problem for him, for though he showed her compassion, he was still angry with her himself. With a final stroke of her cheek and back over her hair, making sure he’d treated the wound right, he left and returned to Celia.

  The room had been almost entirely dismantled, the strange items heaped in a corner as Celia stared down at the bed, looking quite thoughtful. She was moving from one corner to the other, her hands signing above it as she sang, but she was troubled.

  Not wanting to disturb her, he watched her actions awhile, waiting to hear her verdict. He went to his clothes, and before he started to put them on, he hesitated. Was this somehow corrupted too, now, he had to wonder.

  She didn’t even notice his entry, so engulfed was she in the task at hand. When finally her hands circled widely and her voice cracked, the bed turned suddenly cold, icicles visible on the sheets for a brief moment before they melted away, leaving no puddles in their path. She smiled broadly at her success before looking to Leon, finally noticing his presence.

  “They’re fine,” she assured him. “The spell threads have all been sent to their own realm.”

  Smiling at that reassurance, he dropped his things again anyhow, despite their safety. Moving to her, the six-and-a-half-foot-tall man dropped to one knee and put his arms about her, squeezing her roughly to his chest. “You did excellent,” he commended, kissing her neck hard. “How long was I out anyhow?” he murmured.

  She winced a little, seeming to not want to say as she licked over her lips.

  “Two days,” she murmured, her hand stroking along his bicep. “I tried a couple times to get close, but she had some type of barrier up. I think she only dropped it to try to break you. But she didn’t.”

  The idea of losing two whole days troubled him, and he grimaced a little.

  Pulling back enough to look Celia over, he gave a warm smile. “You did well. You proved you’re the better, stronger sister,” he stated firmly, his strong hands rubbing her shoulders, then moving down over her chest to her hips. “More worthy,” he said, the words so profoundly stated.

  Her pulse quickened, and he could tell from the flush in her cheeks. Her eyes dropped from his face, down over his chest.

  “I don’t want this to change things. Anything. It’s done now, and unless I have to do something like that again, I just want to go back to how things were between us. Whatever that was.”

  He gave a hearty chuckle at that, both surprised, and not by her desire to return to normal. She had such power in her hands and she cast it off to be his. “I never dreamt of having it any other way,” he s
tated resolutely, his thick digits groping at her body rather openly, feeling her through her sweater and pants.

  “It’s been days,” he stated in a husky, authoritative tone. “I need some relief and some food.” He started undoing the buckle of her pants. “You’ll provide one, then the other,” he instructed, offering no reprieve for the weary woman.

  Chapter 31

  Her hands reached to the bottom of her sweater, pulling it up over her head. Her ponytail was a bit staticky from the motions, but as her familiar top followed, exposing her bare breasts to the air, her sleepiness seemed to dissipate.

  Instead, she was all warm desire and passion, moving to fill the distance between the two of them so eagerly as he dropped her pants and her black panties to the ground, allowing her to kick off the shoes and socks, leaving her just as bare as he.

  He had no doubt she’d provide, she was a pleasingly submissive woman like that, and he felt his hard hands out over her bare form, squeezing, rubbing, and handling her roughly. He crushed her breasts to his hard abs, the stirring of his cock rising, brushing against her legs.

  Her arms wrapped around his neck, hoisting herself up against him. She wanted him, and every motion of her body, every sigh that passed her lips spoke of her desire and need for the large, muscular man. They had only met so recently, yet they had forged something strong in the ruins of their world.

  With her upon him so, he wrapped his arms about her and pushed her back to the bed, climbing atop her. After so long out of consciousness, he had a deep-seated hunger that was about more than food. And his gratefulness to this petite woman was immense, but ultimately, serving her was all about helping himself.

  He abruptly pushed her thighs apart, his heavy, dark dick prodding down against her sex immediately. There was no time wasting with them, and he began to feed that thick shaft into her cunt by force.


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