Luck Be Delanie

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Luck Be Delanie Page 4

by Shelli Stevens

  When her moans grew more frequent on the other side of the wall, he moved his fist faster.

  And then she climaxed.

  “Oh.” Her strangled cry of release was followed by a splash, and then silence.

  Grant’s body tightened. He ground his teeth together, reaching for a small towel on the counter just a second before he came.

  He emptied himself over and over into the white terrycloth. Until his mind whirled back to life and he was staring at himself in the mirror.

  Dragging in a ragged breath, he shook his head. Damn. Talk about losing complete control.

  The sound of the tub draining through the wall meant Delanie was finished in the tub.

  He tossed the towel into the laundry bin in the corner, washed his hands and picked up the toothpaste again. His body sated from its release, his thoughts turned back to other matters.

  Like the coin.

  There was no doubt about it. She’d taken it. He picked up his toothbrush and shook his head, squeezing some mint toothpaste onto the brush.

  The question was, did she still have it?

  * * * *

  Twelve hours later, Grant was back outside her door. Drinking in the sight of the woman who’d kept him awake all night. The woman whose face he’d pictured while jerking himself off in the shower an hour ago.

  “Good morning.”

  “Don’t be so sure about that.” Delanie yawned and stepped out of her room, shutting the door behind her.

  In jeans and a faded pink T-shirt, she looked nothing like the sex kitten he’d had dinner with last night. Or a woman who had no inhibitions about masturbating in his bathtub.

  Yet, in a way, he almost preferred her like this. Fresh-faced with little makeup on, casual and relaxed. It reminded him of the girl he’d met in the bar six years ago.

  “So, where are we off to? I assume you’re serving me breakfast first?” She lifted an eyebrow and followed him down the hall.

  “Breakfast is taken care of.” He winked and lifted the brown paper sack. “Roberta packed us a couple of her famous blackberry scones, and I’m having coffee brewed at this very moment.”

  She groaned. “Thank God. I’m going to need a little help waking up.”

  “Not a morning person?”

  “I’ve gotten better over the years.” She glanced over at him, her gaze suspicious. “When did you become one?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean…” she drifted off and he was surprised to see her cheeks fill with color. “Well, after that night together. You…we…”

  “Yes?” he prodded.

  After all these years, that morning still seemed a bit hazy. One moment she’d been in his arms, her sweet body trembling through an orgasm. The next he’d woken to find her—and the coin—gone.

  “You just didn’t seem to wake up easily.” She bit her lip. “I mean you did…fall back asleep.”

  His brows drew together. Fall back asleep? What was she…? It snapped into place and he gave a slow nod.

  “Ah-ha. Yes, I guess I did fall back asleep.” He gave her a closer look. “And that upset you?”

  She opened her mouth and then shut it. Her cheeks turning adorably pink.

  “Lanie?” She didn’t even correct him when he slipped and called her by her nickname.

  “Well, come on, Grant. How would you feel?” she grumbled, tucking a strand of hair behind the curve of her ear. “I mean we’d just…you’d just.” She sighed. “And then I look over and you’re snoring away.”

  “I don’t snore.”

  She met his gaze and lifted an eyebrow. Her eyes danced with mischief, the challenge in her gaze bordered on flirting. “Oh, yes. You sure as hell do.”

  An honest laugh rose from his chest and he grinned. Yeah, he probably did snore a little. And how funny that she’d just called him on it—cursing while she did so.

  He remembered that side of her from that night in the bar. He’d begun to wonder where that girl was, but, apparently. she still existed. She was just buried beneath the carefully composed woman she’d become.

  “So, I take it we’re doing breakfast on the road then?”

  “We’ll eat at one of the lookouts on the island. That way I can give you a tour afterward, before coming back to see the rest of the resort.”

  “Sounds like a busy morning. I’m up for it.” She gave a soft laugh. “Just as long as you have to-go cups for that coffee.”

  “I wouldn’t have offered if we didn’t.” He led her into the kitchen and found the travel cups full of coffee Roberta had left for them.

  “Cream or sugar?” he asked.


  He raised an eyebrow, but didn’t comment. Just handed her the cup of steaming coffee.

  “Are you ready?”

  She gave a quick nod and took a sip of the coffee.

  “All right. Let’s go.” He picked up the bag of scones again and led her out of the kitchen.

  * * * *

  The website and pictures she’d seen of the resort hadn’t done it justice. And now, though she hated to admit it, she was half in love with the place. It didn’t take much effort to imagine spending her days working up here on Lopez Island. Being close to Grant…

  Delanie’s feet ached from the amount of walking they’d already done today. They’d been all over the island, before returning for the grand tour of the resort.

  Athena’s Oasis consisted of twelve guest cabins, an indoor pool, a saltwater pool near the cliffs, a tennis court, and the main building that housed the restaurant, lounge, and a few extra rooms.

  She’d been surprised when he told her that her room was one of the extras in the main building. Then again, maybe he was saving the cabins for all the tourists, with it being summer and all.

  “So, where do you live?” she asked as they entered one of the empty cabins. “Do you stay on the resort somewhere, or live offsite?”

  “I live at the resort.” The lazy smile he gave had her stomach doing all kinds of acrobatics. “This place is my baby.”

  She glanced around the inside of the small wooden cabin. The décor had a simplistic feel. The double bed was decorated with a lovely quilt, while lace curtains covered the window next to it. There was also a cherry wood dresser, and small round table in the corner with a chessboard on top.

  “I love this. It’s so sweet and private. Do you live in one of the cabins?”

  “Off and on, although I haven’t been using it the past couple of weeks.”

  “No? Where have you been staying?”

  “In the main building.” The look he gave her spoke volumes.

  He was in the room next to hers. How had she not realized that until now? Heat moved through her body as the memory of last night flickered through her head.

  Jeez, she’d pretty much thrown herself at him and still he’d turned her down. And yet the entire time he’d been sleeping with just a wall between them.

  Yikes. He hadn’t been able to hear her last night, had he? She pushed away the memory of her taking her arousal into her own hands.

  She looked out over the view, inhaling the crisp salty air.

  “Delanie,” he said her name softly. The calloused hand that lightly touched the back of her neck sent shivers down her spine.

  She turned towards him, the air locked in her lungs.

  “You have a very beautiful resort, Grant.”

  “Thank you.” The flicker of pride in his gaze was a clear indication that her words meant a lot to him.

  “Are you sure about the donation? It’s a lot of money—not that we aren’t grateful to have it…”

  “I wouldn’t have offered if I didn’t intend to follow through. What you ladies do for those women…it’s outstanding. I want to help in any way I can.” His fingers traced around to her collarbone. “I’ve had papers drawn up that you will need to look over and sign.”

  She swallowed, though it took some effort. “Thank you.”

  “What m
ade you do it?”

  Her stomach dropped. He was right back to questioning her about the coin.

  “What made you decide to work at a shelter for abused women?”

  Or not. The tension eased from her body and she gave a faint smile.

  “It was never part of my plan—I actually have a degree in marketing. Which you obviously discovered somehow.” She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “I did my last year of college back in California, and that’s where I met Phoebe.”

  “And Phoebe is…?”

  “She works with me at Second Chances. It was her idea to start working there after college. I followed her there. I…”

  He gave a slight nod and brushed his thumb over the pulse in her neck.

  “I didn’t see it when we first met—or maybe I was just too absorbed with school, trying to get that four-point GPA.” She closed her eyes, regret making her throat tight. “But for some reason I failed to notice that Phoebe was in an abusive relationship.”

  Grant made a soft sound of sympathy, his thumb stroking her jawline.

  “Sometimes they don’t want you to see it and keep it well hidden.”

  She nodded. “I know, and she confessed later that she’d done exactly that. By the time I suspected something wasn’t right, Phoebe had left him.”

  “How long did she stay?”

  “Two years,” she said quietly. “But when she left him, she left for good. She had other friends who’d survived abusive relationships and they really helped her through it. Talked her out of ever going back to him, helped her keep a low profile and disappear from him completely.”

  “She was lucky.”

  “She was. Like I said, working for the shelter was Phoebe’s idea, but once I realized her intentions and got to know the place, I had to get on board.”

  “That’s a lot of giving you both do.”

  “It’s gratifying. To be able to help women who’ve been in the same or worse situation as Phoebe.” She lifted her gaze, running her tongue over her lips. “What you’re offering us is unselfish. That’s one heck of a donation.”

  “I have the money, and I’ve been looking for a cause like this to donate to.”

  Her stomach warmed, even felt a bit fluttery. The sincerity of his expression wiped away any lingering doubts about his intentions.

  “You’re amazing, Grant. I can’t thank you enough. We can’t. Everyone at the shelter has been on cloud nine since I told them about the offer. Especially Phoebe.”

  “I’m glad to hear it.” He paused. “After the bad relationship, does she ever date anymore?”

  She shook her head and sighed. “Not at all. I’ve tried to get her out, but she’s still a bit leery.”

  “Understandable. She will when she’s ready.”

  “I hope so.” She licked her lips.

  His gaze dropped to her mouth. “You know… I think we’re done with the tour now.”

  “Are we?” Her pulse quickened at the sudden change of conversation and mood.

  Heat flowed between them like an electrical current. His thumb swept up to her bottom lip and she sighed, moving her gaze from his mouth to the cleft in his chin.

  “Yes.” He lowered his head, blocking out the light from the window, before his lips brushed oh-so-lightly across hers.

  Delanie sighed and leaned into him, ignoring the voice inside her that screamed she was not only turned on right now, but stupid.

  The heat in her belly expanded to an ache between her thighs. Why was he kissing her again? When he’d turned her away last night?

  Why do you care? No man had even stirred such a heated instant response like Grant.

  His hand slid down her back until it came to rest on the curve of her ass. He squeezed the flesh and pulled her snug against him, grinding his erection into her belly.

  She moaned, moisture gathered in between her legs and the ache intensified.

  His tongue delved, passing her teeth to rub against hers and explore deeply.

  He urged her backwards, not breaking the kiss as he walked her towards the bed. The back of her knees connected with the mattress just before he eased her onto it, and then the weight of his body covered hers.

  Cool air brushed the bare skin of her stomach when his fingers slid under her shirt. He traced a finger around her navel, moving his knee between her legs and snug against her center.

  She tore her mouth away to issue a strangled gasp.

  “Mmm.” He tugged her shirt up and off her body then lowered his head to her breast.

  He nuzzled her nipple through the lace, before catching the tip between his lips and sucking. Tingles of pleasure spread to every inch of her body and she drove her fingers into his hair, holding him to her.

  Grant tugged the cup of the bra down, baring her breast before he drew the nipple deep into his mouth. Sucking and flicking the tip with his tongue.

  “Oh God.” Her hips jackknifed off the bed, but he pushed them back down, unsnapping the button on her pants.

  She heard the rasp of the zipper, then his hand slipped under the waistband of her jeans. A ragged groan ripped from her throat when he worked his fingers into her panties and cupped her mound.

  “God, Delanie,” he muttered against her breast. “You’re so hot and wet.”

  He slid one long finger inside her and the air rushed from her lungs, her body clenching around the sensual intrusion.

  Her nipples tightened further and her sex grew heavy with moisture. Grant grazed his teeth across the tip of her breast and she squirmed, crying out with pleasure.

  “And you’re so responsive. Just like I remember.” He pulled his finger from her channel and moved it in a slow circle around her clitoris.

  “Mmm.” She moved against his hand, rotating her hips in a slow dance to match what his finger was doing.

  “I want you to come,” he whispered, switching his mouth to her other breast. His tongue flicked over the tip.

  The pleasure built higher, growing more intense with each move of his finger against her sensitive flesh.

  “Grant.” Her nails dug into his shoulder, nearly piercing the fabric.

  “Let go, baby. Just—”

  “You’re so vain. You probably—” Delanie shoved her hand into her pocket, silencing the song.

  Grant lifted his head, his gaze bewildered. “What the hell was that?”

  Chapter 4

  “My phone,” Delanie muttered, the pleasure that had been building slipping away as shock and annoyance rolled over her.

  He gave a rough laugh. “Nice ringtone.”

  “Thanks.” She shifted uneasily beneath him.

  It was the ringtone she’d assigned to Franklin, simply because it fit him so well. The man had an ego the size of the state of which he was senator.

  Fortunately, her relationship with Franklin was still fairly casual—she’d never allowed anything more than a few heavy kisses. Otherwise, she probably would be feeling a bit guilty right now.

  “You’re so vain—”

  She silenced the call again. Shoot. Franklin obviously wasn’t going to give up.

  “I should get this,” she said huskily, and slid out from beneath Grant, tugging her bra back on.

  Irritation flickered in his gaze, but she did her best not to acknowledge it.

  Snatching her phone from her pocket, she flipped it open.


  “Delanie, darling, I’ve been trying to reach you since you arrived yesterday. Is everything all right?”

  “Everything is fine. Yes.” She watched Grant climb off the bed, casting an irritated gaze her way. She turned her back to him and pushed aside a twinge of guilt. “Was there something you needed?”

  “Just making sure my girl arrived safely. I actually have a meeting up in Seattle tomorrow and was checking into the possibility of chartering a flight to Lopez Island—”

  “Oh. You know, I’m not sure that’s a good idea,” she protested quickly, alarm sweeping through he
r. “In fact, I’m kind of in the middle of something. Can I call you back in a bit?”

  “I suppose. Though I’m not pleased that it took you this long to even answer your phone—”

  “I’ve been a little busy. Look, I’ll call you later.” And when she did, they’d probably have the this isn’t working talk. “We have some things to discuss.”

  “Really?” His voice warmed. “I was actually thinking the same. I’ll—”

  “Look, I’m sorry, but I need to go. I’ll call you later.” She shut the phone, her stomach twisting. That call had already gone on about one minute longer than she’d wanted.

  “Important call?”

  Delanie bit her lip and forced a bright smile on her face before turning around.

  “Yes, somewhat. Sorry, but I really had to take that.” Her gaze drifted to the bed and disappointment clogged in her throat.

  Her body still hummed from his touch, still ached to sink back onto the mattress and pull him on top of her. When she looked back at Grant, she knew that wasn’t about to happen. He’d become all business—was even glancing at his watch.

  “We should probably head out. We still have one more thing to do.”

  “We do?” His words sent another stab of sharp disappointment through her. “But haven’t we toured the entire resort?”

  “For the most part.” His mouth curved. “There’s one other place I still need to show you.”

  “Oh yeah?” She grabbed her shirt off the floor and pulled it back on. Glancing back at him she asked, “Will I like it?”

  He closed the distance between them and traced his thumb over her bottom lip. “I think you will. I hope you will.”

  Her stomach fluttered again and she bit back a groan, pulling away. She fastened her jeans again, her fingers unsteady.

  “Did you bring a hat? More summer-like clothes?” he asked.

  “Yes.” She gave him a curious glance. “Why?”

  His smile widened. “You may want to wear something cooler today.”

  “Mmm. It sounds fun.”

  “It will be fun, I promise. We need to go pack up some more stuff before we head out.”

  She pushed her bangs out of her eyes, and gave a quick nod, already eager to see what he had planned.


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