Something About Fireworks

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Something About Fireworks Page 4

by Savannah Brooks

  Ollie gives me a half-crooked smile, and I bite my bottom lip, chuckling quietly through my nose. Seconds later, Zoe’s boys lead the loud charge to the backyard, and the house empties.

  “Shall we join them?” I ask, my forehead wrinkling as I raise both brows.

  One side of Ollie’s mouth curves upward. “Sure.”

  Chapter 6


  “Where’s Russ with the radio?” Zoe snaps. “The fireworks are about to start.” She storms off, presumably in search of him, or said radio.

  I lean against the stucco wall of the house with Camden right in front of me practically standing on the tops of my feet as he leans back against me. He’s excited, but I can already see his energy fading. He’ll be dragging his feet to the car for sure.

  Gray stands beside me, his hand linked with mine. It’s such an unfamiliar sensation yet welcome in every way I can imagine, and reminds me of the story I’ve been editing lately. So many people scoff at the idea of love at first sight. Me? I treasure it. I’m an anything’s-possible sort of guy. Love is one of those things the heart just knows, and this is the first time my heart is telling me not to let go of the man beside me holding my hand.

  “How much longer?” Camden whines.

  “Just a couple more minutes, bud.”

  Camden groans and buries his face just below my chest.

  Zoe comes running out into the yard with a cell phone and a black cylinder in her hand. She sets the cylindrical item on a small bistro table and taps the screen of her phone. A few seconds later, a radio announcer’s voice blasts from what I’ve now determined is a wireless speaker.

  “All right, we’re all set,” Zoe says as the man from the radio station begins a countdown.

  “5, 4, 3, 2, 1.”

  The Americana-themed music kicks off with the first soft notes of America, the Beautiful. A moment later, a lone spark trails upward, bursting high above, and an artful display of choreographed explosions follows, filling the night sky.

  As the show continues, Gray inches closer, and the knowing I can feel how much he wants me even after I did a life dump on him earlier has my heart going crazy and sends a zing down my spine and blood rushing to my groin. Thankfully, my jeans are snug and Camden grew tired of standing and sat down on the ground to watch the fireworks.

  About fifteen minutes into the dazzling display, Gray shifts his whole body to face me and leans on his shoulder against the wall, still watching the fireworks. As one song ends and another begins, I glance at Gray. He’s looking at me as if I’m something he’s never seen. Colorful flashes light the side of his face. The longer I hold his gaze, the less I care about the aerial show, and the more I want to discover everything with this man.

  “Ollie,” he whispers then presses his lips to mine.

  And nothing…

  Nothing has ever felt so right before.

  His kiss is tentative at first. Soft. Sensual. A perfect beginning. Unconsciously, I shift so I’m facing him. Gray brings his free hand up and cups my jaw, his fingers stretching to just below my ear. Our lips part and our tongues meet in a leisurely dance until he pushes into my mouth. He deepens our kiss just enough to send heat to every part of my body.

  I hear Camden mutter something about fireworks, but I’m too lost in what I’ve found to really care. I have my own fireworks right here.

  “Ew. Gross,” Camden mumbles. “They’re kissing.”

  I feel Gray’s smile against my lips and I can’t help but return it as he eases back. Our lips part for mere nanoseconds before he kisses me again. A few more nips and tugs, and Gray pulls back again. The mix of desire and affection in his eyes steals my breath. Only through words and books have I ever imagined how it might feel to be on the end of such a look—blood pumping, shortness of breath, skipped heartbeats, racing tremors, sweaty palms, uncontrolled erection, too-soon thoughts of love—and I’ve come to one conclusion… I was fucking clueless until now.

  Bursts of light fill the sky as the grand finale explodes. Gray threads his fingers with mine and we both lean back against the wall to watch the ending. The booms echo over the land, vibrating the windows of the house. As the sky goes dark, the backyard mini-crowd cheers. Camden grabs hold of my leg and pulls himself up.

  “Those were so cool. Can we come here again next time?”

  “We’ll see, bud.”

  “Yeah! Maybe Mom can come next time.”

  “Maybe.” I hear a few guests saying their goodbyes and think we should do the same. “It’s getting late, Cam. I think it’s time to head home.”

  “No,” he whines. “Trevor and I wanted to play Mario Kart.”

  “Another time, maybe. Come on, let’s go.”

  Camden moans. “Why can’t we stay?”

  “I’ve already told you, now please don’t throw a fit, or we may not be invited back again.”

  “Fine.” He trudges toward the door in front of Gray and me.

  “Hey, Camden,” Gray says.


  “Be good and listen to your dad and I’ll make sure you can come back and swim and play again real soon, okay?”

  Camden perks up. “Really?”



  The three of us head inside and I grab my duffel bag from right where I left it. After a round of quick goodbyes and a handful of see-you-tomorrows, I thank Zoe for the invite.

  “Thanks for having us. It was fun. I had a good time.”

  “I noticed,” she smirks, her eyes flickering between her brother and me.

  “I had a good time too,” Camden chimes in.

  “Well, I’m glad you did,” Zoe says.

  “Gray said if I’m good, we can come back and swim again soon.”

  “He did, huh? Well, I bet Zach and Trevor would like that. They had fun today too.”

  “Anyway, we’d better get going,” I say. “I’ll see you tomorrow. Thanks again.”

  “See ya.”

  The night is quiet as we make our way to the car. Gray walks out with us.

  “So, I’ll see you tomorrow with the coupe?” Gray asks.

  “That’s the plan.” I open the front passenger door for Camden. He climbs in, and I shut the door. “Around eleven still okay?”

  “Works for me.” Gray steps in closer to me. “And when are you free again to spend time with me?”

  “With or without Camden?”


  I smile. “Is tomorrow evening too soon?”

  “Absolutely not.” Gray closes the space between us. His lips hover over mine, and he whispers, “It may not even be soon enough.”

  I lean forward and press a kiss to his lips. The soft warmth astounds me just as it did the first time. I draw him closer, deepening our kiss. I can’t begin to comprehend the intensity of emotion between us, connecting us, so I don’t bother to try. All I know is that whatever this is, it’s perfect.

  Gray releases my lips, lingering close.

  “I think you may be right,” I whisper.

  “About what?”

  “Tomorrow not being soon enough.”

  “Good to know I’m not the only one.”

  “Definitely not.” I glance back at the passenger window. “Anyway, I should probably go. Thanks for today.”

  “Anytime.” Gray steps back to give me space.

  I move around to the driver side of the vehicle and give him one last glance. His hands in his shorts pockets, he stands on the sidewalk, watching me. I can’t help the smile forming on my lips. I honestly don’t want to leave.

  Camden’s already asleep by the time I get in the car, which isn’t surprising after the long day he’s had. The quiet gives me time to think, and all I can think of is Gray and the kiss we shared during the fireworks.

  The drive home is short, and I manage to wake Camden just enough to get him to walk inside to his bedroom. He falls into bed still in his clothes.

  As I stand in the shower, letti
ng the hot spray massage my neck and shoulders, the long day of sun and swimming catches up with me. I finish quickly in the shower and fall into bed shortly after, with thoughts of Gray dominating my mind.

  Chapter 7


  “Those were some fireworks, huh?” Zoe says.

  I look over at Zoe as I help her and Russ clean up the yard. All the guests have left and the kids have gone off to bed, so it’s just the three of us.

  “Best ones yet,” I answer.

  “I wasn’t talking about the ones in the sky.”

  “Neither was I.” I close up the umbrella and head toward the patio with the small trash bag in my hand nearly filled.

  Zoe comes up to me and grabs the bag, pushing a wad of napkins into it. “So, I guess I nailed it this time?” She bends over to pick up a rogue plastic cup beneath the table.

  “Nailed what?”

  Zoe straightens and raises her eyebrows.

  Realization dawns on me. “You set me up. Wait. Did Ollie know?”

  “Nope.” Her triumphant grin splits her face. “He wouldn’t have come if he did. Ollie’s not much of a social bug. He spends a lot of time with his son.”

  “Nothing wrong with that.”

  “Exactly. That’s what I told him. So when are you seeing him again?”

  “Tomorrow.” I tie the trash bag closed and head around to the side of the house to toss it in the bin. I return to an empty patio. Through the sliding glass door, I see Zoe and Russ inside sharing an intimate moment in the dimly lit kitchen.

  I miss those moments.

  Like the one Jason and I shared the night he left for work. I won’t ever forget the way he felt in my arms. I didn’t know at the time I’d never hold him again.

  Rubbing my hand over my face, I blink away the tears that threaten and sniffle a little. I don’t know if it will ever not be hard to think of Jason, but that’s okay, because after today, I know I’m ready to move on. I’m ready to create new memories and share new moments in my life with a man who’s somehow already stolen my heart.

  I open the door, step in, and close it behind me. “I think I’m gonna head home.”

  “Hey, bro,” Zoe says. “You okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m good. I’ll see you guys later.”


  I spend most of the morning working on the brake assembly of a ’57 Ford. Around eleven I break, expecting Ollie to show any time. I’m washing my hands and forearms in the large workshop sink when he pulls up. I dry my hands and walk out to meet him as a flatbed pulls up with the old coupe.

  The man driving the flatbed hops out before Ollie and approaches me. “Afternoon. I’m dropping this vehicle off here on behalf of an Oliver Beck. You aware of this?”

  “I am.”

  “Where do you want her?”

  “Gotta a spot in the garage here ready and waiting.” I gesture over my shoulder with my thumb.

  “Tires are flat.”

  “Just get her as close as you can. I’ll take care of the rest.”

  “Will do.”

  The man heads back to the truck and repositions. As he prepares to unload, I walk over to Ollie’s CRV and knock on the passenger window. Ollie looks up from his phone. His face lights up when he sees me, and he rolls down the passenger window.

  “I’d better get going. I’m here and Gray’s waiting for me.” He looks at me as he speaks.

  “Okay,” comes a woman’s voice over the speakerphone. “Tell Camden I love him.”

  “Will do. Be safe.”

  “Always. Love you.”

  “Love you too.”

  Ollie taps the screen, ending the call. “Sorry. Audrey called as I was on my way over and I don’t get many chances to talk to her.”

  “No worries.” I straighten as he rolls up the window.

  Ollie gets out of the car and comes around to where I’m standing. “Anyway, hi.”

  “Hi.” I can’t stop the stupid grin from spreading over my face, and I’m suddenly nervous and at a loss for what to do next. If I shake his hand, will that seem too impersonal after yesterday? But if I go to kiss him, will he be okay with that? Maybe I should just get straight to business.

  “So—” My voice catches. Dammit. I really want to kiss him. I clear my throat. “Car.”

  A smile forms on Ollie’s lips. He glances toward the guy unloading the car who seems oblivious to us. With a shrug, Ollie turns back to me and leans close, pressing his lips to mine in a lingering, chaste kiss.

  Ollie eases back, that same knowing smile teasing his lips. “Does that answer your question?”

  “God, yes. How’d you know?”

  “Just a feeling.” Ollie steps back and pushes his phone into his back pocket. “So, as you so eloquently put a moment ago. Car.”

  I snort a laugh. This guy already gets me. “Yes. Car.”

  We head toward the old Chevy as the tow truck driver finishes unloading it just in front of the garage space. Ollie pauses near it, arms crossed over his chest. I wander around it, taking a closer look as the man resets the flatbed.

  “All right, Mr. Beck. You’re all set,” the tow driver says.

  “Thanks, Jim.”

  “Anytime.” He gets in his truck and drives away.

  “So, what do you think?” Ollie asks.

  “What do I think?” I glance toward him. “I think you’ve got a classic beauty here.”

  Ollie comes around to join me. “How soon will you have an estimate?”


  “Perfect. I’m doing this for my dad. Hoping to surprise him for his birthday.”

  “When’s his birthday?”

  “September seventh.”

  I cringe a little. “That’s two months from now.”

  “Do you think it will take longer?” The subtle disillusionment in his voice and eyes cuts into me. “I really don’t know.”

  I bite my bottom lip, sucking it under my teeth. I don’t want to disappoint him, but I have to be honest. “It could. Honestly, I won’t know until I get inside and really see what I have to work with. Parts alone can sometimes take several weeks.”

  “Oh.” Ollie looks at the car, puffing out his cheeks a little as he lets out a breath. “Well, I suppose there’s always Christmas.”

  Oh, hell no. “Look. I’ll get inside her this afternoon and I’ll have a better idea when I see you tonight, okay?”

  “Yeah, okay.” He nods, a short period of silence following. “Speaking of tonight, did you have anything particular in mind? Alexa offered to watch Camden, so whatever we do, it will just me you and me.”

  I twist my lips into a half smile. “I have a couple ideas. Just tell me, is there anything you absolutely don’t want to do.”

  “No clubs.”

  “No worries there.”

  “Preferably something without a lot of people around.”

  I toss my head back and forth as if I’m considering it, but I already knew that. “Okay. Anything else?”

  Ollie shakes his head. “No, not really.”

  “All right. Let me give you my cell number. Text me and I’ll send you my address, and we’ll meet at my house. Would seven work? That will give me enough time to lock up and head home to shower and change.”

  Ollie pulls out his phone. “I can do seven.”


  “What’s your number?”

  I rattle it off as he types it into his contacts.

  “Message sent.”

  “My phones in the office, so I’ll check it in a bit.”

  “Okay.” Ollie glances toward his Honda. “Well, I better get back to work.”

  “And I better get to work.” I reach for him, hooking my fingers in his jeans pocket, tug him toward me, and kiss him.

  “You make it very difficult for me to leave, you know,” Ollie mumbles against my lips.

  “Isn’t it obvious?” I soften the kiss and ease back. “I don’t want you to leave.”

  Ollie gift
s me a smile that I swear turns my world upside down. “I’ll see you tonight at seven.”

  “Can’t wait.”

  Chapter 8


  I arrive at Gray’s house a few minutes before seven. The evening sun low in the sky reflects off the front windows of the Tudor-esque cottage-like home. It’s cute, and reminds me of something I would pick given my love for historical architecture.

  Ringing the doorbell, I try to stay calm and casual, slipping my hands into my pockets. It’s difficult, to say the least. This night is big for me. It’s my first second date with a guy since I came out, but it’s far more than that.

  The lock clicks and the door opens, revealing the most gorgeous man I’ve ever laid eyes on, and I don’t necessarily mean just the way he looks. The attraction I have to him already goes deeper than the surface. “Hey.”


  “Come on in.”

  “Thanks,” I say, stepping inside.

  Gray clasps my hand as he shuts the door and draws me in for a soft kiss. He pulls away but doesn’t let go of my hand. “Is it too early in our relationship to say that I’ve missed you?”

  “Only if it’s too early to call our second date a relationship.”

  “Is it?”

  “With everything I’m feeling, not at all.”

  A deep affection swirls inside me as I utter the words, and adoration flickers in Gray’s warm and playful gaze.

  “Good. Now that that’s settled, I have something to show you.”

  I hike a brow.

  “Not that, you doof.” Gray laughs, and just to see what happens, I manage to keep a straight face and cross my arms over my chest. “Well, not yet. Unless you want, I mean, I thought—”

  I raise both brows, biting my lip to keep from smiling.

  “—we’d, you know.” Gray’s face flushes. “I was talking about the estimate.”

  I laugh. “I figured, but it was more fun letting you think otherwise.”

  “I’m seriously in love with you,” Gray says, laughing with me. “Now come here so I can show you my estimate and we can get on with our date.”

  I’m still grinning like crazy as I follow Gray to the living room. He picks up the lone piece of paper lying on the coffee table and hands it to me. I read over the document.


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