A Fighting Man

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A Fighting Man Page 7

by Sandrine Gasq-Dion

I set her down and walked further into the house, shutting the door behind me. Valerie ran off to her room, no doubt to get her newest Nerf gun.

  Spencer smiled at Casper. “I heard you got two-for-one on the models.”

  “Yep. I’m sure you heard about the party?”

  “I did. Blaine said it’s at a men’s strip club,” Spencer eyed me. “I guess Mom wants to go?”

  My eyes widened.

  “Mom? At a strip club?” I felt for the couch and sat down.

  “I know,” Spencer laughed.

  “I like your mom,” Casper said, sitting on the arm of the couch.

  “Well, she sure likes you.” Spencer winked at Casper.

  “So? How’s everything else? Set a wedding date with Blaine yet?”

  “I have to get him to agree to a vacation first,” Spencer sighed and sat down on the couch.

  “Well, I’m sure you’ll manage.” I grinned.

  Valerie ran out sporting the Nerf gun I’d gotten her and I dove behind the couch instinctively. Casper wasn’t so lucky. A loud squeal pierced the living room and seemed to bounce off all the walls. I motioned to Casper to lie still as I crept around the couch.

  “Valerie! You didn’t give me a Nerf gun to fight back with!” I shouted.

  “I know!” Valerie squealed in delight.

  “Evil, just evil,” I whispered, eyeing Spencer, who merely shrugged.

  “So, when are you having kids, Slater?” Spencer smiled broadly.

  “Yeah, Uncle Slater, when are you and Casper going to have kids?” Valerie asked me from across the room.

  I turned to look over my shoulder to see Casper’s mouth dropped open. I waggled my brows and crawled around the side of the couch.

  “Whenever Casper says,” I answered.

  “Oh, thanks!” Casper whispered.

  I winked.

  By the time I left Spencer’s, I was sore and my knees hurt from crawling around. Casper and I sat up in bed watching TV and eating pizza. It would easily become a habit to stay with him and hold him at night. I knew that was dangerous. I could get used to being with him day in and day out. That would make things much harder when I went back to Afghanistan but I couldn’t seem to stay away from him. I wanted to spend every second of every day with him.

  “You okay?” Casper asked.

  I looked down at his face and smiled at the dimples in his cheeks.

  “Yes, I’m fine.”

  * * * *

  The night of the party had arrived and I was nervously adjusting my bow tie. It was a masquerade, so I was also sporting a mask, which was on top of my head as I eyed myself in the mirror. I’d spent a few days with Casper before it was back to work for me. We shot a few commercials and I tried not to laugh at Juan-Carlos’ accent when he said Rush. The man loved to roll his Rs. I hadn’t had sex with Casper yet. I don’t know why.

  Okay, I did.

  I was so afraid that if I made love to the man, I’d never want to leave him.

  Hell, I felt that way already.

  I’d gotten a few e-mails from Ramos. Seems they’d caught wind of my modeling job. I was getting some very brow-raising pictures from the guys. I chuckled and leaned in to inspect my face. I caught sight of Casper coming out of the room and my heart skipped a damn beat. Lord, but the man knew how to wear a tux.

  “Damn, Casper.”

  He looked up and smiled at me. I think my toes curled at that alone. Casper was just…well he was just beautiful.

  “You look so gorgeous.” Casper eyed me from head to toe.

  The doorbell rang and as Casper went to answer it I took one last look at my hair. I emerged from the bathroom to see his friend, Drakon, sporting his own tux and wearing a mask.

  “Hello,” I said, extending my hand.

  Drakon took my hand and pumped it up and down, all while eyeing me.

  “You weren’t lying, Casper. He’s downright sexy as all hell.”

  Casper blushed and I raised my brows at him.

  “Oh, is that right?” I asked smoothly. “Drakon, you’re my new best friend. I have all kinds of questions.”

  “Don’t give him a bigger head, Drakon.” Casper frowned at me.

  I opened my mouth to say something inappropriate, but Casper’s hand landed swiftly over my lips.

  “Don’t you say it.”

  “Well, let’s move it. The limo should be downstairs.” I chuckled as I checked my watch.

  The limo was, indeed, already there and I took Casper’s hand as we got in. Pritchard and Juan-Carlos were already sitting inside, sipping cocktails.

  “Well, who’s ready for a fun night?” Pritchard asked.

  “We are!” I enthused obediently.

  Lights shot up to the heavens as we approached the club. The limo stopped in front and photographers swarmed around us. I put my arm around Casper as we stood and posed with Pritchard and Juan-Carlos. Pritchard waved us inside as he stayed behind to answer the media’s questions. The club was already filled, and we were escorted up front to a row of reserved tables. Casper leaned over and tapped a woman on her shoulder. I recognized her from Pritchard’s office; it was Wanda, his administrative assistant.

  “Boy! Look at you.” Wanda let loose a low whistle.

  “You look very beautiful tonight, Wanda.” I leaned down and kissed her hand.

  “Oooh! He’s such a gentleman!” Wanda cooed.

  I took a look around the club. People were milling about, all masked, stopping to talk to one another. I had no idea who half of them were and I didn’t care. I had Casper at my side. Drakon excused himself and Casper pulled on my sleeve.

  “That’s my big boss,” he said.

  I followed his line of sight and let out a low whistle of my own.

  “How come you’re not with him?” I ribbed Casper.

  Even with the mask covering a portion of his face, Matthew Hawke was one hell of an impressive man. He caught sight of us and smiled, moving in our direction.

  “Well now, Casper, don’t you look dashing?” Matthew smiled charmingly.

  “How did you know it was me?” Casper chuckled.

  “Even with the mask on, I’d know you anywhere. Besides, I see a Cassidy on your arm.” Matthew extended a hand to me. “I hope you are treating Casper well?”

  “Wouldn’t dream of treating him any less than perfect, sir.”

  “Oh, I like him, Kennedy. Keep him,” Matthew laughed. “I’ll leave you all alone now, enjoy tonight!”

  “Did you really tell Slater he could send me a stripper?” Casper blurted.

  Matthew smiled broadly and winked. “Oh yes. I’m looking forward to the video.”

  I chuckled as Matthew walked toward the bar. I eyed Casper and raised an eyebrow at him.


  “Uh huh.” Casper folded his arms across his chest.

  I pulled Casper’s chair out for him and waved down a barely-clad waiter. The music began and all the women in the club began screaming as a fog machine blasted a thick layer of it across the stage. I covered a chuckle as Wanda stood up and waved dollar bills in the air. The sounds of a rainstorm filled the club and I felt like I was looking at a scene from Magic Mike. Yes, I had seen it.

  Men in skimpy underwear were gyrating and crawling across the stage as a thunderstorm reverberated around the club. I sat down and took Casper’s hand. He seemed very interested in the males stripping on stage. I laughed and leaned into his ear.

  “I can do that for you later if you’d like.”

  “Really?” Casper turned to me with wide eyes.

  “Hell yeah, I can shake my ass better than Miley, baby.” I leered.

  “Oooh! Look at that one!” Wanda screamed, waving her bills furiously.

  I had to laugh. Casper leaned against me and I nuzzled his hair. God, I knew I was so far gone for this man. Casper wasn’t only good-looking, he was smart, funny, kind and decent.

  “Hey, are you okay?” Casper palmed my cheek.

  “I’m so
much more than okay.” I smiled, kissing his nose.

  The strippers, it seemed, were just getting started. The waiters came back around as we drained most of our drinks in no time flat. It was hot as hell in the club. Casper was smiling and I tapped his shoulder.


  “Matthew is talking to someone pretty intently, but I can’t see who.”

  “Well, maybe he’ll get lucky?” I suggested.

  “Maybe.” Casper shrugged.

  Our waiter came by and placed a napkin on the table. I handed him a twenty and he started and almost dropped the tray in my lap. I helped him right everything, and then smiled at him. He was a cute kid, probably barely twenty-one. He coughed and tried to smile.

  “Thanks,” he kind of mumbled.

  “No problem.”

  I handed Casper his drink and noticed him staring at the kid.

  “See something you like?” I teased.

  “Huh? Oh, no. It’s nothing.”

  Wanda was now onstage, shaking her hips with the strippers. Casper was chuckling next to me and shaking his head. I took his hand and kissed it. The way he looked at me just then spoke volumes for how he felt, and I wanted to leave as soon as we could. I searched for Pritchard and found him in the corner with Juan-Carlos. I didn’t know what else he had up his sleeve, but I was ready to go. I stood up and leaned into Casper’s ear.

  “I’m going to see if we can get out of here.”

  Casper nodded, and I turned and smacked right into Drakon.

  “Hey, you okay?” I asked.

  “Yes. I just got a text from my mother. The toilet is overflowing and the pipe in the kitchen just burst. My dad is trying his hand at being a plumber.”

  “Is that bad?” I asked.

  Drakon nodded. “Oh God, yes.”

  “Okay, um, you need the limo?”

  “No, I’ll grab a cab. Have fun!”

  I nodded and kept moving forward. That was until I heard a familiar voice behind me.

  “Slater! Isn’t this wonderful?”

  I groaned and turned slowly to see my mother all dressed up. She was holding a roll of bills in her hand.

  “Oh God, this is my worst nightmare.”

  “Sweetie! Come on, don’t be like that.”

  “Mom, this is just,” I shook my head. “I so need to be out of here.”

  I kissed her cheek, flagged Pritchard down and pointed to my watch. I got a nod and ran for the table, grabbing Casper.

  “What’s going on?”

  “My mom is here!”

  “Oh, hell!”

  “Yep. We need to go, like, now before she starts drinking and shoving bills in guys’ jocks. I don’t need that image burned on my retinas.”

  Casper shivered.

  “Have fun, Wanda!” I shouted.

  “Woo hooo! You bet!” Wanda grinned, shaking her butt.

  “We have to go before another hairy or waxed ass is in my face.” I pulled Casper behind me.

  “That would actually be great payback for the stripper,” Casper laughed.

  “Punish me when we get back to your place, okay? But just move faster!”

  All I could hear was Casper’s laughter behind me.


  I closed the door and leaned my forehead against it. Slater’s warm breath caressed my skin and soft lips kissed the side of my neck. I released a shuddering breath as Slater turned me around slowly to face him. His eyes searched mine, asking the silent question we both knew the answer to was ‘yes.’ I wanted him to hold me and kiss me. I wanted that feeling in my stomach, the one that tingled my spine and made me moan.

  And I wanted Slater to be the one to give it to me. At some point he had gone from major annoyance to the most important person in my life. He wasn’t just gorgeous; he was smart, terribly funny, honest (to a fault) and honorable.

  Slater untied my tie and unbuttoned my shirt slowly as I did the same for him. He pulled the fabric over my shoulders and kissed the skin at my collarbone. I sighed as I slipped his shirt off and splayed my hands out on his muscular chest. God, but the man was beautiful. Muscles rippled as I ran my hands down his torso. Slater’s hands made quick work of my slacks and he pulled me gently toward the bed.

  My heart pounded as he gently lowered me to the bed. Slater stood at the end of the bed and took his own pants off. A very large erection strained his boxers and I licked my lips as they fell to the floor. He leaned across me, taking my mouth in a slow but passionate kiss. I moaned in his mouth as he moved on top of me, his dick rubbing mine just right.

  God, I wanted him so badly my mouth watered. I opened the drawer and blindly searched for the lube with my fingers. I found it and pulled it out, placing it on the side of the mattress.

  “I’m going to be very careful with you, Casper,” Slater whispered against my lips.

  “It’s…it’s been a while.”

  “Spread out a bit more.” Slater nudged my leg gently.

  I did as I was told and watched as Slater slicked up a finger. He rested beside of me and rubbed across my asshole slowly. Our eyes were locked as Slater pushed in a fraction of an inch. I gasped at the sensation. It had been so long since anyone had touched me that my dick was dripping precome at an amazing rate.

  Slater kissed me softly as he pressed in and my back arched at the feeling I’d almost forgotten. Heat slid up my spine as Slater kept our lips locked and his finger inside me, pressing up and crooking. I gasped in his mouth as he touched that magical spot inside me.

  “More,” I rasped.

  Slater removed his finger and I actually whined. He chuckled softly and I groaned in frustration.

  “I’m not going to stop, just want to make sure you’re comfortable.”

  Slater pressed a kiss to my nose and I sighed as he was back at my hole with two fingers this time. God, I was in heaven. Slater kept a good pace, pushing in and out, crooking and pressing my spot repeatedly.

  “Touch me, please,” I almost begged.

  “I’m right here, Casper,” Slater whispered. “I’m not going to leave.”

  I nodded and then really moaned. Slater had a grip on my dick and was slowly stroking me into oblivion as he fucked my ass with his fingers. Three fingers went in and I thought I’d scream from the pleasure.

  Damn. Slater was good.

  “Please, Slater.” My head tossed from side to side on the pillow.

  “I want to make sure you’re prepped.”

  “I’m prepped. Jesus Christ, I’m prepped!” I groaned.

  Slater removed his fingers and I opened my eyes when he pressed his nose to mine.


  “In the drawer.” I pulled Slater back to me before he reached for it. “Are you…clean?”

  Slater nodded.

  “I get tested every six months.”

  “I’m clean…I haven’t…” I sighed. I couldn’t seem to articulate what I wanted.

  “You want me to make love to you bare?”

  I nodded.

  Slater cupped my cheek. “Are you sure?”

  I nodded again and pulled him to my lips, my hand slipping around his dick. Slater moaned softly as I began a slow stroke. He was bigger than what I was used to, but I was ready for it. I grabbed the lube, coated my hand and continued to stroke him. His hips moved into my hand and his head was bent over me, hiding in my neck.

  “I want you, Slater!” I guided Slater’s dick to my hole and took a deep breath. “Now.”

  I cried out in bliss as Slater entered me. The pressure, the burn, the pleasure of having someone that close to me again. It felt like it had been forever. Slater stopped halfway in and searched my eyes. I pulled him down to my lips and kissed him as I pushed down on him. He moved slowly, his muscular hips moving back and forth, massaging every inch of my walls. I found myself moving in time with him, wanting more—wanting it deeper, harder and faster.

  Slater took his time with me and I threw my head back as he licked and nipped at my ne
ck, his thrusts becoming faster, hips snapping, filling me completely. I lifted my legs and squeezed his hips as I moved with him. His hand wrapped around my dick and stroked in time with his movements. Our tongues met and wrapped around each other and I drank from Slater’s warm mouth.

  I couldn’t get enough of him.

  My orgasm began to build with a tingle in my balls. I gripped Slater’s back with my fingers and pushed into his next thrust. I came undone, wailing as my orgasm raced from me, coating Slater’s hand. Slater cried out, stiffening on top of me as his own orgasm shot from him. Warmth spread up my tunnel and I fell back, gasping for air. Slater held himself above me, looking down. I lifted a hand and pushed back the sweaty hair from his brow.

  “Are you all right?” he asked quietly.

  “Yes, God, yes. I’m more than all right.”

  “I was hoping to last a bit longer,” Slater admitted.

  “You?! Hell, I haven’t had sex in over three years.”

  Slater whistled softly.

  I smacked him in the chest. “Don’t make fun of me.”

  “I’m not.”

  Slater lifted off me gently and walked out of the room. I sat up in confusion.


  “Where are your washcloths?”

  “In the bathroom cabinet.”

  I heard the water running and then Slater was back. He wiped up my chest and dick, and then tended to my ass. I sighed as the warm washcloth cleansed me gently.

  “Are you hungry?” Slater asked, cleaning himself as well.

  “A little, why? Are you?”



  “Sounds good.”

  I made to get up and Slater pressed his hand to my chest. “No, I’ll get it. You just stay here.”

  I rolled to my side with what I knew was a ridiculous smile on my face. I’d finally been intimate with Slater. The nightstand drawer was still open from where I’d removed the lube and I saw the edge of a picture I knew well. I pushed the drawer closed and sighed, closing my eyes. As much as I missed Mason, he was gone and he was never coming back to me. I had a chance to be happy again and Drakon was right.

  I wanted to be the ‘I did.’

  “Hey, are you sure you’re okay?”

  I opened my eyes to see Slater looking at me with concern.

  “I am, I promise.” I patted the bed. “Come here.”


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